itsmeghna · 6 years
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This was the start of my last 3 days at work. I already started packing during the weekend. I am not looking forward to rejoining college. I will miss working. I will miss having routine. I continued on the rebranding project. I further explored my axe. I finished up the presentation for the other brand on tuesday morning. We had a meeting on tuesday for the rebranding project. My explorations were too complicated and I had to simplify. I spent the rest of tuesday doing that. I got bored of doing that so I just scrolled through pinterest. We had our going away party on Tuesday evening. It was fun. Wednesday, the last day. I continued on the rebranding project. I can't believe it was my last day. We had amazing pizza and tiramisu for lunch. After lunch, I didn't have much to do and I was sleepy because I ate too much. I spent my time scrolling through behance and reading. I got my last feedback on one of the projects I was working on. Then I went home and finished packing up. I said goodbye to my landlady the next morning and I was onwards to Mumbai.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Saturday began my lst weekend in Paris. I first went shopping at Galeries Lafayette. I bought perfume, sketchbooks and chocolate. Then later in the evening, I went to Le Marais, I bought myself a perfume from Juliette Has a Gun, I just really loved the name and I went in found that I really loved their fragrances. The shopkeeper was very nice and helpful about what kind of perfume I wanted to get. Later, I went to watch Venom. Critics weren't a big fan of the movie but I personally really liked it. Then I went home. Sunday, I went around Paris, Defense, Trocadero, Lafayette etc since it was my last weekend. The last full week was fun.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Monday came and went. I was mostly working on mockups for the logo and presentations. I went to Monoprix to do some groceries and then I went home. My landlady came back from her vacation. I miss having the house to myself. I really do like living alone. I have to start getting gifts for my family and friends. I got some stuff for myself like cool books, I got some vinyls for my cousins and a hoodie for my sister. I have to get my sister some other stuff and my parents also. So much to do. Tuesday was much the same. I finished up the presentation slides for the logos and then I had nothing for the rest of the day so I continued my levi's research.
Progress has been slow but steady on that. I think I am almost done, I think. I really need to look at my grand project idea and rewrite it well. It keeps getting an orange light. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I also really need to film my internship experience. I also have to really finish up my personal projects. I am obviously procrastinating. Wednesday morning, I had no work either so I continued on Levi's. I was supposed to get briefed after lunch but nothing. Thursday morning, I didn't get briefed on the new brand so I continued working on Levi's then I got a surprise brief from another brand, client wanted logo options by that evening so I worked on that for most of the day. Though I feel like I didn't contribute much for that. Friday, I got briefed on a new brand, a rebranding project. We had to think of a new logo and a graphic universe. This would continue into next week.
Saturday, I went grocery shopping and lazed around for most the day. Sunday, I went to Fontainebleau. The air was crisp and the weather was beautiful. The sun was hitting the trees beautifully. The houses were really cute, cottage style, chimneys and all. Lunch was the first order of the day. We had burgers. Then we went to the gardens by the Chateau. It was a very quiet area. This place was used for when the royals used to go hunting. We spent most of our time lazing around the park. Then we went inside the chateau. At first, I thought it was going to be plain because of the exterior but it was actually very gaudy. We learnt some history and then we went home and that was it for the week
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Back to monday. This week I got assigned a new brand, logo design for a subgroup of a company. We first got briefed on what the company does, what does the logo want to represent, constraints for the logo etc. No branding, just logo. First, I did more research into what the company does, then I sort of created a moodboard to get inspiration. I just sketched for most of Monday and later I started on the logo creation. I spent most of Tuesday creating different options for the logo. I have to say, the name for the logo was a rather lame pun. It's a corporate brand but the name seems very uncorporate. Later, we had a meeting for logo selection for client presentation. I gave around 4.5 ideas for options with different variations within them, 3 got selected. One of them got approved for client presentation, the other two needed rework so I spent most of Wednesday working on that.
Later on Wednesday, I attended a meeting. It was for the alcohol brand. My research and moodboard were in the presentation. I tried following the meeting but everything was in French and I was brain dead. I continued working on logos with a colleague. Then I went home and made pizza for dinner. I did laundry and then I went to sleep after watching some shows. I didn't realize how late it was until the downstairs neighbour started knocking on their ceilings. Apparently, I was being noisy. Thursday, I continued working on logo design and we had a meeting on the logos. A few of my options were selected again for rework. That was all for the day. Friday, I continued working on logo design. We basically finalized the ideas. I worked on the typography, mostly kerning the letters. That was it.
Saturday, I was at home cleaning. Sunday, first, I did some groceries, got Simran's gift then I went to an antiques market to buy a brooch for Falguni to give to Simran for her birthday. That night, I went to Simran's house for the birthday party. That was fun, I met some new people. I missed the last train, so I had the take the bus home, didn't reach home until 2 am. It was a night. Well that was it for this week.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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And then it was Monday. We had our weekly morning meeting on the schedule. They were all brands I worked on last week as well. The client who needed the presentation slide came back to us again. This was the last time I would work on the presentation, my colleague assured me. Then I worked on finding stock footage for another brand. Monday night, I met up with some friends for a girl's wine night. That was fun. Tuesday, I continued working on finding stock footage for a brand. Later, I did reserach for a brand and then I got called to a briefing. They were reviewing my moodboards (alcohol brand) during meeting. After work, I got a briefing of what to do after the moodboards. Then I went back to research for the rest of the day.
Wednesday, I was back to the alcohol brand, continuing to refine the moodboards and trying to find interesting references for how movies and documentaries frame scenes. The client who needed the presentation came back to me and my colleague assured me that this was the absolute final time I would have to work on this. I quickly finished that and continued on with my moodboard and framing references. Then I had to do one pictogram for a brand I worked on earlier. I finished that quickly and continued with my earlier work and that was it for the day.
Thursday, I continued the moodboards and referencing for the alcohol brand. Later, I worked on turning pictures into illustration for another brand. That was it for Thursday. Friday, a colleague explained to me what ideas we have chosen for one of our projects and what I could work on. I just did some illustrations for the brand for the rest of the day and then I went home. Saturday morning, I went grocery shopping.
Later in the afternoon, I went to parc floral and spent a few hours there. Then I went to Falguni's house for some delicious dinner and we listened to some nostalgic music. Then we went out for nuit blanche and saw some cool stuff and then I went back home. Sunday, I did nothing and that was pretty much it for the week.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Monday came once again as it always does.We got briefed on this week's schedule in the morning. I was supposed to work on a brand on Manday and Tuesday but I never got any work so I worked on Levi's. Later, a colleague came and asked me to design a presentation slide for a brand. There were no specific instructions, just make it look pretty and according to the brand guidelines. Easy enough right. So I finished the slides, gave a few options. Then the client got back to us and gave us her choice and all the corrections I needed to make. I thought that was the end but we did this back and forth, back and forth with the client for a whole week on that one presentation slide. I think I did a least 30 different versions. My colleague said it was an annoying client and I agree.
I remember that on Monday, at first, I had no work and then suddenly, I got presentation design, then some research, then a meeting, then I went down to get scissors and then I got caught in another meeting, then I went back to the other meeting but they were done so I went down again to continue on research, then we got client feedback on the presentation and then the day was over. It was all happening at the same time, I got whiplash I also got to work on an alcohol brand, moodboarding for a campaign pitch. That took all of Wednesday and Thursday and Friday. So many pictures, I was saturated from looking at the computer for so long. I was supposed to work on another brand for thursday and friday but I never got briefed. Sometimes, we never go according to the week's schedule.
Friday evening, we went to Simran's workplace. There was an antiques market going on. Falguni bought a book. I didn't buy anything. We later met up with Simran. At that time, all the stalls were closing so we decided to go to another shopping area. I didn't buy anything. We all decided to go to Creteil for shopping for Saturday after lunch. Later that night, we went to restaurant to try ou their hot chocolate. Apparently, they had one of the best hot chocolates in Paris. It was a cold night and the hot chocolate came in small jugs. The color was so rich. You could feel the smoothness of that chocolate without even touching it. The smell was heavenly.
I poured the hot chocolate into the cup and it flowed almost sinfully. All my senses were alight. Then I brought the cup to my lips and savoured that first sip. How do I even begin to explain how good it was. The flavor was rich. The smoothness of the chocolate coats your tongue and then all your taste buds savour the taste of it. It was like my tongue was being swaddled like a baby. The smell, the smell, I couldn't stop smelling it. Sight, taste, smell. When more then one of your senses is being brought alive, it becomes an experience. It was the best hot chocolate I ever had in my life. Thank you, Les Deux Magots.
So we went and it was extremely crowded. The mall was huge. There were clothes strewn all over the big deparment stores. It was madness. I reached early and scoped out the place. I had mostly done my shopping by the time the other two came. I shopped around with them. We bought a lot of stuff. Later, we were craving pizza so we went to a really renowned pizza place but there was a one hour wait so no. Then we went to another pizza place and there was a 30 minute wait so no. Then we went to another place and finally got seated and finally had our pizza and then we went. Sunday, I did nothing and that was it for the week. Till next time.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Monday morning came. We had a meeting on our schedule for the week. We only had to work on one brand the entire week. It was an interesting brand and I was very excited to start working. The brand specializes in one of my interests. We had to do creative research for the storytelling of the brand, they don't want to change their logo. They redid their logo in the early 2000s, and thought that would fix their problems of visibility but obviously that didn't work. Their branding at the moment is boring and they don't have a story to tell. All week, we did creative research for what kind of story the brand should tell. I loved this project. We worked in teams of two, the creative team and the strategy team.
Thursday was a farewell party for one of our colleagues. He worked here for 8 years. That was fun. A lot of laughs and good champagne. At the end of the week, we presented our ideas. No ideas have been selected yet, that's for next week. We will try to combine the strategy team's ideas with our own and see what we come up with. Right now, we are competing with other agencies to acquire this client. Unfortunately, we won't be here when this decision is made but I really, really hope we get this client.
Then the weekend came and for most of Saturday, I did nothing. Then at night, I went to a cocktail festival. That was nice. I tried many different types of cocktails. Absinthe. Mint. Rose. Lemon. Cumin. So many different types of flavor. Then I went home and slept. Woke up early the next day and went grocery shopping. There was a farmers' market nearby but everything was more expensive so I just walked around and didn't buy anything. They were even selling fresh oysters to eat but no money, no oysters so I went home with my capsicums.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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And then suddenly, it was Monday again. We had a brief meeting regarding the schedule for the week. Afterwards, I showed whatever stock images I found and a few got selected and then I was back to searching for more stock images for the rest of the day. Afterwards, I went grocery shopping and picked up some things for dinner. Then I went home and made pizza. That was pretty much it for Monday.
Then Tuesday came. We had a meeting regarding the stock images and a few got selected. Afterwards, I didn't have much work so I continues my research on Levi's. Afterwards, we had lunch. I still didn't have work so I worked on Levi's for a little while before I asked one of my coworkers for work. They couldn't find anything so they asked around. There still wasn't anything so I helped Falguni a little. Then after a little while I got an assignment to search for stock videos for a brand film.
I realized that after work, I have been getting lazy. I don't do anything except eat and watch shows and that's been making me feel bad about myself. I have quite a bit of personal projects lined up waiting to be tackled but my laziness(procrastination??) gets the better of me. At least I have started reading again even though the book itself is trash but I am a firm believer of the fact you should read everything, even trash. I also realize I should probably start filming for the intership video. I don't have much content at the moment. I need to take a look at my script again. Anyways, wednesday came. I got another pictogram assignment. 266 pictograms in total split between me and Falguni. This took the whole day and the work went well into Thursday.
We took a break during lunch and tried to go to an exhibition but it was closed for lunchtime so we just walked around Les Halles and went into a lego shop. There were some really amazing lego sculptures like the Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe and even a dragon. We planned to go after work but I forgot I had to wash my hair so we postponed it to Thursday. Thursday came and I finished all the pictograms. This assignment went by quicker than I thought. After lunch, I had no work do I just continued my research on levi's and occasionally doodling superheroes??? After my tea/ coffee break, I helped Falguni with some logo design and spent the rest of the day going that.
Then Friday came and I didn't have any work so I continued my research on Levi's. Then later, Falguni had to send ideas so I helped with that for the rest of the day. After work, I did some birthday shopping! We went to the mall at Les Halles. I got some pants and a leather jacket from Zara. Falguni got me a shirt. Then we went to her and Simran's house to wait till midnight for my birthday. We celebrated with a pizza and a Bailey's shot. Later that night, we walked around her neighbourhood and then I went back home.
Saturday was my birthday. Falguni, Simran and I spent the whole day at Versailles. We saw a flea market and then we had lunch. I had a hard time deciding which restaurant to go to but we went to 'Le chat qui prise' and I had a steak, it was great. The mojito was really good too. Then we went to have beer, cut my cake and they gave me card. Simran had to leave then Falguni and I went to a park to have a drink. Then we went to the chateau to see the lights/ fireworks show. It was amazing, so many theatrics, fire, lights, music. Then later at night, the fireworks happend and it was nice but Bastille Day was still much better. After that, we went home.
I woke up the next day, quite early suprisingly and then I did a little grocery shopping. By the supermarket, there was little flea market. Books. Vinyls. Toilet seats. Everything and anything you can imagine was being sold there. I went into a book stall about cuisines and cooking and saw a beautiful book on cocktails, 3000 recipes! I had to buy it. When I asked the vendor how much it was for, she said 5 euros, only 5 euros. I kept asking her 5 euros, really 5 euros and then I bought it. What a steal...
Then I went to vinyl stall and I saw an iron maiden: powerslave vinyl and I knew I HAD to get this for my cousin plus he is a budding musician and I believe a musician should have at least one vinyl. I kept coming back to the stall, the vinyl was 15 euros but the guy saw I kept coming back so he was like okay I will sell it 12 but I bargained and got it for 10. I hope it's a real iron maiden vinyl and I didn't just get duped. The rest of the day was spent cleaning and watching shows. Anyways, that was my week. Till next time...
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Heya, Monday came and now everyone is back from vacations. We had meeting to see the ads we all did. There were a few quick fixes. After, I made a grocery list and then we went to lunch. We had baked potatoes and then we went for a walk. Then we came back to work, finished the presentation and then we had nothing to do so I started recording research for the levis project. Later, I made pictograms for some packaging and that work went into tuesday morning as well. When I finished the pictograms, I continued researching on levis. We had some delicious pizza for lunch. After eating, we walked around Bastille and stumbled upon a really cool art store called The Art Factory. I have never seen so many amazing prints in one place; so many cool concepts. After lunch, I continued researching on levis. Later, it was break tima and we sat by the garden for tea. Then I continued my research for levis. Not having work makes me feel useless.
Then it was wednesday. Falguni almost lost her file with all the pictograms she spent making on tuesday but thankfully it was recovered. Then I had to redo some pictograms after some client feedback. I am pretty sure this is my 4th time redoing these picograms. Then thursday came and in the morning I was doing pictograms then I was back to the greeting card. Our concept got approved by the client so we are now working on how the idea will be displayed on the card. Sketching, sketching and sketching. Also looking at stock videos for references.Friday was all about finding stock images. Friday was also very cold so for lunch, I had warm noodle soup to fight it out. There was an antiques market happening nearby so we visited it. There were many old album covers and vinyls. We even saw a michael jackson vinyl, the album that had billie jean in it. Then we rushed backed to the agency and I went back to finding stock images.
Friday evening, we went out to a bar. It was a hidden bar so you have to enter a secret door that the bouncer shows you. The inside was very crowded. Saturday afternoon, we went out to see exhibitions for Paris design week. Most of it was about interior design. The most memorable exhibitions were the wallpaper/paint store and the history of Scandinavian design mural. Later in the evening, we went to a really nice area called Beaupassage full of restaurants and shops. I had matcha iced latte and then we went home. On Sunday morning, I feel sick. I just made some soup, didn't do anything else. Hope fully I will feel fine for Monday.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Hola, this week everything went back to normal. Shops were opening and almost everyone in office is back from vacation and there are some new faces as well. Monday, we got briefed on this week's work. I was back to logo design for the car safety device I was designing for earlier. The greeting card and the other logo design is on hold for now. We had a tiny meeting for the logo design for revision and then it was back to the drawing board. I finished my other sketchbook so now I am using the other sketchbook I bought from Italy. On tuesday, we again worked on logo design for the car safety device and then we had another meeting, this time for selection. Later on, we did mockups of the selected logos for client presentation. Packaging, posters, buttons etc. That went well into Wednesday. The second half of wednesday, there wasn't much to do so I just thought of cute little animations I would like to make in my spare time. The title of the first idea is called "the heart is a fickle little thing". Later on, I got work, searching for stock images. At the beginning of the internship, I would've never anticipated how much time I would spend just looking for the right stock images. That's not only the case for me but everyone in the agency. The work is banal but necessary. While searching for images, I was refining my ideas for the grand project. I only got one orange the last time so I was quite anxious about the next submission. Thursday, we were testing ads after client feedback, same for Friday. On Friday, I submitted my projects and that lasted well into the night. Saturday morning was spent finishing leftover in the fridge. Later in the evening, Falguni and I went out for a dance event but when we reached the location, nothing was happening. What a fail so later we decided to get some drinks and sit by a park. To our surprise, there were a lot of dance events happening in the area. Falguni even went dancing after much insistence from my part. Later, we walked around for a while. I had a wrap for dinner. Later we ended up at a bar that Falguni really liked. It had a nice atmosphere then after a while, we realized we were going o miss the last metro train. Falguni reached the station to take the last train. The metro station nearby had no connecting lines nearby so I just took the bus; didn't reach home until 3. Sunday, was for laundry and cleaning. I didn't go grocery shopping like I usually do cause I was feeling lazy. Uhhh till next week.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Hello, I am back from vacations. Work has been slow. There aren't that many people in the agency. Almost everyone is on leave. More people will be on leave later. We continued ideating on the greeting cards for the tech company. We presented to our senior and one idea got approved for client presentation. We still have to search for more. Currently looking paper engineering techniques. Two new people have joined the agency, a motion designer and a project manager for digital. On Monday, after work, we went grocery shopping. I spent more than I intended to. I made food for lunch on Tuesday but forgot to bring it on Tuesday, that became Wednesday's lunch. Wednesday started off unusually. I came a bit later than I usually did, oversleeping is a curse. I rushed to the agency and I came to find that the road in front of the agency was completely blocked. There was quite a few police officers and the scene was lined with police tape. I asked the person next to me what was happening and turns out there was a suspect in the area. A suspect for what, I don't know. This was an interesting way to start the day looking for more greeting cards. We found an idea that combines print and augmented reality. This seems like a good idea since the company works with vr and ar a lot. Before lunch, we finished our research for the greeting card ideas. We will think of one more idea cause we are worried if one of our ideas could actually be produced in mass quantities or not. Since this week has been kind of slow, I have been thinking over my ideas for the grand project. One of my ideas got an orange so I have to rework that. The other two ideas got a red so I have come up with two other ideas. I am thinking of ideas within my interest, packaging and editorial. Here's hoping to better feedback. Thursday, we presented some new ideas but the initial firrst idea was still the best. After much discussion, we agreed to create a story for the first idea. So for most of thursday, we were ideating on storytelling. We also went hunting for pain au chocolat during lunch which is hard because most boulangeries in Paris are closed for the August month. We didn't find pain au chocolat but I got pain au chocolat with almonds and Falguni got a croissant. After lunch, we were back to ideating. Friday, I got a new assignment, logo design for a task manager. I sketched for a while. Saturday, I went to the farmers market and bought some stuff. The farmers market can get kind of expensive so I will stick to the supermarket for now. Went home, had lunch. Later in the afternoon, I went to Musée de la Vie Romantique with Falguni. It was cute. Later we went to Galeries Lafayette and just roamed around. So many things I wanted to buy but couldn't. It is agonizing to have something within your reach but you could never take. Later in the evening, we went to Mihika's house. It was a sangria and pizza kind of night. After dinner, we watched a movie. It was nice. Went home and on the way, I said to my landlady, she was starting her night shift. Sunday, I stayed at home, did some cleaning and yeah that was my week. Till next time 
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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This week has been about no work and all fun. On Monday, we spent our last day in Amsterdam, it was a museum hopping day. We went to the Rijks Museum and the Van Gogh museum. We tried to book tickets for the Anne Frank House but you have to book two months in advance beacuse tickets get sold out easily. We had lunch at Wagamama and really spicy Chinese food for dinner but it was great. I was in pain but it was great. Tuesday morning, we went to Florence. It was hot but not as hot as I was expecting so that's a blessing. We were staying at an apartment that was more than 500 years old. The owner can trace his lineage from 15 generations ago. Which is frankly, ridiculous. While in Florence, we went mostly to the countryside. On day in the Tuscan countryside for a wine tasting where I was properly instructed on how to hold a wine glass by a very enthusiastic young Italian lady at the winery. Bellissimo! I must say that it is very hard to follow instructions when you are five wine glasses in. The next day, we went to Cinque Terre, the fishermen's villages. The sun was high, the ocean was blue and I was eternally dehydrated. We went through all the five fishermen's villages. The houses were very colorful. There were many tourists. We went to a restaurant which had a beautiful sea view and delicious seafood salad. We roamed around the villages for a while before returning to Florence. An overall great day but a hectic one too. Last day in Florence was once again about the museums. We went to Galleria dell Academia, Medici Palace, Cathedrale de Santa Maria di Fiore and the Da Vinci Museum. Nice day, learnt a lot, especially loved the Medici Palace. Next morning, we headed out to Rome. First day in Rome, we went to the Colosseum. It was exciting to learn a lot about the architecture and the history. My dad was mostly excited because of the movie, Gladiator. We had pizza for dinner and gelato for dessert. Later, we went to the Spanish Steps and on the way, we bought a plate. The next day, we went to Villa Borghese, a beautiful park that was once the property of the family Borghese. We tried to go to the museum but the tickets were sold out. We had lunch and headed home to get my bags. Then we went to the airport where I had to sadly leave my family. Ciao, till next week
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Yo, I am back. This week's been pretty fun. At work, things were kind of mellow because the 10 day holiday was coming up. We have just been exploring illustration styles for a marketing brand. Later during the week, we were assigned a top secret assignment to photoshop an intern's face on to a sexy body next to an actress he likes. There was a lesson learnt: don't upload weird picures of yourself on facebook or else your coworkers will use it against you. It was for his farewell party. That was a lot of fun to work with. Our photoshop work was very bad but it added to the charm. Then we were assigned to ideate on a greeting card for a company that deals a lot with virtual worlds. This was an interesting project because it's the first time we had to work within a budget. The subject itself was also very interesting. We were looking through paper animation techniques, 3D digital software, optical illusions, overall it's been fun. After the vacations, we have to make a presentation showing our research and ideas. On Friday, work was over and our 10 day holiday started. Everyone left the office much earlier than they usually did. Vacation mode was on. I went home and started packing for Amsterdam and Italy where I will be meeting my family. It was a very last minute decision. On Saturday morning, I took a train to Amsterdam. We were staying at a small airbnb. We went all around Amsterdam (cruises, boozes and museums) and even out of the city to the windmill villages. We had amazing food and the ambience was wonderful. On Monday, we head out to Florence. Till next week
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Hola, it's been five weeks already. Time passes by quickly when you're busy and this week's been busy. It's been all about moodboards, moclups and illustrations. We were briefed on the different ways we want to approach the branding/naming of the new fintech company and I was doing research then I was relegated to moodboarding. Apparently I was thinking too hard on the moodboards. I was advised to "not think too much" but I am an overthinker by nature. Then came the mockups. I just had to replace the artwork on the mockups and put them on the presentation. It was quick work but they seemed surprised I finished so quickly. Last work of the week were the illustrations. We had to present different styles to the client. I experimented with different styles, in the end, one was chosen and then I further worked on that. That work continued into the next week. We also think of what to illustrate for a concept but in the end, the concept was scrapped. In addition, we also had to search for stock images for the same client and edit them to a plain background. Easy work but it took time. Thursday, after work, Falguni and I went to Le Marais and walked around. We again ended up near Notre Dame. There was an event?? called Paris Plage nearby where we were sitting. Basically, it's their "beach". There many people drinking on the "beach" and there was live music. We grabbed drinks and snacks from the supermarkets and sat by the river listening to music. I had a hard time opening my bottle and a random stranger had to help me open it. If you need help opening bottles, just ask a stranger, people are nice here and they will help you. After Paris Plage, I went grocery shopping and bought bread and cheese. Friday, we went to a friend's place for dinner. On the way we went to Jardin de Tuleries and ate our leftover fries. Then we went to La Grande Epicerie, the shopping mall of groceries, to buy paneer. We actually ended up near a Prada store and thought to ourselves that this can't be right. So I just asked the scary security where it was and found out the directions. There was even more security at La Grande Epicerie. It was all very fancy. We were suprised to hear you can buy paneer at La Grande Epicerie, it seemed like a very french shop. Everything was beautiful. Anyways, we couldn't find paneer and everything else was too expensive so we went to Carrefour and bought baby potatoes. We bought also wine and chocolate. After that, we went to our friend's very beautiful house for dinner. I had chicken makhani and Falguni had baby potato makhani. We played card games and talked into night. Dinner was great but I missed my last train and had to sleepover at Falguni's. I went back home the next day. Saturday was uneventful. I cleaned the fridge, it was so messy. I vacuumed the house. I went grocery shopping. I finished my leftover food. I watched project runway. Sunday was also pretty uneventful, I went to the farmer's market to buy sage but I ended up buying watermelon which was a great decision. It's hot as hell here. I made a chicken dinner and finished watching this season of project runway. Also, great news, Seenk has a 10 day holiday in August. My parents are travelling through Europe at that time and I will be joining their trip from Amsterdam to Italy. Next week's blog will be from Amsterdam. Till next week.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Hello readers, this week’s been cool and not so cool (literally). The heat was devastating. 37 degrees celsius! We share a fan in between three people. More about work, I redid some pictograms according to the client’s idea. I have noticed that they don’t really try to convince the client of their ideas. If the client doesn’t like it, then the idea is scrapped. After the pictograms, I worked on illustrations on a stand.There were two ideas that were approved by the client and we had to find a way to combine both which was a difficult task since they had completely different looks. After that, it was mostly research for a new e-wallet company outside of France. I enjoyed doing the research. It was suprisingly fun to learn about the world of fintech. I got assigned to do more research on Paytm. 
During the week, Falguni and I went to a bookstore after work. She bought a book, I did not because I am picky as hell. We saw what I believe is an art exhibition on the way. They decorated the entire side of the building. It looked fun but we didn’t go in since our original plan was the bookstore. Yeah nothing else interesting during the week. We saw a cat at work and yeah that’s it. Friday night, I did a small sketch of a peacock.
Saturday morning, I did nothing. During the afternoon, I went to parc floral de paris and walked around. So many different kinds of flora. There was also a wedding procession going on. The bride was walking down the park in her white gown. It was very beautiful. Then I saw a peacock!?! It was such a strange coincidence. I drew a peacock yesterday and then the next day a peacock appeared. Then I began to wonder if I drew a monkey, will a monkey appear? Anyways, later that evening, I met up with some friends at montmartre. We had fondue for dinnerand wine from baby bottles. It was so overpriced. Nonetheless, it was fun.
Sunday, I made pasta.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Hey there, this week’s been pretty good. Work’s been busy. We were briefed on a new company, a car safety device of sorts. The brief was rather sudden and we didn’t have much time to work on it. Everything feels a bit rushed in the agency. Presentation to the client has to be sent on tuesday. This project has been fun. Haven’t sketched out logos in a while. I noticed some cultural differences. My wings + location tag looked like an angel to them and my heart idea looked like a pretzel haha. Besides creating logos, I have had to look for mockups for presentations as well.
As I spend more time in the agency, I noticed the small architectural details that have been left behind after the renovation. It gives more insight to the history of the place. There is a porthole by the kitchen area. I speculate that the window must have been used as an exhaust to take out the fumes from the kitchen. The meeting area probably used to be the dining hall. There are also some old metal beams from what I guess is from the original structure of the place. 
The weekend has been pretty relaxing. Saturday, I mostly lazed around. I did a bit of cleaning. Made some pasta for lunch and dinner. My landlady’s friend gave me some meatballs to go with the pasta. These past few months, I feel like I have been neglecting practicing my art skills so I tried out blending pastels this week. The yellow needs work.
Sunday was pretty eventful. I planned to go to the jazz festival at Bois de Vincennes which is closeby my area. We got sidetracked though and went to the chateau nearby. Chateau de Vincennes is really old, I believe it was constructed in the medieval era then reconstructed just before the french revolution. I didn’t get much time to read up on the history but I surely will next time. I can’t believe I live so close to a chateau.
Next up was the jazz festival. The energy was amazing. There was lot of passion from the musicians and audience alike. Later, we explored a little bit of the park. So many ducks?? The park is huge. It’s less of a park and more like a botanical garden. It will take several Sundays, some food and a lot of wine to venture out in this park.
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itsmeghna · 6 years
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Hello once again. This week’s been rather tame compared to last. Work at Seenk mostly consisted of making pictograms for a digital marketing brand and searching for stock images. Finding the right images can be hard when you have many constraints. It takes quite a while to get done. Seenk has a very unique architecture. It seems to be an old building renovated to be a modern agency.
During lunch, Falguni brought paneer tikka. Many of our colleagues passed by commenting how delicious it smelt, some of them even tried it. Though there were some hesitation because of the spice. There is a nice pizza place called Quatrino near the agency. We had the pizza at a park nearby. Thursday, I made pasta. Friday, I went to monoprix and got laundry detergent. I had one of those microwavable dinner which was yuck. Thumbs down all the way.
Saturday was exciting. It was Bastille. In the morning, I went and saw the parade. The metro on the way was the most crowded I have ever seen. Many stations were closed. The parade had a lot of military personnel. I particularly enjoyed the fighter jets. I was supposed to meet Falguni but there was too much of a crowd. We met after the parade and then we walked to Eiffel tower because most of the metro stations were closed. I had a kebab sandwich on the way. Then we had Italian.
Later, I went to Falguni and Simran’s place, hung out there for a while before we all went to see the fireworks show at Champs de Mars. We went 2 hours early and it was still hard to find a place. I shared my hotdog with a girl beside me because she was hungry. It was a long wait but extremely worth it. The show was spectacular. One of the best fireworks show I have ever seen. The lights, the music, everything was amazing.
Sunday is for groceries and laundry. I made tomato soup today. Right now, the world cup finals are going on. I can hear my neighbours shouting as we speak. Till next week...
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