079: How To Have Consistent Successful Launches With A Small Audience
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  ✨ FREE CLASS: How To Know What Tasks To Focus In Your Business (Without Working 24/7) ✨
Catch up on some related episodes:
The secret formula to creating content that sells
How to get the most out of your content (and sell without selling)
How to create less content with more impact
Today’s talking point:
Would you love to know how to have multiple successful launches with a small audience? Would you love to know how to monetise a small audience? Whether you are just getting started with an online business or you've been at this for a while, if you:
Have a small audience 
Haven't paid attention to your social media in a while
Have been putting loads of effort in and nothing seems to be working 
This is for you. We are going to go over exactly how to make money and how to actually sell your products, programs, and services.
back to the basics
I learnt about online marketing and business in an agency setting. I learnt it from people who had been doing this for years.. basically since the internet was a thing. I learned the basics:
Building value
Building relationships
Understanding the psychology behind what actually makes someone want to buy something from you
I am not about this whole new societal pressure to be super popular and super famous. Sometimes I listen to the Instagram experts or the Pinterest experts, and they're talking about how they're spending four or five hours every single day analysing hashtags or commenting on people's posts and that's how they're blowing up their Instagram. That is just not sustainable for the everyday entrepreneur and business owner.
I look at what is actually going to be the most effective strategy for me to grow my business online for the long-term. I don't really care about being popular and about being famous. I want to be doing business, not just today, or in five years, but for life. I am in this for the long haul.
There are way more effective ways of growing and monetising your brand, that don't involve spending 24 hours a day chained to your desk, hyper focusing on trying to get as many likes and comments and followers as you can; because, you just can't take those to the bank. Yes, they're important. And yes, it's great to build a brand and build awareness and build relationships, but it doesn't mean that you have to spend hours upon hours a day working on Instagram.
So how CAN you have consistent successful launches with a small audience? Let’s get into it.
#1 | Have The Right Offer
You need to have an offer that people care about. Whether it's a product or service or program, you have to be providing something that your audience actually is looking for.
From the words of Seth Godin, people do not buy goods and services, they buy relationships. This means that it's so important to understand why people make a purchasing decision. They make a purchasing decision based on emotions, they don't buy based on rationale or logic. 
People buy things based on emotion and justify those purchases with logic. So if you build a quality audience, even if it's just 500 followers on Instagram, if you build a relationship with them and give value, they're going to be inclined to say yes when you have something to sell. That's the entire premise of monetising a small audience. It's attracting people that actually care about what you have to offer that will actually pay for your goods and services, instead of just people who are there to entertain themselves, but never really buy into your message.
I know it sounds basic, but basic really isn't basic unless you don't do it. If you get your foundation nailed down, you will understand how to sell in any economy, you'll know how to sell in any platform in any environment. To attract a quality audience you need to get clear on your message (and share what they actually want to hear).
Reverse engineer the sale and ask yourself:
How do I get people to respond to me and buy into me as a service provider? 
How do I position my knowledge? 
How much do they want to pay? 
What are the challenges, what are things that they are struggling with?
How can I prove to them that I can actually get them that result? 
Whatever you need to do, getting to know your ideal customer is really going to be the source and the secret sauce to selling with a small audience. When you can prove to a group of people that you understand them and have the solution to their problem, it's going to be so much easier to sell because it's the right offer for them.
So right now, I want you to pull out a pen and a piece of paper and answer three questions:
What is my offer?
Who is actually going to buy this product? 
How can I create content around those challenges? 
Remember that online marketing and being a brand online is all about sharing value. It's all about sharing your expertise.
#2 | Get To Know Your Audience
You've got to get to know your people. Really set out some time and energy into getting to know your audience:
Jump on a call
Talk to them in real life
Get a lot of conversations going on your social channels so that you can understand their pain points, challenges, and any obstacles they’re facing.
Create solutions around those things.
#3 | Create Strategies
Now that you have clearly laid out what your product is, who is going to be the ideal fit for that product, and what kind of content you can create that attracts those people, we are going to move into the next step. Create two different kinds of strategies. 
Long-term Strategy
Most of us know what the long term strategy is: Show up every single week. It’s a non-negotiable. Whether that is having a podcast episode, or a video that goes out every single week on YouTube, or an Instagram Live once or twice a week, I just want you to show up and commit to doing it at least once a week.
Create content straight out of the questions, the challenges, the obstacles that your ideal customer faces. I know it sounds crazy simple, but really, you're just being a good social media manager, a good marketer, a good business owner. You are listening to your people, you are doing more of what works and less of what doesn't. There isn't a magical secret, it’s simple. 
You listen to people and you create content around things that they care about. If you do that, you will always be in business. 
This principle applies your products, programs and services too. When you have offers that people want to buy, you will be in business forever. If you continue to innovate, if you continue to give people what they actually need, and what they actually want, you are set. It doesn't matter how the climate changes, it doesn't matter what the algorithms do, it doesn't matter how the economy shifts, you will always have the know-how to pivot, to make changes to adjust, to innovate, to continue pushing the needle forward. 
Keep changing, keep listening, keep adjusting. 
Short-term strategy
How are you going to monetise right now? What does that look like? The first thing you normally hear is: you need to build a funnel. I know when we hear the word funnel, we instantly freeze. But really all a funnel is, is a customer journey. It's a selling system. It's an intentional way of bringing a follower through the process of becoming a lead and then becoming a customer. 
This can happen via your email list, straight on social media, on your website, your blog, or even your physical store. It is really important that we look at this whole concept of a funnel as a way to move people to the next step in the relationship - becoming a buyer. There are four stages of a customer's journey: 
Discovery: When they get to know who the heck your brand is. 
Consumption: They are looking at your content, they are getting to know you,  and you're building a relationship with them. 
Acquisition: They have said yes to pay for your service, your product or your program.
Ascension: When they purchase from you a second time, or if they become a super-fan and they share your stuff with everyone. They are just so excited about your brand. 
You don't necessarily need a fully-fledged funnel right off the bat; you want a funnel because that will allow you to create evergreen sales day in and day out without you having to do a full launch. But when you're just getting started and you want to monetise right now, start by talking about your product or your service. Do it more often than you think you need to. 
So often we think that people who follow us immediately know everything about us, that they know you because they follow your brand. It’s just not the case. People are busy. They have lives of their own. They are not paying attention to every single thing that you do until they are super-fans, and most of your audience is in the discovery or the consumption phase. So with that in mind, you just want to talk more about what the heck you do.
#4 | Get More Intentional
Now let's get into a bit more of an intentional strategy, really create a systematic way of bringing people into your world so that they can purchase from you. You could do this in two different ways: 
Build a baby funnel, a really small, simple funnel.
Whether it's on your website or a standalone service, have a page where you can send people to, and they can actually give you their money online. 
It's not about the tools that you have, it's just about the strategy. 
Take the lead magnet approach. 
Create an incentive for people to give you their information so that you can follow up.
Create a checklist, a toolkit, a webinar, some kind of masterclass, any discount incentive, something of value that people would be willing to get in exchange for further information. 
And again, it's still an art, there isn't a science to how you communicate, you have to find your own style. But this is just a basic strategy to get the ball rolling, to inject some cash flow into your business. 
In order to monetise a small audience, you don't need to have anything fancy. You've just got to implement basic business principles that will serve you at any size.
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Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/2Ib8dl5 via IFTTT
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078: 12 Simple Habits That Will Allow You To Have It All (For REAL)
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  ✨ FREE CLASS: How To Know What Tasks To Focus In Your Business (Without Working 24/7) ✨
Catch up on some related episodes:
This is the ultimate guide to choosing the best lead magnet for your audience
Today’s talking point:
I recently went down a time rabbit hole that brought me all the way back to 2013. I lived at my parents, had just started my blog and was working on my Master’s degree from dawn to dusk. I was hustling until 12am to get a blog post out that would get 10 views.
Fast-forward to now, I get over 100,000 page views on my blog every single month, and my business is more sustainable than ever. It puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? 
But here’s the interesting thing: I felt just as happy, rich and successful back in 2013 as I do today.
So, the question is why? It’s because money can buy you things. It can buy you freedom and you might be thinking that money can buy you happiness. Money can allow you to buy things that make you happy, but money itself doesn't make you a happy person. So how did I build a successful sustainable business before I was 30, that made me truly happy?
The Secret To Success
I didn't wake up every day at 5am. I didn't read a book a day. And I definitely did not meditate every day. 
I know “all the successful people meditate.” There are a bunch of videos on this topic, a lot of them say:
You need to meditate every day 
You need to wake up at 5am 
You need to be constantly reading all day every day
But here's the thing. These are great habits of people who are already rich, but if you are trying to get rich and you're trying to make money and build your business, you just need to develop some very simple habits that will help you get there. So today, I still don't meditate. I wake up pretty early, but not 5am early. I do read more because I have created the freedom to be able to do that.
There is so much more to it. So in this episode, I am going to share with you 12 simple habits that you can do right now to get rich, because if all it took was to wake up early, meditate, and read every day, wouldn't we all be rich? Let's get into some real habits that are actually going to help you.  
Before we dive in, I just want to clarify this: I don't just mean rich in terms of how much money you have. To me, rich means so much more than just money, it means having a rich and full life. These habits that I have employed have allowed me to feel rich, successful and happy, no matter how much money I have in the bank, and they will do the same for you.
#1 | Do The Math
You have to do the math. If I were to ask you right now, how much money do you need to feel rich… what would you say?  Take it from someone who has generated multiple 10k months, it hasn't really changed me as a person. Like I said, I am just as happy today as I was before. 
The number that I need to feel rich today, I didn't need back then in 2013, when I started my business. It's whatever amount you know is going to change your life. So do the math and design your life. Let's break it down into categories.
Rent or mortgage 
Household utility bills
Other payments and any little extras
Let's just throw some numbers in here just for fun. I'm going to be pretty generous with this here, just to illustrate a point. 
Rent or mortgage: £10,000/mo
Food: £2,000/mo
Household utility bills: £1,000/mo
Transportation: £1,000/mo
Insurance & other payments: £5,000/mo
Any little extras: £5,000/mo
Savings: £5,000/mo
To live a luxurious life like this, it would cost £340,000 per year, which is less than half of £1 million. £1 million is what most people say they want when they want to be rich. That's the whole point of doing this exercise. Put your total per month of what your dream life would cost you,  because it's probably a lot less than what you think you actually need. 
When you actually know the numbers of what your dream life would cost you, it becomes tangible. It becomes something that you can actually work towards and that is how I have worked my way up to where I am today in my business.
#2 | Have Gratitude
The second simple habit that will make you rich, happy and successful, is gratitude. I'm sure you've heard this before. When you are grateful for what you have, you spend less on what you don't need. When you spend less, you can keep more of your money, and you can invest into things that will actually bring you joy. 
What's also important is finding gratitude in failures and things that don't turn out right, and to see it as a gift and a lesson that allows you to bounce back a lot faster. Gratitude helps your momentum and it allows you to build a lot faster, to get towards these big goals that you want to achieve. 
You just can't be angry, you can't be upset, you can't be mad if you are grateful. So at the same time, gratitude immediately is an adjustment for your brain. Every morning and every night, I write down at least three things I am grateful for. They can be as simple as: 
I am grateful to be alive.
I am grateful that I am healthy. 
I am grateful that I have a roof over my head.
I am grateful that I have access to WiFi. 
I'm grateful that I have technology at my fingertips. 
I'm grateful that I have an amazing community. 
I am grateful that I made a sale today.
There is so much to be grateful for that you can usually write down way more than three things. But that is a really great place to start because it rewires your brain for more success.
#3 | Set Aside Time to Learn
When I am not growing or learning something new, I get really bored. Then when I get bored, I get kind of sad, and a bit lonely and anxious. So when you are not confident, you can't really be happy. And when you're not happy, you can't really be successful. All of these things are intertwined together. 
So the thing about learning time is you have to make the time to block it out. I try and set aside at least 20 minutes a day where I can read a couple of pages of a new book or listen to a podcast or check out a new YouTube video that's going to inspire me.
It's about taking information and learning from things and people that make you feel good because when you feel good, you do good. Then you can show up as a much better version of yourself to attract more abundance and attract more success into your life. 
#4 | Social Media Limits
There are 1001 studies out there about why social media is detrimental to your mental health. But let's face it, we all use it. So how do we use it to ensure that it doesn't make us miserable? Well, I make sure that I set time aside to go on social media, because when I have an intention to be there, I create more than I consume. 
I actually set aside time to be on my phone, as opposed to setting aside time to be off my phone. I used to think that I needed to take breaks from my phone, but it's about being more intentional about things. Nobody's perfect, you may still find yourself in the mindless Instagram scroll; but if you can think about it in terms of being intentional with your time when it comes to social media, it will be really helpful. 
Another thing I will say about social media is that anything that doesn't make me feel good, or anything that triggers me, I don't follow it. I don't follow things and people if it's not something that motivates and inspires and educates or just makes me a happier person. I don't want that in my sphere, I don't want that in my brain. 
#5 | Get Moving
Habit number five is all about movement. Now, I'm not saying you need to go bananas and do a full blown workout every single day. But having some sort of physical activity in your day is proven to make you a happier person.
If you don't have your health, you don't really have your wealth. You could be really, really rich and really unhealthy and not even be able to enjoy the freedom and abundance that you have created for yourself. So exercising is really important, whether that is a walk or run or a bike ride, whatever it may be, whatever feels good for you and your body. Try and make some time, even if it's just 20 minutes to half an hour a day to do it. 
It actually reduces the amount of pain, stress and anxiety that you feel in your life. So it makes you overall more joyful and just a happy person. Exercise is actually proven to boost self esteem, and when you feel good about yourself, you can show up as your best self. 
#6 | Focus on Money Making Activities
This may seem obvious, but it's really not. Focus on the things that make you money first. Period, end of story. When you are trying to build sales, you need to be focused on what is actually driving revenue, not the things that are distractions.
I want to walk you through something really quickly. Every single day I have four things on my whiteboard, just four things, and those are the only four things that are my main areas of focus for the day. Yes, everything else is important, but if I'm not focusing on these four things, I'm not actually doing what I need to be doing to build the business I want to build.
My priorities are to… 
Book sales calls and generate leads for my programs. 
Drive traffic to my evergreen funnels.
Get market research and testimonials. 
Product development. 
That's it. That is the only focus that I have on a daily basis. And I know that if I focus on those four things every single day, I know that I am focused on the bottom line of my business.
#7 | Delete Your To-Do List
I know, you think I'm nuts, but let me explain. Productivity is not profitable if it's not focused on the right things. Being productive is not always beneficial. If you're focused on the wrong things, a to-do list can be a really dangerous thing. 
I used to be the queen of this, and I still am sometimes. If I have to-do lists, I need to cross out every single thing on that list or else I am not satisfied. Though, not everything on that list is actually beneficial or helpful, sometimes it's just busy work. 
Delete your to-do list, and only focus on the things that are actually going to be driving that revenue and pushing the business the needle forward. 
#8 | Plan the Night Before
This is so vital, and so simple. Plan your week and your day, the night before. 
How I plan my week and how I plan my day is extremely intentional. I need to see my whole week at a glance, so usually I plan my week on a Friday afternoon to know what I have coming up the next week. If you just take it day by day, it's so easy to get caught up in busy work. Block out time for things like learning a new skill or a new task, things are going to help you make more money or build your business in a bigger way. 
If you're rich just in finances, you're not really rich at all. Make time for friends, block out that time for exercise, for family, friends - everything.
#9 | Work on Your Mindset
Mindset is to business owners what physical strength and capacity is to athletes. You have got to be working on it daily. Going back to gratitude, make sure you are recognising and appreciating the things around you, even the little things.
Make sure that you're not reactive, and that you are being intentional, and proactive about everything, which is why planning your day ahead of time is so important. Some of the things that I will do in terms of mindset are
Listen to podcast episodes when I am getting ready in the morning
Listen to a motivational playlist when I am exercising
Watch motivational videos on YouTube
Morning pages and affirmations
There are so many things you can do to feed your mind the right content so that you become the most confident version of yourself. Because if you're not confident on a daily basis, how in the world are you going to make the impact that you want to make or generate the revenue that you want to generate?
#10 | Put Action Behind Words
Habit number 10 is a real biggie: do the things, don't talk about doing the things.
A funny thing happens in social media where people talk and make claims about things they haven't done and may not ever do. So I'm a big believer in doing the work, taking the action, and allowing your success or results to be your noise. Do the work in silence and let success be your noise. Don't talk about doing the things, do the things that will give you abundance and make a real impact. 
#11 | Block Your Time
Block your time and protect the hell out of it. 
I block out my schedule on a weekly basis. I fit things in that give me a rich and full life, including:
Time with friends 
Time with family 
Time to exercise
Time to eat healthy 
Time for my morning routine 
So I actually know that I need to do them. Otherwise, I would literally work all day every day. 
Another piece of this is to protect your time, it's okay to say no. I know that you have to say yes a lot when you are getting started, but just just be cautious of the things that you say yes to.
Always go back to your main priorities that are actually going to make you money. Your daily priorities are the most important thing. Time is your most valuable resource. You don't get it back, it’s not renewable. You can always make more money, but you can't make more time. Be really mindful about how much you are loving yourself; because the more self love you give, the more your cup is full, and the more you can then give back to other people.
#12 | Monitor Your Money
Habit number 12 brings us back full circle. I don't know one person who has built up a lot of wealth, who thinks, “I don't know what's happening on a daily basis.” I can be really honest with you and say that I used to be that person who was like, “I have no idea what is going on.”
I had to get really smart about managing my finances, and as the business has grown, I wish I had started that a lot earlier. You should start from day one, whether you have a business or not. Just be checking your bank statements on a weekly and monthly basis and be cautious of what you are spending.
Again, the wealthiest people in the world are not always the people who are driving around in fancy cars and bringing in all the cash and making it rain. The people who are ridiculously wealthy are…
Generally pretty minimal
Very mindful of business stability and sustainability
Mindful of their money
Don't really change their spending habits based off of their income
Of course you can have your moments where you can be a bit flashy, you definitely deserve it.  But you've got to be mindful if you actually want to create more wealth in your life.
Being rich, happy and successful, all comes down to self awareness. Because if you don't know what makes you feel those things, then you're probably going to end up on somebody else's path. 
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Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/34MhGYq via IFTTT
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077: This Is The Secret Formula To Creating Content That Sells
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Today’s talking point:
Here's a question that I know you've asked yourself: 
What is the secret formula to actually creating free content that sells? 
Well, you are going to love this episode because I am about to show you exactly how to turn free content into cash flow. 
Bring a notebook and pull out your favourite beverage because you are going to want to stay until the very end. This is one of the most important skills you can learn as a modern business owner and I am going to show you exactly how to do it.
Reverse Engineer The Sale
The first tip I have for you when it comes to creating content that sells is that you need to reverse engineer the sale. 
When you reverse engineer the process of creating content that leads people to an actual paid offer, everything shifts. It's that intersection point between content that you want to actually create to build trust and value in your community and the content that actually pays the bills that funds the mission. 
I don't care if you are product based or service based - you have a mission that you have to fund, you have that big goal, and you have to find a way to help other people. Really, that comes down to profits and money.
You'll have heard me say this before, but choosing profitability over popularity is so key. In the traditional business world, you don't really come across this concept of creating content for free, that actually moves the needle in terms of sales. Even though direct response marketing has been around for a while, really the last ten years is when we’ve seen this explosion of modern marketing. 
Leverage the power of education and the power of content creation to build trust and relationships with clients and customers. By giving your audience something of value for free, in exchange for that relationship and trust, hopefully they will take action on it and will actually purchase from you in the future. In the long run, they will tell all of their friends about you.
Direct Response Marketing
It is really dangerous to only focus on building the followers, the actual platform. It's easy to get addicted to the numbers and to constantly chase that new thing. Instead, slow the heck down and say:
How do I convert an actual follower? 
How do I convert someone who just landed on my blog? 
How do I convert a subscriber? 
How do I turn that person into a paying client or customer, and not just any paying client or customer, but a paying client or customer that is absolutely thrilled to do business with me?
For so many brands, a customer journey literally is based on intent; meaning that the only marketing that they are doing is SEO. It is a very simple way of designing your content strategy; you basically convert a lead who has intent pretty quickly if: 
You can address objections
You can actually be the company that has the highest ratings
You have the best customer testimonials
But that is also a very one sided approach to marketing. It's very short-term. Let's create content for the long haul, create content that is actually going to move people to action right now. 
Before we even create a content piece, think, what is the objective of this piece? I'll tell you in my business, there isn't one single piece of content that we don't assign a purpose to to make sure they are actually going to move the needle in our business. 
You Are A Business Owner First
There is this notion that if you move people to action, then all of a sudden, you are some kind of traitor, you sold out, or are only focused on the profits.
First of all, you're a business owner, you're an entrepreneur, you are a creator. You cannot exist without making a profit. Who the heck is going to pay for your bills? How are you going to fund your entire operation?
It's not being aggressive with your sales and your messaging, but the way you think about profits, the way that you strategise around profits. If you don't, you're actually doing a disservice to people who really need your help, to the people that want you to continue existing as a brand.
It's your responsibility to become profitable.
Creating A Process
When it comes to ironing down your customer buying journey, how do you reverse engineer that process? You may be thinking, I understand the theory, but how do you actually take what you just said and put it into practice? Here’s an example.
I have a group coaching program called the Busy to Boss Academy, and I created this podcast which is called Blog it, Boss it Radio. They both have “boss” in the title. Now, there are so many different reasons why I created this podcast. But when it comes to what is relatable, or what makes sense for this specific episode, it really is all about reverse engineering. It allows me to have longer form episodes, where I can dive deep into topics like this one, and I can build my relationship with you. I can give you a preview of what it's like in the Academy on the very surface level.
This is how you create a customer buying journey. This is how you create a content marketing system that takes people from zero to someone who purchases, so you can dive deeper into sharing your expertise.
Niche your content down in a way that you are speaking directly to your target audience. Once you have an idea of the content you want to create and a strategy, how do you ask for a sale? There's going to be a call to action. A call to action can be anything from:
Buy my product 
Schedule a consultation
Sign up for something to download
Join my email list 
Once you know what the CTA is going to be, ask yourself: “Do I have enough right now, that would encourage people to actually take that next step in my buyer journey?” 
There are a variety of ways you can look at this, and I want you to look at it from your own perspective. 
Another way that you can move people to action directly is just to create a longer form type of content piece. Something you really want to keep in mind here is that, the higher the cost of your product, the more you want to build a relationship of trust with your audience. Make sure that, whoever is consuming that piece of content, even if they are brand new to your community, they feel a connection with you. 
Oftentimes when you are going straight to the sale, it's really smart for you to make your blog post extra beefy. 
Go live to promote it
Do something a little different
Create a video series 
Share an entire full blown episode
Do an hour long live 
It's about how much value you pack into that piece of content. If you are going to ask for the sale and your product is high end, you need to make your promotion or interaction valuable and irresistible. Take time crafting that content piece, and then transition well into the “ask.” 
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Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/2TpIvve via IFTTT
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The Biggest Mistake You *Might* Be Making With Your Launches
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  Spoiler alert: just focusing on selling and building hype during a launch can REALLY damage your results.
There is a big misconception about the meaning of launching. A lot of people think it means you put your product out there, you create this buzz, and you get people excited about it. Now, yes, to some extent, we do want people to be excited about your product… but your launch is about so much more than that.
Your pre-launch period (the 60 to 90 days leading up to your launch), is WAY more important than what happens once you actually open doors or your product goes live. The pre-launch period is what really matters and the point of it is not just to tell people that you have a new product coming out soon. People aren’t going to be excited just by the fact that you have something coming unless you’ve built a BIG following and people have been waiting for what you have to offer them.
There is so much more to launching than just building hype, so let’s first look at this whole idea of building hype, and then later on, I’ll share 5 of the main objectives for your pre-launch content that aren't about building hype. 
#1 | There’s Only So Much Building Hype You Can Do
Building hype is based around the idea that we need to make people excited to buy our product, because if they’re not excited to buy it then they’re not going to want to buy it when it’s available. We also believe that if we don’t do enough work to sell our product, then people aren’t going to want to buy it.
There’s only so much talking about your product and teasing that you have a launch coming that you can do before your content starts to get really REALLY boring. If your audience doesn’t think they need your product, they are going to get really bored listening, watching, or reading your content.
This is where things get interesting. If your audience doesn’t realise they need your product, or that they even have the problem that your product solves, your content is going to be extra boring for them and they are not going to want to listen to you talk about your product. 
#2 | You Are Aimlessly Putting Out Content
Aimlessly putting out content to build excitement that has no real strategy behind it is seriously harming your launch.
Here’s an idea of the strategy that I use behind my own launch content. If your pre-launch content strategy is missing any of these types of content, you’re really missing out on its effectiveness (more to come on these later!)
Content that builds your audience
Content that builds know, like, and trust
Content that positions you as an authority
Content that shows your audience what they need to know about themselves, the product or your area of expertise in order to be ready to buy from you
Content the overcomes any objections your buyers might have. 
Notice how none of these categories involve building hype!
Your pre-launch content is about making your audience aware of the problem, making them aware of your solution, and showing them why you are the person that is perfectly positioned to help them get that solution or overcome that problem.
#3 | Your Launch Isn’t About Getting People Excited
There is this big misconception that people have to be excited about our product in order to buy it. Like I said earlier, we want them to be excited to some extent (we don’t want them to be not excited about it!)
What we really want is for them to feel like it’s a no brainer. We want it to be an easy yes for them. We want them to feel like this is the product for them, like this was made for them - it’s made for overcoming their problem and it’s the perfect solution for them. In order to get to that point, they need a little bit of educating, which Is where these five types of pre-launch content come into play.
#1 | Build Your Audience
When people launch they think, “let me build my Instagram followers, let me get more Instagram followers!” NO!
When I talk about building your audience during your pre-launch phase, I don’t just mean building your social media following (even though that is the first place everyone goes to). Instagram followers do not convert anywhere near as well as email subscribers do. If you can get people onto your email list, then when you do you launch your product, you already have this audience waiting for you.
Let’s do some comparing. A standard email open rate is anywhere between 20 and 30% vs between 2 and 5% of your Instagram following who might see your latest post. And then how many of those people are actually going to take the time and effort to click through or comment or visit your website? The whole aim of your pre-launch phase is to try and get people onto your email list and if you are doing that, then you are doing a good job.
#2 | Build Your Know, Like & Trust
A lot of people that you are getting onto your email list during your pre-launch phase might not have been following you for very long. They might not know who you are, they might not know your journey, and so you need to get them to know you, to like you, and to trust you.
My favourite way to do this is to share connection building content. This is really honest, raw, behind-the-scenes content. Not just trying to give them more, more, more value, but trying to show them that you are a real human. It’s showing them who you are, not just who you think they want to see, but who you actually are.
#3 | Position Yourself As An Authority
Positioning yourself as an authority is even more important if you are going to be teaching about a particular topic. For example, Marie Forleo teaches you how to create a business and a life that you love. She has positioned herself as an authority in the online business space through press articles that are written about her, through content that she shares, and so much more.
She has positioned herself as an authority and that is exactly what you need to do when you are creating and launching your product, especially in that pre-launch phase.
#4 | Get Your Audience Ready To Buy From You
It’s so important through your pre-launch content to get your audience where they need to be in order to be ready to buy from you.
Ask yourself:
What does my ideal customer need to know themselves in order to be ready to buy when I launch?
What do they need to know about the topic that I’m teaching to be ready to buy when I launch?
What do they need to know about my product to be ready to buy when I launch?
This is going to form the bulk of your content in the lead up to your pre-launch phase, because you’ll often find that you need to make some little mindset shifts with your audience.
Take this blog post as an example. One of the things you need to know in order to be ready to buy my course about launching (coming in 2021!) is that your launch isn’t just about building hype. You need to know that there is an art and science to the content that you share in the lead up to your launch. I’m using this as one of those pieces of content to shift you to where you need to be and what you need to know in order to be in the right place to enrol in my course.
#5 | Overcome Objections
Objections are things that your customers will have when it comes to signing up for your course or your membership or buying your product - whatever it is that you are launching.
Two of the biggest objections that can pop up with every launch include:
I don’t have enough time to do this
I don’t have enough money
You need to have content that discredits those objections, that shows your audience why those objections aren’t unique to them, why they don’t really matter, and why they are not going to hold them back from seeing success. 
There we go! Those are five types of content that I would share in a lead up to a launch. As you can see, none of them are really direct or salesy. None of them say, “hey listen up I have a brand-new course coming soon!” You might sprinkle in a few calls to action throughout the content to say “download my freebie” or “get on my email list”. Once your launch begins that is when you turn into sales mode. But the bulk of your content isn’t selling. The bulk of your content is educating your audience. 
And whether they buy from you or not, you’ve still improved their lives a little bit. I have no doubt that a lot of you reading this blog post may not sign up for my course and that is completely fine. I’ve just shown you five different types of content that you can share during the pre-launch phase that aren’t about building hype, so even if you don’t buy my course, I have still made some kind of improvement to the launches that you have in the future. 
So remember: launching isn’t just about building hype. It’s about sharing value, it’s about building your audience, building that know, like, and trust, positioning yourself as that authority, getting your audience to be where they need to be to be ready to buy, and overcoming those potential objections. Do that and you will have a very well-rounded, successful launch every time.
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Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/35mNB0Z via IFTTT
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076: Stop Listening To Podcast Episodes Now
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Today’s talking point:
I recently had a launch for the Busy to Boss Academy, and I had a conversation with someone who was on the fence about applying who said: “I've invested in all of these programs, all of these courses, I'm listening to all of these podcast episodes, I'm watching all of these YouTube videos, and I'm not getting anywhere, I'm not growing.”
Now, this comes up a lot. And I bet you can relate to this.
So if this is you, this is probably what no one else is wanting to tell you; or maybe you just don't want to hear it... The reality is that YOU are the only thing stopping yourself from actually succeeding. Because anyone can listen to the experts. Anyone can follow the gurus. But the people who become leaders take action. And the thing that's really difficult about taking action is that you have to get out of your own way.
Getting Out Of Your Own Way
I can speak from experience on this because everyone who becomes good at something started from zero. We started being bad at whatever we wanted to do! 
Trust me, you could check out my first few podcast episodes and know what I mean there. I remember when I was making my first podcast episode, and I tried so hard to make it come across a certain way; I just didn't sound like me. And my first YouTube video… well, I spent hours filming and editing this video, and it was like a five minute video. But I had to have the perfect setup, the perfect lighting, the perfect makeup, and the perfect script. Everything had to be perfect. Then when I published it, it got a handful of views.
Honestly, the moment that I got out of my own way, the moment that I actually started focusing on how I could serve people and help people, instead of all the fluff, is when everything changed. That's when I started to build this sustainable business, this engaged audience. 
So you have to understand that listening to all of the information, asking all of the questions and believing that you have to have a big audience to build a successful business is only going to keep holding you back - until you stop getting in your own way.
Don’t Get Caught in Vanity Metrics
Spoiler alert…
You cannot take followers to your bank account. There are a lot of people with a lot of followers who are making nothing, who aren't building a sustainable business because they're focused on volume. They might have those vanity metrics in the moment. But they're not actually setting themselves up for success in the long run financially. You cannot take followers to the bank account. 
So take that excuse, and throw it away, right now. Because every single person you see who has built an audience, who is doing the thing - they started from zero. 
When I started my podcast, I had zero listeners. 
When I started my business, I had zero clients.
I was in your shoes, and I just did it. I did the things. It's about doing the things. That's one of the reasons I wanted to make this episode. Right now, I think we're in a culture, a society of information overload, but a lack of execution. Meaning, we're taking in so much information from so many different people, but we're not actually taking action on any of it. We're all guilty of this, myself included. 
What You Need to Start
You have to focus on the thing that you want the most, the result that you want the most, and take the action steps to get there. I would actually prefer it if people didn't enrol in my programs if they're not going to do the work, because that's not beneficial for anybody. When you start asking all the questions, or googling all the information, think about why you're asking. If you ask me:
What kind of project management tool do I need to use to be successful? 
What kind of microphone do I need? 
Do I need to record podcast episodes? 
Do I need all of these bells and whistles? 
I will tell you the same thing every single time. It does not matter. It doesn't.
You have everything you need right now. But you also have a lot of excuses. Use what you have, because waiting for the perfect equipment will only stall you from getting to where you want to go.
You are the only person who is getting in your own way. If you have enrolled in programs, if you have enrolled in courses, if you've listened to podcasts, if you've done all these things, and you're still not seeing results in action, who's to blame?
I'm not trying to be harsh. I just honestly felt called to talk about this with you, because I don't think enough people are hearing this message and giving people the real hard truth.
If you don't really want the outcome that badly, that's okay, because that's going to stop you from doing the work. But when you want something with every bone in your body, you're going to get it because you're going to be propelled to take the action to get it. You're not just going to listen to all the motivation, courses, programs, podcast episodes and all the guru's; you're actually going to go and do the things that work best for you and your business.That is the difference between the dreamers and the doers.
Take Risks to Get Results
If you have to make the decision of what you want, and if it's your ego getting in the way, you won't know until you try. Every business owner in the world is always testing, always experimenting, I have failed a lot of times doing a lot of different things. But without every single one of those failures, I wouldn't be where I am today. 
I am not a risky person, let me tell you. But what happens then is you create something called risk tolerance. When I first started my business, investing anything towards my business was terrifying to me. But at this point, I've invested a lot into coaches and mentors and programs. I want you to know that as you start to take risks, as you start to put yourself out there, you will start to see momentum and your own success. Focus on momentum, focus on action, because just taking the information, just listening to the information is not enough.
Don't do something just because somebody else thinks you should do it, or just because somebody else is telling you to do it, that's not going to last either. If you have something inside of you that is saying, I know I need to do this - let that become your motivation. 
You are amazing. I've got your back. I wouldn't be saying this if I didn't wholeheartedly believe that you are fully capable of doing whatever you set your mind to. When you hear that little voice in your head telling you that you're meant for life beyond your wildest dreams, listen to it. Listen to it and believe it and then do everything in your power to achieve it. 
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Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/31p7sv0 via IFTTT
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  If I’d only launched my best-selling digital programme once, I would’ve made a grand total of £1,175.
Thank goodness I didn’t stop at that first product launch, because 6 months later? It’s bringing me nearly £5,000 in monthly recurring revenue every single month.
I’ll just let that one sink in. 
Most people would’ve looked at that first product launch, declared the offer a failure and given up on it altogether. But the truth is, there is so much more to your launch than just the product itself. And these things can make or break your launch. 
Just because your first launch was a “failure” or a “one-hit-wonder”, doesn’t mean your product is rubbish. It doesn’t mean you need to give up on it altogether and it doesn’t mean your product isn’t good enough. 
The biggest mistake you can make is only launching once. Which is why I’m going to share why you SHOULDN’T only launch once and the three biggest things that you need to nail in your launch strategy to make sure that you can have repeatable successful product launches again, and again, and again. 
And if you’re not sure what you should do in the days and weeks leading up to your launch (aka your pre-launch period), stay tuned because I’m going to share my pre-launch framework with you AND some bonus tips.
why you shouldn’t only launch once
I get that it sounds counterintuitive - you have a new product, you launch it, you move onto the next product, you launch that, right? Wrong!
I don’t believe in launching more, more, more. Not only is it a really stressful way to run your business, but I also believe that you don’t get the most value out of your product if you’re only launching it once. 
Let me give you an example. When one of my clients started working with me, she thought she was a failure because only 5 people had purchased her course. 
So let’s look at this. 5 people purchased. When I first launched my 1:1 coaching programme, I charged way less than £1,000 and now? For my 6 month programme, I definitely charge more than that. 
And here’s the thing - I launched my 1:1 coaching programme multiple times but the first few launches didn’t get me that much. It wasn’t until I started doubling down on what was working and re-launching it that it scaled. I could’ve given up after that first launch because it didn’t go as well as I’d hoped and never launched it again. But it was by launching it over and over and over that I could refine the launch strategy.
Essential elements For Your Launch Strategy
When I talk about your launch strategy, here are some of the key things that affect your launch. Spoiler alert: there’s a lot more to it than just the product or service itself. 
Your Messaging
How are you actually positioning the product? What is the wording you use around it? How are you talking about it? The messaging of your product is probably more important than than the actual product itself. Your audience might want the product, but they don’t realise that they want the product. Or they might need the product, but they don’t realise that they need the product because of how you’ve communicated it or how you’ve positioned it - and that just isn’t resonating with them. If there’s a disconnect with your messaging, your product won’t sell. Period. 
Your Audience
Maybe your audience isn’t very big yet which is completely fine - you’ll just need to adjust your expectations accordingly. If you have 100 subscribers, you’re not going to have a £100,000 launch straight off the bat and that’s fine. All you need is a small but profitable launch and to grow your audience inbetween those launches so that next time, you’re launching to more people and you can repeat that process over and over again.
Pre-Launch Content
This is another part of your strategy that can really affect your launch and basically everything else that you do in the lead up to the launch itself. 
By having a solid pre-launch strategy, you’ll have all your content taken care of well before your offer is available, AND you’ll have primed your audience so they know an offer is coming. Plus, they’ll be WAY more likely to jump on it on once it’s finally available. I have 4 essential pieces for a successful pre-launch that I want you to consider for your future launches!
#1 | Breadcrumbs
The first thing I want you to start thinking before you even start planning the rest of your launch strategy is breadcrumbing. You can do this as early as possible and it truly is one of the MOST important aspects of launching ANYTHING.
It doesn’t matter what product or service you’re offering - nobody is going to want to buy from you if you haven’t mentioned a thing about it and then suddenly you’re shouting from the rooftops that you have something for sale. We crave the stories behind what someone is offering so let people in behind-the-scenes.
Like I said, you can start this as early as possible, but definitely get focused in on this 3 to 6 weeks before the cart opens or your product is available. You want to be talking about the thing you’ve been creating! You want to be sharing insights on the topic and helping people start to warm up to the idea. You can even come straight out and say, “Hey, I’m launching this thing in a few weeks and this is what it’s all about!”
This more open and direct approach can actually work really well. It’s not like tiptoeing around your offer; you’re sharing it with pride and this infectious energy of getting people as excited about it as you are!
#2 | Frame Content
The next thing you can do in the lead up to a launch is to create and frame content around the biggest questions someone has to help them qualify themselves as a potential fit for your offer, without you even doing any selling. So, what problems does your product or service solve for others? Answer those questions in your content. 
An example from my Busy To Boss Academy launch is how I created content and even framed my free challenge around how to know what tasks to focus on in your business so you don’t have to work 24/7. I published social posts and podcast episodes in the pre-launch period around how to prioritise your tasks and create a sustainable business model, and how this can work for ANY business type.
I published so much content around this topic and intentionally drove home the fact that you do not have to work 24/7 in order to see success and you DO NOT have to be on all the platforms in order to see success, which is what the vast majority of us believe. 
I took a simple question - How do I know what tasks to focus on? - and provided plenty of opportunities and entryways to discover HOW many different business owners can do this successful, and that paved the path to talking about how they can learn to do exactly that inside the Busy To Boss Academy.
#3 | Tease, Tease, And Tease Some More
This third piece is similar to breadcrumbing, but it’s even more direct. Rather than talking ABOUT the topic of your product/service and warming people up to the IDEA of your offer, I want you to start hinting and teasing about what you’re creating at least 2-4 weeks ahead of launch. 
Why do you think reality TV is so popular? We don’t just want to see the pretty filtered Instagram photo at the end. We LOVE to see the messy, behind-the-scenes and what it REALLY takes for people to get to where they’re going. 
So give us the messy! Take us behind-the-scenes! Document your journey. Talk about the process and what’s going on as you lead up to your launch so we’re on the radar that you’re creating and launching something new. The best bit about this is that you’re being REAL about it, which is one of the quickest and best ways to get people on your side, cheering you on, empathising with you, and fully trusting you.
#4 | Get Feedback
Another important part of pre-launch content is to share feedback and testimonials, so start collecting those ASAP! This allows you to make sure that your offer is crystal clear, your messaging converts, and you are certain your offer is the RIGHT offer for your audience.
Get some people you trust to look at your sales page, your emails, even the offer itself - this is especially a great idea if you need to get some social proof that you can use in your marketing materials. At the very least, you’ll get some valuable insights on anything that might need tweaking to be made more clear, and at the very best, you’ll have amazing testimonials that you can use throughout your launch content so that potential buyers can see the real value in your product/service.
BONUS TIP: Prep It All
The final step is a big one but one of the most vital for your entire launch no matter what stage you’re at: prepare everything, EVERYTHING you possibly can as far in advance as you can. This means that when you’re live, you can focus your energy on showing up and behind available for people who are ready to potentially become a client or customer.
If you work on all your copy, content, and marketing materials ahead of time, you’ll be free to trust what you built when you weren’t in full-blown launch mode and let it do its thing while YOU are able to just be visible, answer questions, and deal with any last-minute tweaks or adjustments.
I use a platform called Asana that I’ve raved about before to organise my systems. I’ll dedicate an entire project to a launch and break down all the different needs, from small things like creating pop-ups for my blog to bigger tasks like recording a pre-launch podcast episode on the specific topic of my new offer.
When you see it all laid out like this it’s huge, and allows you to task it out, schedule it out, and complete a lot of the heavy lifting before the launch even arrives. When it comes to preparing your pre-launch period, I’d recommend simply listing out everything you’ll need for the launch, from a sales page and thank you emails, to product delivery, email sequences, social media posts, and beyond so that you’ve got a big picture view of what is needed. Then you can break it all down and plan it out before the actual launch arrives.
All of these things are a huge part of your launch strategy which I believe impacts your launch a lot more than the actual product itself. 
a final note
I’m launching a new course next year that is focused purely on launch strategy and launching your product and services. Not the creation part of your product or service - if you want to learn how to create offers and products that sell, you’ll want to join the Busy To Boss Academy for that!
The course that I’m creating is how to actually LAUNCH. So what are you doing in that 60-90 days before you actually put your product out into the world to buy or before you open doors for sales or before you make that special bonus available - what are you doing in that 60 to 90 days beforehand.
The course is going to be a whole deep dive into that launch strategy, getting your messaging right, growing your audience with the right people, building your authority, making them know like and trust you, sharing strategic pre-launch content that gets your audience ready to buy from you - all of these things that we overlook and then we wonder, why did my launch fail - oh it must be because my product was rubbish.
Well, no it’s probably NOT because your product is rubbish. It’s probably because your messaging wasn’t right or your pre-launch content wasn’t right or you didn’t do the right things to grow your audience. It’s probably not your product. And that’s what this course is going to be all about.
This post was a bit of me on my soapbox but I’m a big believer that you don’t only launch once, you re-launch, re-launch, re-launch and refine and improve each time. I can’t wait for you to experience how powerful this can be for you and your business. 
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Hey There! I’m Holly Bray.
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/34RWmQ7 via IFTTT
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My 5 Best Secrets To Help You Get More Done With Your Schedule
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  You can always make more money but you can’t make more time - this is something I’m always saying to my clients.
Do you ever sit down at your desk on a Monday morning, stare at your big to-do list of what you want to be working on, and get completely overwhelmed knowing what to prioritise to move your business forward? I get it.
I’ve had that to-do list as long as my arm staring me in the face and it can be so hard to know what tasks are good for you and what you enjoy, versus what tasks are just dead space.
I’ve been online for over 7 years now. I run a business, I create a lot of content, and I also have a personal life. So it’s safe to say that I’ve become a bit of a ninja when it comes to managing my time and some of my most loyal followers call me the time blocking queen...what can I say?!
So if you’re struggling to get everything done and stay on top of your schedule, keep reading for my actionable tips on how you can block your time and protect the hell out of it.
P.S. If you want to know how to prioritise your money making tasks so you can generate consistently monthly income, save your spot at my FREE From Productivity To Profit Challenge here.
#1 | Keep A Time Journal
Are you amazing at putting way too much on your to-do list or underestimating how long it’s going to take you to do a certain task? Then you need to keep a time journal and it is what it says on the tin.
A time journal allows you to track your time and how long it takes you to do the key activities that are pretty constant in your week so for instance, commuting to the gym, working out, making dinner and so on. You can track this on the notes on your phone, track it just on a notepad or use an actual timer app to track it.
You will be astonished at how much time you waste doing things like scrolling through social media or watching Netflix or just procrastinating. This will also make you realise how much time you actually have available to get things done during the week if you knew how to do it efficiently. 
Plus if you’re really going to plan out your week to get things done and feel amazing about it, you need to know how long things actually take you to do so you can realistically map it out.
#2 | Ask Yourself Some Questions
The biggest question you have about your to-do list is, “what do I do first?” - right? So when you look at your major to-do list that you’ve got sitting in front of you, which lists all of the things you think you need to be doing, ask 3 questions and be really honest about them.
Does this need to be done?
Does this need to be done right now?
Does this need to be done by me?
Once you ask yourself these questions about everything you have on your to-do list and on your never-ending list of tasks, you’ll start to realise there’s a lot you can take off it. 
Ask those questions, get real honest, and then:
Delete or delegate anything that doesn’t need to be done by you
Delete anything that doesn’t need to be done at all
Or postpone it if it doesn’t need to be done right now
#3 | Set Weekly Goals
The reason I’m teaching you how to plan your week vs how to plan your day is because of weekly goals. 
I realised that when I tried to plan every single day there’s too much variation, you never know what could come at you during a day. So I like to give myself spaciousness so I don’t feel so stressed out about my daily tasks and that’s why I like to set weekly goals instead of a daily to-do list or a daily task list.
Trust me - this in itself is going to change your life and I’m going to explain how to do this in a later step. 
Keep in mind that we’re focusing on weekly goals instead of a daily to-do list and tasks, and it will exponentially speed up your growth and your efficiency in getting things done.
#4 | Outline Your Daily Priorities
For me, my daily priorities don’t change. They are the exact same all the time, there are only four things I focus on each day and that’s it. Now yes, there are other areas of importance but if I’m not focusing on these four things I’m not really focusing on building the business I want to build, creating the freedom I want to create and being able to make the impact I want to make.
My four daily priorities are to:
Cultivate relationships and get enrolments for my programs
Drive traffic to my pillar content and email list
Get testimonials and do market research (because the more wins my clients get, the more testimonials I have and the easier it is to sell)
Product development (creating the best product in the business, creating the best programmes in the business)
Those are the only four areas I focus on on a daily basis and it makes such a huge difference because it keeps me focused on the things that actually matter.
Of course there are other things that I want to do in my day, there are other things I want to focus on. But everything needs to be linked to these four priorities, otherwise it might be a make-work project or something that I’m just trying to do to stay busy.
#5 | Bring It Altogether
The final step is tying all of this together and when I say that, I mean that my weekly plan and how I plan out my week is based around things that I have set out for next year.
I have yearly goals and things that I want to accomplish, I have quarterly goals, and then I have monthly goals and then weekly goals, and my weekly goals all stem from those longer term goals.
My yearly goals are things like overall revenue I want to achieve for the year, that’s something I know I want to make happen. So the next question is, how do I make that happen on a quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily basis?
Here’s what that might look like broken down:
Quarterly goal: programme updates
Monthly goal: pick one specific section to update/do product research for
Weekly goal: (what I need to do to actually focus on making that monthly goal happen and breaking it into smaller sections). 
On my wall in my office, next to my daily priorities, I have the following week laid out. Every Friday, I map out the goals I want to achieve for the following week to make sure those are the only things I’m focused on. This is how I plan out my week and it keeps me really focused and on task. 
It’s right in front of me on a daily basis as a visual reminder so I don’t forget. This is so powerful because it allows me to focus on the things that really matter, that are going to push the business and not just do this crazy busy work because I’m distracted or procrastinating. 
There we go! Believe me, I used to write down so many things on my to-do list. I felt like I had to get them done and when I didn’t accomplish them, I’d feel like a failure. These tips allows you to look at the week ahead and feel confident that you’re focusing on the most important things you need to get done, and that is truly making the most of your time.
Register for my free 4-day From Productivity To Profit Challenge to help you learn how to plan your week in a way that means you’re moving your business towards your goals every single day.
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Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/2FumkRd via IFTTT
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How To Successfully Get Booked Out (With No Official Launch)
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  Today’s talking point:
Do you want every single launch you have to be successful? Would you love to know the main key things you need to do in order to get booked out and have sellout launches? 
In this episode, I'm going to share with you how I successfully booked out my one on one coaching program back in August with no official launch (all while I was in my first trimester of pregnancy)! 
We go over my tips to sell out launches & exactly what it is going to take. With complete transparency and no sugar coating, I’m sharing the four main things that I used to book out my one-on-one coaching program without a launch.
P.S. If you’re ready to learn what it takes to create consistent monthly income in your product or service-based business, save your spot at my FREE From Productivity To Profit Challenge here.
I want you to bear with me, because this isn’t going to be me saying “you're gonna make six figures in six days if you follow all of these steps,” - that’s just not true. It's not. I’m going to be really honest, really real and share all of the juicy stuff with you.
Let's first go back to the results of the launch that I am talking about. I wanted to sign five new clients for my one-on-one coaching program, and I ended up signing seven of the most ideal, dreamy, perfect clients I could ever imagine. I felt called to do more coaching because so many people were asking me about it. This has also given me six months of monthly recurring revenue, which leading up to my maternity leave next year is just so unbelievable. 
#1 | Keep going and get clear on what works for you
The first step to getting to this point and the first step that I want to share with you is to keep going. Stay the course and focus your energy on building a loyal community of people who trust you. This takes time. I have been building this business since August 2017, but I've actually been online since 2013. So yes, when I open up spots for my one on one coaching and I surpass my target and get booked out so quickly, remember I've been doing this for seven years. 
Now, let me also say that it doesn't have to take YOU seven years, it should not take you seven years. It took me that long because I went on so many detours. I did not have a mentor or a coach. I had to figure a lot of this out on my own until 2019, when I made my first big investment in myself and honestly I wasted a lot of time up until that point.
It will not take you seven years if you stay the course and stay true to your vision. But this is something that I think a lot of people just don't talk about, which is that this is going to take time. And if you're looking to do it quickly, if you're looking for a quick fix, here's some tough love because…
It's not going to happen. 
You're probably focusing on the wrong things.
You will get to where you want to be, if you stick with it through the times that aren't so good. 
It’s also important to get clear on what works best for you and your business. It’s knowing how to craft content that tends to attract your ideal customer. Then learning how to use social media and other platforms to get your message out there.
At this point you’re thinking: I've got this great messaging. But how do I get that out there? And how do I do this consistently without getting burnt out? Again, just like we said before, this will take time.
Focus on the details and steps, not the destination.
Find one thing every single day that you can look forward to either within or outside of your business.
Get real with being a business owner and running a business (You can love something and not want to do it all of the time).
There are days when you won't feel as pumped to do things for your business and that is normal. There's a difference between being a normal human being and wanting a break and being out of alignment. So if you are constantly finding that you have to push yourself to show up for your clients and customers, and you feel exhausted and you're not enjoying it, it’s time to check yourself because you might not be in alignment. 
Ideas for things INSIDE of business you can look forward to:
Co-working sessions 
A weekly group call within a programme that you're in 
Content planning sessions 
An hour scrolling through Instagram for inspiration 
Ideas for things OUTSIDE of business you can look forward to:
Spending time with family
Going on walks 
Sitting down at the end of the day and watching Netflix
We're so engulfed in our business, because we are personal brands. It's really easy for your business and personal life to be one. While I think that's great, I also think we have to try to separate it because we want to create a business that fits around our lifestyle, not mould our lifestyle to fit around our business.
#2 | Stop saying “when”
Stop saying, “when I get there.” If you find yourself saying this a lot, I want you to note down every time you say these words. When I get there, I'll be amazing. When I get there, I can invest in a coach. When I get there, I'll be proud of myself. 
That term is so damaging and so dangerous to us because, what is “there?” What actually is it for you? Do you think you'll be considered a real business owner when you hit your first 5k month or have your first sellout launch or hit a certain number of followers? When will you reach “there”?
What if you are already there? What if you focused on the small wins every single day? Because that stuff adds up.
When I first went full-time in my business, I was purely focused on hitting a certain income goal each month. I lost sight of what got me excited to start this business in the first place. My first few months of being full-time in my business were a letdown. I didn't like what I've created. And so I just thought to myself, what do I do now? I lost clients, I fell out of love with my business. I didn't know who I was.
When I took a step back and looked at the bigger picture, I realised that this was all because I was so obsessed with hitting a certain number to make me think I was successful. This was not why I started this. And I lost sight of that. I lost sight of my why. 
This doesn't mean that you can't celebrate milestones, but when you only live for those milestones you start to compare yourself, have massive imposter syndrome, and you go down this rabbit hole of trying to constantly one-up yourself.
#3 | Impact = Profit
Remember that the more impact you make, the more money you make. It's as simple as that. When you focus on the destination, you're focusing on the type of people you want to help and the kind of impact you want to make. Then profit happens naturally. Everyone has to go through the numbers comparison; I've definitely been there. When you lose sight of the end goal is when you lose motivation. You stop feeling aligned.
#4 | There’s no “one size fits all strategy”
Get clear on what makes you unique as a business owner, so you never waver when you see others doing similar things to you in your industry, having success in a different way. Embrace what works for you. 
We connect with the deeper reason, through relationship building, through community building. Figure out what are the things that are really working for you, and double down on those because your time is precious. It can be educational posts or raw and emotional posts - go back to your previous posts and see what resonates the most.
Look at your business and ask:
What's working? 
What am I good at? 
What do I love doing? 
How can I get even better?
Dominate what you’re good at - people will recognise it and they will come to you. Don't pay attention to what others in your industry are doing and think you have to follow them. You can say: “I'm so excited for them. This is what I'm doing.”
Register for my free 4-day challenge From Productivity To Profit - we kick off on September 21st!
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Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/2Fjqawq via IFTTT
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This Is Why No One Is Commenting On Your Instagram Posts
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  You’ve published 5 Instagram posts this week and once again, you’ve hardly had comments. What gives? I see you, and I get it.
Because I’ve been there… 
But I’m not anymore. What if I told you that you could get more comments easily on all of your Instagram posts, every single day? You may think I’m bluffing, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve. 
What if I told you there is ONE big reason you don’t get comments on your social media posts? Are you ready to make this change in your business and start getting more engagement online? 
These go-to call to action ideas will help you increase, engagement, clicks and sales so you can build relationships with potential customers, increase your brand awareness and generate more sales. 
P.S. If you’re ready to learn more about how to create content that connects and converts, save your spot at my FREE From Productivity To Profit Challenge here.
People make decisions in a fraction of a second on social media. On a website, it takes less than 15 seconds for someone to decide if they’re going to stick around. You can bet your bottom dollar that it takes way less time than that on a platform like Instagram. 
So if someone gets to the end of reading one of your Instagram posts and you’re not spelling it out in black and white what you want them to do when they get to the end of your post...what do you expect?
The role of a call to action is to direct people into what they should do next. It’s used to tell the user exactly what action to take and how to take it. 
We’ll get into how to create a persuasive and effective call to action later but first, let’s talk about the importance of CTAs.
A lot of businesses simply use the words “sign up” or “buy now” in their Instagram posts and hope that it’s enough to drive conversions. They put so much time, energy and money into the creation of their social media, blog, and email content, and then just slap a half-hearted call to action on the end. And then wonder why they fail.
We don’t just want any old call to action on our Instagram posts - we want a strong call to action that convinces people to act.
Really, there are two main purposes of a call to action:
To tell someone what they should do
To give them the motivation to do so
A lot of people remember to tell people what they should do, but they forget the why part of that equation. But without that, you won’t see the types of conversion rates that you should. While sometimes, your content before the call to action will answer this question, sometimes it doesn’t. Even if it does, a quick recap makes the call to action even more powerful.
I think we can narrow it down to 3 main reasons why you’re not getting comments on your Instagram posts.
#1 | You’re not asking for comments
If you’re not specifically asking people to “comment below”, they won’t! You might think it’s too obvious but you need to spell it out for people what it is that you actually want them to do. If you just end your post with a sentence and don’t ask a question, you can’t complain that you didn’t get any comments - you’ve got to ask for them.
#2 | Your call to action is too complex or vague
The key to a great call to action is keeping it simple. If you ask a question such as, “what are your thoughts on this” - that’s very vague and doesn’t really give your readers a good enough, or easy starting point for writing a comment on your post.
On the flipside, if you ask them a question that’s too complex or you’re asking them to share information that’s too personal, they’ll also be put off and won’t leave a comment at all. That’s why the best thing to do is to keep it simple. 
#3 | Every call to action asks for a sale
If every single call to action on your feed says “buy now” or “hit the link in my bio”, we want to change this ASAP! The real problem with this is that if people become used to the fact that you’re always trying to sell to them, they’ll stop coming to your feed because they’ll assume you won’t give them anything else. Serve before you sell. Always.
Before we get into the examples, let’s break down the two types of categories that most call to actions generally fall under. We want to make sure that every single one of our calls to action fits under one of these categories on our Instagram posts.
#1 | Engagement CTA
The first call to action is for engagement. Engagement on all social media is crucial. It’s the little “yes”. When you can get someone to comment on something, they are saying “yes” to you. Over time, enough of these can lead to the sale.
While engagement has always been important and a big focus area for me, I now believe that there is some added benefit to having a highly engaged audience on Instagram. Great engagement can push you out into the algorithm, as well as help you reach the Top Posts area for any of your given hashtags.
What I’m trying to say is: engagement is important! And luckily, it is somewhat within your control. These call to actions are great for inviting engagement by some kind of question or invitation for discussion.
#2 | Conversion CTA
The second call to action is where you direct people to the link in your bio to take the next step with you. Remember, you don’t own your Instagram audience (Instagram does!), so it is wise to move people to where you do business, an area that you can control - like your website. 
This call to action has a specific purpose. Whether it’s to get someone to sign up to your opt-in freebie or check out your new product for sale, a conversion call to action is asking them to take action on something.
Remember - a social media audience is not the be all and end all. It really should be used as a vehicle to share your message and drive traffic to your own website, products and services.
Now, let’s tackle the elephant in the room: every single one of your Instagram posts should have a call to action, but not every single one should be a direct sell.
So, what can you use as a call to action instead of “hit the link in my bio”? Here are some of my favourites.
Call To Action Examples:
Double tap if you agree
Comment below if you…
DM me if you…
Tag a friend who…
Click the link in my bio
What is one word to describe…?
Can you relate? 
Have you done this?
Have you tried this?
Vote for your favourite: A or B!
On a scale of 1-10…
Which is your favourite?
Can you guess what it is?
Share this with someone who needs it
Save this post
Tell me below
Powerful Words To Use:
Sign up
Get my secrets
Gain access
Ways To Add Urgency
Limited time
Limited amount
Only a few left
Ending soon
Members only
Don’t miss out
Only x days left
One time offer
Won’t last long
Ending on x date
Holiday special
Today only
There you have it! If you want people to engage with your content, comment or take some sort of action, you need to spell it out for them. Now you have the ideas to do just that! Remember, selling comes from serving, not just advertising what you’re selling, so mix up your call to actions for your Instagram posts and take on the challenge to include one in every single post.
Register for my free 4-day challenge From Productivity To Profit - we kick off on September 21st!
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Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/3jZtgUV via IFTTT
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When I Think Back To Lockdown, I Hope I Remember...
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  As a coach, I’ve had so many conversations with people about lockdown. I remember one particular conversation I had with a friend and we were just chatting, catching up on our lives and what had been going on. Because I talk all things business so often during the week, it’s refreshing to have a friend chat like this every so often.
We talked about all sorts of different things, TV shows, books we’d been reading, new people we’d found to follow online, anything and everything. We were about to hang up, we’d been on the phone for some time and we got talking about lockdown, as everyone does at the moment. And I said something along the lines of, “The other day, I was journaling during my morning routine and I got kind of nostalgic. Because I thought to myself, when I look back on this time in our lives, what will we actually remember?”
It’s a valid question, don’t you think? I remember when lockdown first started and online, it seemed like all of these people were starting big home projects, learning new things, finding new ways to entertain their kids and so much more. But for me, a huge part of this time in our lives has felt like survival. 
I get that this sounds a little dramatic but this whole thing has been a rollercoaster. Especially as a business owner. While I am very excited to get back to “normal”, to hug my family and to be able to go out for an amazing meal, sometimes I also look back over the last few months with guilt that I somehow haven’t done enough with this time.
You’ve probably seen it, noticed or even felt it, too. The vast amount of mixed messaging from every corner of the internet (a place we’re all spending more time on to escape living average days over and over again). Some people tell you to grasp this opportunity with both hands, to form new habits, take over the world, and create this brand new life for yourself post-lockdown. On the other side of the spectrum, we’ve got people telling us to take it easy, put ourselves first, and do whatever we need to do to get through it.
Whatever camp you fall into, you should feel ok with wherever you’re at. I’m running a business, helping clients pivot their businesses and planning for a baby (more on that later). Others are just trying to keep their job and keep their kids alive. And if you have nothing more to show for this time than that...let me be the first to say that that IS enough. 
It’s a question that’s been lingering on my mind for quite a while now and so I wanted to dedicate a full blog post to it: when I think back to lockdown, what do I hope I remember?
Never in my life did I imagine owning my dream home before I was 30, and when that became a reality, a dream come true, I never though lockdown would allow me, Tom and our pup Lola, to spend so much quality time here together. It feels as though we’ve really found ourselves here. The openness, the quiet, the cosiness, the simplicity. The fact that we’ve fallen in love with our home even more when we very well could have gotten sick of it by now, is a blessing to how much this place means to us.
I hope that I remember our daily walks, every single day without fail. Whether they required big winter coats with hoods or allowed us to peel off layers and feel the sun on our skin. Every evening when I closed my laptop and came downstairs, we’d be excited for our dinner plans, there’d be a pup so excited to see me, and a plan to head out on a long walk in the woods to catch up on our days. We’d laugh at the way Lola walked sassily along the path and chased birds and squirrels. We’d recount our days, laugh at old memories and just enjoy being together as a family. Those walks hold most of my favourite memories and have become a highlight of lockdown.
I’ll remember how all we talked about was how excited we were to welcome a new addition to our family. How we went from just talking about it to it being a reality in the blink of an eye. The way that Tom would sit by my side and rub my back when I was having a bad day, and how calls with my mum and dad would always light me up. I’ll smile every time I see a Disney film, because that’s what I spent my mornings doing during my first trimester.  I’ll remember being able to hug my Nana for the first time in months when we revealed the news to her and showing my brother, the Uncle-to-be, the picture of our scan over a Zoom call. 
I hope I remember how important it was to keep up those conversations when we were stopped from seeing each other in person. From weekly Zoom calls with my Nana and Aunty when they asked me if I’d ever used Zoom before - it was a needed chat after spending once a week working at their house. From the family group chats that were confusing and hilarious all at the same time, to the texts that just say “How are you getting on?” without implying that you should feel one way or another. In a world where we have access to the internet from the phone in our pocket, it’s important that we figure out ways to check-in and stay in touch, and I’m thankful for the constant reminder to keep up those friendships and make efforts to communicate in a more personalised way.
I want to look back and see a driven business owner, pivoting, dodging, dreaming and losing sleep at night because she cares so deeply about her clients, students, and followers. Lockdown has been an eye opener for my business as a solopreneur to get back into the trenches, to create new offers, to create this business that I’ve built, and to be able to prove that it is possible to sustain and grow during difficult times.
I’ve had some of my lowest moments in business, a few too many crying sessions, and a lot of late nights. But I’ve also created some of the best things I ever have as a business owner and seen my biggest successes to date. I’ve served at the highest level as my best self, and pivoted faster than I ever knew possible. The future is bright because I got my head down and cracked on instead of worrying and overthinking. Those two things are the killer of taking action. I truly believe that.
I pray that I remember the nights snuggled up on our sofa with a mass of pillows, a dog sleeping between us and snacks on the side table, as Tom and I binge watched Gilmore Girls, Avengers films and Sons of Anarchy. We’d sit and watch just being together, with nothing left to say, because we’ve been doing life as a team in motion, day after day without wavering.
Whether you’ve accomplished the projects you’ve been waiting to work on, or you’ve mastered a new skill, or you’re coming out of this lighter (physically or emotionally) and recharged…
Or maybe you’re exhausted, tired, anxious and just proud that you’ve made it to another day.
Wherever you’re at right now, I want you to know that this season has been a huge learning curve for all of us.
It’s been a rollercoaster. It’s been filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows, and whether we like it or not, we will always remember navigating the unknown of lockdown in 2020.
So I challenge you today, while we’re still trying to get back to our new normal, to ask yourself: what do I hope to remember about all of this? In life, we’ve got to take the good with the bad, the ups with the downs, and sometimes calling out the joys and AND the harder times helps you to find and cling to that silver lining that’s always there, even if we don’t see it straight away.
And now for a special announcement…
It feels like such a blessing to be able to write those words. I’ve always known I’d share our pregnancy news on this blog and I am so excited to share it and celebrate with all of you. We are having a baby, due on 1st March 2021 (nice and easy to remember!) 
This will be very out of the blue for a lot of you and that decision was made intentionally. We knew we wanted to start our family in 2020 and while it’s been a really hard secret to keep for the past few months, we’re so pleased we now get to share it with you.
You won’t see too much pregnancy content from me, the best place to stay updated with my journey will be Instagram (you can follow me here). But I just wanted to say to all the women and couples out there who are yearning for a baby that we are eternally grateful that we have been given this blessing in our lives and I have faith and hope that it will happen for you too. 
It’s been a rocky road over the past few months with more aches and tiredness than I ever could have imagined, but I know it will all be worth it for what we get at the end. We are feeling so emotional, happy, excited, thrilled...all the emotions under the sun!
⁣I honestly feel like everything has brought me to this moment and I want to show that it is possible to be a mum and a business owner at the same. Not every day will be perfect, but we can still absolutely boss it. Baby Bray is already so loved and now it’s time to celebrate!
I’m running a FREE challenge to help you go From Productivity To Profit in just 4 days. Grab your spot here!
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Hi! I’m Holly Bray
I’m an expert at online marketing, a nerd when it comes to the numbers, and my obsession is teaching others how to know what tasks to focus on so they can create a business that GIVES them life (not one that takes it away).
  from Blog https://ift.tt/32ZNIhE via IFTTT
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069: How To Use Pinterest For Business (When You Don’t Know Where To Start)
Today’s talking point:
I am so excited to dig into this episode which is all about Pinterest.
I see so many passionate purpose driven online business owners that are struggling to get that visibility that they want in their business. You are created for big things and I truly do believe that. Pinterest has been a game changer for me and my online presence and my business and I want to help you get those same results as well!
We go over why Pinterest is so important, how to use it, common mistakes (+how to fix them) and how to set up your own Pinterest profile.
How To Use Pinterest For Business (When You Don’t Know Where To Start)
Today's episode is going to be split into four sections:
Why you should be using Pinterest for business and why it is so important
How Pinterest is working currently
Three mistakes you're making on Pinterest that make it hard for your ideal client to find you and how to fix those mistakes
How to set up your Pinterest profile
We want to build a long term scalable, sustainable business and focus on the long term game. We want to focus on the strategies and tasks that are going to pay off for us in the best way possible: long term results.
If what I just described resonates with you, and you are focusing on Facebook or Instagram, you are doing it wrong.
I see so many online business owners that are spending so much time creating content for these social platforms that just disappears after 24 hours. I'm sorry if I'm calling you out right now, but it's coming from a good place. Your content is too good to be ignored. 
When you implement the strategies that I teach you, you put them into practice and you create this boss Pinterest strategy, you are going to get your content and your business seen by more people. So if you're done getting ignored, or you're fed up with your posts on Instagram getting rubbish engagement, you are in the right place.
Why Pinterest?
 So why Pinterest? 
87% of pinners actually come to shop. Pinterest isn't full of people that are just searching to search. They are searching with an intention.
Pinterest gains traction over time. Remember, we are in this for the long game. With Pinterest, you post something today and that pin can still be driving traffic to your website, months, even years after you've published it. I still have pins that are bringing traffic to my site that I published in October 2018. Let your content work harder for you.
Pinterest users have a 9% average higher income. Pinterest is a search engine platform, and pinners are performing 2 billion searches per month. When you understand keywords, and how to use keywords the right way, you will dominate your industry on Pinterest. 
How To Use Pinterest
Pinterest is always updating their platform, so I thought it would be helpful to share the best up to date information with you at the time of recording this.
#1 | Pinterest favours fresh pins
Any pin that you create for a new blog post or an old blog post or product and pin to a board is considered a fresh pin. Now this is very interesting because before this big change, Pinterest was great for old established seasonal pins. Still, a pin you created two years ago can live on Pinterest during that entire time and help you with traffic and monetisation as well. It's important to know that Pinterest is favouring and prioritising fresh pins over old pins currently.
Related Tutorial: How To Create Pins That Go Viral
#2 | Pin directly from your site
Pinterest is encouraging pinning from your blog or website. The best move now is to pin straight from your website. Because Pinterest is encouraging pinning from your site, it is more important than ever to claim your website with Pinterest and make sure that you have verified it. 
This is important because it enables analytics and rich pins, as well as lets Pinterest know that you are a content creator and not just a consumer of Pinterest. So you give Pinterest content versus just save content on Pinterest. 
#3 | Pin consistently
Pinterest doesn't really care how many times you pin or what you pin. It is only concerned that you are consistent on their platform. So they don't want a pinner to pin every day and then stop pinning for two months. They want consistency, whether that's every day, once a week, once a month, whatever works best for you. 
Now, this also means that Pinterest won't mind what you pin. So you can actually pin 100% of your own content and products if you want to. But I do advise against that since for certain strategies you need third party pins. 
#4 | Grow your followers
Growing your Pinterest followers is important, I'll dive deeper into this in another episode potentially. It’s an important metric that allows you to be seen and share your content.
#5 | Space out your content
Pinterest wants pins to be well spaced on your boards. This means that Pinterest doesn't want content creators to spam their boards with the same looking pin row after row. If they feel that you are pinning the same pin too frequently, they may close your account or suspend it. Tailwind suggests every three to six months to pin the same pin. 
You Don’t Create Original Content
If all you do is re-pin, you're leading no one to your own website and we want people to come to your website. So pinning original content can mean saving images from one of your blog posts or linking to your products in your shop.
If you're not creating pins that lead to your own site, then you're not helping those amazing dream customers find you. In fact, you're just sending them somewhere else.
You Don’t Use SEO
Now, don't get scared by this. Pinterest has its own unique SEO (search engine optimisation). 
Let's say someone is looking for a quick easy vegetarian butter pie recipe. Even if you have loads of amazing content and recipes on your website, and even if you have proper keyword phrases throughout your blog posts that make it known that you're a cook extraordinaire who makes an amazing butter pie…
Do you really think that your dream client will find your recipe if you've pinned it with the description that says “yummy yummy get in my tummy?” No!
When posting on Pinterest, you have to think like someone using a Google search bar. What are they going to type in to find what they are looking for? 
You Don’t Rank For Your Search Terms
Now, having proper SEO and keyword rich descriptions for your pins is part of it. But your account as a whole needs to be on brand. That means:
Your account name, bio website link and board names should all make sense for what your business and brand entails.
Your board names and descriptions within those boards should also be consistent.
You’re Not Targeting Your Ideal Customer
With Pinterest, just as you would with anything in your business, you have to have a specific ideal customer. And you need to know who it is that you are trying to serve. 
What are their pain points? 
What are their deepest desires? 
What do they need help with? 
And then most importantly, when they come to Pinterest, what are they searching for?
3 Easy To Implement Strategies
#1 | Create original content and pin your own work
Now for product based businesses if you are constantly creating and launching new products, this is great because you can constantly be pinning your own products to Pinterest. But having a blog is so crucial. There's no other way to create original content than seeing your own blog posts and pinning those.
#2 | Utilise SEO by including descriptive and on-point key phrases in your pin descriptions and board descriptions
Remember, don't just guess these, take your time and do your research. It doesn't take long and it will massively pay off. Think about what people are searching for and use the features within Pinterest to find all the associated keywords based on what you've searched for.
#3 | Optimise your profile for search
From your account name to your bio to your board names to your board descriptions. 
How To Set Up Your Pinterest Profile
This is going to help you gain even more clarity when it comes to your pinning and everything else.  
In 160 characters or less, your bio is going to briefly explain who you help, how you help them and what you should do next. This is where you can include an opt-in of some kind.
There are loads of different words that you could use for this: an opt-in, a freebie, a lead magnet, they're all the same thing. It's basically something that you offer for free in exchange for someone's email address. 
If you don't have a freebie yet, don't worry, we will get there. But really, the whole point of Pinterest is to build your email list. 
When you're creating your bio, just keep in mind that Pinterest is a search engine. So you can actually infuse relevant keywords into your bio, and I even have certain keywords in my actual profile name as well. Keep it simple and just keep in mind your target audience.
I want to list this out for you so you can answer the following questions:
I help (insert who you help, what is their identity) learn, do, become (a deep desire or goal that they have)
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OR find out more at my blog or join our Facebook community.
A few other things for your Pinterest profile:
Use a headshot of yourself or your company logo. 
Make sure you're using keywords in your name and your bio.
Communicate your brand and what it is that you're about (Who are you? What do you do? What should people expect from you?) 
Include a link for them to connect with you.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Watch the free masterclass here.
Want access to a library full of online marketing resources plus weekly bitesized breakthroughs to help you boss your online presence? Find it here.
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068: 5 Of The Best Things To Do When You're Overwhelmed By Work
Today’s talking point:
Let's talk overwhelm.
The illness that affects all of us at one point or another in our business, especially when it comes to getting overwhelmed by work. I wanted to pull together a few of my biggest tips in this podcast episode, so that you have a nice refresher and a reminder as to what you should be doing when overwhelm starts to creep into your business. 
We go over five tips (+ 1 big bonus tip) to help you beat overwhelm for good. Then I’m going to cover how to stay motivated when your progress is taking longer than you thought. 
click here to watch the free masterclass on how to focus on the right tasks in your business without working 24/7!
The first thing I want you to realise and understand is this: overwhelm is a choice. And you are in charge of how overwhelmed you allow yourself to feel. 
It's going back to being self aware, and really building that mindset and muscle to be aware of when overwhelm starts creeping in - so that you can nip it in the bud.
One thing I can promise you is that we all struggle with overwhelm. It doesn't matter how successful you are, or how long you've been in business for, it will creep up. It's that feeling that you get when you just feel off, you get a tightness in your chest that makes you feel like you can't cope with everything and you need to escape from it. You need to escape from your work.
But there is something you can do about it. Being overwhelmed by work is not actually as terrible as sometimes we make it out to be in our mind because nobody's perfect, and not every day will be perfect. It's about understanding that it's okay to not be perfect. You can allow yourself to course correct and give the day a close and start new the next day. 
It's really important that you can do that without feeling guilty or feeling like you're putting yourself down. Remember that every day might be different in your schedule. You might have a day where you have six hours to work on your business. Then the next day, you might only have two. It's okay to have a changing schedule. It's okay to not have a perfect structure in your business. Most of my days are very different. I have client calls on certain days of the week, some days, I have more calls than others. And I like to have that flexibility! 
So it's really key that you start implementing some of the habits that we've talked about in previous episodes, implementing those specific strategies to make sure that you're staying on track, even if your days are different.
So what can you do to prevent overwhelm?
#1 | Plan Your Day In Advance
Are you sick of me saying this yet? This is critical. It's really important. I'm not going to go into this in too much detail, because I did talk about it a lot in Episode 67. So definitely go and listen to that if you haven't already.
Planning your day, especially planning it the night before, can really help you so much. 
#2 | Pick Non-negotiables
Only pick 1-3 non-negotiable tasks for each day. I cannot stress this enough when I say that momentum leads to motivation. If you don't get something done in your business because you're too worried about multitasking and getting 17 things done in the day, you're probably not going to get any of them done. 
Say you've just got a load of projects that you've not started, have not yet completed. That just creates more stress and anxiety for you and your business. So instead of picking 17, pick 1-3 and every single day. Bonus brownie points if you know those three tasks lead towards your monthly and quarterly goals. 
Let me give you an example of what my current week looks like this week, as I'm recording this episode. 
Record this podcast episode
Create a new lesson for the Busy to Boss Academy
Other daily to-do's I need to get done including my daily to-do’s, Instagram story, those sorts of tasks
Continue writing my social content for the week
Continue writing an email sequence for a funnel that I'm working on
Client calls 
Client calls 
My passive traffic flow system (more about that in another episode if you want) 
Going through some market research
Looking at moving parts of my business over to a different platform 
My usual daily to do's 
Check in with my clients
My usual daily to do's 
Take the afternoon off
Simple, streamlined, and strategic. So, what does that look like for you?
#3 | Create Clear Steps
I don't want to see anything on your to-do list or calendar that says write a newsletter, etc - these really big broad to-do’s that are not actionable steps. You want to be very specific with the tasks that you are going to complete. 
Something like: 
Create a Facebook ad campaign number one 
Write the first draft of my September newsletter
Write the script for my upcoming YouTube video titled X 
This is really important to keep that momentum going by being very actionable with the tasks that you assign yourself. Take a look at your calendar right now or your project management system and look at the tasks that you've written down. How specific are they? If they're not that specific, then go ahead and change that.
#4 | Break It Down
Break it all down. We talked about this a lot, this view of simplifying the projects that you are working on. We want to make sure that you break down really large, complex projects into smaller, more actionable goals so that you can make progress quicker, and have the satisfaction of getting to that next step with your project.
This is honestly one of the biggest mistakes that I see business owners make. They assign themselves 40 different tasks to do in a week. We don't realise that a project takes a lot longer to complete than we usually predict. So always, always overestimate when you are allocating your tasks into chunks of time. 
Always overestimate and really think about how you can write your projects down into little bitty pieces.
#5 | Do Something You Love
Do something you love every single day. You might think this is counterintuitive, but it's actually critical. I want you to add this to your calendar, one of those three non-negotiables that you get done everyday should be something that you actually enjoy.
Once I started implementing this strategy in my business, I started seeing a really amazing increase in my productivity, in my overall happiness in the quality of content I was putting out and in the quality of products that I was putting out. 
Your business shouldn't be run in the day-to-day based on tasks you think you should be doing. It should be run based on the tasks that you enjoy, and that work for you. 
So I make it a non negotiable to every single day do something that I truly enjoy in my business. For me, that's things like: 
Creating content 
Client calls
Working on new projects, new offerings
I love writing blog posts and creating newsletters and recording podcasts and speaking to my clients and creating new courses and content for my Academy that makes me happy. It makes me feel satisfied. 
I really want you to do the same in your business, pick an area of your business that you love working on, and then do one small task related to that area every single day. That brings you a lot of joy.
+BONUS - Set Realistic Time Frames
Now usually whenever we think we can implement a project in a set amount of time, it takes us twice as long to complete it.
This is something that I struggled with a lot when I first started out. When I first started my business and went full-time I joined a group coaching program. I realised that people who were way more successful than me, allotted 3x more time in their project management system to complete the projects in their business. So I started realising that I'm not giving myself enough time to complete these things. No wonder I got to the end of the day and felt like I hadn't accomplished anything. It's because I had these unrealistic expectations of how much further ahead, I should be. 
That's a limiting belief that we all have. We all want to be an overnight success and have instant gratification and it's just not realistic. You have to be able to give yourself time to implement big projects in your business. So instead of creating a new big project for myself every single month, I actually now create quarterly projects that I give myself three months to complete, and I break those costly projects down into micro goals for each month. 
I want to talk to you about how to stay motivated when you feel like progress is taking forever. It's this whole notion of what do you do if you feel like you're chugging along, you're working hard to pursue your business goals but things are just not coming together as fast as you'd hoped expected or wanted them to. 
This is something all of us can relate to whether you're in the beginning stages of your business or you've been doing this for a while; it’s really hard as business owners to balance our expectations because we're usually very impatient people.
Sometimes it doesn't come down to not being patient. Sometimes it comes down to the other side of the spectrum where you're actually too patient and you're not moving forward as quickly as you could be because of, well, because of a million different reasons.
We want to make sure that you have the best tools available to deal with these issues. Have a patient yet impatient mindset.
When you step into the patiently impatient mindset, you're working relentlessly and intentionally towards your business goals. But at the same time, you're realising that the results are going to lag, the results are going to take time. You’re working really hard, but know that you won't see the results right away. The results will never catch up to the rate at which you work. That's just the reality. It's a fact of life. But that doesn't mean that the results aren't actually there. It just takes time.
It is a balance of both sides: If you want to be a successful business owner, you have to have the impatience, the will, the excitement, the momentum, the motivation to keep moving forward every single day and be impatient about the pursuit of progress and success in your business. But then the patient aspect has to come in. It has to teach you that hey, okay, we're working really hard here. We're moving forward. We have this energy and this determination. But you also have to realise that this is a journey and there are sequence steps to success. 
No matter how hard you work moving forward, the results will lag, the results will never be instant. If they were instant, then everyone would be doing this or no one would give up on their way to becoming a successful business owner. 
We all go through this. It’s okay to be working really hard but not seeing results. Make sure that you are balancing patience and impatience to keep a steady pace, but not beat yourself up for missing time milestones.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Watch the free masterclass here.
Want access to a library full of online marketing resources plus weekly bitesized breakthroughs to help you boss your online presence? Find it here.
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065: How To Find Motivation In Your Business (+ Never Lose It Again)
Today’s talking point:
Do you feel a lack of motivation right now? Have you ever felt a lack of motivation? Do you want to learn how to find motivation?
I feel you boss. Believe it or not, I have plenty of down days and days when I don't feel motivated. To get back our motivation, we need to figure out what the reason is for our lack of motivation.
A Conversation About Boundaries
What happens if we don't have motivation? We want to…
Watch TV
Sit down
We don't want to eat the best foods to fuel our bodies
We don't want to complete the projects we know we're supposed to be working on in our business
We feel like we're using this time very unproductively, which in turn makes us feel guilty.
But is this a bad thing? You might actually be quite relieved to hear that the answer is no. Though the other question is, could it be a bad thing? And the answer to that is yes.
How can we avoid this if it's not the healthiest thing for you or your business right now? I speak from experience when I say that motivation is tough. 
When we lose it, all we have to do is find it again and grab on to it. Now that sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, don't worry, because in this episode, you will learn how to find motivation in your business, and how to grab on to it so you don't lose it again.
Ways You Lose Your Motivation
When we lose our motivation, we lose our energy. Energy is connected to motivation; so if we keep our energy levels low, then it's really hard for our motivation to be high. 
I want us to dig to find out where your motivation went when it decided to hide from you.
And I'm assuming it's because you're spending your energy on two things:
#1 | Feeding worrying, anxious thoughts. 
If we're spending our energy feeding those thoughts, it's a vacuum. It's sucking up all of our energy because we're feeding negative thoughts. It’s not wrong to be anxious or worried, but when we feed into it and make those thoughts grow, that’s when they become negative, harmful and unhealthy.
#2 | By avoiding all of your emotions
By watching Netflix, overeating, or any other coping mechanism. (I’m here with you because there have been plenty of times where I've used Netflix to allow myself to get distracted from real world problems.)
I remember years and years ago before I met Tom, I went through a really bad breakup. For so long, I just watched TV. 
I didn't do anything else.
I didn't want to journal.
I didn't want to self-coach myself.
I didn't want to talk about it.
But when I spent my energy on that my motivation was lost, and I lost motivation for everything. If we're spending energy feeding the wrong things, or avoiding our emotions entirely, then our motivation runs away from us.
Finding Your Motivation
The problem is that your motivation doesn't give you any clues as to where it went to hide. Now on top of that, a lot of us don't even have a proper routine anymore due to COVID-19.
There are a lot of distractions and it's natural for us to feel like we've lost our routines.
So I want you to ask yourself this one question right now, or it or write it down on a sticky note if you can. 
What do you want this season to look like for you?
This is the question that pulled me out of my funk. Because this is just a season. And I want that to be a reminder for you. It's not eternal. It's not going to last forever. And this is a good thing.
So ask yourself:
What do I want this season to look like for me?
If I could measure the success of this season, what would that look like?
What does a successful season in the current circumstances look like for me?
How can I make this actionable? 
Brainstorm a list of actions you can take to get on track and feel re-inspired. We lose motivation when we lose our vision of what we're working towards. That’s how we can learn how to find motivation in our business and life.
Just imagine before this pandemic hit, before this was declared a national emergency. What was happening? 
We were working. We were walking.
We were walking towards a clear vision. 
We knew what kind of business we wanted to create. 
We knew our goals, etc. 
Then all of a sudden, this big gust of wind just goes through and knocks us over. And we lost sight of our vision and motivation. It is easy for us to stay knocked down, but we want to get back on top of our goals and get moving toward our vision again.
You can change your vision, pivot your business or set new goals. Whatever you choose to do, start now. It’s ok to feel lost, but let's figure out what the right tasks are for your business. That's exactly why I created the Busy to Boss Academy.
If you want to start working on this now (it’s never too late!), click here to watch my brand new free training on how to know what tasks to focus on in your business without working 24/7. It’s a game changer!
This is a really good chance for us to reevaluate and map out where we want to go. Whatever success looks like to you, that's what matters here. Whether it is homeschooling your kids everyday, diving into self-care or setting a sales goal - set goals that are right for you, right now.
We lose motivation when we lose our vision of what we are walking towards. It makes us not want to walk anymore because then we think:
Well, what's the point of walking? 
What's the point of going any further?
What if I'm going in the wrong direction?
What if I’m wasting time?
You are the master of your own mind. Your mind can create misery or magic. What do you want to do? You have the choice to make the season you're in right now look however you want it to look, and you have so much more power than you might feel like you have right now. 
Solving Lost Motivation
Let's talk decision making.
Right now we are faced with a problem, multiple problems with different faces. And what do successful business owners do when they are faced with a problem? They go to data, and then create a solution. 
Data is the catalyst for creative ideas that actually generate results. If you want to come up with a super creative and profitable solution to any problem you are facing right now, the only way to achieve that is through data. Data can look so different, but what it really is is feedback, feedback based on strategic questions.
It's like a problem we all have in business: coming up with content ideas.
Instead of just staring at a blank screen with a blinking cursor and forcing content ideas to come to life, get on a few calls with people from your email list, Facebook group or Instagram, and ask smart questions that lead to amazing data that you can use to craft your content. 
It truly needs to be an instinct to seek data and to be curious before crafting any solution for your business. This is how successful business owners respond to problems.
We have two choices when faced with a problem:
Reactive decision making 
This looks like making a decision in the moment, it looks like making a decision based on your immediate thought, belief or feeling. 
Data decision making
This looks like responding to your immediate feelings by brainstorming solutions and deeper problem solving.
Reactive decision making can look like immediately focusing on the negative, becoming a victim and making incorrect assumptions. Data decision making is analysing the situation and your immediate response to think of solutions to meet your goals.
Our job as business owners is to solve problems and create solutions.
A Final Note
If you are ready to tackle your limiting beliefs and make the mindset shifts you need to succeed in business and if you don’t know what tasks you need to be focusing on right now for your business, I am here to challenge you.
Because what got you to this point in your business won’t take you to the next level.
If you continue doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results, that’s the exact definition of insanity. Doing the same thing again and again and expecting something different. Or letting the gust of wind knock you over and staying on the ground, or getting up and forgetting where you’re heading towards. Where you ‘re heading towards needs to be at the forefront of your mind ALWAYS.
So if you’re struggling with the implementation of that or even your belief in your ability to succeed, I have worked through this over the last few years in my business and I have a brand new FREE resource for you.
It’s a free masterclass called: How To Know What Tasks To Focus On In Your Business WithoutWorking 24/7. It includes 3 of the biggest mindset shifts that you need to make to succeed in business.
These are the 3 beliefs that changed everything for me. Because honestly once you shift your mind, everything else falls into place.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Watch the free masterclass here.
Want access to a library full of online marketing resources plus weekly bitesized breakthroughs to help you boss your online presence? Find it here.
What did you think of the show? Leave a review on iTunes!
Subscribe to the show and get notified when a new episode goes live.
Come join my free FB group.
Apply to work with me 1:1 as a private client here.
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How You Can ACTIVELY Participate In Anti-Racism
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Let me start off by saying I am not (even for one second) an expert in this. I am learning right alongside you and have learnt more over the past few weeks than I have in my entire life on what it truly means to be an active anti-racist.
It's not going to be perfect. I’m going to make mistakes.
And I welcome the learning opportunities no matter how uncomfortable they are (she says taking a deep breath while writing this).
But I have built this platform and this business for a reason way beyond making an income, talking about productivity and being a boss.
I want to make a difference and use my influence in a way that can make a true change.
Below I’m going to list some ACTION steps I’ve taken over the last few weeks (and will continue to take) that I want you to do if you are committed to being actively anti-racist.
And if you’re not, I’d like you to unfollow me, because while I’ve done a poor job at explicitly expressing & living it (that changes now, both internally as a human and inside my business), inclusivity + diversity are values of mine as a human and as an online coach.
I personally donated to… Black Lives Matter
Here are other places you can as well:
The George Floyd Memorial Fund
The Minnesota Freedom Fund
My Brother’s Keeper Alliance
Color of Change
Text “Floyd” to 55156 which will text you a link to sign the online petition for the arrests of the officers who murdered George Floyd.
--->612-324-4499 to demand Officers Thomas Lane, You Thao and J. Alexander Kueng be arrested immediately for the murder of George Floyd.
--->502-735-1784 to demand Officers John Mattingly, Bret Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove be terminated and charged with the murder of Breonna Taylor.
--->770-800-0689 to demand the GBI bring charges against the McMichael’s and Willian Bryan, and investigate and bring charges against Glynn County Police Officer Robert Rash for their role in Ahmaud Arbery’s killing.
--->Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor
--->White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
*Disclaimer: I have ordered these, so not read them yet
--->NPR Code Switch
--->Join @blairimani patreon “America Did What” account
--->Trudi Lebron’s Workshop: Show Up and Serve: A Workshop For White Coaches @trudilebron
--->Practicing Allyship + Unpacking White PrivilegeWorkshop by @saridecoaching
--->Inclusion, Diversity and Privilege Workshop for Entrepreneurs + Coaches by @simone.mcnish (it’s now on a waitlist-so wait until she announces this on her story)
--->@elisabethjackson YouTube Video: Being an Ally As A Business Owner (How To “Do Business” During Televised Racial Injustice”)
--->Other incredible black women to follow, and learn from in this industry (don’t DM them asking how you can help - they are inundated and it’s not their job to educate us. Watch their stories, lives, IGTV’s, and get to know them):
Here is another google document with a TON of resources. Yes, there are a lot. So don’t let “overwhelm” stop you in your tracks. DO SOMETHING. Listen to the black women on this platform, hear their stories, and share their posts.
Holly x
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059: 5 Of The Most Productive Things To Do As A Business Owner
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  TUNE IN: iTunes | Stitcher | Soundcloud | Overcast | Spotify | TuneIn | Castbox
Today’s talking point:
We are diving into the final step of the Busy To Boss Blueprint For Goal Setting: Step Number Seven, Implementing Advanced Productivity Strategies. This last step in the blueprint is definitely going to help you win and achieve everything that you want for your business and your life.
I am going to outline the top five most productive things to do as a business owner, which are really going to help you optimise the concepts that we've discussed so far in the Busy To Boss Blueprint For Goal Setting series.
Step seven includes the most productive things to do as a business owner. This is where we optimise this entire blueprint. Once you've mastered the first six steps, this is where we become a real boss.
The Busy To Boss Blueprint Steps:
#1 | Defining your goals
This is the foundation of the blueprint and identifying your goals is really really important.
#2 | Quarterly reverse engineering system 
This is where your goals are broken down into quarterly checkpoints.
 #3 | Choose your habits
We've talked about habits on this show before and your habits will essentially form the structure of your day, leading to increased productivity, energy and clarity.  
#4 | Create your ideal routines
Specifically your ideal week, ideal evening routine and ideal morning routine. This section is all about optimising your most precious hours of the day.
#5 | Implement basic productivity strategies
These will be implemented in various forms, but will all be strategically connected to your goals. 
#6 | Track your progress
This is what it says on the tin where you measure, monitor and manage your projects and goals. 
#7 | Implement advanced productivity strategies 
Now we're going to dive into step seven of the Busy To Boss Blueprint For Goal Setting series and I am going to outline the top five productivity strategies that are designed to work with and optimise the concepts that you have learnt over this series.
If you are curious about diving deeper into this world, these tools and strategies, and you want to learn more about implementing The Busy to Boss Blueprint For Goal Setting, get your name on the Busy To Boss Academy Waitlist to see how you can experience all of this for yourself with my support.
Are you ready to get into step number seven? Let's go.
Assuming that you have a great handle on your own morning routine, your productivity system and your healthy habits, these strategies can really supplement your work and enhance your progress.
These are more advanced strategies, which is why they're optimising everything you've learnt so far. These techniques will work best for you when you are already in a productive flow - and you simply just want to get even better.
Throughout my journey of going from busy to boss and enhancing my productivity, I have found these five strategies to be just what I needed to take my progress to the next level. They are just icing on the cake, the most productive things to do. 
Now, although I personally love each of these strategies, and have implemented them, I don't want you to feel obligated to adopt them all. I know it might be tempting to want to dive in headfirst, but just hold off on overwhelming yourself right now because there's plenty of time for that later. 
#1| Schedule Time For Thinking
You become what you think about. Your thoughts define everything. What we think about determines our actions, our goals, our attitudes, and our ultimate achievements.
In the beginning of my own personal development journey, I discovered one of the greatest or most obvious strategies in existence. It has honestly transformed not only how I think, but also what I choose to think about. That simple strategy is to schedule time just for thinking. This is one of the most productive things to do.
It seems so obvious because it sounds just like brainstorming. But it's so much more than that, and I'm going to talk you through how you can do this. 
How to make the most of this strategy, 
Schedule a focused block of time, isolate yourself, bring your favourite notebook, whiteboard, journal, printing paper, and ask yourself one very important life question.
Write that question at the top of your writing space, and then spend up to an hour brainstorming and recording as many answers to this question as you can. 
The key with this is to ask yourself tough questions, especially ones that are regarding your current goals. Because what you will soon discover is that your breakthroughs are imminent.
The more often you give your brain the space to think about tough problems, the more creative and amazing you will be. So really schedule at least a few thinking sessions per week to optimise the strategy. I personally do this every single morning; I do it for about 15 minutes and I write down whatever thoughts come into my mind. It is honestly the best possible way to start my day.
I truly think that of all the advanced strategies, this one trumps them all. If you schedule consistent time for thinking, I promise that you will undoubtedly find a way to achieve whatever you set your mind to. 
#2| Music for the Mind
Number two is all about music and specifically, music for designed focus. I used to spend many hours every day attempting to work. Whether or not I actually get anything done during my day has a lot to do with how well I cut out distractions and focus on what matters.
One strategy that has revolutionised how I get work done is listening to music that is designed for my brain. I use Spotify and specifically I use two playlists:
Brain Food 
Chill Tracks
When it comes to music and focus in general, I cannot explain the science and you are very lucky that I am not even going to try! But the positive and productive effects are really easy to notice. I get into a flow state, get into the zone and within a few minutes the music fades away, and I am purely laser focused in on my work. 
This music is designed to help you focus. It's designed to help you reduce distractions, improve your attention span, and learn considerably more while you work. So I really find that it's best to use music like this when you're reading, writing, studying, or doing hardcore mental activity. When there are no lyrics, it's so easy to forget about the music and think about the task at hand, even though you still have something going on in the background. 
Music is such a powerful force on your attention and finding your ideal music is important if you repeatedly want to achieve your ideal workflow. 
#3| Uplevel your Workspace
Standing desks. There are ways around this, let me just say because I actually don't have a standing desk. So, being more physically active is 100% the name of the game when it comes to increased energy productivity and better health.
One of my all time favourite strategies for just those reasons is either using a standing desk or standing at a desk somewhere. It honestly makes such a difference in your productivity, your posture, your digestion, your energy, your attitude, and your willingness to keep working long after you normally would have stopped.
And just in general, it's so incredibly important to incorporate standing, walking or more movement throughout your normal work day to prevent a whole load of health problems that accompany when you are just sitting.
So if you are used to sitting at a desk for eight hours a day, using some of that time to stand even if it's just at your kitchen counter, which is what I usually do, it can dramatically improve your health and how much you get done. It’s one of the most productive things to do.
So you have two options to get a standing desk up and running. 
You can buy one
Or you build one
I highly recommend you build your first desk with materials that you have available already, so you won't have to spend any money. Experiment with this and see the benefits of it for yourself before you invest in anything. I stand at my kitchen counter and use some old stacks of magazines or textbooks. I even do that on my current desk sometimes.
Once you've committed to a standing desk, if you find that yet you want to use this full-time moving forward, then you can either buy a model or you can custom build your own to suit your needs.
Adjusting to a standing desk can take a week or two depending on your current fitness level and I wouldn't recommend you stand for all hours of the day. Alternate between sitting and standing every hour. It's also important just to make sure you're incorporating other fitness activities to help strengthen your back and your core as you make this transition. 
#4| Build your Vision
Just as a reminder, vision boards are a physical display. Things that you want usually hung on the wall with pictures of houses, cars, inspirational quotes or other similar items that are cut out from magazines. So essentially, this is quite an old school model of envisioning your life by idealising the end result. 
This method doesn't really work. Don't get me wrong, it's great to begin with. But there's a lot more to it then that - visualisation is only the first step and without a strategy, it gets you nowhere.
I recommend you start with this old school method if you haven't already to help you gain clarity over what you are trying to achieve. Then advance to the new vision board which is a representation of your journey. This vision board focuses on the processes and the work that leads to the end results and the outcomes that you want. 
For example, if you want to run a marathon, your vision board could include an image of running at sunrise. Or if you want to publish your first book, you could have an image of writing in a coffee shop. The main thing is that we want to focus on the process that is going to get us there. 
The best vision boards answer the question: how will I get to my goal? 
This new vision board where you outline your journey, uses pictures, images, quotes, and very practical reminders of what you will be doing all the way to get to your goal. It's that simple. All you need to do to create your vision board is:
Focus exclusively on your current quarterly objectives
Write detailed descriptions of the process to achieve each goal
Find images, quotes or inspirational content that directly reflect a few of the key steps in each action plan
Revisit your vision board at least once a quarter and then update it as needed. With a well thought out plan in place, your vision board can act as an incredible reminder to keep you focused and more importantly, to keep you focused. Again, one of the most productive things to do. 
#5| Go Upside Down
This may be the most bizarre strategy in this group. And I personally haven't practiced this one yet, but I have heard so many wonderful things about it: inversion. So inversion, or hanging upside down, can actually improve your health and help you get more done.
Dr. Robert Lockhart, who is an Australian Physician, has been practicing inversion on a daily basis for more than 40 years. The goal behind inversion is to reverse the effects of gravity. So gravitational forces are hard on the body and when you reverse gravity, you relieve incredible amounts of pressure and disrupt your normal rhythms, which carries with it benefits that you cannot get with any other exercise.
The benefits from this also include: 
Significant reduction in back pain, 
Less stress 
Better brain functioning with an increased flow of blood to your head, which helps productivity
Improved leg and core strength
Better joint health
Improved flexibility
Better posture
Clearer skin, reduced wrinkles, and more.
Inversion is not a miracle cure for everyone. There are a few potential drawbacks including the fact that hanging upside down can be hard on your joints. It does take a while to get used to. It can be dangerous to practice this alone. And if you want to use equipment for this, it is a little bulky and difficult to store.
Now like I said, I haven't practiced this. I know some people have. I'm actually on a mission at the moment to be able to do a handstand, once I get there, then maybe I might be able to practice it. 
Hanging upside down is a bizarre way to spend your time but it could become my new favourite way to spend my time. Look at it as a healthy habit and consider combining this with all the habits at the same time like meditation or affirmations or listening to a great podcast. So, all in all, there's actually a lot you can do, just hanging around. 
And that’s a wrap of the most productive things to do as a business owner! Let me know in the comments which one of these you’re going to try first.
  from Blog https://ift.tt/3fze27Y via IFTTT
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Should You Join A Group Coaching Program Or Take An Online Course?
  Yep, today we are going all in on two of *THE* most popular educational tools: a group coaching program and an online course.
If you’re considering taking the leap soon and taking control of your education, each of these have their own benefits in giving you the virtual boost you need to begin reaching your goals and taking control of your life and business.
In this post, we’re getting into the many pros and cons of investing in a group coaching program vs taking an online course.
I’m honestly the self-proclaimed group coaching queen, yes. But did you know I also have a soft spot in my heart for online courses, too? Personally though, group coaching has the edge. 
Group coaching training can really take ahold of you and help you implement positive changes for good. If you join a good one, with a good coach, it can ignite all kinds of inner power and lets-make-it-happen attitudes in members. I’ve hosted and been a member of a few group business coaching programs throughout my career. 
The first coaching program I joined was a group one and I also run my own as well at the Busy To Boss Academy. But my group coaching program also functions as an online course (and I have taken MANY online courses). So I like to think I know what I’m talking about when it comes to both courses and group coaching!
The way I want to do this is treat this almost like a written venn diagram post - do you remember those from school? It’s two overlapping circles and in this case, it would be one circle for courses and one for group coaching. The overlapping part of the circles is what they have in common. Because for how different you might think the two experiences are, they do have some incredible commonalities, too!
First up, let’s chat about what makes these learning and development experiences amazing in similar ways.
Good coaching membership programs and good courses share a few super-inspirational qualities, so let’s get into what those look like!
Of course, most courses and group coaching programs were created in order to teach all kinds of people, from all over the world, something:
Valuable, and
It’s delivering this new information to the masses for students to take and implement into their own lives or businesses. 
Both should have tangible takeaways, action steps, and support (whether that’s a workbook, activities, online community, or check-ins) as you apply the learning materials to your life.
Both courses and a group coaching structure should deliver a deeper purpose for you to walk away with, beyond just learning something new. 
Depending on the coach or educator, you probably won’t just walk away from a course or group coaching program with new knowledge in your toolkit. You should feel a little more equipped to reach your dreams and go after the things that light you up. 
Purpose-driven educational experiences will push you from just learning new stuff to you actually wanting to implement it and seeing how it can shift your journey to something more meaningful and fulfilling. 
They make look a little different, but with both courses and group coaching programs, you often gain a new community of like minded goal chasers and big dreamers.
Courses sometimes (but not all of the time) offer a digital space to get support. Group coaching is exactly what it says on the tin. You get coaching time on a regular basis to get your questions answered and at some point during each week you’re in the program you’ll get custom 1:1 support.
If you’re leaning towards investing in a digital course to take the reins of your education, you’ve got a LOT of good things going for you! Whether you’re looking to learn a new skill so you can up-level your business, streamline an area of your life, or just find more joy, there are courses on everything you can imagine learning about. Think new hobbies, business strategies, home decor, social media, and so. much. more.
It’s honestly a little wild for me to think about it because as a big believer in digital courses, I have absolutely loved seeing how this area has expanded and shifted to include everything imaginable to learn about. And one of my personal favourite things about courses is that most offer access for a lifetime. This means you can jump back in later and learn something new or experience fresh takeaways as your business and directions pivot through the years.
This also means you’ll get access to new updates and changes to courses as the materials get refreshed. So you’ll always have access to the most up-to-date processes and systems that the course tackles. I go back to courses I’ve purchased years ago and each time I go back to it, I glean new insight. You have that information at your fingertips whenever you need to reference it or need a refresher, and that’s something I love about online courses. 
I’d say the only downside to courses that I see is when people can’t seen to push past life and dig into the materials to really integrate the knowledge into their life and business. And trust me, I GET IT. Life happens and follow-through isn’t always easy. But the truth is, most courses work if you do the work. They’re not a magic wand offering to fix your business or your life once you hand over your credit card, but they seriously improve a LOT if you choose to take the knowledge, do the work, and go with it!
As for the benefits of group coaching, they are endless. There are SO many good ones out there that are transformational and unbelievably jam-packed with the best information and strategies from powerful entrepreneurs, CEOs, and beyond. So much of the group coaching process gives you this thrill, this high from being in the environment and feeding off the energy of so many other inspired, hyped-up people. If you’ve ever been part of a group coaching program, you know what I’m talkin’ about!
You get one-on-one access with your favourite mentor and meet people whose stories are exceptional and make you all the more eager to chase down everything you’ve ever wanted, and then some. In group coaching questions are answered. It’s buzzy, inspirational, and full of good energy, on top of equipping you with all sorts of new information to implement and run with.
The only downside, if you ask me is that group coaching programs can vary in length between 6 weeks to 12 months. You normally leave with these mega-feel-good-boosting vibes after having done these group coaching activities and group coaching exercises, so when you leave, it’s all the more challenging to keep that buzz going on your own. To continue generating the energy and stick with all thee ideas and goals you came up with while part of a group coaching program, it can be difficult once you’re not in that environment anymore and back into your own life, which can be full, fast, and distracting.
I’d advise you to throw yourself into the group coaching tools that you are taught during your time in a coaching offer. Thrive off each other and the one-on-one support. Don’t be that person who takes pages of notes that never get implemented (or even read again!) The best group coaching programs send you away with a plan every single week to make progress and get the work done.
It’s tough to know which investment will pay off the best for you, isn’t it? So here’s what I would say: If you’re looking for a blueprint that you can actually implement or a system to put into place in your business and you need a step-by-step model that allows you to work at your own pace? Hands down, choose a course.
If you want all of that but you also want community, inspiration and an accountable plan of action to take things to the next level? A group coaching program might be a great opportunity for you.
My advice is to do your research - for both a coaching offer AND a course. Look into the speakers, the educators, the leaders, and make suer they are names that you trust and that you know will deliver on the value they promise. Have they gotten themselves and others results? Is the promise they are painting by the end the result that you’re seeking? After all, you’re the one investing your hard-earned money in this experiences to learn something new that hopefully takes you to the next level!
When it comes to taking an online course or joining a group coaching program, the decisions is yours. Both can be amazing, transformative experiences. Just make sure whichever you choose, you jump in with both feet and commit to making it well worth your time and investment - because you are definitely worthy of that!
Want to simplify your marketing and create more balance in your day without being chained to your desk 24/7? Head here.
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  Are you looking for some decluttering tips for how to organize your desk and office space?
You’re in the right place. This video marks the start of our 31 Weeks of Productivity Challenge! In this video, we dive into some of the most life-changing tips for decluttering your desk and improving your desk organization. If you love minimalism and want to improve your organization and productivity, you’ll love the decluttering tips in this video! Remember to subscribe if you want more tips on decluttering!
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There are endless decluttering tips for your workspace and I have a few of those ideas myself.
Before we get into today's video, I just want to welcome you to my 31 weeks of productivity challenge here on YouTube.
These next few weeks are going to be challenging. They are going to be motivating and they are going to be very, very productive. The purpose of this challenge is to give you one action step that you can do every single week, that’s not going to take up too much of your time that you can do to help increase your productivity and create more balance in your daily schedule as a business owner.
We are going to be covering organizational tips like the topic that we're kicking things off with today along with mindset shifts and productivity hacks to really just make sure that we're covering all bases.
And the best thing about each of these challenges is that you can come back to them again and again and again.
You don't need anything for this challenge, you just need you and a little bit of motivation. I'll be here every single week with your action step for that week and you have seven days to complete it and I'll be doing these with you as well.
So if you want to take part and follow along and make sure you tag me on your Instagram story so I can see your progress and see how you're getting on.
And then also make sure that wherever you talk about the challenge, make sure to use #ProductivityBoss because you know we are all about that boss life.
So today we are getting started with week number one snd your first challenge is to declutter your workspace.
Now, unless I'm having a little bit of an off day, you can usually find working at my desk in my home office pretty 24/7.
Now, everyone's workspace is going to look slightly different, but it's really important that you have a designated place to work so you can associate that place with you being your most productive self, that version of yourself that gets things done.
But what I do know is that if your desk is a mess and you've got stuff all over the place and you can't even see the surface of your desk because there's so much on it, then we've got a problem. Because that is definitely going to affect your productivity and not in a good way.
So if it is the case that you have got a messy desk or a messy workspace and you need to sort it out, then I have 14 quick decluttering tips to share with you today that are life changing in their own way for many different reasons. These tips for decluttering your life can make a massive difference to your life in general and none of them require spending any money.
Plus they can work for you whether you've got a whole room dedicated to your home office or you've got a desk in the corner of a room at home or it's at your kitchen table, it really doesn't matter. Enjoy these tips for decluttering!
P.S. If you want to know how to make decluttering a part of your daily schedule, download your free guide below!
download the fab four!
#1 | Have A Simple System For Decluttering
I don't know about you, but when I've got a mammoth task ahead of me and I haven't got a plan for getting started, I find it so difficult to actually get started in the first place.
So when you start decluttering, you want to actually create a system that's going to allow you to get started and that's going to make the whole process so much easier. Plus your system will be filled with tidying up tips!
For example, you could have separate piles or you could grab a couple of bin bags or some boxes, grab some sticky labels and then I like to separate things into these different piles:
Anything that can be given away
Anything that belongs in another room
Anything you actually need to keep that lives in your office.
Then you can start collecting everything from your office, everything from the top of your desk, everything from your drawers and start putting them into these different piles.
And every time you’re looking for tips on decluttering your home, this is the system that you've got to follow.
#2 | Just Start
I know decluttering is overwhelming. There is no way around that. But I can promise you that it won't get any less overwhelming the longer that you put it off. That’s why I’m sharing these easy decluttering tips with you!
So if you're not one of those people that wants to get it done all in one day, then take a few minutes today to just get started. Clear one piece of clutter or two or 12. It really doesn't matter as long as you just get started.
Or you can set a timer for 10 to 15 minutes clear some clutter, and then when that timer goes off, you go back to your regularly scheduled day.
Bonus points if you block this out on your calendar!
If you do this every day, you will be amazed at how quickly you hack your way through your workspace clutter.
#3 | Have a Quick Win With A Dump Bin
One of my favourite hacks for decluttering your home is to have a dump bin and that gives you such a quick fun organizing win.
All you do is grab an empty box or a basket, whatever you've got in your house, and fill it with every single item that continues to keep cluttering up your desk. Then spend five to 10 minutes each day sorting through the items in the dump bin until it's empty.
If you start clearing off the top of your desk, you'll feel immediate relief from the overwhelm that the clutter causes, and you'll also know exactly where you need to find something if you end up needing it.
The only thing with this hack is that you've got to take that time to actually go through the items in your dump bin and organize them or else you've essentially just relocated your clutter and that's cheating!
#4 | Only Keep Out What You Use Frequently
I like to think that there's an everything hidden away / everything in view spectrum and it's going to vary where each of us fall in that spectrum.
I only prefer to have the necessities out on my desk:
Office lamp
Water bottle
Pen pot
Daily planner
A few other trinkets and inspirational quote cards that I have on my window sill.
Everything else is tucked away out of sight.
You need to decide where you fall on that spectrum. You might prefer to have all of your office supplies out with your notepad and pens and other tools, or you might fall somewhere in the middle. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, for your desk in particular, only keep out the items that you use most frequently, AKA the items that you use multiple times throughout the day. This is a good rule of thumb when it comes to tips for decluttering your home too.
#5 | Assign Every Item A Home
When it comes to top tips for decluttering this is a great one and it works wonders for your workspace as well.
When every item has a home, it makes tiding up after yourself a breeze. It's so easy to put items away and clear your desk in preparation for another productive day at work.
Assigning a home for something could be as simple as putting your pen back in a pen pot or it could be a little bit complex in terms of things like filing paper.
The point is that you know exactly what items belong and you know exactly where you need to find them when you need them.
#6 | Use A Desk Tray To Catch Paper Clutter
It's highly likely that your workspace is doing double or even triple duty. So it's important to have a catch-all filter for incoming items. An office inbox or in other words, a desk tray allows you to control the flow of information and papers that are coming into your office on a daily basis.
It means you can avoid having stacks of papers on your desk and also means that you can review all of the information that's coming in.
I especially like the clear acrylic trays. These are perfect if you want to avoid those bookie looking trays and also if you want easy access to papers and notebooks as well.
#7 | Clear Your Desk At The End Of Each Day
Now I get it. It might seem like a lot of work to clear your desk at the end of each day, but it's going to be so refreshing for you to end the day and start the next day on a clear, clean slate.
I highly suggest clearing your workspace at the end of each day so you are greeted each new morning with a decluttered workspace. This is my favourite piece of decluttering advice.
It's going to help you feel so much more creative and productive when you sit down at your desk each morning.
And this is even more important if your desk space and your office space is where you do your morning routine, which for me it is.
Honestly, this is probably the most life changing habit on this list because not only has it increased my organization, but it's also allowed me to increase the energy that it takes in order to maintain that organization.
All you need to do is put all of your items away, which should be super easy now, especially if you followed the tips that we've just outlined because every item should now have a home!
File your papers and again, they should be super, super quick, especially if your filing system is within an arm's reach of your desk space. Then put anything else on your desk away and make sure it is nice and tidy and exactly as you left it first thing this morning.
By taking the time to do this each and every day when you clock off means you will never sit down to a cluttered workspace again.
Your productivity will improve and your whole office and workspace will stay way more organized.
If you want to know how to turn this into a daily habit, download your free to-do list detox exercise below!
send me the exercise!
#8 | Get A Daily Planner
If you've watched the videos on this channel for any length of time or you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I love my Google Calendar. I live my life by it. It truly is wonderful and I will admit that now it's almost impossible to function without them. I mean, where is your phone right now is probably right by you or you're even watching this video on it.
But I also think it is so important to have a daily paper planner.
Having a visual physical planner helps our mind process the tasks that we need to complete.
A daily planner is also a great way to have your notes and to do lists all in one place, which means you can throw away all those random post it notes and just have everything in your daily planner.
It also works as a great documentation system for things that have already happened. So if your memory is not 100% spot on, then your daily planner could end up being your best friend.
#9 | Eliminate Distractions In Your Environment
Our mind is constantly being bombarded with information, so it's really important that we have a system to weed out everything apart from the essentials. And the first step with this is to eliminate any auditory or visual distractions in our environment.
If your mind is full of off-target things, that is a massive productivity killer because it's essentially just mind clutter. So here are a few things I find helpful to make your environment more conducive to a more productive day.
First of all, reduce background noise
Turn off all those notifications on your phone, or at least put it on silent when you're working. And definitely listen to lyric free music as this will really, really help with your concentration.
If you are in an environment with people who are making a lot of noise, you could even get some noise canceling headphones. They might not eliminate background noise all together, but they can be a game changer when it comes to keeping you focused.
Reduce the visual distractions
So we've already talked about how to reduce distractions on your desk, but there's also some other visual elements that could be distractions as well.
Are you sitting by a window that has a lot of activity? Do a lot of different people walk by? Are you working with the TV on?
If you can take care of little factors like this, I promise you, you will feel so much more productive.
Sometimes even just shutting a door or changing the direction of your chair can solve a massive problem. This is one of the best decluttering tips out there!
#10 | Stay Off Social Media
This area doesn't really require that much explanation, does it? It is what it says on the tin!
I won’t spend too much time on this because I know that you know that spending way too much time on social media is a massive time suck.
So if you feel inclined to look at your social media accounts throughout the day, especially when you're working, then maybe save it for when you're on your lunch break or even as an afternoon treat.
There are lots of different things you can do, but the point is when you're in focused work time, unless you are using it for work, stay off it.
#11 | File Your Emails Or Delete Them After You’e Addressed Them
If you have your inbox open all the time, that is not the best relationship to have with your emails.
Address your emails only a few times a day and take action on items immediately. Block that time out throughout your day.
Turn off your email notifications, that ping constantly telling you that you've got a new email coming through.
If you don't do that, then you'll end up going off task and it will be a massive time waster because as soon as you see that notification pop up, you won’t be able to concentrate on anything else until you see what it is.
Now I realize that not every job will allow for this for even just setting certain times of the day aside to look at emails. That is definitely doable.
#12 | Keep Plants In Your Office
There has been so much research around plants and productivity.
Having plants in your workspace has been proven to make your workspace feel more calm and relaxed and anything that is going to help reduce anxiety is going to lead to better productivity.
So get a plant or five…depending on how big they are, you don't want it to be a jungle!
#13 | Use Draw Dividers
I know what one of your draws looks like in your workspace. You can't fool me. And the reason why I know this is because I have one that is exactly the same.
Drawer dividers are perfect if you have messy drawers and want to get everything in order. It means you'll be able to keep everything organized and you'll also be able to separate things by categories and everything.
Plus, it'll save you so much time when you go start looking for an item in your drawers because as soon as you open one of your drawers, you'll be able to see at a glance where everything is because of these dividers.
#14 | Make It Your Own
The most important thing to remember is that this is your workspace. It's where you work and you need to make it work for you.
It can turn into your haven, that safe space where you can go, that's just yours, your personal space. There is so much power in that, so look after it as you would yourself and even just committing to it. Just saying, I will look after my workspace. I will show the same care for my workspace that I show myself and knowing that sign that when you declutter through your desk at the end of the work day, that is when you are clocking off and you can go and enjoy the rest of your evening.
Your workspace will never work for you unless it's based on what you want it to be. Don't copy someone else's, base it on what makes you the most happy.
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Have you grabbed your copy of my latest free guide, The Fab Four? This is your guide for learning the four daily non-negotiables I prioritize in order to help me create balance in my daily schedule. So This is the manual for which tasks you should be prioritizing on a daily basis and what that looks like for you. Plus there's an exercise called The To-Do List Detox which is going to give you some options for how you can add these things into your daily routine so you can have a well rounded, balanced day every day and live that boss lifestyle.
DOWNLOAD THE FAB FOUR!   from Blog https://ift.tt/2QHYHXU via IFTTT
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