itslishaa-blog · 5 years
Athlete’s like Dutee Chand and Cester Semenya should not be able to run against other female athletes. When you go through the transitioning process your physique is still the same way it was before whether you are male or female. A male that transitions still has a male body or vice versa. Males are naturally stronger than females and taller. It is not physically fair for the individual or the athletes because the person could naturally be stronger. If a female transitioned into a male they are still naturally not as strong as a male. Males naturally have a bigger muscle mass. In big tournaments like the olympics they are very strict. Athletes go through many different tests before they race and if they find anything like being under the influence of drugs you are disqualified. They try to make the race as fair as possible for the athletes so they can all have an equal chance of winning. Many transgenders are on different a medications or drugs to help them get their body the way the want it to be.
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
In the movie Mary kom a girl becomes the first female boxer in the country of India. they do not believe that females should play sports and they should be at home, taking care of their kids or family. Mary kom was very determined for what she wanted, which was to become a boxer. Many people doubted her but, she didn’t ever doubt herself about being the first female boxer in her country. This movie relates to the world because many people put down woman in many countries thinking that they should only be housewives and not work or be able to play sports. This shows people that woman are capable of doing the same things as men like working and shouldn’t have to be housewives. In the movie coach carter there is a school that did not have a good basketball team and barely any of the students graduated with a diploma. They got a new basketball coach that helped them out with their grades and doing better in basketball. The team was winning tournaments that they have not won before and got really far with basketball. Their coach was strict about their grades. This movie relates to the movie “Mary Kom” because Mary kom worked hard to get onto the boxing team and she did not always have people on her side supporting her due to the fact that she was the first female boxer. She ended up going to the olympics and doing what she had to do. In the movie Mary kom she had two kids that were boys, when she went away to her boxing tournament she found out bad news about her son. He was in surgery. She still participated in the tournament and ended up winning. Her son also got through the surgery. This relates to me because I have found out bad news about someone and still had to keep going and finish what I had to do.
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
Four characteristics of sexual identity are Confusion, comparison, tolerance and pride. The individual can be unsure about what they like. Consistently comparing themselves to others with their appearance. Intersex- several variations in gender Third gender- not male or female Androgynous- partly male partly female Bisexual- attracted to both sexes male & female Asexual- When you don’t experience sexual attractions Homophobia is when an individual is predujice against homosexual people. Meaning the individual has a dislike towards them because there not straight. Many people do not support this as they think it is a sin and we are all born to not like the same gender or be unsure about what an individual likes. Heterosexism is when an Individual discriminates and believes that heterosexism is the normal and you should only like the opposite gender of yours. In my opinion an individual is born to love themselves the way they are and society should not have an impact on how u feel about yourself. Many people today are coming out as part of the LTGBQ and have the pride parade to support it.
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
Our understanding of concussions has negatively impacted our understanding of contact sports Contact sports have a negative impact on Athlete’s mental health and cause many different illnesses in the future. In sports like football, basketball, boxing, and hockey there is a higher risk of getting injured or getting a concussion. In sports like football, players are constantly hitting each other full force which is not good for a individuals head. Consistently hitting your head can cause brain injuries or trauma and if you do it over time it has long term effects such as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Individuals can only be diagnosed with CTE when they are dead by an autopsy to actually examine their brain. Many football players have suffered from this without knowing and died. Symptoms of CTE are breakdowns, change in personality, depression and it can bring on alzheimers in the future. If an athlete gets a concussion and it is not taken care of properly they can get second impact syndrome. Second impact syndrome is when an individual has suffered from a concussion and gets another one before the previous one healed. This is something many football players have suffered from and end up dying in the future. It is important athletes know symptoms of a concussion. Some symptoms of a concussion are headache’s, dizziness, problems with memory, feeling noxious, amnesia, problems focusing and with cordonation. In contact sports there are many more injuries than expected. Athletes are not always educated on concussions and they can suffer from a concussion or injury without knowing it. This can affect their health and the way they function. Many pro athletes have been affected overtime and their leagues do not want to admit it because they will lose money. This shows how Athletes are not taken care of properly when they get injured either because they need the player to play or the player does not want to tell the coaches they are injured. On sports teams coaches are always motivating their players to play even with a little injury, but little injuries can turn into something bigger. Also they may be afraid of losing their spot on the team or feel pressured to play. Athletes can get injured and take pain killers to keep going. This is something many athletes become addicted too because they are always getting hurt or getting repetitive injuries. If you drink alcohol while on pain killers it causes your heart to stop. Athletes have died from this. In sports there are many different effects on athletes not just one that leads to death. After some athletes have died they have gotten an autopsy and people realize it is not just one thing that kills them. Many football players have suffered from Multiple concussions.
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
- you are required to rest and stay away from tv’s and other electronics to let your brain rest so it can heal properly. There is no specific cure for concussions 
- Medication can be used for symptoms from a concussion depending on how severe it is or the individual
- traumatic brain injuries can cause bruising, damage to blood vessels, and injuries to nerves - An impact to the head can cause your brain to actually move in your head 
- Athletes should not play while they have a concussion because if it does not heal properly the individual can end up with problems in the future. It is important that athletes are checked before they play again.
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
- You can have a concussion without realizing it because you do not know the symptoms 
- concussions are common in contact sports e.g football but it is possible to get one in other sports as well.
- Symptoms of a concussion are fussiness, head aches, effects with memory, confusion, seeing stars and ringing in ears. Sometimes you can also knock out right away which is an automatic concussion.
- Symptoms can last for days, weeks, or even months depending on how severe the concussion is you might take medication as well.
- If an individual is vomiting, their headache is getting worse, unconscious for over 30 seconds, poor coordination, slurred speech etc. they have to go to a hospital or receive care immediately 
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
-The medical definition of concussion is a clinical syndrome - mild concussions should not be taken lightly. it is still very important and needs to be treated.
- In the NFL there is not a specific amount of time a player can stay off for because some people heal faster than others 
- Post-concussive Syndrome is when someone suffers from  concussion symptoms for weeks or months. The symptoms are mood swings, concentration problems, personality changes etc. If you have this you are required to stay away from activities because you can get repeated concussions.
- Second impact syndrome is when you get a concussion and you have not recovered properly from your past one. results are brain swelling. this can cause vascular congestion and increased intracranial pressure, which may be difficult to control. The risk of second-impact syndrome is high in sports such as boxing, football, ice or roller hockey, soccer, baseball, basketball and snow skiing.
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
Sports can be a transformative experience in many ways. There are many people from different cultures and having their own way of doing things when you are on a sports team. Sometimes people are part of the LGBTQ community. These individuals can have a different experience from the others, especially if they are hiding their sexuality. It may be harder for them to come out about it. Some of the team mates might look at the individuals different. LGBTQ are blocked from being their true self not feeling like others. It might make them feel more involved and part of something because they are on a team many with others. It may also make them feel even more insecure. Individuals should be able to be themselves, Even though some individuals do not support it.
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
when Nelson was in jail and people went to visit him. They actually got to see how he was treated He shook every players hand and wished them good luck before they started they’re rugby game He stopped people that wanted to punish the white people & told them it’s not going to change anything or make a difference The security guards shook each others hand During the World Cup rugby game the little boy was getting closer to the cop car & eventually was listening to the game with them. When they won the game they put him up in the air Nelson wanted to keep the same colour for the jerseys Nelson wanted to make sure he watched the World Cup When the rugby team was first made bi- racial people didn’t think it was going to work He spoke about how everyone is the same no matter what skin colour He asked the rugby player (team caption) how he kept his teammates doing their best and his philosophy on leadership. He said “he leads by example” Nelson told the guy that came in his office that rainbow nation starts here and reconciliation starts here Nelson gave the poem to the rugby team caption and said it would help his out as it helped him out. It was the poem that he said to himself when he was in jail
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
What I learned from the movie invictus
In the movie invictus i learned about how sports can bring people together as one. At the beginning of the movie there is a lot of racism. Nelson mandela was in jail because he fought for what is right. When people find out he is going to become president they weren’t pleased. When he became President a by racial rugby team played. When mandela first walked out as president and waved at the crowd at the rugby game, some people boo’d him others cheered. right before they started any game mandela always made sure he wished them good luck. None of the guys on the team were racist towards each other. When the rugby team started to play more and more there was less racism, especially when it came to the world cup game. During that world cup game everyone came together as one cheering for the team as they all wanted the same result. There was a little coloured boy by a cop car, he got closer and closer to the cops, he ended up watching the game with them. When it comes to sports people forget about other things because you learn how to look at people for who they are.
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itslishaa-blog · 5 years
Sports are a transformative experience because they make you feel like a part of a team. When you are apart of a team everyone has their own individual goals that they are trying to achieve. You work together to attain your goals no matter if you dislike an individual. You look at everyone for who they are and not their skin colour or anything else. You are a team on and off the court etc. Another way sports can be a transformative experience is your academics and attitude. When you are on a sports team you learn a lot of discipline. You can not always be on a sports team if your grades are not good or you are getting into trouble a lot. Bad grades or attitude can stop you from getting a scholarship or being on a team in sports no matter how good you are. This teaches you how to control your attitude and how important your academics are. Also, Having to obtain goals through sports helps you achieve in various aspects of life.
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