itsscoundreltime · 2 hours
if I was a horny clown I'd be like "I have GOT to get my nose honked"
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itsscoundreltime · 3 hours
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itsscoundreltime · 3 hours
aw fuck i activated stinky keys
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itsscoundreltime · 3 hours
fit thats just puppy ears and a jacket that says 'service dog'
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itsscoundreltime · 3 hours
Oh I get it! The legacy of the Northwest family in Alex Hirsch's Gravity Falls serves as a greater embodiment of the sins of the USAmerican empire against the land and people it was built upon, namely crimes originally inflicted upon indigenous and aboriginal people that were later extended to the poor and impoverished as a means of establishing long-reigning dynasties over things created and owned by innocent/unassuming people who unknowingly showed villains their hospitality.
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itsscoundreltime · 3 hours
what if we kissed 😜😘 at the masthead ☀️☁️ while we were supposed to be on watch for whales 🐋 🌊 and we were both whalemen?? 🥺🥺 haha jk ... unless?👀
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itsscoundreltime · 3 hours
things in this world that kick ass
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itsscoundreltime · 3 hours
something so sensual about plugging a USB into a computer port. like oh yeah flip that bitch around oh that's it oh fuck yes!!! charge my fucking phone oh god ! ! !
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itsscoundreltime · 16 hours
having a crush is so embarrassing like. oh shit sorry I accidentally thought about you being my boyfriend. I wont do it- oh shit sorry. I. Did it again. Oh fuck sorry i. i thought about kissing you on accident fuck. sorry. oh shit i just thought about us holding hands sorry bro. i am forcibly removed from the stage by several bodyguards.
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itsscoundreltime · 2 days
Please save my children's lives. Every euro makes a difference. Save us from death. https://gofund.me/4f077ab2
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itsscoundreltime · 4 days
fit thats just puppy ears and a jacket that says 'service dog'
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itsscoundreltime · 6 days
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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itsscoundreltime · 7 days
aw fuck i activated stinky keys
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itsscoundreltime · 11 days
joker waiting for his batsy
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itsscoundreltime · 11 days
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itsscoundreltime · 12 days
something so sensual about plugging a USB into a computer port. like oh yeah flip that bitch around oh that's it oh fuck yes!!! charge my fucking phone oh god ! ! !
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itsscoundreltime · 13 days
He's been a busy boy :3
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garf :3 💜💙
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