itsmeaimi · 8 years
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
sebab dah byk kali aku trkena dgn ko, mmg aku kecik hati sangat. tapi nk brsuara pun, sape sgt aku ni kan. 
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
rindu. pastu mimpi apa yg dirindui tu. lagi la rindu hoiii
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
Kesedihan yang kau alami sekarang, akan disusuli dengan kebahagiaan yang kau tak pernah bayangkan. Kunci dia? Bersabar, bersabar dan sabar.
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
Seseorang pernah berkata kepada aku; “Yang sayang itu harus dibahagi-bahagi.” Dan aku sambung katanya di dalam hati; “Bukan untuk dipeluk diri sendiri.” Kasih sayang. Disebar-sebarkan. Lihat dari kurniaan dan ujian Tuhan. Bagaimana Dia membahagi kasih & sayang. Sungguh Dia, Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim. #Salam Jumaat.
Erti hidup dengan memberi. Kasih & sayang saling membahagi. Bukan saling sebarkan benci. (via cengkih)
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
May Allah heal those who are in pain, help those who are in need, make ease for those who suffer and guide those who are lost
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
The more time you spend complaining about your problems, the less time you’ll have to enjoy your blessings.
Abdulbary Yahya
Originally found on: feeqah87
(via islamic-art-and-quotes)
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
Five Wisdoms 1) If you are right then there is no need to get angry, and if you are wrong then you don’t have any right to get angry. 2) Patience with family is love Patience with others is respect Patience with self is confidence. 3) Never think hard about the past. It may bring sorrow. Don’t think more about the future. It may bring fears. Live this moment with a smile. Trust in Allah. 4) Every test in our lives makes us bitter or better. Every problem comes to make us or break us However, the choice is ours, whether we become victims or victorious. 5) Search for a beautiful heart and not a beautiful face. Beautiful things are not always good, but good things are always beautiful. Love each other for the sake of Allah. May Allah grant us the ability to be the best Muslims we can possibly be. In sha'Allah, Ameen.
(via islamicquotes11)
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
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I edited this pic with PicLab @piclabapp #piclab #first
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
sedihnya bila tnya soalan kat org pandai, tapi gaya mcm taknak jawab. maaflah, aku slow sikit, sbb otak aku take time nak bljar bnda baru. takpela, mungkin aku kena usaha dari segi lain. belajar sendiri, or else pegi jumpa lecturer tu sendiri. hmmm
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
2015; 1. Sleep earlier, rise earlier - get off your phone, set a time, create a habit. 2. Read more - and not just shitty fanfics. Read them too. But read. Read classics, read newspapers, read magazines, read fictional books, read joke books. Just read. 3. Stay away from people who do not deserve you - you are worth a lot more. Fuck their shitty opinions. 4. Eat well - and I don’t mean diet. I mean, eat well. Eat healthy, indulge every once in a while, but don’t go overboard. Eat for your health and not for society. 5. Create a plan that will be enjoyable for exercise and just do it - no fucking around this year 6. Study well - an hour every single day. Just one hour of uninterrupted, that’s all it will take. Apprendre et travail dans Francais - Je ne sais pas si ce est juste, pardon a mon francais suiveurs 7. Pamper yourself- give yourself one hour. One hour a week to unwind. To week to wash your hair, leave in your conditioner, soak your skin, have a face mask, shave your legs, light some candles, drink some tea, put on nice smelling lotion and comfy pajamas, put on some nice music and sleep well. 8. Put in an effort - doing your hair nicely, putting on that clean change of clothes and a simple coat of mascara has a lot of power to make you feel a hell of a lot better 9. Learn new VOCAB - because why the fuck not? Write down your new words that you learn while reading, use them in conversations; expand your vocab, because when you are sitting in the exam room, you’ll be glad you have. 10. Plan an outing once a week - have something to look forward to, to be excited for. Experience new things. 11. Set small goals - 3 small things to do every day, and don’t sleep till you have them done. 3x365 knowledgeable achievements will be worth it - trust me 12. Meet new people - don’t be so quick to judge. 13. Love yourself - I’m still trying to figure this one out, but I’m beginning to feel like I am worth it. 14. Art - practice makes perfect. Work, and when you can’t work, learn. Discover artists and their pieces, their inspirations, their style. Document it. There is always something to do to improve, whether it be through practice or research. 15. Stick to these goddamn goals. 2015 will be the shit if I make it.
me to myself (via b9tch)
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
Betul lah gapo hok senior oyak. And now, im facing that so called an exam
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itsmeaimi · 9 years
Tak semua benda perlu diceritakan. Tolong faham. Everything that i just talked about is not the full story. It's just half. so, please don't expect that i will share the full story about my life. Ianya adalah sebab utk menjaga aib semua pihak. (Tapi, maafkan aku utk kesilapan yg mgkin kdg2 aku sdiri x sedar. Maaf. )
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itsmeaimi · 10 years
Yang Terlupakan
Bunda : Nak..
Haura : Ya, Bunda?
Bunda : Ada yang lupa kita minta dalam doa sehabis sholat kita..
Haura : Apa tu, Bun?
Bunda : Agar sholat kita saat itu diterima Allah. Kita sibuk minta banyak hal tapi sering gak sadar apakah sholat kita itu diterima Allah..
Haura : Bun.. Ya Allah Ya Rabbi...
“اللهم إني أسألك علما نافعا ورزقا طيبا وعملا متقبلا …
“Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘ilman naafi’an wa rizqan thayyiban wa ‘amalan mutaqabalan…”
“Ya Allah sesungguhnya aku meminta kepadaMu ilmu yang bermanfaat, rizki yang baik dan amal yang diterima…” (Shahih, HR Ibnu Majah: 925)
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itsmeaimi · 10 years
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itsmeaimi · 10 years
"Ya Allah, begitu banyak nikmat yg telah kau berikan kpdku, dan krana dosa aku lah, ujian ini brlaku ke atas ku. Bukan kerana ketentuanMu"
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