itsfuckinnuts · 3 years
My life is crazy.
So, per my last post, I lost the job at the tattoo shop because of the other girl...
And then, shit got REAL.
I then worked almost non-stop on rotating shifts for 3 months and I interviewed for a hospital job at that same time. I ended up getting the hospital job, and left my hotel job, which my boss was very unhappy about. She was an extremely toxic person to work for.
So in January I started training for my hospital job and I've been working there ever since. I'm still seeing the same guy. I tried to work at a different hotel for one day but left because I got really overwhelmed at one point, which is okay. Around these months I also took an entrance exam to try and get into the Radiology program at my school. Out of about 300 people, I was one of less than 20 who were selected to be in this program.
I purchased an IPad, a fitbit, got my septum pierced, got diagnosed with gastritis...
Now, I am an x-ray student, which I truly never thought I would be of all medical fields. I have busted my BOOTY all semester and that A keeps teasing me. I start clinicals at the hospital I hoped I would be placed at in August. I am SO thankful.
I also purchased a tarantula 10 days ago! Brachypelma smithi spiderling 🥰
I went to a reptile and pet store today with my friend who purchased a fat-tailed gecko and she is getting a Tarantula next week. I am now currently making plans to get another Tarantula, a bearded dragon, a snake, and a leopard gecko. I purchased and set up an enclosure for my baby tarantula to live in when he gets bigger. For now, it's cute and all set up. I really do just own a box of dirt right now. 😂
I'M EXCITED. I never thought I'd be where I am in life but each year I learn more and more that life is truly unpredictable and I want to embrace it.
I'm so excited to get a reptile. 💜 I've done so much thorough research and we are going to start slowly purchasing things for a beardie setup.
And overall, I'm thankful to have a boyfriend who loves all animals as much as I do that let's me keep animals at his house. 🥰
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itsfuckinnuts · 4 years
Life is crazy #72839482.
So, now, not only have I been asked to leave that tattoo shop because of someone else entirely over a situation I wasn't involved in, but, however, I do have some other major things going for me.
Right now, I'm working less than part time in a hospital as a scribe as I've recently completed my training, and I love every moment of it.
I'm looking for a second job actively. I've spent hours applying and I just had an interview 4 days ago, which I'm waiting to hear back from.
I'm registered to take a 6 week EKG course in April. I'm making moves to take a really big entrance exam to this Radiology program I'm interested in.
Big things happen when you stop waiting around. I am so glad I stopped waiting for opportunities to find me and instead, I'm going out and finding them. I'm really proud of myself lately. Life really is what YOU make of it. I decided I won't let bad things get me down anymore. All I can do is try my best, so that is what I am here to do.
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itsfuckinnuts · 4 years
ISO how to sell art to millionaires.
I'm ready for my mansion now. 😂😭👌🏻
(yes a joke but FR THO HELP A GIRL OUT)
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itsfuckinnuts · 4 years
I have some really good news!
So I've been into art for a long time now, drawing first, then photography shortly after that. I've never had any confidence in my work, ever, and yesterday I had a meeting with the owner of the only tattoo shop I trust. I had inquired online about a tattoo apprenticeship and they asked me to come in and meet with them after showing them about 20 photos of my work.
From what I gathered, (nothing is official yet) I think in a few months, the tattooing apprenticeship is mine for the taking. They had explained to me how they were interested in a female artist who tattoos and pierces, and I'm really interested in both.
They're interviewing a few other people for the piercing part and might take on 2 at once, but I think they're going to let me do it. I'm so excited I can't believe it.
I was told that my art work was better quality than some actual artists, and they're impressed by it. 🥺💜 I would have never imagined I would walk in there and hear that or anything close to it, and I absolutely cannot wait to hear back and potentially begin this part of my life. I've wanted this for a really long time.. 🥰
They told me for now I just really need to focus on my following and social media presence, which I understand. And it sucks to realize in my hometown I will have almost no support, but that's alright. This is for me. 🌻
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itsfuckinnuts · 4 years
Fighting, in a sense, is a healthy part of a relationship. It allows both parties to say how they really feel, and I genuinely think it's important to listen to what people say when they're angry.
They speak from a very raw, emotionally heated place. And you have to read between the lines a bit, and identify the root problem, but I think it can be productive.
However, lately, I just feel like my life is filled with the bad kind of fighting.. The kind that hurts. The kind that doesn't get anybody anywhere. And I'm just not having the greatest time right now.
But time passes, and everything will always get better eventually. Maybe not extremely soon, maybe not tomorrow or next week or even in the next year, because that's happened to me too... Sometimes the seasons of hardship are long and grueling. And sometimes lately, I wonder if I can ride the storms. But I think I can. And I hope you do too, whatever it be that troubles you.
Here's to a better season.. 🌈💜
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itsfuckinnuts · 4 years
Hi guys!
I want to begin detailing my day to day life or random thoughts that I want to share, and I want to use this blog to do so. I'm 22 years old, and my life is not what I would describe as "status quo" so I want to remember it somehow.
Because I have actually been doing a lot of thinking lately, and a lot of things have been falling into place or happening and I just need a place to put all of that and maybe give some other people some things to think about too.
Like today! I had a lot of great conversation with my best friend today. We recently had a very small fight and I realized a lot of things about myself as a person, our friendship, and just life in general.
So lately - I've been helping my mom a lot.. Like a LOT, and she got upset because I was busy and couldn't talk to her so at some points I wouldn't respond to what she said, but then later I would have time to talk and need to tell her something, so she was under the impression that she was being ignored or that I didn't care and was being self centered and I wasn't trying to, but it reminded me. Especially during a time like this, she needed me. Like really needed me. Her mom isn't super supportive of her, her boyfriend is super busy right now every day getting ready for this job and he's going through really intense training, and nobody else really talks to her. And I thought that she knew I was busy and it would be fine, but I wasn't there for her and yes we were upset with each other, but sometimes when someone seems upset with you they just really need some support. And above all I'm really grateful to have the best friend that I do who can talk stuff out with me.
So I just think we all need to remember to both put ourselves in other peoples shoes and try to understand but also try to communicate with people right away because even if you say something you don't like, it's still better than letting it fester slowly. Your thoughts matter, I promise. 💜
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