itsmelisajanee · 10 years
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
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“The fact that Rosa Mendes has been signed for more than 5 years now and still doesn’t know how to wrestle depresses me.”
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
so ive got an amazing family and im with someone who I love but sometimes I don't feel like I'm good enough. It's just so horrible that I feel that I can't talk to anyone about it.
Whenever I say I'm fat or ugly my lad gets pissed off, but at the end of the day I can't help but feel it.
I know many girls would love to be curvy (like a mate of mine, whose skinny - can't help it though - and would love to be curvy), I hate feeling like I'm fat and disgusting. I'm ashamed of my body and I look disgusting. I look at girls and think 'man why can't Iook like them' I hate feeling like this but I dunno what I can do.
I was really happy when I went from a size 16 to a 14 (sometimes fit into a size 12) but now since I've took a hiatus from training (personal issues) I've just sank. I just dunno man
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
Can someone tell me what colour the ribbon is for bladder cancer?
I want to get a tattoo with the colour for my grandad who passed away a few days ago.
R.I.P Grandad <3 
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
I had a good rant and its gone, its something about the two new models that WWE have sighed... *le sigh* it was gonna be a good one. I have nothing against the girls but I needed to rant
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
To my best friend in the whole world and my wifey for life
You are a strong person and have a lot going on personally at the moment I just want to say how amazing you are.
I have known you nearly 4 years and I couldnt ask for a better friend you got me through everything, heartbreak, mum cancer, uni and my nan and grandad death.
I can just text you and I know when you text me back you actually care if im upset.
I love you itsmelisajanee
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
Earlier on tonight I received some bad news & I just wanna say my piece....
RIP Grandad... You may be gone but NOT FORGOTTEN!!!! <3
I will forever love you & miss you. Everything that I do know, I will promise to make you proud.
I know I haven't been able to see you or talk to you much but I really hope you know that I love you so much!! I was hoping you'd hang on for a few more years so you could meet your great-gran kids or see me walk down the aisle...
Me & Anth were talking the other day and although we've been together for nearly ten months we talked about having a little wedding before you passed but that isn't going to happen. I just wanted you to see me walk down that aisle and get married, I know it was your dream to see me or Katie get married and although you're not going to be there when it happens I know you'll be watching and you'll have the BIGGEST smile on your face.
I love you grandad & I hope you knew that when you went to visit Mavis in the blue country. I love you <3333333333333333333333
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
So it seems like Im no longer engaged and that I can no longer trust my 'man'
its sad because I was starting to put my trust in him again. I dont know how we can go from this but whatever, I will tear that bitches head off her shoulders if I see her, I will go so radge I'd end in up in hospital. I seriously don't get what is so special about this bitch, I really don't. All our arguments are about her and I don't know if I can continue to do this so called relationship anymore. I wish I dumped you when I had the chance.
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
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WWE + popular text posts
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
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"AJ Lee is never going to be out of the title picture, she is their top draw.”
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
Question: Why should we bother with people who won't give us the time of day?
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
I can't help but laugh, I'm going back on my personal tag and saying things like 'OMG CHRIS YOU FLAWLESS HUMAN, ILY' & 'OMG MATT YOU MAKE ME HAPPY' LIKE WUT THE FUCK WAS I ON BACK THEN?! LIKE WHAT A STIPUD AS I WAS.
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
I remember when I used to be good friends with people on here...
Now they're just assholes...
& I really hate what they've become.....
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itsmelisajanee · 10 years
I remember when I thought I had it all....
and now I have nothing..... sometimes I just want to commit.
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