[…] The first 7 movies are available on YouTube.
Остров (The Island) – drama , 2006.
This Russian religious film about an Eastern Orthodox monk is considered to be the best Russian film of 2006.  It did quite well at the box office and won some awards. Enjoy high quality video and great subtitles.
Все умрут, а я останусь (Everybody Dies but Me) – drama, 2008.
The film addresses the challenges of youth by depicting two young girls as they are preparing for their first prom. Note: if the subtitles are not visible right away, click on the CC button on the bottom of the YouTube player.
Кавказский пленник (Prisoner of Caucasus) – drama, 1996.
Prisoner of the Caucasus, is a 1996 Russian war drama film directed by Sergei Bodrov and written by Bodrov, Arif Aliyev and Boris Giller. The film is based on the Caucasian War-era short story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” by the classic Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.
Брестская крепость (Brest Fortress/Fortress of War) – drama, 2010.
A war drama set during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, in which Russian troops held on to a border stronghold for nine days (based on actual events).
Беларусская мечта (Byelorussian Dream) – documentary, 2011.
Byelorussian Dream, an award-winning film, is the story of a young person from Minsk who has lived most of his life in a country ruled by a dictator. Against the background of falsified elections, brutal repressions, and a severe economic crisis, it shows how more people in the most ‘stable’ post-Soviet country are starting to demand change. This is a story about how the regime can crush a person, and how you can find your own freedom in a state that possesses total control.
Олимпус Инферно (Olympus Inferno) – action, 2008.
The movie features two main characters, an American entomologist studying butterflies in South Ossetia and a Russian female journalist. The two characters must work together to get back to Russian lines after getting swept up in the August 8, 2008 Georgian offensive against the separatist enclave of South Ossetia.
Жить (Living) – drama, 2012.
It is already a challenge to make a film on death and call it Living. But Sigarev fearlessly gets to the very heart of things, where life, death, God, love, and imagination form an indestructible whole. A harsh and sometimes brutal experience, but catharsis will follow.
ДМБ (Demobbed) – comedy, 2000.
A comedy about Russian joining/being in the Russian army.
The last 3 movies are from a video-streaming website www.top-russian.com. They offer the free version of the movies (lower picture quality) or you can download the movie in good quality for $2.50.
Неадекватные люди (Unusual People) – comedy, 2011.
Quiet and well-mannered Vitalik tries to start life from scratch in a new city. But there on his way he meets only crazy people. His neighbor, an eccentric girl named Christine, seeks to transform him into a normal guy, the lustful chief does not give him a rest at new work, and even a psychologist who helps him cope with all of this is a sadomasochist. Vitalik seems to be the only normal person in this movie.
Сибирский цирюльник (The Barber of Siberia) – drama, 1998.
This is one my personal favorites  . Some of it is in English. Julia Ormond and Oleg Menshikov deliver a great performance. “Douglas is a foreign entrepreneur, who ventures to Russia in 1885 with dreams of selling a new, experimental steam-driven timber harvester in the wilds of Siberia. Jane is his assistant, who falls in love with a young Russian officer, André, and spends the next 10 years perfecting the harvester and pursuing her love, who has been exiled to Siberia.”
Питер ФМ (Radio Wave) – comedy, 2006.
Masha works as a DJ on a popular radio station; Maxim, an architect with a great future, is invited to work in Germany. Masha is going to marry her classmate. Both of them seem to have their future clearly defined, until… Masha looses her phone and Maxim finds it. What follows is a “phone relationship” but neither Masha, nor Maxim can make a final decision. Watch the film to find out if the two are destined to be together.
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Russian Language YouTubers
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I compiled a list of YouTubers that speak Russian in their videos (not everyone here is from Russia). YouTubers that I particularly like are marked by ***. This list is not exhaustive so if you want me to add a Youtuber you like, let me know.
Comedy & Entertainment
AdamThomasMoran : Similar to Ray Williams Johnson, this channel comments on videos with comedy, as well as some swearing. One of the first Russian Youtube celebrities.
This is Хорошо ***: Latvian channel in Russian that reviews 3 viral videos with funny commentary. Unlike, AdamThomasMoran, there is no swearing.
TheBrianMaps ***: Brian does funny videos and skits meant to make you happy.
Room Factory ***: A channel whose main skit  Короче говоря features an interesting scenario in under 3 minutes.
KREOSAN: Ukrainians that do wild experiments. 
Девушки Мотора: This channel does skits about relationships and life.
Данила Поперечный : Stand up comedian sa well as a screen writer.
ТО «420»:  Short animation videos about different topics such as religion, science, etc. 
Beauty & Fashion
Elena Krygina : Well known makeup artist that also gives master classes around Russia. Her channel focuses on makeup tutorials.
Sasha Spilberg ***: Similar to Zoella, her channel focuses on beauty, home, and unboxings.
Maria Way : Maria is a fashion and beauty blogger.
Соня Есьман***: Sonya is a model that talks about fashion and beauty. She also has an English channel.
★ Lizaonair : Her channel focuses on skincare, fashion, and makeup.
Masha Timoshenko ***: Masha blogs about fashion.
Kseniya Vostrikova:  Ksenia vlogs about fashion. life, and health.
Jenya Geyn: Jenya vlogs about beauty and skincare.
elena864 : She does a lot of makeup looks and outfit posts.
KamillaBeauty ***: Kamilla focuses on outfits and product reviews.
KateLi0n : She does product reviews and beauty looks.
TheKateClapp : Ekaterina talks about life and other topics with a comedic approach. She is well liked around Russia.
Руслан Усачев : Ruslan vlogs about news events, politics, gadgets, gaming and films.
ANTONplusANNA***: Anton and Anna vlog about their life and often try new foods.
PolinaBrz : You can think of her like a studyblr. She often blogs about books, school and hauls.
Ekaterina Saibel: This family of 3 vlogs about their life. They are in Kazakhstan and you can often see them skiing on the mountains there. 
Саша Кэт: Sasha blogs about life, DIY’s, and funny skits.
HalBer : They blog about challenges, life,  and other fun things.
Dima Ermuzevich : Dima often blogs about his trips and life.
ulielie ***: She blogs about books, films, and hauls.
nixelpixel : She vlogs about feminism, sexism, travels, and body positivism.
FROST : While his channel is mostly about gaming (with a variety of genres), he also does vlogs, all with humor.
Русский Мясник : Gaming channel that focuses on first person shooters.
LeTSPLaySHiK: This channel focuses on Minecraft. 
SuperEvgexa: Also has a focus on Minecraft. 
TheUselessMouth: This channel  does a variety of games, with an occasional skit.
LetsPlayPoRusski : This channel focuses on a game series in a let’s play. Currently, it is the Binding of Isaac.
Zulin`s v-log: This channel is more like the American let’s plays as it is more serious in the gameplay.
perpetuumworld : The genres vary but they tend to be less FPS and more fun games.
Прохождения от Глеба ^__^ : This channel focuses on more popular games and has longer let’s plays.
Ярик Лапа : He has a focus on Minecraft.
RusGameTactics: Tends to focus on a series of a let’s play.
Kuplinov ► Play : He plays a variety of games and often has a 16+ warning. 
JesusAVGN:  He plays horror games and is funny.
Food & Health
Готовим дома: You can learn to cook traditional Russian dishes as well as other food.
Приятного аппетита!***: This channel has a sweets specialty.
Готовить просто: Another channel that teaches you how to cook food.
Готовим с Ириной Хлебниковой ***: This channel focuses on dessert recipes.
Семейная кухня : This channel has a family recipe focus.
Ольга Матвей***: Olga does a lot of dessert recipes.
videoculinary : Recipes from Emma’s grandmother.
Unagrande YogaClub : Teaches you yoga.
Катерина Буйда ***: Fitness instructor on yoga.
chilelavida ***: Teaches yoga as well as how to plan and be organized.
Workout - Будь в форме! : Offers workout videos and recipes.
TGym - Яркий путь к совершенству! : She blogs exercises, food, and her journey.
Science, News, and Technology
ПостНаука : This channel focuses on science and has lectures about different science topics.
LizzzTV ***: Challenges and science experiments.
Wylsacom: This channel does technology reviews.
Неновости: This channel  is sort of a mini news channel where they talk about events, celebs, and science.
Анатолий Шарий: Ukrainian journalist that lives in the EU that talks about the Ukrainian crisis. His news sources that he mentions are sometimes in Ukrainian, but he speaks Russian for his videos.
SlivkiShow : He does how to’s as well as experiments.
Our Vidos TV: This channel focuses on experiments.
TV and Film
Маша и Медведь : Really well-made and known kid’s tv show about the misadventures of Masha and the bear.
Вечерний Ургант : Similar to The Late Show, this is a late-night talk show, often accompanied by interviews with celebrities.
SoyuzMult ***: A channel that focuses on Soviet children’s cartoons. 
Mosfilm : You can find many Soviet films here, some of them with English subtitles.
Кино Клуб: Another channel where you can watch Soviet films.
Кухня (сериал) ***: Here you can watch full episodes of my favorite show Kuxnya.
Ello : This channel focuses on pop music videos. Great for finding music to listen to for lyrics.
Russian Music : A variety of music with folk music as well.
GitaristTV: This guitarist teaches you how to play different songs on the guitar.
Russian Language
Weekly Russian: Natalia has short Russian language lessons that are easy to follow.
Easy Russian: If you don’t enjoy the dry approach of some people, learn Russian and Russian culture with humor and fun.
Easy Languages ***: While this channel focuses on many languages, the Russian segment is great for those learning Russian as there are both Russian and English subtitles for street interviews.
RussianPod101: Offers free Russian lessons (while trying to get you to buy their full course).
RU-LAND : This channel teaches grammar for those at different levels in Russian.
Fun Russian: This channel teaches you Russian, as well as vocabulary and slang.
Russian With Passion: Antonia casually explains grammar and vocabulary in her video lessons.
Russian with Huliganov: This series has been recommended for those that want to learn Russian. 
Адвокат Егоров : A lawyer that does survival videos about DIY, building, fishing and gardening.
ASMRmania : ASMR Russian channel that relaxes you and gives you a tingling sensation. Can also help people with listening practice as the audio is soft.
Vse kak u zverei : Wildlife show about how humans and animals are alike with some jokes.
Grigoryi1 : Another survivalist channel.
Nikolay Mamluke : He recites Russian poetry and sometimes sings.
→  You can also go to http://rutube.ru/ if you want more Russian channels.  ←
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Русский - Russian Music Masterpost
A little starting point for anyone who is looking for some new russian music, either for an immersion aspect or otherwise! Hopefully this helps :) 
*  Marks my personal favourites at the time of making this list
A link on an artist’s name will bring you to their wikipedia page. Likewise, there are outgoing links to youtube videos of any song title that you click on.
Полина Гагарина - Polina Gagarina
*Нет (No)
*Я не буду (I will not)
*Спектакль окончен (The play is over)
*Шагай (Stride)
*Навек (Forever)
*Осколки (Fragments)
*Кукушка (Cuckoo) - ОST from the film “Битва за Севастополь (Battle for Sevastopol)” - Version without the speaking movie scenes: X
МОНСТРЫ НА КАНИКУЛАХ 2 (Hotel Transylvania 2) - From the russian dubbed “Hotel Transylvania 2″ soundtrack
*Где ты, дам я (Where you are, I am there)
Выше (Higher)
*Цунами (Tsunami)
*Вою на луну (Howl at the moon)
Выбирать чудо  (Choose your miracle)
Только…  (Only…)
Больно  (It hurt)
Наедине (Alone)
Не перебивай  (Do not interrupt)
Воспоминание  (Memory)
Григорий Лепс - Grigory Leps
Рюмка водки на столе (A glass of vodka on the table)
*Ну и что (So what)
*Натали (Natalie)
*Я тебе не верю (I don’t trust you)
Она не твоя ft. Стас Пьеха (She is not yours)
Бессонница (Insomnia)
*Водопадом (Waterfall)
Стас Пьеха - Stas Piekha
Я с Тобой (I’m with you)
Счастье (Happiness)
Старая История (Old story)
Несовместимая любовь (Incompatible love)
Слава - Slava
Расскажи мне мама (Tell me, mother)
Шлюха (Whore)
Крик Души (Cry from the heart)
Попутчица (Fellow traveler)
Одиночество (Loneliness)
Ёлка - Elka 
Прованс (Provence)
На воздушном шаре (On the air balloon)
Хочу (Want)
Около тебя  (Near you)
Нарисуй мне небо (Draw me the sky)
*Грею счастье (Gray happiness)
Винтаж - Vintage
*Одиночество любви (Lonliness in Love), Audio only: X
*Роман (Roman), Lyric Version: X
Ева (Eve)
*Знак Водолея (Sign of Aquarius)
Когда рядом ты (When I’m next to you), Lyric Version: X
ТАТУ - t.A.T.u
Я сошла с ума (I’ve lost my mind)
Белый плащик (White robe)
Нас не догонят (Not gonna get us)
Клоуны (Clowns)
Зачем Я? (Why am I?)
Робот (Robot)
Не Жалей (Not sorry)
Snegopady (Snowfalls)
Ария - Aria
Беспечный ангел  (Bespechnyi angel)
Потерянный рай (Lost paradise)
Возьми мое сердце (Take my heart)
Колизей (Coliseum)
Там, высоко (High up there)
*Осколок льда (Splinter of ice)
Кипелов - Kipelov
Я здесь  (I’m here)
Я свободен (I am free)
*Вавилон (Babylon)
*На Грани (On the edge)
Кино - Kino (and Виктор Цой)
*Кукушка (Cuckoo)
Звезда по имени солнце (A star called sun)
Закрой за мной дверь, я ухожу (Close the door behind me, I’m leaving)
Группа крови (Blood type)
Пачка Сигарет (A pack of cigarettes)
Потап и Настя - Potap and Nastya
*Бумдиггибай (Bumdiggibay)
Все пучком (All beam)
Чумачечая Весна (Chumachechaya Spring)
Не люби мне мозги (Do not love my brains)
Край ми э ривер (Cry me a river*  the title is english written with Cyrillic)
*Село (Village)
Не пара (Not a pair)
Что такое oсень (What’s autumn)
*Родина (Motherland)
Дождь (Rain)
*Черный пес Петербург (Petersburg black dog)
Ветер (Wind)
Метель (Snowstorm)
Любовь (Love)
Рожденный в СССР (Born in the USSR)
Наутилус Помпилиус - Nautilus Pompilius
*Скованные одной цепью (Bound by one chain)
*Тутанхамон (Tutankhamun)
Я хочу быть с тобой (I wanna be with you)
Утро Полины (Morning Pauline)
*Крылья (Wings)
*Звери (Beasts)
Матерь богов (Mother of the gods)
Дыхание (Breath)
I apologize if I have missed one of your favourite artists or songs, you are always welcome to add to this list! 
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150602 [CLIP] Lee Joon’s Thoughts & Comments for HITTG (eng sub)
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Comeback In June…
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*Girl’s Day
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and me… 
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little shits back at it again stressing their hyung out
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ok I said I wouldn’t make a post on this but im going to. This really upsets me. I hate seeing him like this. We all know his body dis morphia problems have been going on a while. For example how he always gets rated the least good looking by his OWN members. (The last time it happened he looked all ready eyed, knew he was gunna be last again so he went into the corner and he obviously felt uncomfortable. It also annoys me that the boys know him better than anyone, and yet they still didn’t back off.) and also in AHL when they asked “who’s hungry?” And Jimin hesitated to raise his hand and in the he end didn’t. Jin has also mentioned that Jimin works too hard and is worried. There is also another time when at the start of this year, he said he’d ‘try and improve his looks.’ When there is nothing to improve and we all think he’s perfect the way he is. I can’t do much about this, and it upsets me so much that I can’t reassure him and make him feel happy but us as an army can. So, on Twitter, im going to use the hashtag ’#ParkJiminYouArePerfect’ just like it’s been done for the other boys. SO SPREAD THE WORD GUYS! I think it would help a lot more if all the A.R.M.Y’s came together and helped, to let this boy know that we love and care about him, that he doesn’t need to always be trying to change himself :)
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itsdobrevsboobs-blog1 · 10 years
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itsdobrevsboobs-blog1 · 10 years
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:'D <3
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itsdobrevsboobs-blog1 · 10 years
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He's such a cutie.
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