itsstillthegayblog · 8 days
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Illustrations of Divine by Antonio Lopez
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itsstillthegayblog · 1 month
This Speedo ad is very horny and very gay
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itsstillthegayblog · 1 month
Why the tiger has become a transgender symbol in Japan
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Gay Breakfast Pin Club writes:
Recently we learned about how some trans folks in Japan like to use tigers as a symbol for the trans community. It's a pun: Tora [虎] is the Japanese word for tiger, and when you sound out "trans" in katakana it basically starts with "tora." To-ra-n-su [トランス].
Toransu is clearly a loan word from English ("trans") that has been adapted to Japanese pronunciation (adding vowels/vowel epenthesis helps you avoid unpronounceable consonant clusters).
See also: MishimaKitan
The pin is available here.
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itsstillthegayblog · 1 month
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June 21, 2024 - Namibia's high court has declared the "sodomy law" that criminalised gay sex unconstitutional!
Namibia inherited the apartheid-era law banning “sodomy” and “unnatural offences” when it gained independence from South Africa in 1990. [link]
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itsstillthegayblog · 1 month
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itsstillthegayblog · 1 month
did I ever tell yall I used to think charlie chaplin was a drag king. for like three years straight
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itsstillthegayblog · 2 months
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itsstillthegayblog · 2 months
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Don't worry, no one in our family is [REDACTED]
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itsstillthegayblog · 2 months
i think of this video once a week
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itsstillthegayblog · 2 months
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itsstillthegayblog · 2 months
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itsstillthegayblog · 2 months
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I’ll say it again, please just grit your teeth and vote for Biden…
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itsstillthegayblog · 2 months
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pride shrimps
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itsstillthegayblog · 2 months
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itsstillthegayblog · 2 months
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To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar (1995) dir. Beeban Kidron
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itsstillthegayblog · 3 months
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Thought this could fit in well here
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itsstillthegayblog · 3 months
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I haven't seen this circulating here on Tumblr, so I decided to make my own post.
last saturday, in Porto, there was a pride parade going down the street and this old man was standing there, by his front door, waving the portuguese flag. most people on the parade probably thought the same: old person waving the national flag? he's probably protesting against the parade, he's a nationalist of some sort.
then the old man called for that person to come near him. the whole parade stopped. everyone just.. stopped moving. they didn't know what to expect, and most expected the worst. and that person decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and approached the old man. and then... they traded flags, he hugged the person and then he waved the pride flag happily. everyone cheered him.
such a wholesome moment. 🥹❤️🌈
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