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     {ϟ} "Um, no thanks..." Frederick answered. His ancestors may have been able to speak German, but he didn't speak it very much, if at all.
itspronouncedfronkensteen started following you
—          ”Guten Abend, Herr Doktor.”      Death smiled, inclining his head respectfully at the man.
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      {ϟ} Only recently had that little sliver of sanity within Frederick's mind had burst. At this point, he was willing to find his experimental victims, this young man being one of them. He had been out when he found him, and he'd drugged him to keep him asleep as he'd bound him to the table.
            "Ahh, good morning, young man. Of course, it's evening now," he answered simply. He wasn't planning on answering the questions he was being asked besides the second one, but not quite. "I found you incoherent in the woods. You know you shouldn't do that..."
Experamental Phase ||open rp
"W-What are you-" Lukas hummed, half incoherent from the drugs that previously kept him asleep. Now he was awake, pulling at leather binds that kept him tied down to a table. He could see a shadowy outline of a person-that was all.
"Who are you?" He asked as he pulled harder, "What am I doing here?"
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     {ϟ} Frederick rolled his eyes. "I am not a museum, sir. This is a working laboratory. If you have no true business here, please, depart," he mumbled, turning to scribble more on his paper. He wasn't sure who this man was, but he was irritating him...
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"——The brain of a four year old? My you have some… interesting objects in your collection.” Some were rather vulgar, the forced smile upon his lips conveyed his mild unease, “I’m here purely out of curiosity. So please, continue.”
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     [❦] "I am Willy Wonka," he responded, giving her a simple nod. She was interesting to Willy, though he wasn't quite sure as to why.
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          “Well, so far you’ve given me a drink and good conversation, so I’m more inclined to agree with you.” Her head tilted to one side, looking at him curiously. “Though… I don’t believe I caught your name.”
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      [❦] "Yes, very good, little dear," he answered, giving a soft smile as he crouched down to be more at her level. "And what is your name, sweetheart?"
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Broken Equipment {Open ~ Willy!Verse}
⊰ ♛ ⊱  She smiled up at him, doing just that, her digits wrapping around said finger and shaking it, ❝W-O-N-K-A, right?❞
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     {ϟ} "Ah! Ah!" He shouted, running to the equipment that she was becoming uncomfortably close to. "You do and I shall push you!" he warned. Of course he'd have Igor do it, but the concept remained.
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"So I heard ya don't like your things being touched." Elvira stated with that certain kind of emphasis, while casually strolling through the lab, hand flying over the machines but not touching them yet.
     {ϟ} Frederick’s left eye twitched, “madame….please, do not push me tonight…” he begged, without sounding too much like he was begging.
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     [❦] Of course Willy took note of the twinkle that was in his lover's eye. "You planned this very...elegant dinner," he answered, his tone low. Willy always had one form or another of mischief in his eye, and so usually, the playfulness would be heard in his voice.
Frederick, Willy, it's been too long since the last smutty M!A. So here's one; you'll both orgasm each time anyone says your name. Any variation of it.
"Willy already does. And…for how long?"
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"Oh shut up, Frederick."
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    [❦] Willy hummed back, allowing Gabe to tug at his shirt as well as his belt. "You're more gentle than usual. It's because you want to taste my newest candy, isn't it, Gabe?" he purred, only breaking the kiss for a moment.
"Lose the pants, Willy."
"well, well. Eager makes us meager, Gabey."
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      {ϟ} "You are telling me one is pursuing the idea of reviving the dead?" Frederick asked, his voice becoming eerily calm. Mostly because it truly didn't seem to bother him.
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"Very well, it seems you are not in a mood for the philosophical.  A pity, you might have learn something, Professor Frahn-Ken-Stein.  I have come to inform you that there is another who is pursuing your field of research.  Would you care to know more?"
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((Gene Wilder is so fucking adorable when he's trapping children))
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(via Human Anatomy Patterns by DIVIDUS | Society6)
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    [❦]"My brother, when bored, enjoys testing new things on me," his hair still hadn't grown back on the very top of his head; hence the hat. When Willy turned and saw the man, he grinned. "My, aren't you a large thing..."
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      ☂  —- [Rocky whipped his head back at the blink of an eye. The word 'experiment' caught his ears, making the silent hunk all the more glaring.]
             ”Whatever do you mean?”
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100 BAFTA Film Moments - 94 Days to Go 
Gene Wilder finds himself surrounded by BAFTA masks in 1978!
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((no one's missed Freddie or Willy? Alrighty.))
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Abby… Normal
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((has anyone miss the boys?))
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