itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Connor rolled his eyes, typical college kid. "I said a paper Jasper, not a list of 3 things that barely make sense. Are you even trying? Be imaginative Jasper. Your greatest tool is your brain and how you use it. You are correct on the first application, but it only works if you don't drink it. I have no idea what you are trying to say with your second, and your third is just pointless. The reason you should be meeting your roommate is because you live with them, not because you have a first aid kit. You can do much better than that."
Connor half wondered what he needed to know how to hotwire a car for, but that wasn't why he was there. In his book it was a valid line of inquiry. Pulling a piece of chalk from his pocket he started drawing a diagram of a car inside to demonstrate as he explained. "This only works with older cars, new cars have a lot more preventative measures in place. You're better off just calling a mechanic or tow truck if that is an option. There are a few routes you can go to accomplish the same end. To hotwire the steering column, remove the plastic cover on the steering column. These are usually held in place with concealed clips or #2 Phillips-type screws. Remove them and pull the access panels free. Alternatively, on some much older models, you can break the locking pins in the ignition by hammering a flathead screwdriver into the keyhole and turning it over. It's very difficult if not impossible to do this by hand, but if you think the model is sufficiently old to allow for it, you can give it a shot.
Find the wiring harness connector. Once you remove the panels on the steering column, you should see a roil of electrical wires. Don't be intimidated, learn to recognize the right bundle. There will typically be three main bundles of wires:
Wires leading to the column-mounted controls on one side, like lights, cruise control, and other indicators
Wires leading to the column controls on the other side, like wipers or seat warmers
Wires leading to the the battery, ignition, and starter leading straight up the steering column
Pull aside the battery, ignition, and starter wire bundle. One of these will be the primary power supply for the ignition switch, one will be ignition wires, and the other will be the starter. The other colors will vary depending on the manufacturer. Read the owner's manual or look online to be sure you can identify all possibilities.
Sometimes the ignition wires are brown and the starter wires yellow, but the battery wires are most usually red. Again, the only way to be sure is to read the owner's manual. You're not MacGuyver; messing with the wrong wires will get you electrocuted.
Strip about 1 inch of insulation from the battery wires and twist them together. Wrap them with electrician's tape if available, and do not allow them to short against metal vehicle components. Connecting these will provide electricity for the ignition components, so the engine is able to run when the starter is turned.
This is not some gone in 60 seconds thing, you need to be aware of what you are doing so you don't kill yourself, and you need practice to become efficiently fast at it, however I don't imagine a situation where people will let you hot wire their cars for practice.
Next, connect the ignition on/off wire to the battery wire. You should see the dash lights and other electrical components come alive at this point. If all you want to do is listen to the radio, you're done. If you want to drive the car, you'll need to spark the starter wire, which can get dangerous.
Being extremely careful, strip the starter wire about 1/2 inch. This will be live, so you need to extremely careful and keep close hold of your bare wires. Touch the end of this to the connected battery wires. Don't try and twist it on, just spark it against the battery wires to start the car.
Rev the engine. If you get the car to start, rev it a few times so you don't stall out and have to do this process again.
Once the engine starts, you can remove the starter wire and continue on your way. When you want to kill the engine, simply unfasten the battery wires from the ignition wires and the car will die.
Break the steering lock. You've got the car started and you're ready to tear off into the sunset, right? Wrong. While your car is running, the steering column is probably locked at this point, meaning that you'll have to break it to be able to steer, unless you want to drive straight off a cliff or something.
On some models, all you'll need to do is pop off the metal key hole which will release a spring and break the lock. If you already tried to jam your screwdriver in there earlier because you've got a mid-70s to mid-80s vehicle, the lock is probably already broken.
Some models respond well to a healthy dose of elbow grease. Crank the wheel hard to either side as if you were trying to twist it free. You could also use a hammer to fix in the wheel and use for leverage. You should hear it break and the wheel will be free, so you'll be able to drive normally.
Now. This is one method on how to hotwire a car, I have only instructed you the how, to do it. Anything you do at this point is all on you. You understand it is illegal to do this to any car but your own, and can be forgiven in only a life saving emergency. Also. I don't think I should have to remind you that you live on a campus of mutants...If you mess with their cars, they will probably mess with you. 
Enough || Open
Jasper laughed once.  It was more of a bark than anything.  ”Pros:  Good excuse to store whiskey in your dorm.  Helps patch up random empaths that decided to wander into your room.  Gives you an excuse to meet your roommate for the first time this semester.”
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He offered a half-smile as his professor turned to face him.  ”Yes, I’m not just being an asshat.  Tell me, how do I hotwire a car?  I get the feeling that you’d know.”
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
"Where do you think mocking your professor will get you Jasper?" Connor spoke as he turned back around to face his pupil. "Do you really need something or is this more of your sarcasm? I can tell you what I need. I need a eight page paper on the benefits of having a first aid kit in your dorm room."
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Enough || Open
Some sort of assignment?  Awfully specific, professor.
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Leaving?  Just when I needed you the most, too.
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Perhaps. But I can only work with what they give me. And it appears to be nothing. My class is not exactly difficult, but you must show up and participate to receive a grade. And so far it seems most treat it as a free period. You'd think these kids would be interested in studies outside the classroom, field trips and junk, but maybe I'm wrong, maybe they prefer in depth book learning and complicated essay configurations. What is it you do that draws students in? I'd hate to lose my job because my students lack of attention to the attendance policy.
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Enough || Open
That seems like quiet the rash method… Although I do suffer from lack of assiduity on behalf of my students, so perhaps I should start taking notes and learn from you…
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Enough || Open
Since none of you seem to be interested in attending lectures and prefer to fail my class. I'm going for a ride today. I expect some sort of assignment placed on my desk or inbox today if you plan on continuing with my class. Otherwise you can continue you on with the F I've already assigned you.
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Connor smiled as he saw the grin cross her face, she was a lovely young lady to look at and he was quite enjoying himself. "Yeah, I would rethink that decision now, tigers tend to be solitary, and as a male I'm sure now I'd be in actual trouble. Besides I'd be disappointed to know I'd never get to meet another person like me if I'd gotten gobbled up as a kid." 
Trying to hide a smirk he concentrated as best he could on the words coming out of Leyla's mouth as they seemed to be flying past him. He was relieved to see her nervousness wasn't because of how he was acting. Girls were always the hardest thing to decipher, he'd take squaring off with a wild animal any day. "I wonder how many of us are out there, or if there is anything the administration can do to help us reach out to others."
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Don't let this bowtie confuse you. I'm an animal.
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
[Email sent out to students]
Those wishing to continue attending lessons, please create a emergency pack and bring with you to our next lesson.  
0 notes
itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Connor shrugged at her comment of he being a cat person. "You never know" 
Connor smirked, "I...was a handful..as a child. And yes, I did. But I was only five. And nothing happened, they had cubs and they were playing and I wanted to play with them...the mother didn't seem to care much that she had another cub."
Tilting his head he said, "Really? That is so interesting, I wonder if that is why your coloring is so different." He stopped and started again "Not different in a bad way or abnormal," he held out his hand trying to backpedal in case he offended her. "I only mean that...your powers are really cool..." 
Connor felt bad feeling like he was intimidating her, he really needed to work on his facial expressions. "I do hope I'm not intimidating you too bad, I'd hate to scare you away when I'd very much like to know you better. I'm a survival expert and not a scientist...but I would really like to learn more about us. But I wonder too if it is just us similar or if there are other pantherine's who are the same." 
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Don't let this bowtie confuse you. I'm an animal.
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Looking up at the boy who walked in he nodded and replied "Greetings" back. He thought it was curious the boy bowed, he must be shy, he thought to himself. But made no other notice of it. "Nice to meet you Fluke.." He was in the middle of saying before he thought wait...what? But the head of the school had informed him mutants of any and every type imaginable would be attending here, so it should be a surprise to meet someone who could change between a girl and boy. "Yes, that's me. And welcome, I'm glad to have you. You..do..want to be here don't you?" 
Don't let this bowtie confuse you. I'm an animal.
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Connor twisted his lips shrugging, "Not a lot of interest in my classes, so not a lot of names to remember yet I suppose." His interest was piqued at his story. "What happened?" 
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Don't let this bowtie confuse you. I'm an animal.
"Surprised you remember my name if I’ve never attended your class, professor," Jasper commented lightly.  "Went hiking into the forest the other day.  I’ve discovered, ah, that I can’t really defend myself all that adequately from the local wildlife."
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
"Oh!..oh." He said smiling feeling dumb for misunderstanding. He couldn't help but think how adorable the girl was before him blurting all these things out at him. He wished he was better at calming people like his sister, but he was too greatly amused watching Leyla fumble around before him. He set his things down and went over to the couch against the wall hopping onto it and sliding into a cross legged sitting position, he patted the cushion next to him. "I do like animals, bit of a natural cat man myself..." He paused, "There's probably a lot I could tell you, not exactly sure where to start. I've known I was a mutant since I was five.." He smiled, "It really stressed my mother out when she found me playing in a cage with real tigers. We didn't have tigers in our family before, but my father changes into a stag...so..that might have something to do with it. Both my parents are mutants so we had a higher chance, however we thought my sister would turn out normal because it took so long for her to discover her power. Being a tiger though isn't as easy to hide, so when I left home I gravitated towards more densely forested areas, just felt better, and allowed me to change if I wanted. Having to hide in my apartment when I lived in the city just became stressful, it scares people what I am, if I were perhaps a crow or a puppy or something...maybe they wouldn't be so frightened...but people have always taken to differences badly. I've just learned you have to get by until they catch up." 
He sat there thinking what else to say while observing the girl "Was there any burning questions you wondered about, I'm guessing you wanna see how we are similar?" 
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Don't let this bowtie confuse you. I'm an animal.
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
He bit his lip thinking, "Um...about me?..Um.. I've been teaching informally for a few years...this is my first mutant school...but don't worry I'm still more than capable as an instructor. Worked on some of the larger nature preserves for ..most of my adult life." He paused thinking running his hand over the stubble on his chin, wondering what else he should say to prove he was a good teacher...only ...part of his mind was telling him that's not what she was asking.
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Don't let this bowtie confuse you. I'm an animal.
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Connor's ears perked up almost not hearing the girl, but it was familiar and when she came in he was pleasantly surprised. "Hello again Leyla" He tilted his head, "How can I help you darlin?" She looked so shy in the door frame that he hoped he wasn't intimidating her. He'd wanted to come across her path again, as she was just like him, but was glad she came to his office rather than him finding her. 
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Don't let this bowtie confuse you. I'm an animal.
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Connor observed the student pull up a chair and twist it around in a small rebellion to unspoken classroom rules, it amused him and made him wonder if he was just attempting to be cool...or if he felt more comfortable with a barrier between them. "Maps Jasper. Of the school and surrounding area. I haven't seen you in my class before, have you gained a sudden interest?"
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Don't let this bowtie confuse you. I'm an animal.
Jasper pulled up a chair, straddling it backwards as he observed the professor.  ”What you got there, sir?”
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itsomalleythealleycat · 10 years
Don't let this bowtie confuse you. I'm an animal.
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Connor sat on his desk with maps of the school grounds in front of him taking notes and plotting out plans for a in depth survival excursion..that is if he ever got enough students...hearing a knock at the door he replied "Come in" wondering who it might be. 
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itsomalleythealleycat · 11 years
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Connor twisted his lips thinking, "I don't want you to think of it exactly like a paper, if you can tell me what I ask in five sentences then go for it. However long it takes for you to say what you need to say in a legible manner is good enough for me. In my class it's about getting information out to those who need to hear it in the shortest manner possible. So please non of that extra redundant bull shit you all have to pull to reach word count in your other classes." He smirked hoping he didn't alarm her too much by swearing in front of her. Connor had forgotten for a split second he was actually teaching rather than just having a conversation with someone. 
Self Reliance: Introduction Day
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itsomalleythealleycat · 11 years
Connor had been out on a morning run through the woods as a tiger, learning the lay of the land for his later classes, when he heard someone speak. He hadn't been particularly quiet about making his way through the woods, but even as a full grown tiger he wasn't exactly noisy. He shifted back to human as he turned back around looking for the voice. "Hello" he said calmly to the young boy alone in the woods. "Why are you out here and not in your dormitory?"
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Watching  the sun beginning to go down he let out a deep sigh before beginning to move. Easily he climbed down the tree and landed on his feet in the middle of the woods. He usually came here when it was close to dark, the dark brought the bad out of him and not many people came to the woods at night so it was easier to cope with it by beating up trees to get the need to kill out of his system. Oliver let out a sigh at the thought before walking steadily his hand reaching out and touching a tree only to hear a branch break underneath someones foot. “Who’s there?” He asked suddenly alert as his eyes moved around him trying to catch sight of someone.
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itsomalleythealleycat · 11 years
Connor ran after her, not pushing himself, but rather observing the young girl and her skills without falling behind. He'd mistaken her challenge as just a short run to the office and was slightly bummed when it was over, but knew it wouldn't likely be the last time he had someone to run with. And he was given a delightful reason to chuckle when he watched her stumble to a stop having looked back for him at the wrong time. He padded slowly to a halt before her as she shifted back and nodded his thanks. The tip of his tail still twitching playfully. He shifted back partially to his own human form leaving his orange and black striped tail and tipped ears as he winked at her, "It was my pleasure" He pushed open the door and ruffled his hair making the ears and tail shift away as he looked for the woman Leyla had spoke of. 
New Territory
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