Tips To Remodeling The House Without Needing Outside Helpers
The time we spend on the couch serves many purposes. We took the opportunity to watch several episodes of the favorite series, devoured a packet of popcorn, read a book or caught up with the rest of the family.
The time we spend on the Remodeling, however, can also be used to look around and see what we can change in that room. From there, we make a virtual trip to the rest of the house and it is true: the balcony already needs an arrangement and the wall of the entrance hall is too farewell for those who like to receive visitors.
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It turns out that there may be will, however, ideas are sometimes scarce. In addition, at this time it is not advisable to receive an outsider to carry out such Remodeling. Thinking about it,a property remodeling company created a list of simple and original tips that anyone can do at home. Take note.
Create a frame wall
The idea is to collect all the frames scattered on the furniture in the house and create a “frame wall” on an empty wall. One option is to paint all the frames in the same shade and create a contrast with the color on the wall. In this way, the free space can be used to temporarily adapt a small work area;
I lighting for greater concentration
If teleworking is an option at this stage, lighting is one of the points to take into account when creating the work area. The places in the home that receive direct sunlight should be privileged, even if it is necessary to move the table closer to the window. Sunlight helps you stay focused, and even save on your electricity bill;
Create a small indoor garden
A solution to help manage the urge to go out may simply be to create a small “garden” inside the house. The ideal is to take advantage of a space that is not being used - for example, a corridor that is too long or a wall without decorative elements. Since the place has a high incidence of sunlight, it is possible to create a horizontal garden (in the case of the corridor), placing some plants side by side along the length of the space, or vertical (in the case of the smooth wall), offering several pots with plants hanging on the wall;
Turn the balcony into a terrace
Sometimes, the balcony serves only for the clothesline or for that storage that does not involve taking care of the rain or the sun. Going to the storeroom to get beach furniture, like chairs and sun hats, and installing it on the balcony is a good option to enjoy a little outdoors on your exclusive terrace. If you live in a windy area, the windshield that leads to the beach can be a solution to limit drafts;
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Delimit an area for doing sports
It is essential not to forget physical exercise at this stage and delimiting a space at home for this purpose can be simple. It is best to do it in a large area, free of obstacles: it can be in an area of ​​the living room, bedroom, or even the corridor. The balcony may also be an option, for those who prefer to do 'outdoor' sports
Create storage niches at home
Time is something that will not be lacking to be at home and think about new forms of organization and tidiness. Why not change the function of some pieces of furniture, initially thought to organize certain objects? For example, a long shelf in the room can go from a place to display books, to a shoe "exhibition". Or in the pantry, one of the shelves can become a wine cellar, just allocating bottles of wine lying side by side.
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Tips For Home  Remodeling
Currently, in Portugal, and largely because of tourist demand, the need to find sustainable solutions and to revitalize the historic centers of cities, there are more and more old buildings to be rehabilitated. At Garfield Heights Property Services, we often share projects of this nature, for both private and tourist use. If you have an old property to which you intend to give a new élan, do not do it without, first, writing down the tips that we have left in this article. 
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For this purpose, Lisbon Heritage has a team of professionals from the most diverse areas and seeks to offer a high quality final product. The company started its activity in 2015 and arose out of the desire to make empty spaces without identity in comfortable and welcoming places. For this purpose, Lisbon Heritage has a team of professionals from the most diverse areas and seeks to offer a high quality final product. For this purpose, Lisbon Heritage has a team of professionals from the most diverse areas and seeks to offer a high quality final product.
1. Assess the condition of the property
In a first phase, it is important, with the help of an architect, to assess the condition of the property. There is a misconception that hiring an architect is expensive and inaccessible, but, and especially when it comes to an old building, the role of this professional is indispensable. The architect will be able to develop a project that makes the spaces functional, comfortable and beautiful without compromising the pre-existences and the character of the building to be intervened. In many cases, it is possible to keep original elements such as the pombaline cage in this apartment or the boiserie on the wall. There are others, in which the intervention has to be more profound because the advanced state of deterioration of the spaces requires it.
2. Set the budget
The budget issue cannot be dissociated from hiring an architect. An architect will help you to invest intelligently in your property, in order to enhance the building. Architects are used to working with more or less limited budgets and are able to optimize them to the maximum, choosing, for example, materials with a good quality-price ratio. Obviously, the client must be realistic and realize that it may not be possible to achieve what he has in mind. However, the architect is proficient in presenting alternatives, so there will always be a way to achieve an appealing result.
However, be sure to compare budgets before starting the work.
3. Enjoy old materials
In a work of this type, you should consider using old materials. Old doors, for example, can be restored and inserted into the current proposal. There are also projects in which certain materials are used in different contexts (for example, an old doorway to act as a headboard or decorate the wall as if it were a painting). This is a smart and original way to take advantage of everything that space gives you and to personalize it. The Lisbon Heritage is restoration specialist and can help you in this regard.
4. Change the layout
The old houses were very compartmentalized, but today people are looking for open , airy, bright and spacious spaces . This means that in many renovations and rehabilitations, walls have to be demolished, which shows, once again, the need for a team of professionals to carry out these projects. It is essential to realize that walls can be demolished. There are walls that only separate the spaces and there are, of course, the structural or load walls that are the ones that support the building and, as such, cannot be moved, which can generate limitations to the project.
5. What are your needs?
Unless it is a totally uninhabitable space, remodeling can be done in stages, which can be interesting and beneficial from a budgetary point of view. If so, think of the areas that most need to be remodeled and that are most used by your family. You should also take into account your lifestyle and understand what kind of change makes sense: a kitchen open to the living room? A room with a closet ? A bathroom in the room? And how do you intend to invest the money? Is it worth, for example, to sacrifice the kitchen in favor of a luxury bathroom? Make a list and communicate your intentions to the architects.
6. Sustainability
This is a point that we could not fail to mention: sustainability. The bulk of the old houses are not well insulated, which generates several problems, namely a significant loss of heat and a subsequent increase in energy expenditure. Good insulation is essential as is the implementation of sustainable solutions throughout the home. It is an investment with a short-term return and which, in the most, is very beneficial for the planet.
7. Handle all legal permissions
It is boring, but necessary. Before starting the works, you will need a permit that will guarantee that the works will take place according to the safety regulations and building codes. It is also worth mentioning that the historic areas of cities have specific legislation. Nowadays, however, almost all companies already deal with paperwork.
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