Pip did not want to be at this garbage summer camp for Tweens Who Can’t Magic Good but seeing as it had been ordered by the Auror’s office as part of his probation he didn’t have too much of a say in the matter. 
Each day of camp brought with it new team-building activities and practical exercises that were meant to help him control his magic better. 
Pip, personally, thought it was all a pile of bullshit since he’d only slipped up a few times this summer with his magic-- and also now that he knew that Cindy was alive and that he was no longer living with his Dad, his stress levels had dropped dramatically. 
And yet, here he was, doing his practical exercise for the day, which involved speaking to strangers and keeping his emotions in check. On days where a counselor wasn’t with him, he was slapped with an ankle-bracelet that would block his magic if his heart-rate increased to much. Today happened to be the latter, and he scowled down at the silver accessory with disdain. 
Still, it could be worse. 
And it was with that thought that he approached the attractive man smoking against the wall. 
Pip cleared his throat and pulled out a piece of paper and read dispassionately, “Hello, sir. My name is Pippino. I am a camper at Camp Cordial. I would like to engage in conversation with you. This is so that I might become a benefit to society by improving my interpersonal communication skills. This is per the Ministry Mandate for Misguided Youths Act.” Pip rolls up his parchment and sticks in his bag. He stares up at Djali expectantly. 
Lost & Found || Open Starter
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Djali’s voice was a little louder than socially acceptable for being in public as he spoke to the  attendant at the counter of the inn. He clenched his fists and pounded the wooden surface. “Look, I paid for a full month here last week, what’s the problem?” The inn employee pursed his lips and crossed his arms defensively. “We don’t have any record of a payment beyond last month.” Djali gritted his teeth in frustration, trying to keep his shit together. “Well then can’t you check harder?” The attendant rolled his eyes and turned to check a second time. “I’ll see what I can find sir.” 
“I need some air. I’ll be back in half an hour.” He muttered under his breath as he walked out of the building, shaking out his denim jacket and shoving his hands in his pockets to search for a lighter. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and the lighter as he found a wall next to an alley to lean against. He lit one and breathed in long and hard before exhaling a thick cloud of smoke. 
He had definitely paid for a room for the upcoming month. That was  whole two week’s worth of pay and he wasn’t going to let those assholes rip him off. It was just so convenient of them to not have any record of it too, as if he hadn’t been there when he signed the papers. He skulked by the wall and brooded on his misfortune. 
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Pip inhales sharply at the comment. Really? He couldn’t even sit without somebody giving him flack? 
So he does what any rational person would do. 
“Pardon? Dispiace, non parlo inglese ” He says, heavily accented and shrugging. Who would be so cruel as to yell at someone who doesn’t speak English?
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Please Move
It was Darren’s first night back in Hogsmeade. Everything was going great no Aurors chasing him down and everything was peaceful. Since he had escaped Azkaban he was jumping from town to town laying low and getting rid of anyone that suspected who he was. It was fun but after so long Darren wanted to get back in to the swing of things. Sure his mind wasn’t set on which side he was going to end up on but both sides started in Hogsmeade for him. 
So Darren decided to talk a walk around the town he used to visit quite frequently as a student in Hogwarts. After walking around for a bit the man decided to sit down on one of the many benches that lined the streets. After a moment he took out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket and began to light one, but before he could someone sat down on the other side of the bench. The man did not think anyone would be out at this time, but he was wrong. Seriously? Why couldn’t this idiot sit somewhere else? Darren sighed and lit the cigarette and turned to the other “Do you realize there are other benches in this area..?”
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Pip looks up from the metal table he’s seated at when Diggleton stomps into the room. “Aw, Diggles you’ve come to rescue me! I mean, this is all your fault but I appreciate the sentiment nonetheless. You want a ‘thank-you’ kiss?” He’s got his lips puckered when Diggleton says, “You have a visitor.” 
Pip stands up sharply, knees knocking into the table when he locks eyes on Cindy, and suddenly he has his best friend hugging the breath out of him. 
“C-Cindy? O-oh my god!” He wraps his arms around her tightly, tucking his head into her neck. “They couldn’t find you! They said you-- they said you were fucking dead!” His breath hitches and he manfully cries into his best friend’s hair. 
A scoff comes from the doorway. 
Pip pulls back from Cindy to glare at the boy. “Shut the fuck up, Douglass, nobody even likes you!” 
Diggleton scowls and leaves to stand next to the lawyer in the hallway. 
Still crying Pip turns back to Cindy, clutching her for dear life. “You stupid bitch, what the fuck? You fucking asshole!” And being such good friends, Cindy would know that this translated to something like, “I’m so grateful that you’re alive, I was so worried about you, how did this happen?” 
We’ll Meet Again || Pip&Cindy
Cindy and Herc took the Knight Bus to the Erdo household. The first sign that something was wrong was that the windows of the second floor above the storefront were all boarded up, as if they’d all been broken. No…they had been broken. The couple entered the shop to find the sad, hunched over figure of Gepetto Erdo sitting behind the counter.
She’d never gotten to meet the man formally, as she wasn’t allowed to visit friends over the summer, but she politely introduced herself as one of Pip’s friends. All of the life seemed to drain from him just at the mention of his son’s name. That’s when Cindy knew something was very wrong.
This time, Cindy didn’t even give time to argue things out with Hercules. They had to act and they had to act now. She was going to go to the Ministry to file a Missing Persons report with the Auror’s Office while Hercules would do the same with the muggle London police. They’d managed to find her against all odds–they’d find Pip too. They had to.
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And The Law Won // Selfie
Papa had been a real bitch lately. Ever since the incident in the shop a few weeks ago, he’d barely even spoken to Pip, let alone allowed him to come down into the storefront to help out. And Pip—fuck he felt stifled in their small apartment above the shop. He never saw anyone anymore, and his only interactions with this father were at the end of the day: “com'è stata la tua giornata?” “bene.”
There was only so many times he could ask his father how his day was before he wanted to hex his brains into jelly. With Cindy fucking dead and Herc literally hating him forever and ever, he didn’t really have anyone he could go to. He thought maybe he’d go see JJ but he had remembered that his friend-in-arms had scored that amazing internship somewhere. (He had forgotten where, exactly, but he did remember that JJ had been stoked to get it). Maybe Quasi…? But no, his housemate already had enough to deal with and he wasn’t sure Quasi would appreciate him turning up out of the blue on his doorstep.
But something had to give or Pip would lose his mind. So he broke the pattern one night at dinner.
Geppetto didn’t look up from his noodles, “yes, Paxton?”
Pip swirled his food around his plate nervously. “I was wondering if I could go out into the city for a bit.”
“London is too dangerous.” Geppetto replied, “What do you want to go out there for?”
Pip sighed and rubbed his eyes. He knew this was going to be difficult. “It is only dangerous if you go in the bad parts. And there is stuff for young people to do there.”
Geppetto frowned, hurt. “You aren’t happy here?”
“It’s not that, I just want to get out and see some things, get a change of scenery.” Pip soothes, “At school I get to see a lot of people.”
It was a miscalculation on Pip’s part, because his father bristles at the mention of Hogwarts as he always does.
“You don’t need to go out there. There’s nothing for you out there. You will stay here and mind the house.” Geppetto said firmly.
Pip snaps, he’s been kept in this apartment like a caged dog for the past several weeks and his request wasn’t unreasonable. This is just another case of his father being a cruel dickhead. “Of course you don’t understand, you haven’t gone farther than the shop since mom died! It’s pathetic!” His heart constricts, but he doesn’t apologize or take his words back because he is just angry enough to want his words to hurt. He jumps up from his seat and strides to where his shoes are neatly stacked next to the door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Geppetto says as Pip jams on his shoes. “I said you weren’t leaving.”
Pip scowls. “Out. Probably to get into trouble and kiss some hot guys. Why, does that bother you?” And suddenly Pip is afraid. It was an unspoken agreement that he and his father never discuss his sexuality. It was taboo in this household.
“Of course it bothers me! Why can’t you just be a real boy!” Geppetto says, stepping over to block the door.
A tense silence descends.
Pip knew in his heart that this was how is father felt, but it was another to hear it come from his mouth. “I’m leaving.”
“No, I’m not letting you.” Geppetto is frowning, still between Pip and the door.
But Pip has had enough and something in him fractures. In a flash of light his father is on the ground and all of the glass in the apartment fucking shatters in an explosion of sound.
Holy shit! Pip panics and runs for the door.
“Paxton, wait!” His father calls out after him, but it’s too late and Pip is running as fast as he can towards the only place that makes sense anymore.
Diagon Alley is a charming mix of comforting and overwhelming on any given day. Today though, it is especially so as Pip moves between the stalls and crowds. He’s breathing hard, still trying to calm himself down after the fiasco at home. Okay, so he’s homeless, that’s no big deal. And maybe he only has like, 15 bucks in his wallet but that’s no big deal either. Pip will figure it out. Later.
He moves towards the younger part of town, where teenagers with nothing else to do tended to congregate during the summer months. He slides into a booth at one of the local pubs and pauses. What was he going to do? He didn’t have anyone who would take him in. He was as alone as he was when he was a baby-faced eleven year old about to start his life over at Hogwarts—but he didn’t even have Hogwarts this time because it was fucking July and school didn’t start for another month and a half.
Lost in his anxious thoughts, Pip barely notices the boy who has sat down across from him until he speaks, “Hey.” The boy is tall, dark skinned, with friendly looking brown eyes but more importantly he’s smiling at Pip in a way that means business.
“Hi,” Pip replies, flustered in a way that he isn’t normally in this situation—he chalks it up to the stress from earlier. “What’s your name?”
The stranger cocks his head. “Does it really matter?”
Pip considers it for a moment. “Nope.”
Making out with a stranger in a gross alley behind a pub can actually be an enjoyable experience if you open your heart to it. And your mouth to it. The dark-skinned boy is doing this thing with his tongue that is sending sparks all up Pip spine. Pip is thinking that this is exactly what he needs when the boy grabs Pip’s wrist, leading Pip to palm the boy’s dick through his trousers. Oh.
“Yeah want it so bad, c’mon.” The boy huffs in Pip’s ear. And well, what does Pip really have to lose? Nothing like a quickie next to the garbage to get the juices flowing. So Pip mentally shrugs and sticks his hand down the boy’s pants. The boy kisses Pip, nipping at his lip gratefully as Pip does what Pip does best. And everything seems like it’ll be fine.
“What the fuck?” A shrill voice calls out from down the alley.
“Oh my god, seriously?” Pip whines, reluctantly pulling his hand out of the other boy’s trousers just as a young looking boy comes stomping toward them. He’s wearing weird robes and he’s got a badge pinned to them that Pip can’t read from a distance. “Mate, unless you’re here to join then please, bugger off. I’ve had enough shit to deal with today.”
“I’m Douglass P. Diggleton, Junior sub-Deputy to the Junior Director of the Minor Division of the Auror’s Practical Exercise program for interns, better known as APE.” The trespasser says snidely.
Pip blinks hard for a second, trying to parse out everything Diggleton said. “So, you’re one of those shitty interns they hire every summer to do grunt bullshit?”
Diggleton’s face goes bright red as he stammers, “How--how dare you, I am an officer of the law!”
“You’re like 12 and a pencil-pusher.” Pip says, unimpressed. The dark-skinned boy starts to edge away from Pip to the back exit of the pub.
“You should watch what you say to me, faggot. I could get you in serious trouble.” Diggleton smiles.
Pip stares at Diggleton in disbelief. “Seriously? Seriously. Seriously? Are you kidding me? What the fuck, is today National Homophobia day? Did I miss the fucking memo? This is not happening. This is fake.”
Diggleton seems a little off-put by Pip’s outburst, but rallies. “I’m going to have to give you a citation for public indecency.”
Pip rolls his eyes. “Nah, I’m good.”
Diggleton blinks. “You’re—what?”
“I said I’m good, thanks.”
“That’s not how this works. You’re taking your ticket!” Diggleton blusters, grabbing at Pip’s shoulder. At this point, the dark-skinned boy has wisely fled inside and Pip is alone in the alley with this puffed-up douchebag.
Pip snarls, “Get off!” and goes to push Diggleton, but the boy screams and jumps back as his sleeves catch on fire. “What the—”
Diggleton howls as the flames consume his fancy robes.
“Oh-oh my god!” Pip flounders uselessly, patting his pockets for his wand, “Agua—oh fuck oh my god holy fucking--” He finally gets his wand in his sweaty palm and points it shakily at Diggleton. “A-aguamenti?” And though his spellwork was feeble at best, a tidal wave comes crashing out of his wand-tip, dousing Diggleton in what seems like 10 tons of water. It succeeds in putting out the flames Pip has somehow caused, but now Diggleton is curled up in a wet, shivering ball on the ground. He rushes over and kneels down next to him. “A-are you okay? Fuck! I don’t even know how that happened!”
Diggleton coughs up some water and weakly shoves at Pip’s hand and croaks, “Stay—away—from—me—you—fucking—fag!”
Pip reels back as if he was the one burned.
At that moment, a short girl rounds the corner into the alley calling out, “Douglass? C’mon it’s time to go back to the Ministry!” but she stops cold at the scene before her. “Wha--?”
--And Pip calmly explains the whole thing to her and everything works out perfectly fine—
Or that’s what Pip would have done if his brain hadn’t suddenly screamed “RUN!” at him and his body hadn’t immediately obeyed. He got as far as Madam Malkin’s before Diggleton’s partner, who was clearly way more competent, caught up and Stunned his ass to the ground.
And so that was how Pip found himself waiting outside of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Juvenile Division, wand confiscated and arms bound.
Pip tests out the heft of the cuffs around his wrists.
“Well… Um. Fuck?”
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Gawain shook his head when Pippino apologised, shaking his head. “It’s no problem, really…” his voice trailed off as the younger Hufflepuff continued to speak. Gawain suspected he revealed a tad more than he had truly intended to, but then again… if he had really wanted to hide it, he surely wouldn’t have said it. And there was something he didn’t say, evidently, with how quickly he cut off his sentence. Still, that omission seemed to be the reason why Pippino had encountered all of these problems. 
“Okay, well, that’s alright… people struggle with magic all the time. It does happen…” Gawain looked at Pippino - he didn’t want to force him to say anything he didn’t want to, but wizards didn’t go around losing their powers when they were having too much fun or anything like that. 
“Usually, it’s because something big is going on, Pippino. And… if there’s anything going on that I can help you with, then I’ll do my best. But - but, it’s alright, you don’t have to share anything you don’t want to. I can still do my best to help you without the details. It’s entirely up to you.”
Pip sighs and thumps his head into Gawain’s soft chest so that he doesn’t have to look his professor in the face. “Hey, I actually have an awesome idea! Why don’t you put me into a magically induced coma and then neither of us will have to deal with consequences. I think it’s a plan with great merit.” 
I Fought the Law // Open Starter
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“I never said it was bad! That’s why this doesn’t make sense, Pip! We - you –” Tears are spilling from Herc’s eyes again now, and it almost looks like right now it pains him to speak kindly of his and Pip’s time together but he does it anyway. “You made it so special, you were - you were kind and helpful and fun and - and it was how it’s supposed to be! And when it goes how it’s supposed to go, you’re supposed to be in love! And - and I thought we were! I - I at least thought we were getting there! But - but now it just seems like you - you just faked it!”
Herc staggers back a little, and some of his fire is definitely gone, replaced with sadness and hurt and confusion. “I - I know I don’t know anything about this, Pip! I - I’d never kissed anyone, I was a huge virgin, I - I haven’t even dated anyone! Nothing! I - I had a crush on one girl for like, four years because I was in denial about who I liked and who might like me back! I - I knew nothing, but… but there’s some stuff I can work out, despite how big of a dumbass I am.”
He takes a fortifying breath, wiping at his eyes. “You don’t get to tell me what I deserve. Because it’s not all about what people deserve - people don’t get what they deserve. But people can fight for what they want - and I wanted you. You… you gave me… you gave me so much, Pip, you made me feel…” Herc steps back, almost swaying a little as he looks to the ceiling. Where to start when you’re at the end?
“… You gave me so much and then turned around and managed to make it all feel like bullshit. So - so I don’t care what you think, what you’re trying to save me from, what you think I deserve! Because you already happened. And you… you broke my fucking heart.”
--and it was how it’s supposed to be! And when it goes how it’s supposed to go, you’re supposed to be in love! And - and I thought we were! I - I at least thought we were getting there! But - but now it just seems like you - you just faked it!
Pip reels back, eyes wide as if he’s been gut-punched; flinching again when Herc brings up Cindy. The worst part is that Herc is right. The worst part is that Pip had hurt somebody for no good reason. The worst part is that he’d thought he’d been doing something selfless for once by setting Herc ‘free.’ 
He’d begun to well up but was trying desperately to keep his tears in check because god Herc was crying enough for the both of them but once Herc finishes his piece the floodgates open and the tears come. They’re silent and heavy and they roll down his cheeks, streaky badges that showed to the world that Pip wasn’t unmoved, wasn’t the unfeeling man-eater he pretended to be. 
He makes no move to wipe his cheeks, not really processing that he’s actually crying; he’s staring at his knees horrified because there is one sentence that has exploded in his brain, piercing every crevice with shrapnel until his whole mind is a tattered bloody mess: 
I think I’ve made a terrible mistake. 
And Pip has. He really, truly, has fucked up this time because he has hurt someone who could have actually grown to love him. 
But something has to give, Pip needs to extract the poison from the wound because this is not where this ends. He steels his resolve, hold Cindy’s face in his mind, and shutters his heart. 
Pip scrubs a sleeve across his face, wiping away the evidence, and stands up. All 5″3 of him facing off against Herc. “A good lay is not the same as being in love, Hercules. You just liked putting your dick in me, and I don’t blame you for not understanding the difference because you were a virgin and also because I’m an amazing lay.” Pip cocks his head. “Because, what do you really know about me? Do you know where I was born? My favorite subject? The names of my closest friends?” He doesn’t wait for Herc’s answer, there’s no way the other boy could know because they’d never even talked about it.  “I’m sorry that this happened, really I am, I just thought that you would have known better than to develop feelings for the school bicycle.” 
Pip sighs and turns to walk away. There’s nothing more to be said here, and Pip is done. 
That Sinking Feeling || Herc + Pip
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It wasn’t hard to miss the shift in personality. Nick looked at Pip curiously and then decided to just go with it. They were both stuck there, for the time being, it was better to at least have someone to talk to than sit in silence. “Yeah, actually! I can play a lot of them. I kind of Jack-of-all-trades it. At least, with music. One of the only damn things I’m good at,” It was one of the few things Nick had confidence about. 
“And singing is always good, you don’t have to lug anything around, I get it. Are you in the Frog Choir?”
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“Yeeees!” Pip claps delightedly “Yeah I’m in it with Cindy, shes a Ravenclaw. Why aren’t you there?” He leans forward in his seat to catch Nick’s answer. 
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I Fought the Law // Open Starter
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Quasi winced when he realized what he had said. He really needed to go to bed, but that would mean figuring out what to do with Pip. He sighed deeply and shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “J-just when I came to Hogwarts,” he said, without providing any more detail from where he came or why. To Pip, Quasi had shown up at the beginning of fourth year and even then they hadn’t been in too many classes, as Quasi had to catch up with everyone before he was allowed to learn with them. He never said if he was a transfer or what–apparently he’d been a runaway.
Still, he didn’t want to stay on the subject for too long. “P-Pip I really appreciate you c-coming here and– a-and being so supportive,” he murmured, glancing down at his unshapely hands. He balled them into fists before opening them again. “B-but you sh-shouldn’t have snuck out. I– I-I have to g-get you back to the c-castle.”
Pip narrows his eyes at Quasi’s feeble attempts at distraction. Please, Pip practically made denial, distraction, and misdirection a sport; Quasi was going to have to do a lot better than that to throw Pip off his scent. Nevertheless, it had been a stressful night so Pip resolved to let it drop temporarily. 
“Uh, no way babe. I almost died sneaking out! I’m not going to sneak back in!” Pip hops onto the bed, scootching himself into the far corner. “Even when you’re big we can both still fit in this bed. I’m pretty fun-sized.” He wiggles down into the sheets, getting comfortable. 
Youth and Beauty Brigade // Quasi + Pip (Flashback)
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At first, Quasi seemed relieved. After all, it wasn’t like his good friend Pip would just lie to him. And as many troubling things as he roped Quasi into back at school, he couldn’t imagine the other Hufflepuff boy doing anything that would get him in trouble with aurors. But then he looked him over and he tensed again, staring at his wrists. “Then…wh-why do they h-have you in sh-shackles?” He asked, more confused than accusatory.
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Just go away! Pip silently pleads, why are you here, just go awaaaaay! 
“Oh these?” He rattles the shackles and throws Quasi an innocent look. “they’re just a precaution I think. You know, so I don’t leave without giving my witness statement?” Pip shrugs. “I dunno I never studied the judicial system. Have you?”
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I Fought the Law // Open Starter
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Quasi blinked, a little startled that Pip had taken the whole thing so seriously. He hadn’t really meant to say it but even if it came out, it was a throwaway statement. After all, he was still here, wasn’t he? He just watched wide eyed as the other Hufflepuff boy rambled madly. By the end of it all he looked like he had just been through a whirlwind and it took him a moment for all of it to sink in and make sense.
In the end, he merely shook his head. “N-no, I don’t think a-anyone would have h-helped me escape, th-that’s why I was avoiding people…” He explained, as if that wasn’t obvious. “B-but I have some m-money, I p-probably would have f-found a boat, o-or a portkey. I-it’s not like I haven’t d-done it before…” He must have been very, very tired because he wasn’t being as careful about his words and what he revealed as he normally was.
Pip tries super hard to be casual and not at all like he’s freaking out internally when he calmly asks, “Oh, really? You’ve done it before?” 
There is a tiny voice shrieking in his head but Pip breathes very carefully and does his best not to heed its call and just yell into the void-- he’s positive that Quasi would not appreciate it. 
Quasi was a lot like a frightened squirrel when it came down to it. That’s sort of how Pip tended to approach every interaction with him anyway. 
Youth and Beauty Brigade // Quasi + Pip (Flashback)
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For the first summer ever, Quasi was writing letters. Mostly to Dory, but he’d gotten some other ones as well. In this case, he’d gotten one from JJ begging him to free him from the Dash-and-work-imposed diet by sneaking him in some treats from Honeydukes. Truth be told, he was pretty nervous to be out of The Three Broomsticks, let alone out of Hogsmeade but it was a promise he made to both JJ and Big Mama.
All in all, despite a few minor hiccups, things had gone relatively well. It was nice to see his roommate, and frankly he was pretty impressed to see the Ministry in all its glory. New places were always exciting for Quasi. In the end, JJ told him how to make his way out and Quasi followed the instructions, taking the exit out to the Juvenile Division, where he’d be able to find the exit back into the Ministry.
However, when he opened the door, his eyes were immediately drawn to a familiar face sitting in a chair…with handcuffs. He stopped, staring wide eyed for a moment before it seemed to sink in that this was in fact, real. “P– P-Pip?!” He exclaimed, both in shock and worry. The cry drew the attention of the attendant at the desk, who frowned at him, but he didn’t seem to notice as he started forward, practically throwing himself into the chair next to his friend. “P-Pip, wh-what happened, wh-what are you d-doing here?!”
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Cool, awesome, just what Pip needs. Of all the delicate flowers to cross paths with in the ministry, it had to be Quasi, Pip thinks viciously. How was he supposed to politely tell Quasi to fuck off and leave him alone? He had simply snarled at anyone else who’d tried to approach, but he didn’t want to scare Quasi or hurt him... he just wanted him to leave. Immediately.
 “Oh, don’t worry!” Pip smiles confidently. “It’s just a misunderstanding, is all. They’ve got me down here for questioning because I witnessed a crime. I’m sure they’ll let me leave soon.” 
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I Fought the Law // Open Starter
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Gawain’s eyebrows dipped as the tears started, and he most certainly felt like his own might follow. He looked down, his hands coming off of Pippino’s arms as he almost rammed his face against his chest. And then, as the sobs continued, Gawain brought his arms around the young Hufflepuff, shaking his head as he dipped it protectively. He didn’t know what was happening, but something or someone did this to a boy who didn’t really deserve it. 
“Oh, Pippino,” he murmured, rubbing his back and holding him as if shielding him from anyone who might walk past. Was this outside of protocol? Perhaps - but god, when nobody else was showing up for a sixteen year old child when he found himself in the ministry…
Politely, Gawain thought - screw protocol.
He remained silent and still, just standing there and letting Pippino get out what he needed. He quietly went through the questions he would need to ask Pippino after this, but most of them seemed too much like prying, too much like questions the boy wouldn’t want to answer. And so, he resolved himself to letting Pippino speak first, if or when he stopped crying. 
After a long time, what seemed like forever, Pip’s tears dried up and he heaved a hiccuping breath, stepping away from Gawain. The tips of his ears reddened as he looked at his professor’s waistcoat. “I’m um... I’m sorry I ruined your waistcoat. It’s Hufflepuff colors and everything, too, ugh, sorry....” He wiped his nose with the back of his sleeve and stared at his shoes. “I’d offer to fix it for you, but they took my wand and um...” He pinches his eyes closed. “Yeah, magic hasn’t been coming to me so easily lately and all that.” Pip tries to perk up, wrap some semblance of his brash demeanor around himself like a cloak, “But I hear that it happens to lots of wizards though, when--” He cuts off when he realizes how he was going to end the sentence. ‘when they go through periods of great strife’ 
Well. Shit. If the cat wasn’t out of the bag before it was so far out of the bag now that it was in another dimension. 
I Fought the Law // Open Starter
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“Yeah, I know that, Pip, everyone else tells me so you can just join the club!” Herc turns away from Pip but grabs the tissues anyway, wiping at eyes that were still crying. His head whips back towards Pip as he speaks - and the thing with arguing with Herc is that he never takes everything in at once. Just bits and pieces. From Pip’s whole speech, Herc takes and concludes the following - nobody likes Pip (wrong. Herc likes - or liked - him very much. He’s charming and cute and funny. Of course people like him). People look up to Herc (also wrong. Nobody looks up to him anymore after all he’s screwed up this year.). And finally, Pip claims that Herc doesn’t need him. That he’ll still care about him even if they aren’t dating. And that solidifies something in Herc’s head - this isn’t a breakup. It’s not a breakup because… they were never dating. They were never boyfriends. Or, at least, Pip didn’t want that. There are a lot of pieces of the puzzle missing but that part, that stupid part, becomes crystal clear. 
And that’s enough.
Herc stands, fists clenching harshly around the tissues he’s holding. He stands up, looking right at Pip, eyes brimming with tears and anger. He lifts his head, his bottom lip quivering before it all comes out, like a waterfall of held-back thoughts and bile and feelings all at once.
“No! No, you know what?! You don’t care! I - you knew! I - from the beginning, I told you that I’d never done this before! I - I was just some stupid idiot virgin who - who saw you and let his dick tell him what to do! And - and you - oh, you had the nerve to lay with me, tell me that I was still a good guy, pick me up when I was feeling down and pretend that you were worried about me! And, heaven forbid, like the big dumb git I am, I think that maybe you’re my boyfriend! Because we - we lay together and cuddle, and kiss, and - and fuck and talk and - and that’s what you do with your bloody boyfriend! But… but no. I say it out loud and you… you leave me high and dry. It wasn’t selfish, it - it wasn’t not smart, it was - it was cruel and wrong!” Herc’s voice is rising in pitch, and it’s obvious he’s about to come out with something big by the way he tenses, by the way his jaw works, by the way he’s crying so hard now the the sobs are wracking his body.
“You… you are always going to be my first, Pip! I don’t get that back! And - and you don’t care! I -” And just like that, some of the light leaves Herc’s eyes. Who knows if it’ll be back. But he seems to realise that maybe, this is the thing he’s been dumbest about all along.
“… I was always told that your first should be with someone you love… who loves you back. I… I was told it would… would always be…” he winced away, as if flinching at the word. “Special.”
Pip flinches back when Herc towers over him, scared for a moment that Herc might swing but, no-- Herc isn’t like that and when Pip remembers that he relaxes infinitesimally. 
“I didn’t know you thought we were dating because you never talk about your feelings! And--” Pip sucks in an angry breath, hissing, “you don’t ever get to talk to me about bad first times, okay? You just don’t. My first time fucked me and left, was too embarrassed to tell his friends about me, and yet still fucked me on the down-low. That’s what I was to him! And I thought that was a relationship! I thought we were boyfriends! I thought that’s what love was! He gave me a half-empty pack of gum for my birthday, for fuck’s sake. That’s what I’m trying to spare you from you dumbass.” 
Pip deflates and curls his legs up to his chest, a blockade between himself and Herc. “because I am here, and I care about you, but you’re always going to think you’re in love with your first time no matter what... because people have hyped it so much.” 
“And-- and it was special.” He hesitates before continuing,” at least to me it was. Because I do love you Herc, I’m just not in love with you. And that’s why I’m breaking up with you.” He looks up at Herc, calmly, pleadingly, silently begging Herc to calm down and really listen to what he’s saying, “Because you deserve somebody who is actually in love with you.” 
That Sinking Feeling || Herc + Pip
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“How – how could not talking to me possibly help?! Pip, you – I’m stupid, but you aren’t! That’s –” he clenches his jaw again, and he’s still crying. It’s almost like there’s an ache behind his tears with the muffled noises that make it past gritted teeth. He’d holding back as best he can. But then the don’t blame yourself comes. Herc whips his head around to almost glare at Pip. This year had brought more rumours around him than ever, had seen more people lose faith in him and cut ties with him than ever before. He had also had more responsibility this year than ever before. The only thing that had changed between this year and the last is that he had more on his plate. He’d been successful before this year, and now he was here, sobbing in the Hufflepuff common room and being told he was wonderful by a boy who wouldn’t just hurry up and break his goddamn heart. 
“N - No. No, Pip! You – you don’t get to tell me not to blame myself, b - because when you finally just - just hurry up and do this, then we’re done! You go back to being - being a - a - a -” a hiccup caught in the back of his throat, and snot ran down his face as he stood. He swiped the back of his hand across his face, but it just smeared tears onto his cheek. “Being a fun, cool, Hufflepuff and - and me? Me?! I go back to being a - a laughing stock! I - I can count all my friends on one hand and I don’t even need all the fingers, Pip! So – so I am going to blame myself, and you – you get to live with that!”
“You are so dumb I can’t even believe it!” Pip bites back, all the while conjuring some tissues and thrusting them in Herc’s direction. “Nobody likes me, you knob, I just decided a long time ago that I don’t give a toss what everyone else thinks. That’s your bloody problem, Herc! You care so much about what you think others think of you-- and you don’t even get that right!” He starts to raise his voice, losing whatever cool he had going into this conversation because it is absolutely not going as he had planned it in his head. “So many people look up to you! Just because you’ve had a few bad breaks this year doesn’t mean nobody likes you, it doesn’t mean you don’t have friends! It doesn’t mean people don’t care about you! You’ve got Cindy, you idiot! And if she cares for you then you don’t need anybody else, stupid! You certainly wouldn’t need me.” He wilts a little bit and sinks back into the sofa. “And yes, I admit that not speaking to you was selfish and not smart, but I never said I wasn’t either of those things.” Pip rubs at his eyes and continues quietly, “even if we aren’t dating I’ll still care about you, asshole.” 
That Sinking Feeling || Herc + Pip
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Pip sighs and thumps his head back against his chair. “I can’t just leave, cutie. The fuzz took my wand. Plus,” Pip waves his hands up and rattles them. “These cuffs aren’t for hot and heavy bdsm roleplay...” he pauses, “well... not just hot and heavy bdsm roleplay. The’ve got a curse so that if I go more than a floor away I’ll be stopped.” He scowls at the offending menacles. 
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I Fought the Law // Open Starter
“See, don’t you feel better? It’s always better to tell the truth,” Vidia smirked once she spoke. “Do they even have anyone out here keeping an eye on you? Just leave?”
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Lyle knew this kid was flirting, he wasn’t a complete dumb ass.  The fact Pip had the nerve to even flirt with him was actually quite hilarious.  Lyle slightly chuckled and shook his head.  “Yeah maybe next time I come here, at the moment I’m only here to drop this letter off, not to end up making out with a juvenile delinquent.  “  The slytherin answered with a shrug ignoring the batting of Pip’s eyelashes.  “But hey you got the cute factor going for you.”  Lyle smirked he probably shouldn’t try leading Pip on, but it was too funny to not.
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Pip doesn’t care who this boy is or what he’s about. If he’s going to be stuck in this stupid place he might as well have fun. So, he grins carelessly and cocks his head. “Well I’ll have you know that next time you come down here you might not run into a juvenile delinquent as cute as me. Do you really want to roll the dice like that?” 
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I Fought the Law // Open Starter
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Gawain felt himself seizing up a little at Pippino’s frantic words. He tried to keep his gaze fixed on the younger man’s, trying to give him grounding. But he was losing it quickly, Gawain knew that, and he was almost certain he knew why. It was something he had grappled with throughout his own life, fraught with failure and uncertainty, teeming with fear and anxiety. 
He kept one hand on Pippino’s shoulder, not daring to pull away. Not that he wanted to, but he had learnt a few spells in his time that soothed his own worries - a modified silencing charm that would simply dull noise outside their own radius, a spell akin to the bubble-head charm to aid with slowed breathing. But it had been a long time since he had used them, a long time since he had really needed them, and the possible adverse affects would make the situation exponentially worse. No, it was just down to Gawain, alone and magicless, to fix this.
“Pippino, Pippino stay with me,” he said, his voice slow and steady but firm, “you don’t have to go home. You don’t have to go home and you are not going to get expelled, but you do have to breathe.” His hands came to both of Pippino’s upper arms now, trying to prevent him from running off without making him feel more restricted, and he looked him squarely in the face. “Can you try breathing with me, Pippino? Breathe in, and hold it for me –” He breathed in loudly, puffing his chest out, as if showing a small child how to hold their breath before going underwater.
Pip breathed with his professor, blindly following his commands. After a few long moments of deep breathing Pip stares up at Gawain, in horror at what has just transpired. And then, Pip very maturely explains his situation to his Head of House and why it would be for the best if Pip was allowed to go back to Hogwarts early. 
Or, well, that’s what Pip would have done if when he had opened his mouth to speak, words actually came out instead of Pip bursting into tears. He hides his face in his professor’s waistcoat, arms coming up around the man in a desperate hug. There, he sobs into Gawain’s chest like he hasn’t done since before Nonna died. Some days he missed her so fiercely it was like Devil’s Snare had wrapped around his ribs and squeezed. 
So Pip cries. He cries for his best friend, probably rotting in the woods. He cries for his Nonna. He cries for his Papa, who if he hadn’t hated Pip before only could despise him now. And finally Pip cries for himself, for the fact that he seemed to do nothing right and was once again adrift in life. 
I Fought the Law // Open Starter
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