itsfandangosworld-blog · 4 years
Congrats, it’s been a long time coming.
Why if it isn’t the Queen of Flair, herself. Thank you much! We are here and we mean business!
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itsfandangosworld-blog · 4 years
Sweatpants? Are you pulling a Mick Foley on me? He is the Number 1 offender. He almost converted @breezeuswalks , but we salvaged him with a Snickers bar. ‘You’re delusional when you’re hungry.’ This is not a paid advertisement.
Damn, ya’ll are really coming for my Emmy that I won with my neckbrace promo, that’s cold. Umm, no, nope, no sir, there’s never a fashion crime I’m involved, I’d be offended if you even had to stop and think about that - in sweats and sneakers I still look fly. 
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itsfandangosworld-blog · 4 years
it’s in the air… do you smell it?
*sniffs to the left*; *sniffs to the right*; *sniffs in a full circle*. Oh, I smell it alright. And it smells.... *sniiff* expensive.
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itsfandangosworld-blog · 4 years
Indeed they did. Breezango was alerted by ‘anonymous tip’ to the Fashion Police Hotline that fashion violations were prevalent here. Taking a gander at you, seems like it was NOT addressed to you. But need not fear, we will be working diligently on this manner. Stay stylish, Banks~~~
Weee wooo, did someone call the fashion police?
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itsfandangosworld-blog · 4 years
the dawn of a new era.
B . r . e . e . z . a . n . g . o .
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