itsmemothmom · 1 year
You guys do know you're supposed to reblog things, right
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itsmemothmom · 2 years
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itsmemothmom · 2 years
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itsmemothmom · 2 years
Translated the alphabet used in STRAY
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NOTE: Mild Spoilers for STRAY. This album contains the chapter headings, so while it’s not super-spoilery, it’s still going to reveal some details if you haven’t played it to that point yet!
My kid and I have been enjoying Stray thoroughly since it came out, and one of the things we both found fascinating is the language of the society in the game- you see it everywhere, in neon signs, in graffiti, and it really adds to the depth and mystery of this universe.
Both my kid and I are language geeks, me being a narrator and them just enjoying languages in general, so after I casually mentioned that I thought the in-game alphabet for the robots was probably an Aurabesh (Star Wars)-like letter-for-letter replacement of a Latin alphabet, we went to town on trying to figure it out. They mentioned they realized it was a replacement cipher when they saw the opening screen for the “Dead City” chapter.
Turns out that we were… mostly right. But not 100%. There IS an alphabet that’s consistent. It’s in the first image you see in this album. However, while we did find a lot of signs that were simply English, there were some that were Latin, and we think there might be a few in French (which would make sense, given that the developers are French).
But it gets a bit weirder. There’s a bunch of symbols we simply don’t understand because we don’t have a good key for them. We started off with this one by taking screenshots of the chapter headings, which were subtitled in English, using those to get a few characters, then figuring out other characters from context. We’ve got nearly the entire alphabet solved now, but there’s some signs with words using characters that don’t have any correspondence at all to the ones we’ve deciphered.
However, nearly all of these are in the “dead” parts of the city, where there’s signs in English, which could mean these are in Chinese or some language we don’t understand, or maybe they’re intended to be an earlier version of the language the robots in the city now use.
There’s also some “cursive”-like versions of many letters which are more difficult to understand, so some of the signs are much harder to translate. There’s even some where they mash ideograms together to combine them, which is also interesting.
So here’s the alphabet key, along with a few images we’ve provided some captions for. Our working theory is that many of the posters are written in Latin (including some Lorem Ipsum!), then translated to the robot alphabet, but it’s possible they’re in other languages also. Because many of the textures have “damage” on them, it’s frequently difficult to parse all the words, and it’s also often hard to tell where spaces go.
But we figure if we put this out there, others can come along and improve on and add to it!
NB: The alphabet key is not totally complete; the letters X and Z are missing, as we still aren’t certain of those ones. (Updated: Z and X are found, and image key updated!) Also, there’s some variations on some letters, and it’s possible we made some mistakes. But it works for translating many of the signs and posters. For the translations we used Google Translate, which is probably awful, but better than nothing.
NB Also: The chapter headings sometimes differed from the subtitle in yellow. Where it does, the deciphered text is in white. Where it does not, there’s no white text.
If anyone can offer more accurate translations of the Latin passages, please do!
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itsmemothmom · 2 years
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meemow and momo :)))
comms open
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itsmemothmom · 2 years
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itsmemothmom · 2 years
sobbing over the humanity of the robots in Stray. they listen to music. they play dungeons & dragons. they have barber shops and bars and play the guitar and write poetry. they get heart eyes when a cat purrs against their legs. there are robot children! robot grandparents! they like comfy pillows and candles and warm blankets and they grow plants in a city that has never seen sunlight! they’re human and they’re not and there’s no humans left and they’re alive. ahhhhhhh
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itsmemothmom · 2 years
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Everyone shut up and look at Lala.
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itsmemothmom · 2 years
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itsmemothmom · 2 years
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The gang’s all here folks!
Edit: proshits do not fucking touch this post is not for you
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itsmemothmom · 3 years
If you’ve never taken the bus as your primary mode of transportation you should know that a ten minute drive is like a one hour bus ride.
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itsmemothmom · 3 years
remember like ten years ago when someone did a whole "barbie's proportions on a real human" and everyone was the most freaked out about the fact that her feet were too small for her height so "she would have had to CRAWL on her HANDS AND KNEES everywhere!!! and her head is way too big for her body ahhhhh"
i was like eleven but that’s when i knew all of these performative body positive girl power role model advocates were stupid because none of them thought about how difficult it is to put little plastic shoes on stiff plastic feet and how it’s easier if they’re not idk a doll size 9. and how a big head means a good sized amount of hair for a little girl to brush and play with because she has clumsy little hands and fingers. and how is having a big head and small feet going to give a girl an eating disorder anyway? she can’t make her head bigger. anyway i realized then that all of this was for them, the grown women, and had nothing to do with little girls, how they were growing up, or how they would play with toys lol
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itsmemothmom · 3 years
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itsmemothmom · 3 years
my gay little cat screams and cries if i kick him out of my room he wails and sounds like hes dying and it picks up on my mic and my friends and partners shout "LET HIM IN YOURE KILLING HIM" and i look into his dumb little eyes and know that theres not a single fucking thought behind them
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itsmemothmom · 3 years
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itsmemothmom · 3 years
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Book Burning Memorial
‘In the center of Bebelplatz, a glass window showing rows and rows of empty bookshelves. The memorial commemorates the night in 1933 when 20,000 “anti-German” books were burned here under the instigation of Goebbels. There’s a plaque nearby that says something like “Where they burn books, they will also burn humans in the end.” ’
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itsmemothmom · 3 years
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Why hasn’t anyone stopped him?
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