itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
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Meditation time.
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
Champion of your life!
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
Your personal best
Becoming your personal best is a lifelong journey celebrated each day. Did you make the bet of today. The best decision at this moment? If we move too far out in the future we become overwhelmed and afraid to make any moves at all! Don't overwhelm yourself. The deep breaths. Believe in yourself. Move forward in confidence. You've got this!
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
press forward!!
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
Cutting teeth
Yikes! What a painful process to have ones teeth pierce through the soft gum, but it's necessary. Teeth are needed to help us survive. Same in business. Skill and knowledge is necessary to help a business survive and thrive. Though I've owned a business before, it was a small sole proprietorship. Not many regulation other than filing taxes in which I did with a computer system. This time around, I have attorneys, accountants, permits, licenses, etc. things I had no idea about so doing it right the first time wasn't as easy as I thought. I'm learning. It's like I'm in kindergarten learning all over again. It's something new. Instead of feeling small and dumb, it's important to understand that those feelings are counter productive. They don't help me digest and act on the information, but causes delay into action. Cutting teeth needs to be done to produce full skill and tools needed to succeed.
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
Extra weight
Make room for new things by letting go of the things that weigh you down. This is a challenge at times because instead of letting go our mind keeps trying to figure out the why? Why did they do... Why did they say... All that energy spent of things you can't answer and more than not, they can't answer either. Devine intervention? Could be. Could be God moving the wrong person out of the way allowing you to be free for the right person. But if you're still hung up on the old, how can you accept the new?! Old wine skin used for new wine is no good. So, send light and love their way. Forgive them. Bless them every time you think of them. Diminish conversation about them. Let it go. Walk in peace. Easier said than done? Not really. It takes some action on your part. You have to physically open your mouth and say that you send light and love; that you forgive; that you want blessings sent their way. Why? The mind will continually get bombarded by negative feelings to test if you really mean what you think. Besides there's an unspoken of process of thoughts becoming words becoming actions becoming part of your character. It's just the way the process works. So take a chance on something new and free yourself from all that extra baggage.
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
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Our new space!
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
Sometimes when we want something so bad it's the only thing we see. Step back. Take a breath. Breathe slowly. Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe. Reset your mind and what you think it's time for. Perhaps yes, there's a great desire but there may be a lesson that's imminent. I'd rather be with time, on time and in time than forcing anything. Patience is the hardest. I've struggled with it for many years in waves. But what I do focus on about it is patience has never kept me in lack, yet has prevented a lot of misery. I am anxious for no thing or no one. I have visions for many things in many areas in my life. Some times are the right times to carry out multiple things at the same time. Other times call for single minded ness.
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
I can remember the time in life (years) where I wasn't so sure. Of anything at all. Had no true understanding or couldn't incision where my life was going. It happened on more than one occasion. I look back on that time and I realize I'm only where I am now because of strong, supportive people around me. They helped me understand me when I couldn't. What a joy and a blessing to have people who are willing to take time out to mold me, sharpen me and correct me. My mom saw the designer in me. My unbanning ability to see what others couldn't. Very early she enrolled me, not my sisters, but me into painting classes. She knew exactly what each of us needed and nurtured that which she was given fiduciary duty over. What an amazing woman to sacrifice so much. Others, in adulthood, helped bring out the teacher/coach in me. Sometimes I purposely sought help. Other times help found me. It's important to stay open to possibilities. It could turn out to be an amazingly defining point in your life that reveals answers to a lot of questions you may have.
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
Every major discovery, invention, or business started with a thought. A simple dream of how things could be different. What are you doing with your random thoughts of improvement!?
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
Time waits for no man.
The problem: most people think they have time. The reality: life is short. Precious. No longer sitting on the sidelines reserving myself for some opportunity that's passed me by a million times before. I've prepared myself. I stand ready and actively pursuing all I desire. My I will's have turned into I am's. I live for every waking moment. I am energized. I have endurance. I am living my dreams daily.
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
Forgiving U!
20positive thoughts can flow in your mind. All accomplishments you've made. Then one negative thought comes and negates all that you were proud of! Get your mind back! You've battled. You've overcome. You've learned from your past mistakes. Often you've forgiven everyone BUT yourself! Time to forgive to move forward! #thepowerof1
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
Change direction. Change position. Change sides. Change decision. Change mind set that holds you back. Change of wind. Change of seasons. Change can make you uncomfortable and feel out of whack. Change is consistent. Embrace it, don't be afraid of it. Change won't kill you. #thepowerof1
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itsmarlowright-blog · 11 years
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