itsreywalsh · 4 years
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The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, usually shortened to just Hamlet, was written by William Shakespeare sometime between 1599-1602. It is arguably one of his most famous tragedies. The lines from Hamlet's monologue in act three that begin "To be, or not to be..." have been studied and are widely known even amongst those that are otherwise unfamiliar with Shakespeare's work.
“Tender yourself more dearly.”
Hamlet is a revenge play. It had certain conventions: a villain commits a murder; the son of the murdered man insists revenge; he carries out his duty and pledge, but in so doing destroys himself. 
It is a play driven by a protagonist who spends most of the play contemplating revenge rather than exacting it. Hamlet's inability to avenge the murder of his father drives the plot and leads to the deaths of most of the major characters, including Polonius, Laertes, Ophelia, Gertrude, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
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One of the things this undeniably masterpiece has thought me is to not dwell on the mercurial and dwindling place of anger and hurt. Even if the wounds of the past linger in your heart like a tattoo kiss, revenge should not always be our last resort. It will never be the cure for the pain you are experiencing.
Looking onto the storyline of the play, I have realized how important it is to really value your inner peace and tenderness to those that surround you - may it be the reason of your deepest agony or the cause of the happiness you have inside.
“Before you embark on a your journey of revenge, dig two graves”
The one who’s motivated by a desire for revenge is likely hurting oneself as much as hurting one’s target. In that sense, you are inevitably digging your own grave when vengeance gets the best of your reason. 
So if the ultimate goal of revenge is hurt, prepare for the cut beforehand, in between, and thereafter - that’s the breed of a fallen soul - a hole in the ground and a hell for you.
Hence, vengeance is suicidal. Don't pay foolishness with foolishness ---- it makes you foolish, too.
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itsreywalsh · 4 years
A reaction essay on Peer vs. Teacher corrective feedback and its effect on grammar by Iriarte and Miren (2017)
The idea of weighing your thoughts as an English instructor on how to provide effective feedback is an ultimatum in ensuring a successful acquisition of knowledge.
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Errors, especially in grammar classes can sometimes be challenging, both for the students and the teacher. However, Iriarte & Miren (2017) has proven in their research that corrective feedback, whether from a peer or a teacher, is an effective tool in improving learners’ grammar accuracy and competence in the target language.
Error correction has long been on top of the dilemma for teachers in language classes. It is a risky-make or break process, yet a demand for the benefit of the students.
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Thus, regardless of the strategy or approach present in the class, I strongly agree that corrective feedback from the teacher should be encouraged for it is completely beneficial to the students’ grammatical improvement.
Also, as a future language teacher, it is my responsibility to identify the characteristics, proficiency level, and learning styles of my students for me to provide appropriate feedback and correction to their errors as soon as I encounter one.
It is often easier for us to understand things from people who sail with you on the same boat.
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Peer feedback is indeed considered as an important dominant tool in enhancing the process of language learning and grammar. It is an activity that allows students to have better social approaches and achieve high social skills while learning together more effectively. Sometimes, peer feedback also lowers the affective filter. Thus, the learners become more comfortable in acquiring knowledge and accepting corrections. This saves time and effort while integrating evaluative thinking and metacognition in the classroom process.
In addition, above all these methods, teachers should instill right from the start of the course that errors and mistakes are part of the fabric of the classroom process and their development.
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The concept of corrective feedback should be viewed along with an important factor that should not be overlooked- to produce a good relationship.
With clear, precise and encouraging feedback, packed with effective techniques and understanding between teachers, students, and peers, it is not far from reach for learners to achieve grammar, communicative, and language competence.
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itsreywalsh · 5 years
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It is largely by technology that contemporary society hangs together.
Its power in education proves that it is a prized commodity provided that it equips our generation to actually innovate the process of imparting knowledge and achieving education itself. It has grown tremendously and has contributed a lot in managing the learning environment inside and outside our classrooms. Indeed, technology has been ingrained in our society this 21st Century as it paves the way in developing a new systematized approach or response to education, aligning itself with the fourth industrial revolution- Education 4.0.
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As a teenager of Generation-Z,
I live up mostly with the idea that technology really helps me in attaining my goals in school, and in life as a whole.
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When I do research, I visit Google. When a teacher elaborates a topic, he/she downloads illustrations. When I advance-read, I watch online lectures. Mostly everything that education demands today is already at hand. It has revolutionized the human experience by changing the way we learn.
The revolving path of the entire article of Ma. Antoinette C. Montealegre falls within the concept of Education 4.0 and how does our society adopt it today. The end-goal of the article is to comprehensively present the author’s viewpoints, and measures connected on the issues regarding Education 4.0, and the capacity of the learners as well as the educational system of our country.
FULL ARTICLE: https://www.philstar.com/other-sections/education-and-home/2019/07/28/1938565/education-40-rebooting-phl-teacher-education
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Furthermore, I would have to agree with what Ms. Montealegre’s statement about this new buzzword which buckles the traditional type of learning. Looking into her overview of Education 4.0, I believe that in this type of education, teaching-learning was no longer centered upon a back and forth between students and teachers, but instead on a more networked approach, with students having their own direct connection to a variety of different information sources. With this, a more independent and personalized way of learning is now encouraged to students to better facilitate and cater their needs as learners of the 21st Century.
However, threshing out the strategy in putting the theory to practice does not happen in just a simple snap. In the case of our country, there’s so much more to consider than knowing how tech-savvy and technology-dependent our learners are today.
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One of the things to consider upon implementing such an approach is the availability of educational facilities which cater to the needs of the learners for learning to be more effective, and teachers for teaching to be more efficient and reliable. Facilities of an educational institution in Education 4.0 must be modeled with the type of learners it produces based on the demands needed by the Industry 4.0. It is the facility that produces workers who can be competent to work in the modern world. 
Hence, teachers in the modern world are no longer the prime source of learning. It is the environment, the educational facility that also nurtures the learners. Edge in educational facility empowers learners, facilitators, and the system of education to provide successful instruction and quality learning.
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Becoming a 21st Century Instructor/Teacher is also part of achieving Education 4.0.  
Instructors need to relearn and equip themselves with the digital tools to meet the learning preference of the Gen-Z students. There are many digital tools available online that instructors can choose from, and as they learn to utilize these tools in their classrooms, they exemplify the attitude of a lifelong learner, which in fact is a must in the 21st Century. It is about time for class instructors to consider integrating more current technologies in their teaching methodology and pedagogy.
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Different countries have different strategies when it comes to addressing issues and challenges with education. And as for me, a Filipino student, upon reading the article and creating my own assumptions, the things I’ve mentioned earlier are I think, the two major factors our country needs to consider and improve in order for Education 4.0 to be fully achieved.
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It is safe to say that our country is capable of adapting Education 4.0 as long as we never stop learning how to innovate and utilize our resources properly, and by staying relevant in our ever-changing society.
Thus, the educational system of the Philippines must plan beforehand, ensuring that the demands of the 21st century and Industrial Revolution 4.0 are well taken not only locally but globally.
Education 4.0 is exciting, provocative and challenging both for the learner and the teacher. 
It establishes a blueprint for the future of learning – from childhood schooling to continuous learning in the workplace, to learning to play a better role in society. It enlightens our way to better understand how innovation works in all angles and stages of life, especially in attaining good and quality education.
This approach to education offers new educational tools and resources that hold the promise of empowering individuals to develop a fuller array of competencies, skills and knowledge and of unleashing their creative potential through personalized learning, free choice, field experience, mentoring, digital applications, and modern facilities.
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As academic educators someday, we have to square up the same changes we are experiencing right now, and are bound to undergo necessary adaptations. It is, therefore, by utmost possibilities that our end-goal is to be an innovation catalyst, where teaching requires a responsibility to cater to an environment that molds the learners on the most disciplined way as possible.
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Our right mindset and right motive are the key tools to equally provide an opportunity for every learner to experience the education they deserve in this 21st Century.
Indeed, change is an inevitable part of life and progress. We are bound to whatever the rhythm has in store for us. This is how we do. We accept the challenge and are soon confronted by a paradise which aims to assess our most real capability to survive and serve the nation.
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What could happen?
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