itsjedavila-blog · 6 years
She, a woman, a daughter, a sister, a mom, my mom, our mom. Our mom who took care of us inside her tummy for nine months, and still taking care of the three of us. Life without her is like a black and white picture, even if you painted a very wide smile on that lips of yours, the picture will always be the same, no other color than black and white. Mommy, thought me a lot of lessons in life, she always scolds me, not for me to hate her but for me to learn. She is always my number one supporter in anything, makes time to take care of us even if she is so busy with work, if possible, she never leaves us when we’re sick, finds way to make us have the best things and loves us unconditionally.
She may not be the perfect, but for us, she is the best MOM among the rest.
This I may not often say, I LOVE YOU MOMMY! Thank you for being the best Mom we’ve ever had.
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itsjedavila-blog · 6 years
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A boy named Auggie is a kid with a face deformity due to his genetic abnormality. He got it because his parents has this some sort of gene that has abnormalities. He have undergone twenty seven surgeries just to make him breath without support, hear without hearing-aid, to see, and live without machines attached to his body, in short, these surgeries made him live, but it also made his face deformed. He lived happily with his family, and he is also home schooled by his mom. I can say that he has a cool family, they are actually an epitome of an ideal family, a perfect one. Then one day, his mom decided to enrol him in a school, for him to adjust and go out to the real world as him. But he did not like the idea of it, because he is not used to it. The day came when he will have his first sight to a school, he met Mr. Tushman the head of the school. After some time, Mr. Tushman heard some kids arrive, and these kids were the ones whom he asked to take Auggie around the school, and they are Jack Will, Charlotte and Julian. As they were tasked, they toured Auggie to the school cafeteria, their homeroom and even the laboratory. While on the tour, Charlotte keeps on talking about her summer, Julian is the one whose naming the places they went and Jack was just quiet the whole time, not until Julian asked rude questions and tell nonsense statements.  After the tour they went home, and talked about the tour on dinner, that’s when Auggie decided that he want to go to school. Then the school days came, his first day at school started like a blast, his family walked him to school and gave him advices for him to remember the whole day or the whole duration of school year. The first day went well but not until bullies teased him as expected. He got home and not talked to anyone about his day until he just burst his feelings, and made his way to his room. His parents followed him, leaving Via on the table. They consoled him and made him say how his day went. On the other side, Via, his sister, the most understanding girl in the world. Her best friend Miranda two weeks ago just showed in the first day and just acted cold towards her all of a sudden. Surely Via had a bad first day of the school not until she met Justin. As his dad entered her room, he asked hoe her first day was and bid his goodnight. She peaked at her brother’s room and saw her mom sleeping with her brother. “Your house is like the earth, it revolved around the son, and not the daughter.” Her best friend Miranda used to joke at their house. After which, back at Auggie’s school, the school went well as always, especially in science class, wherein had a pop quiz and Auggie helped Jack get through it. After being close with Jack, Halloween came fast approaching. Auggie decided to wear ghost face because Daisy threw up on his supposed to be costume.  Their mom made a deal with her sister a movie day. And the halloween came, he walked with his head up high not until he heard something that ruined his mood. After that he threw up at school that made Mr. Tushman call his mom and ruin the movie date with his sister. After he came home, his sister talked to him to go treat or treating, but they got a little quarrel because of what Jack Will said and as a good sister she made Auggie change his mind and went treat or treating. After Halloween, they resumed classes, again. Their life went by the flow until Christmas. But not went well with Auggie and Jack, they did not talk to each other. That’s the time he admitted that he want to befriend with Auggie, not because Mr. Tushman and his mom asked him to do, but he really wanted to. Then Summer got befriended with him, and his sister got her friend or boyfriend home and told him she is not the only child and let him meet her family. The Christmas came, and Miranda called Auggie. Via and Justine celebrated new year together. Then classes resumed, Jack and Auggie are still not in good terms. Then Summer told Jack the word “ghost face”, that’s the time he realized that Auggie was there when he said that Mr. Tushman told him to befriend with Auggie. He even got involved into a fight with Julian because he called Auggie a freak. And then, Auggie’s family knew about Via’s play and got them into a little quarrel, then Daisy went suddenly quiet and only she can whimper. They rushed Daisy to the vet, but both of their parents came home without Daisy and they mourned for Daisy’s death. And then, the days passed, Jack and Auggie started to talk again, Via’s play approached and they went to watch. Miranda found out that her best friend’s family was there and made an excuse for Via to be the lead actress for the play since she knows all of the lines. The play went well, they all enjoyed the show. After which, they went home, and they saw a big box, which happens Auggie and Jack’s science project who won the first price. The bullies went on bullying Auggie, but solved it with the help of Mr. Tushman, made Julian call his parents and transfer school. They had fun at a nature park and went on an adventure, had trouble and made many friends. As they resume classes, they were ready to take the higher level of their lives, they graduated prep and Auggie got an award.
 The life lesson that is learned in the movie is that, no matter how weak you are, you always have the strength, the heart and the braveness in you.
The most powerful part of the story was when Auggie received the award, because after all that happened he deserve to be known for his braveness, strength and being him.
My favourite character was Jack Will, aside from being cute, he showed me that real friends are to keep, not to take them for granted.
The time when Auggie entered school, I felt the same, nervousness, excitement, shyness and fear mixed up together.
If I had a chance to ask a character, I would like to ask Via, how can you so understanding despite that your family has most of their attention was on your brother?
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itsjedavila-blog · 6 years
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It is a story wherein there was an institution who are taking care of youths that are troubled. Grace, a young counsellor is trying to do her best to keep the youths out of danger who often have been pulled from the worst kinds of home situation. Nate, a new guy who is fresh grad and wanted to have experience in taking care of such youths. Mason, Grace’s boyfriend is also in the team, he helps them especially when a kid wants to run away from the house. Jaden, a youth that has been transferred to the facility recently caught Grace’s attention especially when she arrived and hoped that her dad would fetch her immediately in the facility after a few days. Marcus, and 18 year old boy whom got to be going out the facility but he doesn’t want to. Grace got pregnant and asked to marry Mason when things in the facility got messed up, as a team leader she needs to take care of everything, but Jaden came into her life, a gifted, tough but frail girl who suffers self-harm disorder made her realize that she must deal with her pretty messed up life. Grace can see herself to Jaden especially when Jaden opened up that her father hurts her, and that’s the same situation she has been when she was a youth. Bur in the end, Grace dealt with everything, saved Jaden from her father and got her life organized. In the end, Jaden told her that she will be a good mother to her child.
 The lesson that I’ve learned is that, people that are hurt the most are the wisest, but it depends on how you make the most of it.
The most powerful part is when Jaden and Grace found a friend in each other, because friends can be family.
The time when Jaden run away from the facility. There was a time that I just want to run away from all of my problems, but there will always be someone who will stop you from doing it and will stay by your side until you finished what you have to do.
I would like to ask Nate if how was it dealing with those kids for the first time?
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itsjedavila-blog · 6 years
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In 1986, Saroo a five-year-old lives in a poor but happy family in Khandwa, India. As a little boy, Saroo is so curious to many things, especially in terms of working to have money to buy for their needs. One night, he saw his brother preparing to go to his work at night, then he insisted to go with his brother, Guddu. They rode a bicycle and train to reach Guddu’s place if night work. And as a child, Saroo fell asleep and when they reached their destination and he doesn’t want to be disturbed from his sleep anymore. And when he woke up in the middle of the night, he tried to search for Guddu, and even entered an empty train wherein Saroo eventually fallen asleep because of exhaustion from finding his brother. At the time he woke up, he found himself inside a moving train that has taken him away from his home, he then arrived in Calcutta, which is 1600 kilometers east of Khandwa. As he got off the train, an unfamiliar place welcome him with unfamiliar people and language they speak. Saroo was lost, he experienced stealing food from the shrines, nearly got sold, reported to the authorities, went on an orphanage and got adopted.
He was adopted be an Australian couple and took him to Hobart, Tasmania. After a year, they adopted another child whose name is Mantosh. He is like a rebellious one, who hits himself when he is throwing tantrums, but Saroo loves him as his own brother. However, for all his material good fortune, Sarro finds himself triggered by his memories from the past when they attended a party made by his Indian friend. After that incident, he started to search for things that can be connected to his hometown. While starting to reconnect with his past, he is also starting to slip off with his girlfriend and family without knowing, and hiding his search to his foster family is the reason. And after some time, he admitted that he is searching for his true family to his foster parents, the that is the time he realized that they are not mad of he’s done, instead, they supported him on what he wants.
After finding his hometown, he went home to finally meet his biological mother, sister and brother. And when he got there, he went to their old house but he found animals, not his family. Then there was a man who knows how to speak English and talked to him, then the man lead the way where he finally found his mother and sister but not his brother, because little did he know that his brother died because he was hit by a train not far from the platform by the time Saroo entered the empty train that night.
Saroo also found that he was mispronouncing his name. He was “Sheru” meaning, “LION”.
 The lesson that can be learned in the movie is that, no matter how far you can go away from home, you will always find a way to go back.
For me, the most powerful scene in the movie is when Saroo got adopted. Because at last after his hardship of being lost, there will be someone to guide, take care, and love him even if he is away from home. And the emotion in the movie is like experiencing how to be in cloud nine because of how excited and happy he was.
My favourite character in the movie is Saroo himself, because even if he is young, he is strong, smart, mindful and brave. He truly symbolizes his name, he is a Lion.
The scene where Saroo got lost reminds me of the time when I was lost too, not literally but mentally lost, that was the time that I could not think straight anymore, I was spacing out most of the time and doesn’t even know what to do.
If given a chance, I would like to ask Saroo if how is it to be alone? Alone like, you are not depending to anyone, how was the feeling? And how did you surpass the challenges that you have faced?
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itsjedavila-blog · 6 years
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I choose this tech to be my favourite one because, there will be no working gadget in this world for not this guy here. We might have some gadgets that are not chargeable these days, but most of what gadgets we are using right now needs a charger.
Charger is a very fascinating type of tech, without charger our techs would probably useless especially if they use rechargeable batteries, even if they don’t, imagine that we will be using only batteries, after their powers will be drained we will just throw them to the garbage, then there will be too much waste that are also harmful to the environment. At least when we will use charger, we will have less waste, less time to buy, more money to keep and less time for worrying that you might ran out of power in your batteries.
But there will be ethics in using chargers: avoid overcharging; don’t fold your charger wires often; use the original charger for better charging; if you use alternative chargers, might as well check their compatibility; and, DO NOT LOSE YOUR CHARGER.
Techs are known to assist us for living, but CHARGERS assists them to function for us. SAVE CHARGERS, SAVE THE EARTH.
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itsjedavila-blog · 6 years
Hi there! I really am new to this, creating my very first ever blog, experiencing blog posting, exploring the internet deeper and being a newbie to everything around me. To start with, Hi guys! My name is Jed Naziel P. Avila a seventeen year-old student from St. Paul University Philippines. I think I am a socially awkward person except for my friends and the ones whom I’ve already befriended from school or somewhere. But of course, I have this character wherein talking to strangers sounds fun, sometimes I engage myself in sites where I can talk to strangers and sometimes ending up being friends with them. Socializing is fun, but it is not my thing, I guess. I grew up having both of my grandparents by my side, only them, and few playmates were the ones whom I always talk to, and that may be the reason why I’m shy to even say “hi” or “hello” to people or classmates. But once I get to know them, I’m going to start showing my true colours, like being loud, jolly, playful and sometimes dramatic.
When it comes to social media, I am only active in some common sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Mostly, messenger is the one I really use, especially for communication purposes regarding requirements and almost everything in school and family. I also love listening to music, mostly, the not so old ones. And I am hoping to find courage in playing instruments, because I am dying to play any kind of instrument right now, but I know it takes time. Potter you say? Oh my gosh! I might just hug you if you do, because I love Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Spells, Wands and EVERYTHING regarding J.K Rowling’s Masterpiece, HARRY POTTER. I started to love Harry Potter because of my cousin, he introduced me to HP’s world when I was in grade 9, and then I got hooked up by its magical world, the plot of the story, its scenarios and everything. By means of symbol, my favourites are the “moon” and “mustache”, why? I don’t really know, I just find them cute. And maybe because the moon seems to be the one who gives light to man’s every night, as darkness invades, its light shines brighter and gives people hope when they seem to be at their dark times. And about mustache, it symbolizes that the ups and downs that are joined together can be beautiful, just like the mustache, there will be no cool figure like it if there will be no ups and downs.
As you have observed in this blog, all I have said were my favourites, and just a gist in my character. This is the way I know to introduce myself to this blogging community, it may seem unusual, because of some information I have shared, but that is the way I introduce myself so, yeah. I hope you liked it and see you in my next blogs!! Have a great day everyone!! Again, Jed Naziel Avila, signing in!  
  Ten years from now, I can’t actually myself and that is because I don’t do time travelling. But, I can sense that ten years from now, I will be a medical technologist working in a hospital, serving people and doing great. I will still be earning money to be able to help my siblings in their education and payback to my parent’s hard work when they sent me to school and helped me get over it. Ten years from now, is really hard to predict but I have goals, and I will work hard to reach them, such as having my own house, travelling and more. I can say that my learning in SPUP is vital to where I am leading to because SPUP was the one who had the greatest impact in moulding me as a person, an upright, confident and tough yet soft, understanding and God’s servant.
Choosing STEM strand was the best, because it is where my aspired course was aligned and it gives me knowledge in the process of approaching my future course.
I will take up Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. Because it has always been my dream when I was a kid to become one, to help people, to stay in a laboratory doing what they are tasked to do and it is because I wanted to follow the steps of my family when it come to the medical field, they’ve always been my inspiration through this journey to my dreams, I always wanted to be one of them someday.
For the subject Empowerment Technologies, I want to learn almost everything about it, because I also find technology interesting aside from learning medics and stuffs. I want to learn more in video editing and I always wanted to know how to hack sites (even though I know it’s bad, but not that bad).
It’s AMA time! Yey! Hi sir, I just want to ask if what is the most fun thing you’ve ever done in your whole existence as a member of your organization?
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