itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
The Art Of Storytelling
What Is Storytelling?
We all have that one friend or family member that captures us in the moment with one of their over exaggerated stories of a crazy night that they had. Where the night begins and ends on a bang. For me that storyteller was my father who could captivate any audience at any given time. Whether young or old, any nationality, ethnicity, or gender or size, he would always have you laughing and wanting to know more about who he was an these crazy excursions he would always seem to have on a weekly basis.
When you search the word storytelling in the dictionary, you get exactly what the word says. It’s the art of telling a story. However, the word that should catch your attention is the word “art”. When you define art, art is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” That’s pretty astounding. Storytelling is an art form. It takes a knack or craft to paint a vivid picture and to keep your audience engaged at all times during the story. So when building a story for your brand or or your product, it takes work. You have to paint a vivid picture that would appeal to your target market. However, when telling a story of your product, you’re not just telling any kind of story, you’re telling a story that will detail the aspects of the product in which you are trying to sell. Storytelling is a powerful tool which helps you build relationships and keep your consumers engaged.
How To Tell A Story For A Brand
In order to know what a brand story is, you first have to understand the correct and incorrect ways to tell a brand story. In short, a brand story is the story of how your brand and its products came to be. Nothing more, nothing less. It details who you are as a company, your core values and what you believe in and what motivates your company. However, a brand story is not a college thesis or essay. It’s not boring, but it’s also not a tool that you use to manipulate your customers as well. When doing research on brand storytelling, I read a pretty interesting phrase that stated brand really isn’t about your company, but it’s more about your customers and the value that they get when engaging in your product. And that is so true. I don’t know if the same might be true for you, but sometimes when I engage in a new product I like to do research on them and read their story. When a brand can cultivate a good story about how they were established and how they made it to where they are today, it gives you confidence and a sense of satisfaction when you use their product.
Before we begin to discuss some good examples of brand storytelling, I will first share with you guys some ideas I found very informative when telling a brand story.
Your Story creates trust
Your story should be simple
Your story needs to connect with your customers
Customers should be buying a part of the story, not just the product
Get other people to tell your story
Brands that Excel In Storytelling
Airbnb is a company that’s similar to uber and lyft, but instead they use houses, apartments and hotel suites. What’s cool about Airbnb is that they understand storytelling. They understand storytelling so much that they don’t even do it themselves. They let their customers do it for them. They have a whole section on their website dedicated to customers telling just how great and beneficial the company is. EWOM at its finest.
Burt’ Bees
Burt’s Bees is a healthcare company which makes a plethora of health and beauty product. One that mostly everyone is familiar with is its chapstick. The reason why the company made it on the list is because of what they embellish. They believe that what you put on your body should be the best nature has to offer. Burt’s has a whole page dedicated to informing you on just who the company is and what they stand for. The history of the company is told through a lot of pictures, and very few words. The company also uses social media such as YouTube to educate people on not just the brand, but the main ingredient. The bees.
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
Public Influence Over a Brand
Public What It Can Really Do For Your Brand
What is Public?
               What is Public in the eyes of content marketing? Public to sum it up is pretty much “monkey see monkey do” as explained in Contagious Why Things Catch On.  “It’s hard to copy something you can’t see; the more public you make a product, the more desirable it becomes.” When I think back over my childhood, I can see that everything that I used or that I craved was only due to the fact of Public demand. My tech deck toys that I used to take with me everywhere were a result of seeing multiple of my friends at school playing with them and having different characters to switch out with different skateboards. Sony PlayStation, a result of having great social currency and making the platform public by showing exactly all that you can experience on the device and having the Public go bananas for the device. Public can even be seen in the eyes of sports. I remember when I was young, one of the main reasons I would love to play Basketball was to practice all the moves I would see on And-1 mixtape. Along with being able to connected and aware of everything that was happening within my generation was a great feeling.
The Benefit Of Public
               The benefits of having Public Awareness within a brand is that it can directly affect not only your sales within a company, but it can also play a major role in the outlook of your company and whether or not its marketable as a company. Meaning that it can give you a positive outlook, or it can give you a negative outlook depending on which route you take to make your product public. Public is necessary for any brand who wants to secure a future for their company. When you are socially current within the eyes of the Public, your brand begins to take on another aspect.
Good Examples of Public
               In order to understand the effects of Public, we can take a look of some examples that helped brands based on who they elected to take their brand Public.
One of the first examples I chose to explain Public would be the relationship between Stephen Curry and Underarmour. As we stated earlier, this can make or break a brand. But I believe Underarmour completely understood what that means. Underarmour is a pretty well known and big brand all by their self. They are already prevalent within the sports industry with products for any sport. However, they could use a lot of help within their basketball field of business. Who better to promote you to the Public than the one and only NBA MVP, NBA Finals championship, and drama free Stephen Curry? Since Stephen Curry has been in the NBA, you have never seen his name circling the rumor mill for alleged allegations or any kind of illicit behavior outside of his normal antics on the court. Since Curry has begun endorsing the product, the company has skyrocketed in Sales and social currency. It is now ok to wear Underarmour shoes and not fear the repercussions of people talking about because you’re not wearing Jordan’s or Nikes’. Why? Monkey See Monkey Do.
Bad Examples Of Public
               Just as we discussed the good examples of Public, there are also bad examples of Public, where a brand can be tarnished due to the reputation of who they chose to promote their product.
               While Coke seems to be doing everything right in the eyes of content marketing, their counterpart Pepsi seems to be doing it all wrong. Every year or couple of years they seem to hit a big bump in the road with the content they decide to put out. Take for example the Kendal Jenner content from last year where she silent a raging protest of what seemed to be Black Activist with a Pepsi soda can. The reason why this didn’t sit well with the community is because the Kardashians always seem to be mixed up in drama that always seems to surround popular Black athletes or stars. This certain content was really tough to watch because it was near the height of all the police brutality within the African American community, and it was as if Pepsi was saying that a soda can on a hot day can solve that issue. Needless to say the content was immediately removed and Pepsi issued a nation wide apology.
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
The Relation between Content and Value Proposition
What does it mean to be Valuable and Compelling?
               In class we learned from the beginning, that good content Marketing must be valuable, and it must also be compelling at the same time. It should connect on an emotional level with the target market you want to consume your product. In order to create valuable and compelling content, you must first understand what it means to be valuable and compelling, and what happens when you combine those together.
               So what does it mean to be valuable? As stated in Merriam Webster, Valuable is defined as having great monetary value, or being of great use and service. So in terms of Marketing, when you are creating content that is Valuable, you are creating content that shows the benefits of why they need this product, and what they will gain from using this product. For example, take Coke. Coke’s whole persona is that if you drink or share a Coke, you will elicit some type of happiness because of their product. What monetary value, what Social Currency will I gain from consuming your Product? That should be the question every time you share content. What value am I creating with the content that I am sharing?
               What does it mean to be Compelling? As defined by Merrian Webster dictionary, compelling is evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way; not able to be resisted. The definition of compelling to me is self-explanatory. When you’re creating compelling content, you are creating content that is captivating for your consumer. You are creating content so inspiring that it can not be resisted in any way.
Value Proposition-What is it, and Why it’s Important
               Valuable and Compelling content is related with a value proposition in the since that it tells your customer what they can expect from your product, and what benefits they will receive from using your product on a consistent basis. Remember when I said earlier Coke’s content is to show how their product creates happiness in the world? Well that is their value proposition. As stated by Coke themselves, their mission is “Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.
To     refresh the world...
To     inspire moments of optimism and happiness...
To     create value and make a difference.”
 Value proposition is a promise of what value will be delivered to your customer. It’s the primary reason why a customer should consume your product. Let’s take a look at some examples of great value propositions.
               How is Uber a great example of Value Proposition? It’s because it simplifies the traditional taxi method. Its sufficient and simple. You pull out your smartphone, download the app, request a ride, the driver already knows where you’re going, and you just pay them through the app. You don’t have to go through the hassle of calling a taxi service, trying to worry about a language barrier at times of telling the driver where you are going, and then worrying whether or not you have enough change to pay the driver. Uber’s whole Value Proposition is the ease of requesting a ride. It even states on their home page that your day belongs to you.
Apple IPhone
               As much as I dislike Apple, you have to respect them as a company. Obviously they have to be doing something right to be the leader in the cellphone industry. Apple’s Value proposition is stated as phone being, beautiful, simple and magical to use. If you’ve ever owned a IPhone or even held one, then you can understand exactly how true that statement is. Apple marvels at the fact at just how easy their phone is to use and their content is generated at that same fact. However, the phone is also sleek and elegant which is what pulls consumers into the product. A lot of companies can learn from their value proposition.
 Who can learn from these Companies?
               Two companies immediately came to mind when I thought of Value Proposition, and these are two companies that we discussed in class. Kraft, and Tesla. These are two companies that are huge in the industry in which they are in, but don’t really have an emotional connection with their consumer. When we looked at Tesla’s Instagram, they posted posts, but not really content that engaged with the consumer or sparked interest, and the same with Kraft. They had recipes for food, but I’m sure they can dig much deeper than that and find a way they can connect with their consumers.
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
How Subaru Saved My Life
Today I will blog about one of the videos that is attached to our web page for class. This video is a story of how a young driver’s life was spared due to the safety mechanisms of his Subaru Impreza. This video really had an emotional tug on my heart because I too once drove a Subaru and got in a really bad accident and my life was spared as well.
The Backstory
               So this short video started off with Graham telling the story of what happened to him the day that he calls one of the scariest moments of his life. He was driving down the freeway in a snowstorm, when he saw the roof of a vehicle, as he was driving, he noticed that the roof of the vehicle is approaching extremely quick. As he continues to approach that vehicle, he can notice that the vehicle is completely smashed in all directions behind the chaos of many other wrecked cars which all seemed to have piled up on the freeway. He said upon seeing this, that he slammed on his brakes but the ABS kicked in which allowed him to maneuver the car even though he slammed on brakes abruptly. He said that if it wasn’t for that, he believes he wouldn’t be alive because he stated that he would of ended up slamming into the back of the car. So, once he started to break, he tried to aim in between a gravel truck and a dump truck to miss the carnage of wrecks that were on the freeway. While doing so, he said that he swerved and avoided hitting two other cars in the process. While he was attempting to squeeze his car between the two trucks, he realized that he couldn’t and was pinned in between both trucks. While he was pinned between both trucks, another gravel truck came and struck him from behind, but miraculously, he survived. Not only did he survive, but he walked away with no broken bones or anything and was able to run down the highway to safety.
About Subaru Safety Culture
               Since time began, Subaru has always been around when time to make a decision about car buying. I remember my sister told me a story about how Subaru was the very first car she bought back in the 80’s and how even then its reputation preceded itself as one of the safest cars on the road. If you go look on https://www.subaru.com/safety, you’ll begin to see that safety isn’t just important to them, but it’s a culture to them. Most of their latest model production cars come with a feature called eyesight. They state it as extra eyes on the road, and an extra foot on the brake. Pretty much eyesight has adaptive cruise control, lane keep assist and sway warning. Pre collision braking and pre collision throttle management. As you look through the Subaru safety page, you begin to see just why they are ranked high in safety. Not only that but they also state being the first choice for parents buying cars for their teenagers.
 My Story
As I was scrolling through the Subaru safety page, I saw story after story of testimonials from drivers who may have had a horrific accident, but Subaru was there to save their life. One in particular stated how their car rolled down a 100ft hill and you just think to yourself, And you were really able to walk away from that?
My story with my very first car may not be as horrific as others, but it is still pretty bad. It was late one Friday night and me and a buddy of mine were driving home from a night of playing basketball at the Westchester YMCA. At the time, I was driving my new car I just bought which was a used 2002 Subaru Wrx. I was 19 at the time, and had worked extremely hard to get that car. As I was driving home, I spaced out for a split second and drove through a red light. As I was proceeding through that red light, my friend told me “you know this is a red light right”, and as I turned my head to him to as he was talking, a car flying through the intersection tboned us. It sent my car flying and spinning into the intersection and sidewalk, and his car skidding into the intersection. What was amazing is that both of us were going at pretty high speeds, but me and my buddy had no scratches on us. We were able to immediately hop out of the car and check on the other driver. This is why I am forever appreciative of Subaru, and thei
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
Lavar Ball...Marketing Genius?
Lavar Ball….Simpleton or Intelligent
         The name Lavar Ball by now should be embedded if not imprinted in the minds, hearts, and souls of all of America. Lavar Ball is the illustrious father of the Ball sons. Lonzo, Lamello, and the other brother whose name seems to be pretty irrelevant as of lately. Lavar is mainly known for outrageous comments that he seemed to make on a day to day basis, and for being so outspoken when it came to discussing anything that has to do with basketball. When I first learned of Lavar Ball and who he was and some of the comments that he would make, I would think to myself how crazy he was to jeopardize his children’s future the way he did by putting them on such a high pedestal that they may not live up to the expectations that we may have for him. I would find myself so enthralled with watching his next move to see what dumb idea or statement he would make next and to call my friends and tell them of the craziest thing I heard today while also posting about him on Social media. And that’s when it hit me that the bait worked. Lavar wasn’t just making crazy and outrageous statements just because that’s who he is, but instead he was generating a buzz and making a name for him and his family. As I came to that realization, I notice how Lavar’s popularity skyrocketed in what seemed to be overnight.
 The Foundation
         The foundation that Lavar laid was revolutionary, but nothing new. The premise was to make such a fool, such a mockery of myself that I make people see me and then unfold my plan to the masses. If you think about it, we never knew about Lavar Ball until his son Lonzo made it to college and then they began to take the world by storm. The question I always like to ask myself is, “If it wasn’t for Lavar, would his sons be so popular? Would Big Baller Brand still have caught on and been marketable?”. I think all of these questions are valid. Was Lavar’s actions just a ploy to draw attention to himself until he could complete his company and announce it to the public? If so, you have to admit that he did a darn good job of it. If you don’t believe it was a strategy, think about it! Have you really heard him making anymore crazy or off the wall statements since he released Big Baller Brand, and since Lonzo was drafted by the Lakers? I for sure haven’t, and the way I know is because social media isn’t going crazy over the next Lavar Ball statement.
 The Plan:
         The plan of Lavar was so substantial that forbes magazine even decided to write a segment about him and his marketing expertise. Not only did they write a article on him, but they wrote TWO about him and on the essence of Brand Marketing. As stated before, Lavar’s intent was to make a mockery of himself to build up himself and his brand. Well, you have to ask yourself, Did it work? Follow the two links that I have posted and ask that for yourself. He made it onto WWE. How do you make it onto WWE and you have no ties to wrestling at all? Not only did it stop at WWE, he made it onto countless segments of ESPN arguing with the infamous Stephen A Smith, and where they just discussed his latest and greatest antics. But wait there’s more, he made it on to NBA 2k18, one of the most prestigious gaming titles of all time. Once his popularity grew, he revealed his plan. His clothing line that his sons would be sponsoring and generating even more issues by charging a immense $400 for a pair of shoes and turning down offers from Nike, Adidas, and Under Armor. By doing this, he generated controversy, but made his product even more desirable by stating that, If you can’t afford our brand then you not a big baller.
 The Conclusion:
         In the end, I have to take back the remarks that I made on Lavar Ball, he’s a great example of a father figure that will go to the end of the earth to make sure his kids are taken care of. He pushed his son to be the great basketball player he is today, and he is also ensuring them a LEGACY in Big Baller Brand. What more can you say about him? Salute the G.O.A.T. GGGGGG<*�VSNG
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
Give Life a Sparkle
               Windex, leader in household cleaning products, but also showing their chops in this emotional video of a father daughter duo. If it wasn’t for the Windex bottle in the beginning and the end of the video, I wouldn’t have even been aware that I was watching a Windex commercial.
The Intro
               If you’re familiar with Windex content, then like me you are savvy of the two witty and very sarcastic crows that would sit on a tree and make fun of everyone who would walk into the sliding door. The purpose of the content was to show that our product cleans glass so well, that you wouldn’t even know there was a sliding door in front of you. Funny? Yes, but impactful? Not so much. The goal of content is to be able to connect with your consumer’s emotions and create content that’s relevant and relateable to the point of where it can influence your consumers spending habits.
               So the new content that Windex published started off in a hospital where a dad was looking through a glass to see his daughter who was just born. However, right before the father took that first glance of his baby daughter, the hospital worker sprayed the glass with Windex to clean it off just as the father stepped up.  The idea is that, our product is there for life’s big moments to make sure that you are not missing out on even the smallest detail.
The Message
               From that moment on, you begin to watch a story unfold. You begin to watch a young baby girl grow up and blossom into a young beautiful woman and experience every moment that life has to offer. Dealing with wearing makeup and lack of clothes, going to prom, going away to college, meeting her boyfriend and then getting married, but also dealing with her father being on the sea and gone for numerous parts of the year. I feel as if the message that was generated is that Windex helps you to clearly the things that matter most in life. Or as the title suggests, Giving your life a sparkle!
               What I find amusing about this content is that you only see a bottle of Windex within the video on only two occasions. In the beginning when the janitor is cleaning off the glass right before he sees his daughter Lucy, and at the end when he sees his granddaughter as the janitor cleans the glass. Eve n though you barely see their product within the video does not mean that this video was pointless. Though you may not see the actual product often, you still see the effects that their product has which to me is a great marketing strategy. Instead of telling you about the product like most companies do, they show you what their product can do and they do this by showing how clean and spotless a mirror can be. In every scene you see a glass surface and on that glass surface there is not one blemish or smudge that would make you cringe. Instead, the glass surfaces are all crystal clear and it seems as if it’s so clear you’re looking at the same person twice instead of a reflection.
Who would benefit from this approach?
           Any company that would be selling a harmful product would benefit from this approach, or any company that is in bad standing with the public. An example of that would be Law Enforcement. In the past years, maybe even the past decades, you constantly hear about a individual mainly minorities who lose their life due to police brutality. So as of 2017, if you were to ask anybody their opinion of police in the United States, it would not be able to be aired on television or radio. What if their was a way to show the effects of good law enforcement by showing crime free cities, or cities where people can walk around at night with no fear, where people can engage in conversation with law enforcement and not be afraid that they may lose their life or possibly end up a victim of police brutality. I believe that if someone could put together a video such as that, and tie it in to the things that our ancestors hoped for, people would begin to show more compassion for law enforcement.
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
Coca-Cola 2020 Content Strategy
Coca-Cola’s approach on their content marketing plan was very refreshing and also very informational. I really enjoyed how they put the words into pictures to help generate a better understanding of the content in which they were explaining. The video was broken up into different chapters with each chapter covering its own segment of the content strategy. I will not explain the full 18 mins of the video I watch, so instead I will summarize what I watched in a few key points.
First I would like to start off by saying that their approach very straightforward to where any viewer of any age could grasp the information within the video. I will start off with one of the main keys that they explain in the beginning which is switching their brand from creative excellence to content excellence. In order to understand what they mean by content excellence, we must first have a clear and concise definition of what content is to Coke. As explained by Coke, content is the creation of stories that are to be expressed through every possible connection. Their content must add value and significance to their consumers. When Coke utilizes the term “Content Excellence” they’re referring to creating ideas so contagious that they have no chance of being controlled. Their goal is to tell stories that provoke conversations and gain attention of popular culture.
The second set of points that stood out to me would be the three key drives they talked about and how it would shape their future. The 3 key drivers were to double the size of their business which is self explanatory. Number two was the distribution of creativity. By this they stated that consumers stories of Coke products outnumbers Cokes stories of their own product. So their focus is to use the consumer stories to help generate relevant content. Lastly, distribution of technology plays a major role because technology can inspire and create amazing stories.
Lastly, I will talk about the five principles in coke creation of content. The first principle is: inspire participation amongst the very best. The second principle is : connecting those creative minds. The third principle is sharing the results of their efforts. The fourth principle is continuous development, and the last principle is measuring success.With those five principles in effect, Coke is able to govern its flow of content by finding its north star and allowing it lead the way for new ideas. Another cool aspect is how they intend to use conflict. They state that they can learn to utilize conflict because conflict can be an enabler of outstanding creative thinking.
I really like how Coke is planning to implement its strategies for growth within these next few years. The way in which they explained why they need to be able to reach and engage with their audience was not just to generate more revenue, but it was to converse with their consumers. Never have I heard of a brand not solely thinking about their pockets when rolling out new content. But Coke is different. Their main premise is to engage and create valuable content to show their customers just how happy their product can make them.They decided to move away from the traditional way of doing things and are going to pave a new way on how to content market effectively and efficiently. I am really excited to see what will come of the Coke content in the next few years. Im sure it will be anything but dynamic.
One of my favorite examples of content that Coke released would be the Share A Coke campaign. The backstory was that 50% of teens in Australia had never tasted a Coke before so Coke wanted to make things personal by deciding to take 150 of the most common names in Australia and putting them on the label of their Coke. The people went crazy and the result was phenomenal.
A company that I think would need to benefit from a approach such as Coke would be the marijuana dispensaries. Yes they are already grossing so much revenue as it is, but if they generated good content as to what the benefits of marijuana such as peace, joy, happiness and a sense of camaraderie they could change the whole public opinion on the drug. In no shape or form am I recommending this product, but I am just stating that they could be in need for good content marketing strategies.    
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
Content Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing
What is Content Marketing?
According to Epic Content Marketing by Joe Pulizi, content marketing is “the marketing and business process for creating and distributing valuable and compelling content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience—with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” An example of good content marketing would be a coke commercial I saw years ago where the simple premise was do good to create a chain effect. It started with one person doing a good deed which then turned into somebody else doing a good deed which continued the cycle. This was a great example of content marketing because it could imply that consuming or buying coke product could make you so happy that you can create a ripple effect of good deeds and happiness within your community.  
Content Marketing is not considered advertising unless it is paid content. Content that you see on social media is not considered advertising because it is not “paid” content. It is just content that was willingly posted by a consumer of the product. Vessels of content marketing include but are not limited to Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook, YikYak, Tumblr, Pintrest, Twitter, Instagram and the list can go on and on.
What is Traditional Marketing?
Traditional Marketing is one of the oldest, but one of the most proven forms of marketing that we have today. Traditional Marketing usually reaches its clientele through way of newspaper, mail, billboard ads, radio, tv commercial, telephone, and print ads. Traditional Marketing has proven itself as such a great form of marketing because it was considered the best way to reach the consumer by placing a plethora of ads to where they knew their customers would be looking the most. I remember as a little kid I would love to watch cartoon shows on cartoon network, mainly toonami after I would finish my school work. It was then where I would see most of the ads for kids such as tech deck toys, nerf guns and football, sock em boppers, video games, scooters, yugioh cards, dragonball z toys, beyblades, power rangers, and I can continue for about 2 pages of the rest of product. The whole goal of advertising products for kids to kids was that the companies knew it would generate so much excitement for the kids that they would constantly bug their parents for the toy until they got it. How do I know this? Well because I was one of the kids who would constantly bug my mom and dad for the latest toys when they would come out. Why would the companies not advertise to the parents? Well because they knew it would not generate as much excitement with the parents and they would just disregard as another pointless ad.
The differences between content and traditional marketing
The major differences between content marketing and traditional marketing is that content marketing is valuable and compelling and influences the consumer to continue to support and buy their product. It utilizes all mediums to reach its customer such as online, in person, over the phone and so on. The premise of content marketing is to create content that engages the consumer on a personal level and to make content which can be shared from consumer to consumer with no issue.  Whereas traditional marketing is usually a paid for ad which only talks with the customer but doesn’t engage with the customer as content marketing does. A simple way of telling the two apart is that traditional marketing is talking the talk, while traditional marketing is walking the walk.
With content marketing, you have a whole set of tools at your disposal to engage customers and generate revenue for your business. With content marketing, your whole game plan is thinking of the customers need. Well what better way to think about your customer needs then by talking to the customer? That’s what content marketing is about, it’s about having a relationship with your customers. Thanks to social media you are able to see what your customers like and respond to well, and what they didn’t like of your product and can change it on the spot. You don’t have that flexibility with traditional marketing. The only way you can gauge your success of your product is by the sales number. So if customers aren’t buying your product, then you know there’s a flaw with your marketing or your product. However, unlike content marketing who is able to catch that discrepancy as soon as it happens, you won’t know until you begin to lose profit and now have to in turn put in more money to create a better marketing strategy and now circulate that new approach into the market. Therefore content marketing is feasible because you can release a product and have the ability to see what consumers think without paying tons of money for data analysis.
Good Examples of Content Marketing
This is a great example of content marketing because it took all of  slang terms we use in our day to day life and compiled it into one giant dictionary to help for those who may not be so savvy.
           Next we have a mixtape by hamburgerhelper helper called watch the stove. It’s a parody of Kanye and Jayz album “Watch the Throne”, but it has really nice beats I wouldn’t mind listening to in my car and honestly the lyrics weren’t that bad. Let me know what you think.
           This video here was brilliantly put together by a company I would not have expected to do so. They already lead the industry as one of the bestselling household cleaning products. But this video just showed how they can connect with the audience.
           Lastly, we have the latest and greatest invention! Literally! It’s called the tinda finger. Yes, it’s just as it sounds. It’s a robotic finger that plugs into your phone and swipes right for you the whole day. Check it out down below.
           This next one is a spoof, but I found it to amusing not to post
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itstimmmy-blog · 7 years
Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time
John Maxwell
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