itsgisela · 3 years
Final Post “What is Art”
At first, I had strongly believed that an artist’s purpose was mostly to show a point or perspective. When in reality some artists just use creativity in abstract art or may choose to have no fixated idea such as non-objective art. I learned this through attending all the different venues, where for example in the ICA collection it showed work by Chakaia Brooker, where her sculptures were made of tires and she used her artist role to show the world through her own eyes, or used the tires to create abstract work. In addition to learning that in art, artists may follow a specific aesthetic or style that is original to them. Thus making it easier to recognize their work compared to others, as seen in the venues where the work was in specific sections of the rooms and belonged to a particular artist.
I had learned to pay attention to the colors the artist used and how they fit color theory, as well as the brush strokes being long or short, aggressive or smooth. These key details give an insight to their work that I overlooked before when I didn’t know as much about art in the beginning of class. Visiting these venues gives an entire new perspective to experience these pieces yourself which is obviously much different compared to seeing it online. This experience allows you to learn much more since you can personally see the meaning and work the artist went through to create the artwork.
Overall, the experience this class enhanced my start off to summer. I’m grateful I was able to learn so much about the world of art and it’s something I deeply enjoyed.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Trading Cards
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These trading cards were done with acrylic paint and fine brushes, which were able to achieve the detail found in some of the artworks. I decided on painting trading cards which showed detailed inspirations of artwork from artists such as Clyfford Still, Asher Jorn, amongst other artists. Firstly, I researched artists whose work I liked. From these works I got inspiration on both color scheme and brush design. Until I was finally able to create my own small pieces from the inspiration of these abstract and non-objective artists.
The artists which I had chosen were those whose artwork I really liked, as well as colors which grabbed my attention the most within their pieces. This would include artists such as Paul Klee and Andy Warhol, whose art I created with my own interpretation as seen in the first trading card and the card with the strawberry in the Andy Warhol color scheme. My favorite artist was Paul Klee, because he was one of the first I decided to get inspiration from and I loved the way in which he painted people in his own style. This abstract style I really liked, as well as how the lines contributed to the piece itself.
Finally, I had enjoyed this project since I was able to paint and get inspiration from artist’s work I had not previously seen. The only artist I was already aware of was Andy Warhol, which inspired me to paint the strawberry. Their style is very free and I found it fun that I was able to create as I go, instead of already having a fixed sketch or plan as another painting would be. The outcome of these trading cards I liked, where the ones which were my favorite are Paul Klee’s inspiration and Andy Warhol with the strawberry. Overall, this was the art assignment I most enjoyed from this class since I had the chance to paint and put my own twist to these artworks.
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itsgisela · 3 years
De la Cruz and ICA Visit
Out of the four locations I had visited, the de la Cruz collection was my favorite. Even though it was fairly small, the collection had pieces which where my favorites out of all of the ones I have seen. Both de la Cruz and ICA had a pop culture feel, however kept that sophistication of a museum such as Perez Art Museum for example. The de la Cruz collection was small, and wasn’t very crowded, where it’s three floors each had many different and beautiful artworks. Meanwhile ICA was large, and it wasn’t crowded because of the organization they had where you first saw the ground gallery, made your way to the third floor, and from the third to the second floor and finally the collection’s garden. ICA was very beautiful because of the view it had. Something to mention is that compared to a museum, these two collections are composed of their own assigned areas with artists and their different artworks. Meanwhile a museum is much bigger and showcases artwork that ties to the specific idea of the room in which it is in.
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The artwork starting off with the de la Cruz collection was organized by each space being done by specific artists. These artworks ranged mostly from non-objective, abstract, to showing the artist’s purpose. They ranged from being very large in size, to being small artworks including sculptures. In the de la Cruz collection there are both sculptures and paintings. This collection was my favorite out of all of the visits, also the staff was very welcoming where they explained the artworks from time to time as you walked through the space. In addition to the space in the de la Cruz collection being open enough to fit all of the artworks nicely, even though it wasn’t as big as ICA. The artworks I enjoyed the most were from artist Laura Owens, Salvador Dalí, and Rob Pruitt.
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This artwork is by Laura Owens, untitled, size 138 x 104 inches.
This artist decided to not title her artwork, but the piece itself has the title “Stars” and it displays the colorful and whimsical feel of the painting. What I loved about this painting amongst others of this artist was her style to her artworks.
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Salvador DalĂ­, Portrait of Dolores Suero Falla, 1955, size 46 x 37 inches.
This artwork was specifically a portrait as shown by the title. Meanwhile I really liked this piece because of the detail as well as being one of Salvador Dalí’s pieces.
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Rob Pruitt, Alone Together, 2011, size 80 x 60 inches
The meaning to this title that I can seem to see is that being together is better, since as seen all of the pandas were painted in pairs. My favorite thing about this painting was the material of glitter used which made it very beautiful.
In the ICA space, it had incorporated the visuals from outside and the garden that made it very beautiful. Meanwhile artworks there in the first and second floor were mostly composed of showing the artist’s purpose. As well as involving the role of showing the world through their own perspective as seen in the third floor. Meanwhile, compared to de la Cruz the space was organized in the direction in which you traveled through it as explained before. The exhibit was organized as having paintings and some sculptures on the first floor and second, while the third was entire made of sculptures. This third floor was my favorite of ICA, where the sculptures were mostly made of tires and the floor was very interactive itself. The artworks I enjoyed from this space were sculptures by Chakaia Brooker, Damián Ortega, and Odili Donald Odita.
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Conversion, 2006, rubber tires
In this sculpture, the message Chakaia Brooker was showing was religious since it is the cross. Meanwhile what I mostly liked was the material used and how she made the piece and most of the different sculptures on the third floor of ICA with tires.
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The Alleyest, 2021, oil on canvas
This painting was an adaptation of the 1906 painting of Al Abismo by Fernando Cabera CantĂł. What I liked about this painting was the more you looked at it the more you could recognize or try to interpret what was happening. This painting also has a lot of emotion from the different people in agony. Meanwhile a child is at the top observing from afar.
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Plaguing in my Face, 2021, oil on canvas
In this painting, what I liked was the specific style of the artist as seen with other pieces. In this artwork there is seen cartoon characters which is something I had really liked and thought was unique. For this work, it is non-objective.
To conclude, as this is my final visit for the art locations it feels as if my little class journey is done. However, it doesn’t mean I won’t try to visit anymore art spaces. I am very glad I was able to go to these different art spaces since they all provided different experiences and I enjoyed every single visit. My favorite out of all of them being de la Cruz collection because of the environment of the space overall with all of the artworks and welcoming staff there. People should attend these different spaces because they showcase artist’s work that should be appreciated. Where people can see their perspective of the world and view it as how they do, and supporting these spaces allows artists to still contribute with their artworks. By showcasing their creativity and perspective of the world they offer a completely unique experience to their audience.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Yayoi Kusama Inspired Art/ Create 2 artworks
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In these artworks, I inspired myself through Yayoi Kusama’s process in creating them. I chose two contrasting background colors, one black and one white. I decided to show how these colors look different where one represents the light while the other the dark. The first one was done with acrylic paint on canvas, while the second was just marker. It was decided that on one artwork it was going to be further done with detail and intricate, while the other less complicated and calmer. To show the how both are needed to maintain a balance.
Beginning with the colors, I wanted to show a contrast between the two works by using two different background colors. Yet the lines in both are yellow and this was done on purpose to show that both artworks correlate. It felt different to work in her style, since as I worked I came up with the design instead of having a fixated example. I expressed myself as best as I could through the lines and colors, as Kusama did in her art. To conclude, I am very happy with how my work came out. Yet I like the painting much more than the second work.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Yayoi Kusama Reflection Post
Yayoi Kusama’s work is one of the most interesting out of other artists I have learned about. In addition to being a favorite artist I have learned about in this class because of the design of her work. The imagery within her artwork is intricate and extremely detailed, thus it can be seen it takes time and her effort to be able to create them. As well as mentioned in the video that she spent if not most of her time painting, since it was like a medicine to her or a sort of relief. I believe her message is one that exposes how she feels or felt whether it’s through the obstacles she had to go through in both her childhood and adulthood. Her message is one I think should be appreciated by many, and it’s a unique representation of how she expresses herself. As seen and explained by these individuals in the videos, her art has a message where she presents how she felt. For example, in her infinity net artwork she chose to present the message of the waves in which she saw when she flew to New York, where the brush strokes represent this idea. Overall, I agree with heather the director of Kusama’s documentary that her artwork should be appreciated, as well as taking into consideration how she represents everything she has experienced through her innovative artwork.
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itsgisela · 3 years
River Rock
In my river rock, I wanted to demonstrate what I most liked. As well as symbols which represent important people in my life. An archeologist finding my river rock would decipher that the sun and flowers have something to do with life in general, since it’s part of nature. The lines which connect like lock and key represent the people I love. On the upper left corner of the rock these lines later trail towards the flowers which represent life itself. Where the sun shines on them and each time they’re exposed to new beginnings.
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In this river rock the point that is demonstrated is that of life and the different elements that make it a whole.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Museum Visit
I had chosen to go to the PĂ©rez Art Museum yesterday on Thursday, (6/3/21). I believed at first that it was free since they still had the first Thursday event, this event was paused for this year. Nonetheless, I do not regret paying for the ticket since the experience was very nice and looking at all the different artworks was refreshing. The museum has two floors, where the outside is also decorated with different statues and artistic figures. In addition to a variety of plants decorated the outside of the museum, where an interesting aspect was the tree trunks hanging from the ceiling.
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Meanwhile in the inside, there is a wide range of artworks within the first and second floor. Where they range from representational, non objective and abstract. In the first floor when you first go in, there is a section with multiple abstract pieces. While each room has it's own meaning and the artworks on the second floor tended to be mostly representational. For example, in the second room, there was a room designated to artworks about women. They focused on videos which showed perspectives on the female body, for example artist Pipilotti Rist. In addition to artworks that showcased this same idea or others on the topic of women.
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This artwork was one of the few which caught my attention and spoke to me with a message that was interesting. I chose this work of art specifically because the message the artist had for the painting is one which I believe is of importance. In addition to the bright colors used within the painting which make it pleasing to look at. The colors and several individuals shown in the painting make it one that caught my attention out of the several artworks in the first and second floor. This painting was done by Firelei Báez in 2018, it is called Untitled and is acrylic on canvas. The size of the artwork is 108.0 x 192.0 x 2.0 (inch). What can be seen in this painting is 14 women, who are all of the same race. I had also seen that it appears that two of the women seem to be looking at the one in the middle. In addition to seeing all of the small flowers painted around the bottom and sides of the canvas. Meanwhile, what I think is going on is that this painting was made to commemorate these different women. Who may be women who represent figures that are artists, singers or dancers. As well as women who are teachers and political figures of importance. The description of the painting explains that Firelei Báez did this painting to celebrate the different achievements of African American and Afro Latina women in the face of all the injustice. Thus, this painting caught my eye since it shows celebrates the achievements of a minority which tends to be overlooked by others and nonetheless their achievements must be recognized.
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This artwork, by Paul Laffoley includes Dante's Divine Comedy: II Paradiso, II Purgatorio, L'Inferno (1972-75), oil, acrylic, ink and vinyl on canvas. In this artwork, there are multiple religious references where the artist's purpose is representational. It is my favorite artwork because of all the detail which is incorporated into the painting. As well as the horoscope references in the third ring of the inner circle. I believe the artist incorporated other scientific and religious aspects to construct his own piece. As stated within the description Paul Laffoley had used these metaphysical and mystic concepts along with others with the combination of pre-modern mathematics.
To conclude, visiting a museum provides a unique experience, where the variety of artworks add to the overall significance of the art museum. Without the art, the museum would be empty and now show case anything with plain walls. The final site which I will visit is the art collection, which is why I cannot compare it to these to sites yet. Visiting Wynwood Walls was an experience I liked more than PAMM, since I preferred it since there was more freedom to enjoy the art freely. In Wynwood indoors, you can closely look at the artwork and take pictures with it without as much security in place like at PAMM. However, the experience at PAMM was much more sophisticated and the artwork was much more in quantity compared to the gallery in Wynwood Walls.
(In the final picture is Rodolfo, Alex and I in front of a Felipe Mujica piece in the museum where the room has his fabric panel artworks)
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itsgisela · 3 years
Life through a Frame
1.) Balance- a) Symmetrical
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2.) Balance b) Asymmetrical
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3.) Repetition
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4.) Variety
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6.) Rhythm
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7.) Harmony
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7.) Scale
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8.) Proportion
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9.) Emphasis
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10.) Compositional Unity
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To find pictures which demonstrated these concepts visually through a photograph, individuals have to think beyond what it looks like in front of them. Thus, this means thinking like an artist where you manipulate angles and ordinary things to propose a certain meaning or aesthetic. Beginning with the fact that most of the pictures I had taken are from inside my house, so I had to experiment a bit more to find pictures which accurately demonstrated the principals. Some of the entries illustrate the purpose better than others. For example, my favorites being asymmetrical and repetition. Since my pet bunny Tiny appears bigger than the other object as well as the object, showing it is asymmetrical. Meanwhile in the repetition photograph the color yellow is repeated, which was something coincidental I found on the kitchen counter. Overall, the decorating of the frame was something I found the most fun. I believe this idea was very creative and I enjoyed doing it and representing the different ideas.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Week Four- Three Videos Reflection (6/1/21)
Through color, artists are able to express perspectives which connect towards people. Whether this is through the color theory shown within the first video, fabric within the second video and finally through using black and white pictures yet incorporating a colored screen. In the first video, the artist had used an idea which I believed was unique. Amanda Williams had used ordinary colors to paint the houses, yet named the colors names people were connected to whether it was from a memory. In the fabric art, the fabric was done to show a bigger image or message, where all the strands seem as if they kept on extending. Meanwhile the pieces which had most resonated with me was by artist Carrie Mae Weems, she depicted African American black and white pictures to demonstrate a meaningful message to the audience by incorporating text within the image and covering it with a red screen. Overall, Carrie Mae Weems takes the regular images of individuals and amplifying it to showcase a larger message on the topics of gender and race.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Wynwood Art Walk
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Wynwood was the first site I had decided to go to, where I went with a friend who has the class as well. (Rodolfo and Alexavier had gone). It was very busy, which is expected for this site on a long weekend. There was music of all kinds playing, as well as full restaurants and people walking to all types of different places. Walking around Wynwood always brings a different experience, and it is much more different if you go on a weekend. On Sunday during Memorial it was very very busy, since it is expected due to it being a long weekend. Therefore, tourists and many people come from all over to enjoy the environment within Wynwood and observe these spectacular pieces of art. There is much commotion, however all the activity and energy seem to tie in harmony with all of the artworks. Mainly since the artwork on walls and even those inside the Wynwood Walls gallery are composed of much color. What is impressive about Wynwood is that walking through the entire space outdoors, or even within Wynwood Walls, the artwork is impressively large and full of detail. The detail for such a large range in which these pieces are done demonstrate these artists take time an immersive effort into their pieces.
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The artwork seen outdoors, including those within Wynwood Walls, most portray a specific message. These messages included local content, where it showcased presenting Wynwood itself. Meanwhile, large artworks portrayed a global message towards a change as well as important artists and figures throughout history. Experiencing artwork outdoors is a much more different experience compared to indoors, since you have the liberty of looking at the artworks much closer. Also, having the freedom to take pictures with these pieces and enjoy it freely.(As shown in the picture, I took a picture of Rodolfo posing next to an artwork outdoors). Even though observing artwork in museums or indoors is just as beautiful, there is much more restrictions in place because the artwork needs to be preserved and taken care of at a higher level compared to the graffiti and outdoor artworks present within Wynwood.
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Within Wynwood Walls, there was a gallery which you could enter. The difference between these artworks indoors and outdoors, is that those which are present indoors within the gallery specifically have a label which mentions the artist and the price at which the piece goes for. As known, these artworks range at a very high price due to the amount of detail and large size of the pieces. In addition to the recognition the artist has. Afterwards, I will compare entering this gallery experience to the De la Cruz Collection. Inside this gallery specifically had a different atmosphere compared to the art outdoors. It was much more quiet and calm, however the pieces still maintained that Wynwood characteristic of having much energy and color. As demonstrated within the first picture of the gallery indoors, where the artwork in the middle was made with colorful lights and directs the attention of many towards it. Supporting the arts in this manner where you go into galleries allows the artist to make some profit off of their work, compared to seeing it outside, specifically outdoors excluding Wynwood Walls. Individuals who enter galleries are able to see the price, and obviously the actual painting is very expensive. Nonetheless, they still support the artists by paying the general admission to enter Wynwood Walls or going into the gift shop to purchase prints.
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To conclude, the experience of walking within Wynwood was very fun. Not only because I was able to go with friends in the class, but also due to the atmosphere of the site. All of the artwork indoors and outdoors is pleasant to look at, where one of my favorites are outdoors that show the three individuals in the very tall building. It can be seen a bit to the top right, where the person's hand is shown in the mural. I am glad it was my first art visit as well as being glad I had paid the admission to see the artwork within Wynwood Walls.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Jacob Lawerence- And the Migrants Kept Coming (1940-41)
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Jacob Lawerence's work emphasizes on African American struggles as well as African American lives in general. Meanwhile, as explained in the second video most of his works feature big, tall buildings, painted to resemble the ones in New York. I chose this painting, "And the Migrants Kept Coming," since I can connect to this work. It is supposed to resemble the Great Migration, when African Americans migrated from the South towards the North. The reason as to why I connect and chose this artwork was because my parents are immigrants, thus it is a struggle my family can associate with. Just like the people within this painting who are also immigrating. Overall, there is a connection between both people wanting to find new and better opportunities for themselves.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Homage to Romare Bearden- Making a Collage
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Outside is Just as Close as it Seems
The purpose of this title is to show that our world outside is still there, but so many things have changed because of what had happened with the pandemic. Not only had it changed for myself, but for many others as well. Where things we used to be accustomed to had changed. With creating this collage, I was able to see the perspective of how Romare Bearden had done his work. However, his art was focused on showcasing events that were dear towards the African American communities. I learned that R.Bearden's work depicts the injustice African Americans had faced, as well as different values and ideals with the use of his collage art. Bearden's work demonstrated both African American life experience, as well as his own. His use of the foreground and background creates a collage which depicts a series of events or a story, mostly pertaining towards life experiences.
In this collage assignment, I had looked for pictures within the magazine that had colors that fitted to create what I had in mind. To showcase my life during the pandemic, I decided to create figures of what are mostly used now. For example one of them being a computer, which resembles online learning and how this year most if not all students have had to adapt to learning online instead of being in a classroom. The collage process involves the technique of using pieces of paper from any material whether it is photographs, in this case specifically magazines were used. Meanwhile these different cut outs are pasted on a surface to create a work of art. I had approached it by thinking of things which resembled my life currently and influenced me towards becoming the individual I am. Within my work, there are multiple references towards nature, and I decided to include this since I am very fond of the environment. As well as with the pandemic, for a large amount of time this was not an opportunity because of quarantine. Meanwhile, the person with a mask on the bottom right is supposed to resemble myself as well as every other individual that has to wear a mask in order to ensure the safety of others due to the pandemic situation. While the computer on the bottom left represents online learning, and how it has been a big part of my life at the moment. The outcome of my work was something I was surprised with, and I believe it fully portrayed the idea I had in mind. Even though I have not done as many collage pieces, I like this piece since it portrays my life and my perspective with the pandemic just how Romare Bearden portrayed his and African American experiences.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Visit Plan
For the outdoor space, I plan on going to Wynwood walls on 5/29, next Saturday.
For the collection, de la Cruz collection Friday (6/4) or Saturday on 6/5
The museum visit I plan it for the weekend as well on Sunday, 6/13. The museum visit I plan on doing virtually if there is a limit with time.
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itsgisela · 3 years
The Thankful Poor, 1894 Henry Ossawa Tanner
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Within this artwork, the first step to describe would be that there are two male individuals sitting at a table during what seems to be breakfast time. There is a lot of lighting, thus this demonstrates it was during the daytime. As well as there being food on the table and the attire these two individuals have demonstrates they are from a period that is not current. They are wearing vests, where the child is also wearing a vest despite his young age. Since the older man and child look related, it could be his grandfather due to his old age and the child being very young. For step three, what could be interpreted is that these two individuals are praying before their meal, thankful that they are able to have this meal to begin with.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Chapter Two, Pages 21-53
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Within this artwork, The Ascent of the Prophet Muhammad, is a representational piece which this specific artist was using the second role. This second role of the artist is to give visible ideas in order to form a philosophy. The meaning of this work is to portray when archangel Gabriel had guided Muhammad on his journey through the heavens. There is much detail where multiple angels can be seen within this painting. As well as what I think is going on is that these angels are leading the figure in the middle where the attention is drawn because of the gold flames. The figure in the middle being Muhammad.
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This artwork is another representational piece where the artist's role is the first role. With this first role, the purpose is to record an event. Diego Velázquez had painted this piece as portrait, where it can be seen he showed himself painting on a large canvas. Where the individuals shown are the princess along with her attendants. Meanwhile there is a painting in the back of two people and a person seen leaving the room where these people are in. The meaning of this work was to demonstrate his role as an artist. It showed an event of the artist through his own perspective.
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itsgisela · 3 years
(First Blog) Chapter 1: 'Living With Art'
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Wheel of Fortune (Vanitas)- Audrey Flack, 1977-78
This artwork by Audrey Flack is a detailed photorealism piece, where every objected painted represents an idea. What I like about this artwork is the detail placed into every object, as well as the objects representing different ideals. For example, one of the main objects being a skull, which represents the idea of death. The different colors tie together an imagery that is pleasing to look at. These several colors and detail allow the audience to look at multiple things. Meanwhile, this artwork is a representational piece. The artwork represents many things, where the artist's purpose was most likely to portray an idea that was famous at the time period. In my opinion, the story being expressed is that every object ties together to demonstrate different ideals. Through the lipstick, necklace, and mirrors it represents the idea of vanity through these items. Overall, this piece demonstrates the sense of vanity weighed with other contemporary symbols which make it a beautiful piece and one of my favorites within chapter one.
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The Starry Night- Vincent Van Gough, 1889
This famous piece, as well as being recognizable by many was one of the two artworks that is also one of my favorites. What I like about this artwork is that it has a distinct color swirl that is unique to Van Gough's artworks. The different colors come together as well as the swirls which create a beautiful piece. This artwork represents Van Gough's personal feelings, where he portrayed this village within France through his own perspective. While the story being shown in my opinion is that there is much energy where the size of the stars is much bigger, and the sun is a powerful brilliant sun. This piece is one that always catches my attention since the sky is demonstrates as waves in constant movement.
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itsgisela · 3 years
Reflection Post
First Video
Agnes Martin expresses herself through abstract art, yet it still has a meaning. She dreams of something at a small scale and later makes it larger through mathematical means. The role of this artist is to help us see the world in new and innovative ways, this is why Agnes Martin's pieces are named with names of things in our world (example: tree).
I think Martin's reasons for creating art are innovative and different, since it demonstrates a different style of art through a new style of using lines.
What I like about her artwork is that she uses something simple such as lines going up and down or side to side in order to showcase something with a true meaning. Even though, at first to most just from looking at the artwork it only looks like lines.
Agnes Martin- Fourth Role: To help us see the world in new and innovative ways.
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Second Video
William de Kooning's reasons for art were to portray the women he saw specifically in the way he saw them at first, as well as different abstract artworks.
I like that William de Kooning's artwork are pieces you have to take time looking at, since there are a lot of colors and shapes being put together to eventually resemble what he is trying to show. As shown in the video, the artwork being of women.
William de Kooning- First role: To record the world around them (In his own way of his artwork of women) and fourth role: to help us see the world in new and innovative ways.
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Third Video
Architects Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello reasons for creating art were the ones that I had most enjoyed, since they create a solution to a problem through their art. As Ronald Rael had mentioned, "Design can be defined as creating a solution to a problem through drawing."
What I like about their work is that they made several innovative ideas to be implemented into the wall border, to distract it from the actual purpose of the wall. Basically being to separate between the two countries, these architects wanted to bring together these individuals despite the actual border. Thus, they had united these individuals through their art and the design in which they made, which was turning the border wall into a teeter-totter.
The artist which I enjoyed the most were these two architects since their idea was both creative and unique. As well as creating an activity for people to enjoy personally.
Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello- Fourth Role: to help us see the world in new and innovative ways
All three of the artists in these three videos had shared the common role of helping others see the world a different way, letting the audience have a new perspective when viewing the art.
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