itsishac · 3 years
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@qs17sabrina @blakekeon @jalstonlake1-blog @glitterypatroldeputywobbler @aybanks1-blog @millerglock @arthurandabolition @pink-jadab-blog @knottjourdan99-blog @mallyakito-blog @azhanaescott-blog @jamoni-brockington-blog @adrianalphonse109-blog @amazegrace-silas-blog @adeyemi240-blog @akinfal01-blog @kennedydaiani-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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itsishac · 3 years
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@qs17sabrina @blakekeon @jalstonlake1-blog @glitterypatroldeputywobbler @aybanks1-blog @millerglock @arthurandabolition @pink-jadab-blog @knottjourdan99-blog @mallyakito-blog @azhanaescott-blog @jamoni-brockington-blog @adrianalphonse109-blog @amazegrace-silas-blog @adeyemi240-blog @akinfal01-blog @kennedydaiani-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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itsishac · 6 years
Fair Trade Organizations
The World Fair Trade Organizations’ mission is to ensure producers are paid fairly for their services. Three fair trade organizations fare Divine Chocolate, Equal Exchange, and Keurig . Equal Exchange makes sure their products are economically and environmentally sound, they build good relationships between farmers and consumers. Divine chocolate is the world’s first farm owned fair trade organization. It is based in Ghana. They make sure that the farmers receive a fair trade price and premiums and they also co-own Divine Chocolate. Keurig also partnered with Fair Trade USA to provide high quality coffee to consumers and equal pay to producers of it.
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itsishac · 6 years
Fieldwork: Social Class & Inequality
    The article I chose discusses the plans of a potential presidential candidate for 2020, Cory Booker. He proposed a bill to distribute wealth into lower income families. His plan would give $1,000 to each child in the U.S. at birth. And each year until the child turns 18, depending on the family’s income,  would receive additional deposits up to $2,000. The children would not be able to access their funds until they turn 18 years old. With the money in their account, it would only be able to be used for asset-building expenditures like a down payment on a house, college tuition payment, etc. Booker’s plan is to resolve the nation’s wealth gap. It would give opportunities to disadvantaged people in American society. People who previously wouldn’t have grown into wealth, would be given opportunities by the government.
    This article connects with Pierre Bourdieu’s class theory. Bourdieu found that class positions pass from generation to generation, and schools help to reinforce that instead of providing opportunities for social mobility. Bourdieu also discussed cultural capital, that says individuals can access resources of society based on their knowledge, behaviors, and skills learned from their family. Family wealth can provide cultural capital for children. In the article it shows that Cory Booker wants to provide opportunities for all children regardless of the families they were born into. The government would step in providing that ‘generational wealth’ to begin with. His idea would possibly level the playing field for everyone by allowing disadvantaged people access to monetary resources. This would allow families to have generational wealth flowing from generation to generation. It would possibly dismantle the cycle of lower class positions in some families as they’re able to start off with assets given to them by the government.
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itsishac · 6 years
Kinship Diagram
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The map shows:
My mother and father are currently married and had my brother,sister, and I. 
  On my mother’s side, she has one sister and two brothers. Her sister had a daughter with a man she is no longer with. Her brother had a daughter with his ex wife, they are now divorced. And her last brother had a daughter with a woman he is no longer with.     
  On my father’s side, he has two brothers and one sister. One of his brothers had a son and daughter with his now deceased wife. His other brother is currently married and they had a son and daughter together. His sister had four daughters with her now deceased husband.
What is missing in the map is my mother’s sister’s ex boyfriend who she had a son with. My mother’s brother’s ex girlfriend is also not present on the map who he had a daughter with.
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itsishac · 6 years
Indians in the U.S. Concept Map
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itsishac · 6 years
Fieldwork Assignment #6: Race & Racism
Institutional Racism
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This image represents institutional racism. In the photo, most of the inmates appear to be black.Black men make up about 40% of America's prison population, and are more likely than whites to be in prison. This is an example of institutional racism as racial inequality is structured through the prison system.
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This photo is an example of a microaggression because the person communicated a negative stereotype of the black person, in disguise of a compliment. A person who said this would of had an underlying bias against black people, causing them to exhibit the microaggression. 
Jim Crow
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  This image is an example of  Jim Crow. The Jim Crow laws called for legal segregation of whites and blacks. This is seen with the separation of the water fountains.
White Supremacy
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  This image is from a white supremacy rally. White supremacists believe that whites are biologically different and  superior over other races . In the U.S., white supremacists wish America would be purely white, and want for their race to stay elevated over others.
White Privilege 
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  This photo shows an example of white privilege. The picture represents a black woman having to work harder through obstacles to get to the same place the white man is. He doesn’t understand because he thinks it is the same process, but it isn’t. White privilege refers to the benefits and advantages white people hold in society vs nonwhites.
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This is image is an example of colonialism. It shows how different nations expanded their powers into Africa, taking control of the various countries.
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itsishac · 6 years
Race in Brazil Group assignment
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itsishac · 6 years
Fieldwork Assignment 5: The Human Family Tree
3) How does the information presented in the film challenge our system of racial classification?In your opinion, does the film challenge or reinforce stereotypes of Africa and Africans?
   The National Geographic film, The Human Family Tree, challenges our systems of racial classification. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in the United States, race is officially broken up into 5 categories: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. The film proves otherwise, that we all come from one race.
   In the film a team takes hundreds of diverse New Yorkers and traces their ancestral origins. They prove everyone is related and trace their origins back to Africa with the ‘Out of Africa’ theory. People gained differences in genes because of climate differences in the various areas humans traveled to. I found it very interesting that one of the New Yorkers, Dave Reed,who is visibly Black, turned out to have his ancestry lead to Central Asia where his people then spread out to Europe. In the end of the film he stood in the group with his most recent ancestors, the Europeans, instead of the  Africans as he previously believed he would.This challenges our system of racial classification as we usually judge by someone’s immediate family or looks. Visibly Dave is Black, so we assume his ancestry is more similar to every Black person.  It was interesting to me that two completely different looking people can be more related than we think. Even more interesting is the fact that all humans are related, belonging to one race, “The Human Race”.
   I believe this film both reinforces and challenges stereotypes of Africa. All of the images presented of Africa throughout the film reinforce stereotypes that Africans live ‘’primitive’ lifestyles. There were no modern images of Africa shown in the film. In most of the videos referencing Africa,  they showed people barely clothed surrounded by land. It reinforces stereotypes that there is lack of development, infrastructure, technology, and poverty among Africans. It reinforces it to people that have only seen those images and ideas portrayed of Africa in their life. The information in the film may also challenges racial stereotypes of Africa , where racists view Africans and descendants of Africans as subhumans. Their beliefs are contradicted as everyone originated from Africa.
  The film “The Human Family Tree” shows how humans ancestral footsteps lead to Africa. It gives background on how Africans migrated to different parts of the world, and the climate changes altered their appearance. The information presented in the film challenges systems of racial classification and stereotypes of Africa, while also reinforcing it.
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itsishac · 6 years
Fieldwork Assignment:Ch. 4-
I observed several gestures over the day.
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This gesture was used by a professor during class saying “What is it?” 
Both hands were raised to the side as shown in the image . This gesture often means “What?”
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As shown in the image above, a girl’s hand is raised straight up. In a class while a professor was taking attendance, a girl’s name was called and she raised their hand the same way signifying she was present.
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I was talking to a friend and asked them where a place was. Without speaking, they shrugged their shoulders and raised their hands upward. I understood from this gesture they were saying “I don’t know”.
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The way this gesture was used was when a friend wanted to know if I was referring to them in conversation. He said “Who me?” pointing to himself just as the image shows.
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This gesture is used when you want someone to be quiet. It is often accompanied by the “shh” sound. In the elevator when a girl was speaking to loud about a story that happened, her friend turned to her with her finger pressed to her lip, signaling her to be quiet.
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During a lecture, my professor often pointed his finger to certain words/phrases on the board as he spoke. Looking at the gesture, I understood that he wanted us to look at what he pointed to and “pay special attention” to it or that what he was discussing tied into that , that he pointed to. This gesture is often used to draw someone’s attention to something.
All of the gestures I observed over the day communicated ideas and meanings  nonverbally. Because I grew up with the cultural norms, symbols, and language of America, I automatically understood the messages being conveyed by the movements. The gestures symbolizing “what?”, “here”, “me”, “be quiet”, and “pay attention to this” are all generally recognized the same way by people socialized in American culture.
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itsishac · 6 years
Fieldwork Assignment 3
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    For my fieldwork assignment I chose the Marc train heading to Washington from Baltimore. I chose this because I needed to go home for the weekend and decided to try riding a train for the first time. The first time I visited was Saturday, September 16, at 6:35pm. The first thing I noticed was the train was packed with people. The racial makeup there was mostly Black and White, predominantly Black. Coming in, the chairs were half filled mostly with one person in the window seat, and an empty seat beside them. I noticed there were small steps going up to enter a different section with sitting areas. Everyone walking in front of me headed up stairs , it seemed most of them also chose seats by the window. No one sat in an empty seat beside a stranger. I followed along and chose my own vacant seat by the window. I saw all kinds of people. I saw males and females, elderly people, middle aged people, and college aged students like me. The boy adjacent to me wore relaxed clothing: a t shirt, loose shorts, and ‘boat shoes’. He held a notebook on his lap. For most of the trip, he read through his notebook, jotting down things occasionally. The lady in front of me slept against the window peacefully. In the back, a group of people spoke loudly the entire train ride , laughing and making jokes with each other. I noticed that the train had a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere, less hectic than I thought it would be.  My second visit was Sunday, September 17, at 5:00 pm. This time my observations were pretty much the same except I noticed less people were on the train than the day before.
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itsishac · 6 years
Fieldwork Assignment 2: Culture of Consumerism
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itsishac · 6 years
Class activity from earlier today
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itsishac · 6 years
Fieldwork #1 Picture
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Completed the work on time but I realized I forgot to add the picture of the fire tv stick.
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itsishac · 6 years
Fieldwork Assignment #1: Amazon Fire TV Stick
What are they?
The Fire TV Stick is a media streaming device made by Amazon, that connects to your TV with an HDMI cable, and allows you to browse thousands of movies ,TV shows, and media content via internet connection.
What are they made of?
The Fire TV Sticks comes with the actual Fire TV Stick HDMI device, a remote with “Alexa” voice control, a power adapter, and an HDMI extender cable. Inside the device, there are various apps like Amazon Prime,Netflix,Hulu, Youtube, where you can watch thousands of media content.
Who made it and where is it made?
This product is manufactured by Hon Hai Precision Industry, also known as Foxxconn, located in China.
What is its impact?
A positive impact this device has is that it allows many people around the world to watch TV programs and media content on their televisions without actually having to subscribe to cable. This product positively impacts my life as a college student because I can simply plug it into my TV and be able to watch all of the programs that I liked viewing back home.
A negative impact is the effect the products’ manufacturing company has on its workers’ lives. According to New York Post, Hon Hai Precision Industry is “the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer and employs more than a million people. “. Many of their workers are treated very poorly though. It has been reported by New York’s China Labor Watch, that the manufacturer offers low wages, excessive hours, insufficient training, and an abundance of dispatch workers. Their temporary workers were underpaid and overworked, working over 100 hours of overtime a month during peak season vs the 36 hours permitted by Chinese law. The temporary workers were also paid the same amount of $2.26 an hour, whether they worked regular or overtime. After identifying issues with the plant, Amazon said in a statement, “We immediately requested a corrective action plan from Foxconn,” and they are “committed to ensuring that these issues are resolved.”
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itsishac · 6 years
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1.Time Space Compression
An example of time space compression is Youtube. Youtube has provided a way for people all over the world to communicate ideas and experiences through videos. Specifically with travel vlog videos , viewers can see and experience numerous locations that the Youtuber did, all while sitting in front of their computer or phone screens. This minimizes the time and distance it would usually take for someone to see those places.
2. Flexible Accumulation
This photo shows one of Nike’s factories in China. This is an example of flexible accumulation because Nike, founded in the U.S., hosts most of their production facilities outside of the U.S. for low production costs. The factories are mostly located in Asian countries as they’re able to maximize profits that way.
3. Increasing Migration
An example of increasing migration is the UK. Increasing migration is “the accelerated movement of people both within countries and between countries”. The UK has been experiencing an influx of migrants. According to The Migration Observatory, 55% of the UK’s population increase between 1991 and 2016 was due to the direct contribution of net migration.
4.Uneven Development
This picture represents uneven development. Although many countries are growing richer, many countries are still poor and do not enjoy the benefits of globalization. In countries like this, most of the population do not have access to the resources that those do in first world countries.
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itsishac · 6 years
My name is Isha Conteh. I’m from Prince George’s County, Maryland. I’m a computer science major and I find anthropology interesting so I’m excited to learn about it. 
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