itslikelypolitics · 6 years
Remember today when you see 100+ articles about how ‘civil’ and ‘noble’ H.W. Bush was that today is World AIDS Day. That 100,000 people, many LGBT+ individuals, especially gay men, died under his and Reagan’s watch. That he banned HIV+ people from entering the US, reduced research funding, and prevented educators from speaking about safe sex in favor of abstinence only education.
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
Hello everyone! So i decided to make another wish list to help out with my podcasts/future documentaries. I need a mic with better quality so that’s what’s on the wishlist!  Here is the link! If you can buy something I’d be grateful (and i hope you enjoy my podcasts!)
And if you can’t buy anything but have some spare change to donate, here is my paypal/cash.app (i’d be using this money to save up for the mic and food!)
Thank you! (also reblogs totally help!)
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
Article 13 is in it final stages and all you that were hyping up net neutrality need that same energy now cause this will fucking kill the internet not just for EU but for the world because you honestly cannot count the about of content creators based in the EU that will potentially just be wiped out!!!!!
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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I support and adore my transgender friends and family. Today as we remember the lives taken in hate and violence, I commit to being a place of safety, a listening ear, and a source of unconditional acceptance for all of the beautiful transgender people in my life.
To that end, I also maintain a public commitment to tolerate zero transphobia on my Facebook or any other social media. I don’t care what our relationship is, discrimination and harmful “opinions“ about the valid experiences of transgender individuals will get you an immediate block.
The lives and the safety of the transgender people I love are more important to me than the comfort of those who would dehumanize them.
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
It’s absolutely critical to acknowledge that Texas didn’t just Almost Swing Blue out of nowhere, it was with a progressive Democratic candidate who spent the TIME to campaign and energize voters. I will always have criticisms of democrats and frankly the electoral system in general but I really feel like Beto did this in the best way that he could and it WORKED. Even if he didn’t win, he established a huge blue voter base in a state where voting democrat has felt pointless for years. It’s actually kind of cool.
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
watchin college edcuated democrats go on about how “dumb and uneducated” people from the south/rural areas are is just so..it’s really something. Idk how many times it has to be said that alienating voting bases isn’t a good thing but…here they are…every election….doing the same dance 
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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if u weren’t aware of salvation army’s homophobia, its prety hardcore
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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and yet the world is silent…
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
“The name Hitler does not offend a black South African because Hitler is not the worst thing a black South African can imagine. Every country thinks their history is the most important, and that’s especially true in the West. But if black South Africans could go back in time and kill one person, Cecil Rhodes would come up before Hitler. If people in the Congo could go back in time and kill one person, Belgium’s King Leopold would come way before Hitler. If Native Americans could go back in time and kill one person, it would probably be Christopher Columbus or Andrew Jackson. I often meet people in the West who insist that the Holocaust was the worst atrocity in human history, without question. Yes, it was horrific. But I often wonder, with African atrocities like in the Congo, how horrific were they? The thing Africans don’t have that Jewish people do have is documentation. The Nazis kept meticulous records, took pictures, made films. And that’s really what it comes down to. Holocaust victims count because Hitler counted them. Six million people killed. We can all look at that number and be rightly horrified. But when you read through the history of atrocities against Africans, there are no numbers, only guesses. It’s harder to be horrified by a guess. When Portugal and Belgium were plundering Angola and the Congo, they weren’t counting the black people they slaughtered. How many black people died harvesting rubber in the Congo? In the gold and diamond mines of the Transvaal? So in Europe and America, yes, Hitler is the Greatest Madman in History. In Africa he’s just another strongman from the history books.”
— Trevor Noah, Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood (via christymtidwell)
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
this is an england hate blog
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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I’m living for the self-love and positivity in the #tallgirltwitter tag
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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How much each vote actually counts for in US presidential elections.
Keep reading
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itslikelypolitics · 6 years
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What Really Happened in the Congo: Belgium’s ‘Heart of Darkness’
Leopold famously said when he was forced to hand over the Congo Free State to the Belgian nation: “I will give them my Congo but they have no right to know what I have done there,” and proceeded to burn archives.
Did y’all know about this?
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