itsmelinafinch · 4 years
Where: New York  Status: for @kitdonovan​
Melina was excited about seeing Kit again after their last visit with him in San Francisco had gone. She liked spending time with the man, enjoyed his company and their little friendship they had going. Sure, their had been some bumps and misunderstandings along the way, but she still liked him. Which was definitely going to end up being a problem with the whole casual thing they were going for, despite all the ways Mel swore up and down that she understood it. She did, she really did, and for now she was more than happy with it, but deep down she knew she’d end up liking him too much and that was going to be disastrous. For now, she was glad to have fun with him. Which was what found her with baking supplies in hand and ringing the bell to his townhouse, waiting to be let in. 
“Hey!” she greeted with a smile when the door opened, holding up the bag. “I brought the goods,” Mel told him with a soft laugh. “Obviously they’re going to need work to actually be goods,” she said, head bobbing side to side slightly. “But I promise, they’re going to be worth the wait.” she assured him. 
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itsmelinafinch · 4 years
“Yeah I know you did, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have second thoughts or regret it or anything….” Isabel trailed off. For her conscience she felt it important to ask given the fact that this was important for Melina. With her new album coming out soon she felt everyone’s eyes on her. Needless to say she was stressed. “I can try being in the crowd. Maybe they won’t recognise me under the very creative disguise I got going on here.” It was worth a shot at least. She could go backstage later.
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“Why would I have second thoughts?” Mel asked, shaking her head at that and giving her a reassuring smile. “Is, I only care about if you’re comfortable. I don’t care if you’re recognized, as long as it doesn’t bother you,” she told her. She let out a laugh at what Isabel said next and nodded in agreement. “Your disguise is certainly ingenious,” Mel agreed with an amused smile. “I could barely recognize you,” she continued to tease playfully. “But, yeah, it’s totally up to you, and we can always move you, if need be,” Mel added with a shrug. “Oh, and uh, Kit’s going to be here too, so you could always use him to blend in too.” she added casually. 
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itsmelinafinch · 4 years
where: New York
status: for @itsmelinafinch​
At times like this she did wonder what it would be like to just be normal. Without everyone knowing who she was. “Are you sure you don’t mind me being here? You don’t think anyone will be able to recognise me, right?” Isabel had done her best to blend in with the upcoming crowd, hair back, huge sunglasses hiding half of her face. It was done intentionally so as to not disrupt the live taping. She was genuinely curious to see it, wondering what topic they were going to cover today. Isabel had purposely refrained from asking, wanting to be surprised and not get tempted into researching it beforehand. 
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Melina rolled her eyes fondly at Isabel and shook her head at her. “Are you crazy?” she asked the other blonde. “Of course I don’t mind you being here, I wanted you here, I asked you to be,” Mel reassured the woman. “If someone recognizes you, we’ll just move you for your comfort,” she assured her. “Or you can be backstage,” she offered Isabel. Her main worry was for Isabel’s safety and comfort, not at all about the fact that it would take away from the show. Her fans were usually super chill, so she’d hope they’d be chill with an international superstar such as Isabel being part of the crowd. “It’s up to you, hon,” she told her. 
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itsmelinafinch · 4 years
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Deniz Işın as Seda in Iyi Günde Kötü Günde, episode 2
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itsmelinafinch · 4 years
thank god for urbandictionary or I’d never know what anyone was talking about 
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itsmelinafinch · 4 years
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itsmelinafinch · 4 years
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