School equality
So I have a very important question to ask. Is school about equality? If so then the whole entire school system is broken and has been for years because in school we aren't allowed to have phones out of lockers even if they are in our pockets but yet adults do. Don't try giving me oh its because they are more mature bullcrap we all know that without that strictly enforced rule the schools would all be peaceful and students might actually get better grades because you are giving them more freedom. I don't care if oh they won't remember how to do it if they use their phones because guess what. We won't need that in real life. When are we ever going to need to find out how to do the things we learned in math or algebra in real life? Barely ever and then we are allowed to use the internet for that because we have freedom. So at recess and randomly during school, we should be allowed to use our phones without permission because we will be allowed to in real life. Also, we should be allowed to have Chromebooks and that kind of stuff during lunch and breakfast because again we will do so in the future. If you truly want to prepare us for the future then don't be teaching us this crap be teaching us how to pay taxes and apply for mortgages and all that stuff. Also I am not done yet we should be allowed to praise our Lord and do all that kind of stuff because people out there fought for our freedom so we should be using it to the fullest extent possible not stopping at the 10% marker no go all the way to the 100% extent of our freedom because then we are going to honor those brave men and women who fought for our freedom of speech. If we truly want to live a happy life well guess what school does not belong here because school is taking away the one thing that truly makes life happy. Freedom is what makes life happy and schools are taking it away so for Wisconsin that is a total of 6.91 hours of school per day that we have our freedom taken away from us and school normally last for 180 days a year for 12 years and you get 14925.6 and yes I used an online calculator for that I don't care so that is 14925.6 hours of our life taken away from us. Also on the topic of religion now, did you know that prisons always have bibles in them always and so that makes prisoners realize the wrong they did and that most criminals never learned a clear path of right and wrong because of the fact that they didn't have bibles in their schools so if we were to allow school students to worship whoever they want then we won't have as many criminals. Back onto the topic of hours, we lose in our life but the average amount of time in school in the united states is 6.64 with a total of 180 days average which means just in the united states alone people lose 14342.4 hours of their life. That isn't including college so just think of how many hours we would lose in our life if I added college years. Now on the topic of electronics. If we were to allow students to listen to music during study time or any kind of homework for that matter then we all might get a higher GPA so yeah. Also, you can not give one student special privileges just because their family member is somewhat in charge of the school. Also, stop treating us like factory workers where we sit in rows and have to raise our hands to speak and we get a certain amount of time for lunch, breakfast, and free time. Also, we should be allowed to drink coffee during school because some of us need it just to get by during school and people will stop having to sneak it in. But if you actually let us drink coffee and eat snacks during classes then you might get happier more responsible students. So that is why schools aren't equal. If school is what you call equal then what world do you live in.
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