itsm-academy · 7 years
We’re movin on’, pardner.
We’re no longer monitoring/posting to this tumblr account. Sorry about that!
If you’re interested in staying informed about what’s going on with us, check us out:
Twitter: @ITSMAcademy Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/75444 and of course our website: ITSMAcademy.com
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itsm-academy · 8 years
Buy 1 Get 1 Free #Agile ITSM Cert classes #CASM + #CAPO = #BetterTogether | http://www.itsmacademy.com/agile | Code ABOGO2016
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itsm-academy · 8 years
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Complimentary Webinar - Thursday, February 18 at 11:00 am EST Presenter: Mark Edmead, IT Transformation Consultant and Trainer, MTE Advisors 
The Business Relationship Manager (BRM) is a relatively new role in many organizations. IT Service Management (ITSM) relates to the activities performed to deliver, operate and control IT services. What exactly is a BRM? Is there synergy between BRMs and ITSM? This session will provide an introduction to the BRM role and its role in helping converge IT and the business. This includes the importance of managing personal relationships, providing input to service portfolio management and ensuring that the IT service provider is satisfying the business needs of the customer.
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itsm-academy · 8 years
Applying DevOps principles and practices will be needed to ensure the DevOps values for Culture, Automation, Measurement and Sharing (CAMS).  As major industries consider how to optimize for 2016, busting out of silos should be at the top of their list.  This is true in all areas of service management and includes mainframe systems and applications. 
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itsm-academy · 8 years
Did you miss our January webinar? Catch the recording! You can view the presentation and download the slide deck in our Webinar Archives.
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itsm-academy · 9 years
We are all customers of someone right?  What was your last customer experience like?  Was it so good that it completely changed how you thought about the product or the organization you were receiving services from?
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itsm-academy · 9 years
I was recently asked what the compliance requirements, architectural constraints and interface requirements are in designing the service design package for a new app.
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itsm-academy · 9 years
Flexibility and agility are key to success and business performance.  Many Service providers have adopted Agile methods to ensure that they can meet demand for increasing changes in business requirements.  Product Backlogs are common and are generally understood; but what about Process Backlogs?
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itsm-academy · 9 years
This blog is in response to those IT Professionals who want to know what to expect for the “Managing Across the Lifecycle” (MALC) class, taking the exam and receiving both the MALC and ITIL Expert certifications upon passing the MALC exam.  If you have talked with others that took this class and the exam a few years ago you will be happy to know that the format of this class has changed from what it used to be.
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itsm-academy · 9 years
A developer recently asked me “What is the real difference between Cadence and Velocity?   Aren’t they both just talking about speed?”   Hmmm…  Good Questions.
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itsm-academy · 9 years
Would you buy a product or service that did not include some type of warranty?  If the manufacturer or reseller does not explicitly set the expectations, then you will form them for yourself.  It is the same with the customers of your IT services.  Either IT clearly sets the expectations, or end-users will develop them on their own.
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itsm-academy · 9 years
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itsm-academy · 9 years
User stories are one of the primary development artifacts for Scrum teams.  They are a short description of the feature as told from the perspective of the person (stakeholder) who desired some new capability from a current service, system or application.  Many Scrum teams have adopted the user story template developed by Mike Cohn, which identified who the end user is, what the end user wants and why in a single sentence.
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itsm-academy · 9 years
What is the difference between a Business Service Catalog and a Request Fulfillment Catalog?  One clear way to distinguish the type of service catalog that is required is to ask yourself, who is your audience?  I have found that when a lot of IT organizations say that they have a Service Catalog many are talking about a service catalog for end users.  Another very important service catalog is one that is mapped to your business customer needs.
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itsm-academy · 9 years
In today's dynamic business climate, service outages cause real bottom line impact to the business. There are documented best practice processes and known critical success factors and yet outages that throw support organizations into reactive firefighting turmoil are far too common.
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itsm-academy · 9 years
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itsm-academy · 9 years
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With the growth of technology and the rise of process to get things accomplished, we often leave out the key part of "People, Process and Technology"--the "People". The common element in any organization is people who run the processes, manage the technology, make the decisions. This session will speak to the importance of people in a world of dynamic systems, dynamic connections and dynamic teams. Let's put "people" back at the front of PPT.
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