itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Julia Amundson
Instagram: @jules5490
How would you describe yourself in high school? Rats nest hair, nerdy but trying to hide it, pretending to be much more athletic than I am.
Who were your best friends? Capitol Hill Kids and so many others, I wanted to be friends with everyone.
Who was your biggest Central crush? Jonathan Kretman, 100%.
What was your favorite after school activity? Playing soccer or going to Perri Carlson’s house and getting into trouble. Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school.   So many options to choose from. Adult me definitely looks down on my decision to repeatedly riding with friends who were less than sober. Or anything that happened in the studios. What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? In school suspension for forgetting a textbook. How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? Never food, always fake notes from my parents. Who was your favorite teacher and why? The entire math department was great, because I was a closet nerd and love math. It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible.   American Eagle flare jeans and a neon t-shirt/tank top with pumas or adidas indoor soccer shoes or Uggs, depending on the season. What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? Honestly, no one moment stands out, but likely something involving the ’06 boys. What was the most memorable thing that happened during a school dance? The year they had homecoming in the cafeteria and people were laying down on the floor getting twerked on, while the administration walked around with spray bottles. Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? Absolutely not, twerking was a defining feature of Central dances. Did you go to prom? Who was your date? Andy O’Neill in ’07 and Neal Wehrwein in ’08. Both years were so fun! What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Glamorous – Fergie, Behind Blue Eyes – Limb Bizkit, Mr Right – Mickey Avalon What was your favorite TV show? We didn’t have cable so I didn’t catch up on TV shows until college. Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate? Nope! If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? Graduation and the senior lock in, because who wouldn’t want to be locked in the basement of a semi-prisonesque feeling building with 400+ of their classmates one last time? How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I figured I’d have my career sorted out, be married, and likely have kids.
What do you do for a living? I just started my first real job as a General Surgery resident at the University of Chicago Hospital! Where do you live? The south side of Chicago Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: I recently moved into a 2-bedroom condo on the South side of Chicago. Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?):   I live with my geriatric cat, Lyra, and intermittently see my wonderful boyfriend who, unfortunately, is living in New York at the moment. No kids, but lots of plants! Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? Absolutely! I love the Central crowd. How have you changed since high school? I am way less crazy, more boring, stopped hiding my inner nerd and stopped pretending to be athletic. My hair is also way better groomed these days. How are you the same? I still love a good throwback Fergie song, reading fantasy novels (yay Tamora Pierce) and am an advocate for twerking.   What do you miss the most about your Central days? Rolling out of bed 10 minutes before I had to step out the door and spending all day goofing around with my friends. What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? I think she would be impressed that I somehow became a doctor and also annoyed at how boring I am. What are the top 3 songs on your phone? Miguel, Beyonce, and my Latin Jams playlist What is your favorite binge-worthy show? I am a huge Orange Is The New Black fan, and now we have a whole new season to binge! What Central teacher do you wish you were currently friends with? Mrs. H from ceramics. Who from high school do you stalk the most on social media? Anyone who recently got married or had a baby. Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? I won’t be able to make it but I wish I could see everyone! I can’t wait until the next one. If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? I would probably have brushed my hair more frequently and been more confident in myself.
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Heidi (Masanz) Chambers
How would you describe yourself in high school? fun, outgoing but semi kept to myself and friends only. I feel like I got along with most people! Who were your best friends? Kayla Kirscher, Laura Henry, Amanda Vang, Neary Chhe, Corey Vance, and Emily Borich. (Sorry if I forgot someone.. it’s been ten years, give me a break!) Who was your biggest Central crush? Daniel Frankenfield all the way. What was your favorite after school activity? sadly, working at DQ or Kmart. Senior year for sure was ditching last period to go play guitar hero with Emily Borich though! Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school. listen to my boyfriend at the time who brain washed me into thinking high school was not important. What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? I was goodie good... never really got in trouble. How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? I wish I knew this was a thing.. lol
Who was your favorite teacher and why? Mr. Elwell (spell check). He took me Germany with several other students and I had the time of my life. It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible.  jeans and a sweatshirt or jeans and a rock band T-shirt! What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? waving at one of my best friends and having them walk through me like I wasn’t even there. We have since made up and I fully understand why it happened now. What was the most memorable thing that happened during a school dance? I would perfectly parallel parking at the St Kate’s dance! Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? Maybe if I could twerk and not look like I was throwing up instead.. Did you go to prom? Who was your date? senior year - Corey Vance. I was a nervous wreck.. didn’t want anyone to see me dancing but when someone else asked me to dance, I said yes. Corey caught me with him and my heart broke into a million pieces. I still think about that day and regret it. If he could find it in his heart to forgive me, I would be thrilled. I sincerely apologize about being the biggest jerk on earth that day! What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Sex is on Fire, some panic at the disco probably.. and I have no clue. What was your favorite TV show? Anything on MTV? Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate? I tried.. but I suck. If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? Senior prom. Who gives a shit about what other people think. How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? considering I was pregnant at graduation, very much like it is now. Married with more kids.
What do you do for a living? I am a Senior Social Media Specialist for Best Buy Corporate. Where do you live? Sun City, Arizona Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: I have a large house in Arizona that I am pretty proud of. Totally tech’d out because myself and husband both work for Best Buy Corporate. Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?):  Married with two kids and two dogs, one cat. Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? When I get to MN I typically run into Emily Borich’s arms. How have you changed since high school? I wouldn’t say much.. maybe gained 30 pounds? Who hasn’t.. How are you the same? I haven’t switched bodies with anyone so that’s a plus. What do you miss the most about your Central days? Friendships. What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? So proud. What are the top 3 songs on your phone? something with Florence and the Machine, Atmosphere, and Pretty Lights. I really don’t know song titles. What is your favorite binge-worthy show? The Office hands down. What Central teacher do you wish you were currently friends with? Any of them. Maybe they would go easy on my little sister who is there. Who from high school do you stalk the most on social media? Emily Borich... and sometimes Dan Frankenfield.. sorry.. not sorry? Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? I wish I could make it! I was totally planning on it but then life happened. If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school?I feel like I was myself for the most of it but be more open and honest about who I was and not give a crap about thing!!
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Danielle Salazar
Instagram: @salazardanielle
Facebook: Danielle Salazar Weber
How would you describe yourself in high school? It honestly varies from year to year. 9th grade I was pretty social and outgoing. After that, I got pretty quiet and reserved, but still liked to stay involved with extracurriculars.
Who were your best friends? Carolyn Olvera, Brittany Coleman, Saarika Ellis, and LaCresia King
Who was your biggest Central crush? Considering I dated the same guy (Russell) throughout high school, probably would be him?
What was your favorite after school activity? Tennis, Senior Class Council, or going to Perkins. 
Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school. Hmm nothing comes to mind.
What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? I never got in a lot of trouble, but I earned myself a LOT of detentions and a few Saturday School's by skipping class or coming late.
How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? Never bribed, just wrote a lot of fake notes 
Who was your favorite teacher and why? Mr. Brigger was my favorite teacher because he was fun and had a way of teaching his material that could relate to students. 
It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible. A Hollister polo with a contrasting Hollister cami underneath, flared blue Seven jeans, and white Nikes. 
Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? Absolutely not. Twerking is life.
Did you go to prom? Who was your date? 3 times. Went with Russell each time.
What were the top 3 songs on your iPod Nano? With You - Chris Brown, SOS - Jonas Brothers, Crank That - Soulja Boy Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate? I won Best Smile one year.
If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? Boat dance, hands down.
How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? Married, at least a couple kids and working as a teacher.
What do you do for a living? Marketing Manager for The Wedding Shoppe, Kennedy Blue, and Penny & Pine
Where do you live? St. Paul, but building a home in Woodbury
Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: I am temporarily living with my in-laws while our house gets built, so we currently reside in a room with bright purple walls and colorful flower decals on the wall.
Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): I am married to Steve Weber who graduated from Central in 2004!
Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? Yes! LaCresia and Saarika are my ride or dies. 
How have you changed since high school? Well for starters I have eyebrows now. But honestly, I feel like the only thing that’s significantly changed are my priorities in life. 
How are you the same? Still love twerking -- you should have seen me at my wedding.
What do you miss the most about your Central days? Everything! The people, the diversity, the classes, the extracurriculars. I don’t think I could have had a better high school experience. 
What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? I think she'd be super confused as to how I ended up in marketing, but overall, super happy with my life choices.
What are the top 3 songs on your phone?  Idk about specific songs, but I have Ariana Grande, Drake, and Heart on repeat.
What is your favorite binge-worthy show? How I Met Your Mother
Who from high school do you stalk the most on social media? No one in particular, but if I randomly am like "oh, I wonder what so and so is up to these days", I will temporarily Facebook stalk the shit out of them. :) If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? I would work harder academically, but overall I loved my high school experience and wouldn't trade it for the world.
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Carolyn Ellis
How would you describe yourself in high school? As a kid desperate to be an adult
Who were your best friends? My best friend was Danielle Salazar and Brittany Coleman
Who was your biggest Central crush? Matthew O’Brien
What was your favorite after-school activity? Hanging out around school and walking to friends’ houses.
Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school? Probably bringing stuff to school I shouldn’t have and sharing it with someone too dumb to keep it secret.
What was the most trouble you got into? When I was called into the counselors office for my boyfriend at the time throwing a book at me.
Did you ever bribe Maria with food? I have no idea who Maria is. And I was always ditching.
Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Momma. His name was funny.
Describe your typical outfit: I usually just threw on some jeans and a t-shirt with a sweater.
What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? When my ex threw the book at me and everyone found out he was abusive af.
What was the most memorable thing that happened during a school dance? I didn’t go to school dances. Except prom.
How did you fee about the twerk ban? I did not care.
Did you go to prom? Who did you go with? I went to Junior and Senior prom. With Matthew O’Brien and then by myself.
What was your favorite TV show? Bad Girls Club? (it’s the only one I can remember now)
Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate Nope
If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? I wouldn’t go back.
How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I hoped I would be happy, healthy, successful, and that my son would be the same.
What do you do for a living? I am a Latino Cultural Liaison at Roseville Area High School
Where do you live? I live in Crystal MN
Describe your home: I have a 3 bedroom 2 bath with an unfinished basement
Tell us about your family: I am married with 3 kids. Azael (9), Marcus (2), and Gerard (1)
Do you still hang out with any of your Central friends? I don’t hang out with anyone from high school. I work with Kiara Buford.
How have you changed since high school? I’m not sure that I’ve done anything besides mature and grow older
How are you the same? Ditto
What do you miss the most about your Central days? I don’t miss high school. It was a lot of work.
What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? My 18 year old self would probably think I don’t have enough fun. But I have responsibilities and I don't shirk them.
What are the top 3 songs on your phone? My pandora station is set to Disney.
What are your favorite binge-worthy TV shows? Vikings, Big Bang Theory, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Who do you stalk the most on social media? I look at everyone’s posts once in a blue moon.
Who are you most looking forward to seeing at the reunion? I’m looking forward to seeing  everyone.
If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? I would not change a thing.
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Bekka Mueller
Instagram: @muffinsquire or @bekkalyndraws (one’s my personal account where I post dorky selfies and stuff and the other is where I (theoretically) post drawings.)
Tumblr: muffinsquire Honestly if you go on any social media anything and search for MuffinSquire, it’s almost certainly me.
How would you describe yourself in high school? Quiet, nerdy, awkward Who were your best friends? Anna Toenjes, Kari Finseth, Danie Monahan, Malcolm Peterson, Nate Michaelson, probably? 
Who was your biggest Central crush? A kid from ‘07. We ended up dating for nearly a decade, whoops. 
What was your favorite after school activity? Well, I was co-president if anime club senior year, but I really don’t think that can be called my “favorite”. I mostly wandered around the neighborhood with friends. Oh, I also worked at a TV station during most of 10th and 11th grades, so I spent a lot of time doing that, which I did actually really love. 
Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school. Deciding that homework couldn’t be *that* important. 
Who was your favorite teacher and why? Herr Elwell. He really cared about us and he was such a good teacher. 
It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible. A graphic T-shirt, jeans, and a hoodie, generally. There was a good chance they were too big for me and a good chance they didn’t belong to me either. (I have no idea how I ended up with so much clothing that wasn’t mine?!)
Did you go to prom? Who was your date? Junior prom was great! I went with Sean Murray, from ‘09. I went to senior prom alone and honestly it was pretty much a bust and I wish I hadn’t gone. 
What was your favorite TV show? I wanna say I watched a lot of That 70’s Show? And I remember watching Fullmetal Alchemist in high school and really enjoyed that. 
How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I couldn’t really imagine my life that far out, I don’t think. 28 felt like so far away. I figured I would be working in television or film, I think. Or making comics. Or both! 
What do you do for a living? I work at a grocery store, which is really boring compared to everyone else. But I’m working on a short graphic novel as well, and I am working to do more with that. I also volunteer a lot with a local SciFi/Fantasy convention. 
Where do you live? About six blocks from the river, juuust outside Northeast Minneapolis. 
Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: I’m living completely on my own for the first time! It’s a cute one-bedroom with a lot of shelves full of books and games and with great windows. 
Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): No new family to speak of, though I do still spend a lot of time with my younger sister Ellie. 
Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? Yeah! I see Anna all the time and I’m still pretty close to Peter Wessendorf and Mike Ludwig from ‘07. 
How have you changed since high school? Well, I like to think I’m slightly less awkward and am more confident. 
How are you the same? I’m still a huge geek and quite a people pleaser. Also crippling self-esteem and terrible anxiety, hooray!
What do you miss the most about your Central days? The feeling of potential. We had everything in front of us and I kind of wish I had realized that. I also miss being able to see my friends every day. Also maybe it’s just me but I really miss the structure high school brought to my life. 
What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? I think she would like my apartment (and my stuff), and I think she would be proud of 28-year-old-me for not giving up and trying again. 
What are the top 3 songs on your phone? I don’t even know. I just listen to all of my “liked” songs on Spotify on shuffle.
What is your favorite binge-worthy show? I watch a lot of Forensic Files when I’m just hanging out, haha. But also Stranger Things and Doctor Who (but only the first four seasons because I have a lot of opinions about things that don’t matter?)
Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? Honestly I’m not sure! I’m still debating if I’m gonna be there (again: anxiety yay!) but it’ll be neat to hear about where everyone is at now. 
If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? I would change SO MUCH you don’t even know y’all. I made a lot of poor choices and allowed poor choices to be made for me because I didn’t know any better. Also a pretty awful thing happened to me shortly after we graduated and it kind of derailed my life. But I’m fixing it now, and I finally feel like I’m on the right track again, so that’s something!
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Ben Quam
How would you describe yourself in high school? I tried hard to be cool.I was tall. I liked talking politics. I had fun in high school.
Who were your best friends? Maria from the front desk.
Who was your biggest Central crush? Maria from the front desk.
What was your favorite after school activity? Debate. I loved debate. Ilias Karim and I were a great team.
Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school. There was so much homework I just decided I wasn’t going to do. Just didn’t do it. Whole big assignments that just didn’t get turned in. Some of which I had done!
What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? I got a fair amount of detention with Ms. Creten. I was detained briefly in the infamous Mississippi River, Minneapolis police raid of 2007. One time Ms. Peters caught me ditching school. I felt by far the worst about that last one.
How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? Maria and I became fast friends so I don’t think I had to bribe her.
Who was your favorite teacher and why? I spent the most time with Ethan Cherin and Kaye Peters, who were foundational influences for me. Kat Jordahl and Clara Hutchinson were also amazing in developing me as a writer and thinker. I am grateful to them.
It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible. I dressed very “high school”. Most likely a soccer jersey, Argentina or Barcelona, with a white t underneath and baggy shorts.
What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? Not embarrassing, but my favorite hallway moment was telling everyone we were going to Chipotle for lunch and starting a massive group of students moving toward the door screaming about Chipotle. When Mrs. Mackbee put her body in front of the doors to block people we snuck out the side.
What was the most memorable thing that happened during a school dance? School dances were high stakes and I love them. One time Stephen Looney and I followed behind Mrs. Mackbee, waving flags high in the air, so everyone would know where she was and the twerking could continue unabated. It felt like we really did some good that day.
Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? I served as a student rep on the Dance Policy Committee and proudly fought against the ban. When the twerk was banned, we hosted a homecoming dance in my basement. I fought the twerk ban from day one.
Did you go to prom? Who was your date? I went with Molly Schnell Junior year and Sloane Kohnstamm Senior year. Great prom dates.
What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Umbrella by Rihanna, Get Low by Lil Jon and the East Side Boyz and Such Great Heights by The Postal Service.
What was your favorite TV show? The Office probably. I also remember loving 24.
Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate? I would have to check, but I think Danny Chahla and I won most likely to be successful and we were holding a bunch of Monopoly money. That’s ridiculous.
If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? Reliving being 18 again would be hard. But the day we brought Scarlett Johansson to Central to campaign for Obama was amazing. I would do that again, and I would have done it twice as big.
How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I had no idea what people did at 28. I guess I hoped I would know what I’m doing by now.
What do you do for a living? I work at a political tech company that helps people vote. It’s called BallotReady and you should use it this November.
Where do you live? I spent three years living in Bogota, Colombia. In 2018 I moved to Chicago and I’m moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan in the fall for grad school.
Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: I live in an apartment in Wicker Park in Chicago.
Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): No kids thank you. I’ve been with my partner Jayne since 2011 :)
Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? Lots. I love my high school friends and I won’t ever let them go.
How have you changed since high school? Lots, that’s a good thing!
How are you the same? Still pretty tall. I still love talking politics.
What do you miss the most about your Central days? I miss the diversity and the community at Central. I miss the shenanigans you can get away with when you’re a kid in high school.
What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? I don’t really know...
What are the top 3 songs on your phone? Despacito by Fonsi and Daddy Yankee, God’s Plan by Drake and Next To You by Dante
What is your favorite binge-worthy show? Game of Thrones, OJ: Made in America.
What Central teacher do you wish you were currently friends with? Ethan Cherin
Who from high school do you stalk the most on social media? I love the crew of English teachers (Jordahl, Hutch, Colbert, Bauer, Peters) who are always supporting each other on FB and being active politically. Amazing.
Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? Maria from the front desk.
If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? Definitely, but Central was a great place to make mistakes and grow.
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Will Mattessich
Facebook: www.facebook.com/will.mattessich
Instagram: @willmattessich
LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/in/william-mattessich-9a670371 
Describe yourself in high school: Irreverent, sarcastic, laid-back. Loved reading and learning stuff unless it was assigned as homework.
Best Friends: Mary Mackbee
Central Crush:  Mary Mackbee
Favorite After School Activity: Anything but homework
Dumbest thing I did: Ignoring homework assignments
Bribing Maria: Never, just said I had a “late start” or “early release.”
Favorite teacher: Either Cherin or Peters. Both taught writing and critical thinking skills I still use daily.
Outfit described in detail: One of 14 different soccer jerseys, faded zip-up hoodie, wrangler jeans a size too big, novelty boxer shorts, Nikes
Most embarrassing hallway moment: Any one of a million failed head nods or unreturned handshakes 
Most memorable school dance moment: The time a kid got jumped with a bat outside the dance
Stance on the twerk ban: The twerk ban was repressive, anti-fun and anti-art. I have always been and continue to be strongly opposed to the administration’s draconian twerk crackdown.
Prom: I went to prom with Amelia Rudberg and we had a magical evening.
Top 3 songs: TI – What You Know; Bob Dylan – Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright; Notorious B.I.G. – anything from Ready to Die.
Favorite Show: The Office
Yearbook Superlatives: Class Clown. Definitely accurate.
Relive one day: The last day!
Thoughts on life 10 years from now: I thought I would be a lawyer in New York and would be dating a celebrity.  Hit two of those so far… 
Job: Lawyer at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Where I live: New York City
Describe Apartment: One bedroom apartment in an old Brooklyn brownstone
Living Situation: Live with one Roomba, one drone, and one Amazon Alexa
Friends from High School: Yes. Central folks are still some of my closest friends.
How are you different: More focused and disciplined. More aware of myself and the world.
How are you the same: Pretty similar sense of humor, though drifting closer to “dad joke” territory as I get older.
Miss most about high school: Being able to hang out with Central ’08W
What would 18-year-old you think: I’d be pretty cool with it but would make fun of myself for playing squash and criticize myself for not already starting a social revolution
Top 3 songs now: Leon Bridges – Better Man; Kendrick Lamar – Untitled 2; Luke Kelly and the Dubliners – The Auld Triangle
Favorite Bingeable show: Silicon Valley
Teacher I’d most want to be friends with: Mr. Free (sub)
Who do you stalk most from high school: Mostly my past self, often to untag more embarrassing photos.
Most excited to see: Anyone that shows up!
What would I do differently: I would study harder and talk to even more classmates. Not sure if both of those would be doable at the same time. 
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Jeremiah Williamson
SnapChat: @jasyon_cartier
Instagram: @Jasyon_cartier
Facebook:  Ja'Syon Cartier
How would you describe yourself in high school? I would describe myself as Loud, outspoken, EXTRA!, LOUD
Who were your best friends? My best friends were: Takeelah Fields, Raiaka Mitchell, Alvin Humphrey
Who was your biggest central crush? Jameelah Johnson (at one point)
What was your favorite after-school activity? working and my dance team
What was the dumbest thing you did in high school? lol That Part.
What was the most trouble you got in? suspension past the last day of school
How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? never had to, I busted that door open downstairs and that was that
Who was your favorite teacher? Ms. Hutchinson
Did you go to prom? Who was your date? I did, not central but her name was Genesis McCoy
What was your favorite TV show? 106 & Park
What do you do for a living? Lead for billing at spectrum/Trainer for famous Daves Corp/founder of Achieving Success!
Where do you live? Charlotte, NC
Describe your family: only Godkids, no pets and currently seeing someone
Do you still hang out with your friends from high school? every time I come home to visit
How have you changed since high school?l ive taken time to mature, gained some weight, and finally grew out my beard (to an extent) lol
What do you miss the most about your Central days? shooooot, less responsibilities but naw I miss the spirit days and pep rally's!
Top 3 songs on your phone: Apeshit- The Carters, KOD- J.Cole, Your Spirit-Tasha Cobbs ft Kierra Sheard, This is America- Childish Gambino
Favorite binge worthy show: Dear White PPL
What teacher do you with you were friends with? Tonia Mortinson
Who do you stalk the most on social media? no stalking but I keep up with a few People.. Kayla jones, Ronald bailey and Karesa smith to name a few
Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? too many to name lol
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Laura Henry
SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Facebook: Laura Henry Instagram: @funsizedladee  Twitter: @turn1nm30n
How would you describe yourself in high school? Goth who always had pencils in her hair! Short. The short part has definitely not changed. Who was your biggest Central crush? The only one that comes to mind at the moment is Sanchez Brown, and I was not the only one that's for sure!
Who were your best friends? Most of my best friends were outside of Central but to name a few that went to Central were Neary Chhe, Kayla Kirscher, Amanda Vang, Vicki Vangh, Heidi Masanz, Vathana Sumic,Tia Halverson, Joshua Lyman, Joshua Yang, Sanchez Brown, and because I have a bad memory I know I'm missing quite a few names!
Who was your favorite teacher and why? I'm bad with favorites so I'm going to say two: Mr. Modelli who taught Environmental Science because he was a cool guy, had a sense of humor which always helped, and was very understanding that I was late to class all the time!, Mrs. Tracy Olson because I'm pretty sure everyone loved her because she was one of the "hip teachers".
What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? I got detention quite a few times for always being late to certain classes. 
Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? I most certainly did not! It was one of my favorite high school activities to do because I loved to dance, and most of us didn't follow the ban anyway! 
Did you go to prom? Who was your date? I did go to prom, I went with Kyle Brown. He probably asked me to be his date because we were both short so it worked! 
What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol, Call Me When You're Sober - Evanescence, Live Your Life - T.I. 
What was your favorite TV show? The Real World
What do you do for a living? I'm a customer service representative in the healthcare/national accounts department at US Foods so I mostly handle making sure all Perkins Franchise and Corporate stores get their food as well as Lifetime Fitnesses, Bruegger's Bagels, and work with a lot of St. Cloud accounts such as St. John's University and St. Cloud Hospital. 
Where do you live? Saint Paul all the way!!! 
Describe your family: I have a handsome son named Maverick and he's the love of my life, he's currently 2 months old - born on Wednesday April 25th at 4:46am in the morning!
What are the top 3 songs on your phone? Find Me - Sigma ft. Birdy, (Anything from all three of the 50 Shades of Grey movie sountracks), 5 More Hours - Deorro ft. Chris Brown 
What is your favorite binge-worthy show? Friends and How I Met Your Mother HANDS DOWN
Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? No one in our grade but I'm close friends with Cassie Mcduffie and Donny Schuette who graduated in 2006 and we hang out when we get a chance to.
What do you miss the most about your Central days?  I would have to say seeing everyone every day because we were forced to lol. The classes might have been dull at times but certainly not the awesome people who made it fun! 
If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? I'm going to be honest yes, I would have definitely been more involved in clubs and activities and made more of an effort to do better with my education because doing well in high school really does set the tone for your adult life because college is the stepping stone into "the real world" and I didn't get a chance to experience college because I didn't do well in high school.  
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Charles “Drew” Gunderson
How would you describe yourself in high school? Quiet and shy.
Who was your biggest Central crush? I don't recall anymore.
What was your favorite after school activity? Playing baseball with the guys.
What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? I was suspended from school for 9 days and missed the last couple of baseball games of the season for a fight our sophomore year of high school on may 5th. Who was your favorite teacher and why? Mrs. Olson because she always went that extra step for her kids. Ms. Funk shares this same place in my mind.
It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible. Loose fitting jeans and a long sleeve shirt under a T-shirt.
What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? I don't remember, those memories must have been suppressed in the past 10 years.
Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? Somewhat agree with it since it was getting pretty ridiculous at some points.
Did you go to prom? Who was your date? yes I went to senior prom with my ex-girlfriend of the time from the class of 2009. What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Scars by Papa Roach, Get Low, Guys Like Me by Brad Paisley. What was your favorite TV show? That's 70 show.... Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate? Nope. If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? Senior prom because that was the last time I had all of my good friends in the same place. How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I thought I would be playing baseball of full-time military.
What do you do for a living? Physical therapist Where do you live? In Twin Cities for the summer and move to Wasilla, AK in mid august. Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: Living in parents house for the summer. Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): None of the above except for one German shepherd names Zeus. Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? Occasionally when we are in the same state or area. How have you changed since high school? I am taller, filled out, can grow a full beard, not as shy as I once was and have gone to a lot of colleges. What do you miss the most about your Central days? I miss seeing some of my good friends on a daily basis. What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? He would be surprised at how it turned out. What are the top 3 songs on your phone? Body like a back road by Sam Hunt, Zombie by Bad Wolves, The Ones Who Got Me Here By Cole Swindell What is your favorite binge-worthy show? Supernatural What Central teacher do you wish you were currently friends with? Mr. Castello Who from high school do you stalk the most on social media? I am to busy to stalk anyone on social media. Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? I am just excited to see everyone who I have not seen since we walked out those doors as the graduates of 2008 together. If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? I would have gone to the weight room in high school more.
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Caroline Thompson
Twitter: @coralinexmaria
Instagram: @coralinemaria
How would you describe yourself in high school? Outgoing, conceited, petty, fun, a little awkward and completely irresponsible but somehow also pretty fuckin' responsible. Who were your best friends? The Tribe/Zoot Crew/G-Had – wow we had a bunch of very problematic clique names. Who was your biggest Central crush? The Sairio twins and Andy O'Neill when he wasn't being a dick. Caleb Olson. What was your favorite after school activity? Going to Chipotle with Max and letting him eat half of my burrito when he was done with his own. Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school. I did so many dumb things in high school. By far dumbest thing I did was consistently get into cars with drunk drivers. What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? I got into a milk fight with my boyfriend in the lunchroom once and got sent to MacBee. Another time I got caught faking get out of school slips, and another time I got sent to the office for wearing a crop top. Pretty vanilla honestly. How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? At least once a week senior year. Who was your favorite teacher and why? Ms. Jordhal! She helped encourage my love of writing and literature. 
It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible. Ripped up low rise Hollister jeans with rhinestones, colorful graphic crop top, Juicy Couture zip up hoodie and UGG boots. What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? One time sophomore year a senior girl checked me into the lockers because she thought I made out with her boyfriend. I might have actually made out with her boyfriend but everyone laughed and pointed at me it was V. rude What was the most memorable thing that happened during a school dance? Technically this took place in Peter Schumann's garage but there was a giant riot/fight during the Sadies dance in '06 and lots of people got punched in the face. Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? TYRANY! ABSOLUTELY NOT. FUCK THE POLICE. Did you go to prom? Who was your date? I did go to prom both junior and senior year with Caleb Olson. I don't think he was too happy to go to my senior prom when he was a big shot college kid but he was a good sport and we had fun both years.   What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Hard to Explain - The Strokes Mr. Brightside - The Killers Smart Went Crazy - Atmosphere
What was your favorite TV show? LOST Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate Biggest Party Animal (accurate), Biggest Gossip (accurate) and Most Likely to Marry for Money. My dating track record says that last one is completely inaccurate but I'm still taking applications for a millionaire husband. If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? Maybe the day B12 came that was a wild day. How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I honestly had no idea. I vaguely knew I wanted to do something related to writing and that I wanted to live in a big city. But I had no real picture of what that looked like. I probably thought I was going to be Carrie Bradshaw (kill me) or something, but in general I think I was terrified by the future and had no clue what it would look like.
What do you do for a living? I'm a freelance journalist and full-time financial content strategist at a PR firm based out of NYC.
Where do you live? Chicago, IL Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: I actually just bought a two-bedroom condo in an old brick brownstone in Pilsen (southwest Chicago). It's got very high ceilings and a cute back garden. Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): I live with my boyfriend, two cats and our beautiful dog, Nella Jane. Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? Yes! Some of my closest friends are Central peeps. How have you changed since high school? I'm much less conflict-averse, less awkward and I care a lot less about what other people think of me. I also don't drink very much anymore. How are you the same? I'm still sarcastic, outgoing and still love to talk shit. What do you miss the most about your Central days? How carefree and happy I was. I got stressed out about things sometimes but in general I was very happy and content with my life in high school. I also miss having so many friends around me all the time. What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today She would probably be stoked that I figured out a way to make money writing, excited that I'd moved out of St. Paul, and happy that I'm still tight with most of my closest high school friends. I think she'd also be really proud of me for making it on my own, I remember feeling like the things I wanted were so impossible to get. I'm glad that wasn't true.
What are the top 3 songs on your phone? I realize how pretentious this sounds but I mostly listen to podcasts. That said the latest Lorde album is amazing.
What is your favorite binge-worthy show? The Good Place, Westworld, The Expanse and every cooking show on Netflix. What Central teacher do you wish you were currently friends with? Hmm, maybe Mr. Costello that dude seemed like a huge stoner. Who from high school do you stalk the most on social media? Everyone honestly. I love seeing what your lives have turned out like. Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? Again, everyone. Except a couple people. You know who you are. Just kidding!! Everyone! If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? I think I'd try to do everything almost the same, I loved high school. That said I'd probably try and be less concerned with what people thought of me, and expand my friendships outside of my very tight social circle. Maybe I'd relax a little more knowing things would work out, or maybe I'd get a little more active in politics if I knew what was coming in 2016, lol.
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Garret Olson
How would you describe yourself in high school? I was definitely a dork. Socially awkward and over eager to fit in.
Who were your best friends? Most of my friends were outside of school, probably because of the above.
Who was your biggest Central crush? I plead the fifth
What was your favorite after school activity? Track and Field was by far the most fun after school activity. When you can goof around at practice and still win conference each year, that is pretty great.  
Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school. We used to leave stuff in the ceramics room to freak out the teacher.
What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? Got suspended before homecoming senior year along with most of the football team for “inciting a riot”
How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? Almost every day senior year.
Who was your favorite teacher and why? Ms Hutch / Ms Bauer
 It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible. Dad Jeans & Dad Shoes with a way too big polo shirt.
What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? Pretty sure I fell up the stairs multiple times
What was the most memorable thing that happened during a school dance?
Probably not being able to attend one because of the suspension mentioned earlier.
 Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? In hindsight I really hope for everyone’s sake that no video exists pre-ban.
 Did you go to prom? Who was your date? Nope! Couldn’t work up the courage to ask someone.
 What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Random shuffle of Gorillaz.
 What was your favorite TV show? Heroes
Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate? Yearbook awards were rigged! Our homeroom stuffed a bunch of ballot boxes and nothing came of it.
If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? No idea, probably one of the track meets.
How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I probably pictured myself as some sort of writer, which is pretty funny to think about today. Im not a good writer!
What do you do for a living? I’m a Data Analyst for Ecolab
Where do you live? Cathedral Hill in Saint Paul
Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: I have a Studio in an old building next to the Cathedral.
Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): I have an aloe plant and a pineapple plant.
Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? I hang out with Paul Dalbec and Kelly Hartnet a lot. I still see a lot of other people from time to time.
How have you changed since high school? I’m a lot more comfortable with who I am. That’s a cliché but it makes a huge difference. I try my best to see things from other people’s perspectives.
How are you the same? I still have a weird sense of humor, I just know when to turn it off now.
What do you miss the most about your Central days? The simplicity of it definitely.
What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? I’d probably be really stoked. I wasn’t even sure if I would go to college when I was entering my senior year.
Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? Is it a cop out to say everyone? I’m excited to see where everyone is these days. 
If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? I’d do my homework and wouldn’t be so worried about what people thought about me.
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Tia Halverson
Snapchat: iheartpenguins! 
How would you describe yourself in high school? The weird funny girl who hung out with people from all groups. Teachers pet , Olson and Spicer for sure. 
Who were your best friends? Serina Madrid, Emily Borich, Anne Louden, cleon Turner, Dan frankenfield, Joshua lyman
Who was your biggest Central crush? Joshua Lyman
What was your favorite after school activity? Dances, or anything that got me out of my house! 
Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school. The dumbest thing I think I did was dress like my bfs. Lol 
What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? Just got sent to the hallway for talking. That's all. 
How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? Never.
Did you go to prom? Who was your date? Yes, with Joshua Lyman 
What was your favorite TV show? Passions and buffy* 
How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? Married to my high school sweetheart, a kid and a house. 
What do you do for a living? Billing at Dart Transit
Where do you live? Eagan,mn
Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: it's older but its across the street from the new hyvee!
Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): I am unmarried, have a bf of almost 4 years, a beautiful daughter( Peyton) 2 cats ( Zelda & Link) and a bunny !
Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? Serina Madrid, Anne Louden 
How have you changed since high school? Just matured, still the same nerdy girl who gets told im annoying. Fatter! Lol 
What do you miss the most about your Central days?  My friends and my relationship. Carefree mostly.
What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? Not how i planned it, but manageable.
What is your favorite binge-worthy show? RIVERDALE
Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? Emily Borich and Dan Frankenfield * 
If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? Yes! A lot! Stress management,and better money management. Wouldve been a better person to everyone. 
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Sanchez Brown
SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: https://www.facebook.com/sanchez.a.brown don't actually use anything else besides LinkedIn
How would you describe yourself in high school?  Arrogant
Who were your best friends?  Cortez Eskridge, Karen Cely, Lizeth Valle, Brittany Argueta(formerly Escort)
Who was your biggest Central crush? Yunuen Avila, though I didn't know her name back then. She was just the really pretty girl I was too nervous to talk to. 
What was your favorite after school activity? Running Track and playing basketball at Jimmy Lee
Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school? Skipped Graduation for the Obama Rally
What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? At Central, I don't think I ever got in trouble. Maybe ISS for skipping class or something.
How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? Didn't even know you could do that. She was friends with my Grandma so i couldn't get away with anything with her.
Who was your favorite teacher and why? Ms. Colbert, for obvious reasons.
It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible. Assuming it's Friday, I'm putting on Black Pants, a nice dress shirt most likely red, a black dress vest and a nice tie. I always dressed up on Fridays that year.
What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? I think I tried to give Ebony a kiss and she denied me and a lot of people saw it lol
What was the most memorable thing that happened during a school dance? Homecoming 08 we took a picture with like 30 people in it lol.
Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? Noooooo!!! #MakeTwerkingGreatAgain
Did you go to prom? Who was your date? I did. Original date fell through, but Kayla Douglas was available and we were matching so we made it work.
What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Buy You A Drank-T-Pain, Diamonds(Remix) Fabolous feat Lil Wayne, and September-Earth, Wind, and Fire.
What was your favorite TV show? How I Met  Your Mother. Even back then.
Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate?Ummmmm, no. I don't actually have the year book lol so I don't remember.
If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? Graduation. I would relive it by actually attending this time.
How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I imagined I would have already finished or be finishing up law school. I thought I'd be married to Ebony and working at some Law Firm.
What do you do for a living? Director of Security for G4S Wells Fargo Place Account
Where do you live? St. Paul, Frogtown area.
Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: Blue 5 bedroom home, butterscotch colored fence and swing in the yard. 
Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): Got Married July 7th 2017 to my biggest highschool crush lol. 2 cats and a dog.
Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? No actually.
Have you changed since high school?  Oh yeah, a lot lol.
How are you the same? I'm still pretty confident. Not completely arrogant anymore, but confident.
What do you miss the most about your Central days? Running track, not having worries, hanging with friends.
What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? Not what we planned, but still going pretty well.
What are the top 3 songs on your phone? Recognize PARTYNEXTDOOR feat Drake, September-Earth, Wind, and Fire, I Got the Keys
What is your favorite binge-worthy show? How I met Your Mother
What Central teacher do you wish you were currently friends with? Ms. Colbert lol.
Who from high school do you stalk the most on social media? Nobody actually. I don't even know who all I have on Social Media lol. I Guess Yunuen???
Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? EVERYBODY!!! I've literally not talked to most of you since highschool!!!
If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? Yes. 100% I would GO TO GRADUATION, stay in touch with Karen and Lizeth better, and most of all, above everything, STOP TALKING TO EBONY.
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