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Iwazumi X OC: First Impressions are Important 
Iwazumi POV
“Iwa-Chan!”, I heard the iconic annoyance I always hear the minute I walk in my schools gym for my volleyball practice. I sigh in annoyance and looked over at the person I was expecting. “What do you want Shitykawa” I said in my casual monotone voice. “Quit calling me that! Are the rest of the guys here?” Oikawa asked “I just got here dumbass, why are you asking?” I asked making my way to the changing rooms while Oikawa followed close behind. “I was just told by the coach that we have a practice match today” he said; I turned my head swiftly at him in confusion and shocked “a practice game? today?” I asked. He gave me a joyful smile and cheerful nod which gave me a weird feeling, “yup! They’re from Shabuya and they’re a prestigious school” he said talking all high and mighty. I glared at him, “what’s up with you? Why are you so happy about the whole thing?” I interrogated him “h-huh?! I’m not happy, I’m just proud of the fact that such a high-rank school noticed us and wanted to play against us” he said.
“What’s the name of the school?” I asked taking my phone out ready to see what he was obsessing over. “Coach told me they call themselves Kitsune Academy, such a beautiful name for a high class school” he awed while speaking so highly of this school nether of us have heard about. As he was in his suspicious mind set, I looked up this Academy and the first thing I saw told me why Oikawa was so happy. I threw my bag at his head causing him to nearly fall over, “hey! What was that for!” he exclaimed holding the back of his head “pervert” I said simply making Oikawa give me a somewhat hurt look. “You’re so happy about this game because Kitsune Academy is an all girls school” I said.
“An all girls school?”, me and Oikawa turned our heads to the doorway of the changing room to see Mattsukawa, Hanamaki, Yahaba, Kunimi, Kindaichi, and Kiyotani finally arriving. “You guys are late” I said crossing my arms “by five minutes, and it looks like we didn’t miss anything” Hanamaki said settling himself down. I sighed and picked my bag up from where it landed after it hit Oikawa, “aren’t you going to apologize?” Oikawa asked “for teaching you a lesson? No” I said unpacking my stuff. “Teaching him a lesson? What happened?” Yahaba asked “Oikawa was fawning over an all girls team that’s coming to play against us today” I explained to them “wait what?! We have a game today?” Mattsukawa asked “me and Oikawa didn’t know until right now, I’ll set up a quick game plan before they get here” I said starting to remove my shirt to get into my jersey.
“Wait, we aren’t going to talk about this school?” Kindaichi asked “and the fact that it’s filled with only girls~” Hanamaki said in a perverted tone. “Quit it! They’re coming here for a volleyball game not dates to the local cherry blossom festival, not saying any girl would date one of you knuckle heads” I said jokingly. I was given a bunch of yells and HUHs?! from my teammates bringing my mood up, “you’re one to talk Mr. CantGetADateBecuaseHe’sTooScaryLooking” Oikawa said petty as always and also dropping my mood. I give him a deadly look, “wanna repeat that again Shitykawa” I growled towards him. “Easy Iwazumi, looks like this school means business”, I looked at the rest of my teammates and saw them crowding around Mattsukawa with his phone out. “Kitsune Academy is one of the most prestigious schools in the country, and home to one of the best known volleyball teams in the country?!”.Best in the country huh? I guess we’re up for a challenge.
“And it’s truly an all girls school, aren’t me lucky~” Mattsukawa said smirking. I scoffed and made my way out the dressing room; “come on Iwa! It’s not that big of a deal” I heard Hanamaki tell me “I don’t know what you’re talking about, just get ready and meet me on the court” I said exiting the room and started sketching my plan.
I’m not angry if you’re wondering, I could care less if those guys wanted to start flirting and spitting game at these girls, but I will have to step in if one of them either gets to wordy or handsy *cough* *cough* Oikawa *cough* *cough*.
-A Few Hours Later-
I was able to get a good game plan down and explain it to the team all before our opponents arrived. When they did, I couldn't explain how excited this pretty boy got plus the rest of the team. I won’t lie thought, the girls didn’t look half bad I will admit that but I’m not getting distracted by pretty girls when I have a game to win and my teammates should be thinking the same thing. They weren’t by the way, Oikawa immediately went up to their #2 like some puppy running to their owner that just came home from a long day of work. Guess I know which one he likes. The rest of the guys started speaking with the rest of the girls and it just looked like a mingle session at a club. I let them have their fun at the moment but I told them to get their heads straight the minute coach blows that whistle. The only reason why I’m so strict about this game is because when I did a google search on this team in the morning, I saw that they haven’t lost a single game to any opponent according to articles.  
A very impressive thing to be known for but it’s just a silent way of telling other teams to challenge them even more...in my option. These girls might not even know how many games they won so I might be looking too far into this. “Um, excuse me”, I lifted my head when I heard a voice call out to me and saw one of the girls in front of me. I couldn’t help but stare at her, she was pretty tall, maybe around 177 cm, she has a slim but thick figure and long beautiful golden hair and large emerald eyes behind thin circular glasses. Her features made me believe she wasn't of Asian descent but she spoke to me in clear Japanese. “U-um, yes?” I asked “do you know if you're changing room is still open?” she asked me “huh? It should be, why do you ask?” I asked “oh well, I left my contact lenses in there and I saw one of your janitors lock the door” she explained “I usually wear them for a game instead of my glasses but I forgot them” she said.
“I see, if one of the janitors locked it up then we wont be able to get in after the game” I broke the news to her and she gave me a sad and frustrated look causing my heart to ache a little feeling pity on her. “I see, dont worry about it then, thank you” she said starting to walk towards her team again; I wanted to say something to her to make her feel better but I couldn’t imagine what I would say and we didn’t have any more time to chat. Coach had already blown his whistle after speaking to the Kitsune coach and not a minute later everyone was on the court in formation.
Alright, when you’re called one of the best teams in Japan you really are called one of the best teams. These girls dont take this lightly, and I hate to say this, but they were beating us badly. We agreed to only do one round, solely because it’s a practice match and not a real one, but maybe we should’ve gone with two just for our sake. The score was currently 17 to 29, one more point and they take it home. Why was I panicking? This wasn’t like some serious national kind of thing, then why was I so panicky. I looked around and saw that my teammates looked as worried as I did except our captain which was looking right at me. I dont know how long he was staring at me but he was giving me that look and I understood it.
Kunimi was serving and they received it perfectly, it came back to us and I got into position. As I suspected, Oikawa went in for the set and when the ball was juts right I went for it. I made a mistake though, I don’t know how this happened but my spike was off and instead of hitting the blockers hands, it hit her face and by her I mean goldy. Ball to face contact did happen and the glasses went flying and they also shattered, the whole gym went silent as the girls light yelp was heard and her teammates and coach gathered around her. It took a few minutes until the girl was able to get up with help from the people around her and we were informed that she as alright but she did have a slight cut below her eye mainly because of the glass breaking from her glasses.  
She was escorted to med-bay and they stopped the game calling it a draw. My teammates seemed to be pretty bummed out about the whole game being a draw but I was more worried about the poor girl I just inquired, “Iwa-chan! How could you do that to such a lovely girl!” Oikawa started lecturing me like he’s known this girl forever “shut up! do you think I dont feel bad already?” I asked starting to get annoyed at his close-mindedness. He scoffed, “well what happened then? You’re never off on your spikes but today was different” he asked; I would love to know the answer to that as well but even I dont know what happened. I did, however, now how to fix things...well, to most of my ability.
to be continued....
Base: https://pin.it/5inypVB 
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