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These are the final four images of my Wychwood Breweries bottle designs, overall I’m pleased with them and think that I’ve accomplished something that usually alludes me in my work which is the consistency to produce a series that are recognisably unique while being part of an overall set. though that doesn’t mean I’d not make changes to them if I had come to conclusions quicker and simplified the main characters, and focused on texture to add definition rather than shading to create it.
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I then considered the what my characters would be on as the backing and the banners are important compositionally but also as a branded product design I think its part of the image of the product/products as a whole, and part of the brands identity. This is also where I looked at the wraps , bottle tops and second stickers because they also can have a iconic connotations again mostly compositionally but things like bottle tops are recognisable with little information so must have a form of iconography associated. I went simple with this design process and painted a piece of card with black ink and photographed it and methodically cut out, drew over and manipulated layers until I had shaped that I felt were decretive enough while being horizontally symmetrical. I also made small drawings for my wrap that would also signify something about the character and tie the particular beer bottle design components together by reappearing, this is usually done with words on the Wychwood bottle but making Text is time consuming and inspires procrastination In me. So I made small patterns with the small designs, to further influence the identity of the individual beer bottle design.
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I drew the character traditionally using coloured, chinagraph, chalk and charcoal pencils but after review I agreed with the criticism that they lacked refinement and the naivety that I’d tried to capture had an effect on the quality of the final images, so I decided to try again but using photoshop as my main tool because the textured quality that I was looking for can be tested and changed at will with the layers system. First of all I painted my characters but felt they were over worked so I think I’ll desaturate them and place a one colour layer for each beer over the top, to further tie the four components (bottle top, lable ect..) together.
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While designing my labels I focused mainly on the character as I felt that it should be the main component of my images, or at least the most unique as the rest would be part of the overall branding of the product. I tried out a few different of types the many variations of the characters that I found during my research, eventually settling on these four characters to be used in my final pieces.
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Having looked into the history of Kiehls and having tried out some city scapes of New York I’ve found myself moving away from them as I feel like they’re a bit boring and im not doing the image in my head justice. Through my research and a talk from a representative from kiehls, I found three areas that I feel like are possibilities for my work to go from here. Firstly Everest, Kiehls funded a rip there and I feel like this would be a cool way too go, secondly Mr Bones is the store mascot and he can get involved with any area or at least be in there, though I think he may be a popular subject in other people’s designs. And lastly the owner of the store was a fan of mechanical engineering and classic cars, motor bikes and planes and I think this would make good imagery.
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We were given a new brief to run along our current one, Kiehls “the grooming shop?” has asked us to create designs for their Christmas boxes. the chosen design will be reproduced by hand on 5 boxes. admittedly I already am not a fan of this brief as the idea of recreating one design on five boxes free hand is an unattractive prospect because it requires a consistent look that I don’t feel I’ll be capable of. Ideally, I will produce something simple that wont require me too spend very long on something that I know I’ll have to reproduce. My first ideas from a small bit of research and seeing the original store was based in new York I would like too do something involving cityscapes as I’ve recently seen the musician Bob Dylans art work in a gallery in town, that involves colourful realistic landscapes of classic Americana and I feel this would be a good source of inspiration.
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While I feel the amount of work placed in the labels will be enough, I also think that for a six week project that four labels is on the low end of acceptable. While doing my research I came across brands of beer that use plastic wraps around the bottle that will also use illustration, Wychwood included. They also generally illustrate the Bottle cap and there is often a second sticker on the neck of the bottle. While these wont be my main focus I would also like to design the wraps, the second sticker and the bottle caps for my labels and use this as a simple way of tying my redesign together in a simplistic way.
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Having looked into the hobgoblin and Wychwood brand some what I’ve decided on the amount of work I intend to do. My finished products should consist of four labels that I’ll will be “Dr. Thirsty, based on Dr Jykl, “Hobgoblin”, the most known of the Wychwood branded beers. “ Blackwych” uses a Witch on the bottle which I think will work with the Halloween. and finally “Hemogoblin” a play on words, not an actual branded beer and admittedly the main reason behind my choice of Wychwood, as I feel they’ve missed a chance for a vampire themed Beer. Also I feel the pun on hobgoblin and haemoglobin, fits with the humorous naming behind some of Wychwoods beers (google “DryNeck” label for an example)
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Despite my conflicting motivations behind choosing to produce energy drink illustrations or alcoholic, my feelings being one will take more time than the other. The longest process being Alcoholic, I decided to stick with it. I’ve chosen Hobgoblin by Wychwood breweries as the product I will be redesigning. The UK based Beer company, produces beers and ales whose packaging uses illustrations of fictitious characters associated with the area of Wychwood. As the “official” beer of Halloween and seeing as my deadline will run along with the end of October that the horror/fantasy imagery will be fitting and I will be able to produce a yet undefined amount of labels for then, while hopefully holding my interest throughout.
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I finally decided to stick with Drink as my area of work as I feel like it will work best with my way of working and amount the variety of imagery and primary research available, as well as my own subjective preference towards this area of illustration apposed to the others, I feel this would probably be the best area for me to work in. the question is do I stick with alcoholic beverages which are more refined or move into the more graphic area of Energy and soft drink illustrations
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I decided early on that I would choose a product that for the most part fit with my own developing visual aesthetic, or at least choose one that I felt I could do justice in my own way. And having already come to the conclusion that the food and drink markets while using illustration weren’t so tailored to a specific gender, That I would do a product in those areas. I also found during my primary research that illustrations within drink are more decretive and less about the product. For example if I were too do corn flakes, I’d probably end up drawing an actual corn flake, Whereas Drinks illustration is more conceptual.
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Product Brief
During this brief we were given asked us to redesign an already existing brand of product that featured Illustration and in our designs emulate the originals while changing them. First we looked at the production as a whole, we looked at how and why a brand is a brand and the iconography associated and in general how illustration is used within product design. I looked at fashion, the kids market, food, drink and beauty. For the most part I found most products with the purpose of consumption (Food & Drink ) didn’t find itself confined to gendered marketing.
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