itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
some random woman's thoughts: oh hey, he's kind of hot.
Edward Cullen: Dear Diary. Today another WHORE vies for my affection. Existence is agony.
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
I have stretch marks.
Reblog if you do too. Just to prove that it is more normal than what people actually think.
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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here is your sign, if you needed one.
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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Follow @mengwe on Instagram
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
As someone that has grown up surrounded by beaches and done surf life saving, I know how the sea works. Lots of people dont. Every summer multiple tourists die here because they don’t respect the sea, if you’re going to the coast, here’s a thing I saw on Facebook.
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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Please add some good things in the tags.
International List of Suicide Hotlines
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
I was in line at Aldi and this girl with two toddlers in front of me had her card declined and she looked so fucking sad and said “let me call my husband real quick” and it was only 18 dollars, so I just paid for it, and she was very sweet and then as she walked off, the lady behind me said `”You know that was probably a scam, right?” and like, even if it was, like what a sad fucking scam, right? 18 dollars at the Aldi. If you’re “scamming” me for some Tyson chicken and apple juice and cauliflower, then just take my fucking money. 
“A scam” people are fucking wild.  
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
Just like Slughorn, Albus Dumbledore collects people. Only, instead of focusing on those with influence, he looks to the outcasts.
The expelled half-giant. The young werewolf. The repentant Death Eater.
He protects them and gives them a second chance. All he asks in return is their loyalty.
And, if on occasion he requests that they undertake a certain task, invoking their debt of gratitude - well, that is no more than he is owed.
He once thought to add a certain disowned Black to his collection, but quickly realised his mistake.
Sirius is not an outcast, but a rebel. He knowingly chose his path, and chooses what price he is willing to pay for it. He refuses to be used.
So Albus Dumbledore abandons him.
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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Charlie and Curly, in the background and being cinnamon rolls 
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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itsfrancisneptun · 4 years
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itsfrancisneptun · 5 years
I'm bored and would appreciate some interaction with other humans😂 so please, send me some numbers, I really appreciate it
Asks for when you are bored in quarantine
What would your dream vacation be?
Tell me a random fact about yourself.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What’s your favorite season?
Do you believe that you can do anything if you put your heart and mind to it?
Would you say you make friends easily?
How long is the longest you’ve walked at one time?
Do you have any allergies?
Would you ever go on a blind date?
Are you an emotional person?
Do you want to have a family when you get older?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
What was your favorite toy growing up?
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Which historical figure would you like to be?
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
If you could time travel, where would you go?
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
If you could be a cartoon character for a week, who would you be?
What’s your favorite childhood book?
Who would play you in a movie of your life?
What’s your favorite smell in the whole world?
If you could pick a new first name, what would it be?
What’s your dream job?
What fictional character do you wish you could meet?
What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?
What is your favorite day of the week?
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itsfrancisneptun · 5 years
modern AU where Geralt starts a podcast with Eskel and Lambert and they call it My Witcher, My Witcher, and Me
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