itsyoume12-blog · 5 years
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itsyoume12-blog · 6 years
Shadow 3
Hello again.
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itsyoume12-blog · 6 years
Shadow 2
Hmm. It happened again. Just your average day. Oh hello snapchat and Instagram. Oh nice a party. *like / heart* Wait...all my friends are there? I didn't know of anything. I guess...I was not invited. Sometimes I wish I was not from here but somewhere else.
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Shadow 1
You're nothing but a shadow. A figure that is there when all is together but once behind your back..a shodow. Never invited to things but you still make them laugh and notice you..a shadow. Nevermind..never noticed..a shadow. 50% chance...became a shadow. See, you either become the Light or the Shadow. The unfortunate ones becomes the Shadow..obviously. But Light can be bad too. The white, pure light that is good and everyone adore. Then the light of flames, who are noticed but really are bad because they are still of light but gets noticed by others. But being a shadow hurts more. No one notices you when it matters. Face to face people fake it. Behind their back..a shadow.
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Not even trying
Quality vs Quantity. Hmm...who spends food stamps for Quality?...-_- waste. oh hi whats up
Sooo. A grown adult family member finally is learning to help around the house instead of free load. Well, yea they pay for rent and grocery butttt as a family we needa help around the house as well. So they finally do some grocery shopping for once to ease up on my mom’s work load. But uses food stamps from another family member. All is good. They bought meats from the frozen aisle. But...it was extremely expensive...thus the first paragraph...Like, you’ve been living here long enough that we don’t care for quality but quantity because we have a lot of people living with us. So yes what a waste on FOOD STAMPS. Not Even Trying to see the weight/$$. Just blindly grabs whatever and buys it. No wonder they came home fast...too fast. Even my mom is just raging lel. In the words of her, “Useless”
calm...calm...catch me on twitch.tv/YouMe btw hehe
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Time is slow for those who wait. Very fast for those who are scared. Very long for those who lament. Very short for those who celebrate. But for those who love, time is eternal.
William Shakespeare
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Dream It All Back...Pls. No.
When dreams brings back memories you forgot or never want to remember or think about it ever again. Doesn’t that suck? Well… good and bad. Memories that made you feel..good inside. Or the butterflies in my stomach feels. At first when you wake up, you say to yourself “wow I remember that. That was nice.” Then after realizing it was a dream of a memory all you can do is, well for me, slap myself. Sigh….was about this girl. When she couldn’t sleep cuz she was feeling depress. Wanted me to stay on skype until she falls asleep. And..right when I was about to head to sleep myself cuz she’s asleep..she wakes up and tells me no..don’t not yet….gah. Sorry random event. Hi whats up? Check out monday night streams with me, YouMe, at twitch.tv/YouMe
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Unfair 1
You just think about and say to yourself it is unfair. As people around you are blessed with being noticed right away when they step onto the stage for the first time. But you’re rarely noticed even though you’ve been on that stage numerous times. Yea..the shadow is back.
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Freaking RWBY. Such a good USAnime show. Wished i watched it when it started but at the same time good I am starting now, Cuz the cliffhangers are soooo gah. And back then episodes are short because of budget.
AND with this song. My gosh...end of Volume 3. The Feels hit deep. RIP those certain characters(no spoiler) and Monty Oum(creator)
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Why Mine?
Heh. Why was i slow realizing. Just realizing now..why mine? Why not yours? Special occasions..hangouts... It's always mines, never yours. But you use yours with...
Hmm? What? Oh I'm just eating a salad.
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Losing a streak...never thought one gets so upset and angered when its a miss or even by slightly. Start over i guess but getting multiple broken streaks...hoh! Oh look rice and meat and chips. 3am all good. I happy now. Hi whats up?
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Man, what am I doing? ...well, what are YOU doing?
That question comes up at times right? Man I'm tired. Da heck? What are YOU doing staying up this late? You tell me. What am I doing up this late? Idk. Guess. Can't sleep? Nah dude. Catching up and binged watching on that The Walking Dead thats why, because new season is out. Really ,(insert name here)? Yea, (nickname here) really...really... Go to bed. Fine... But how about one more epi... NO! Okay okay, jeez calm down. Mhmm~ Yea yea whatever, nights. Yep rest up *laughs*. ...I'm so dead in the morning...well, i mean it's morning now but you know what I mean. AHEM! Okay okay for real, night. ZzZzZ
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Game 1: what a waste
Nothing like spending quality time with people you met thru the interwebs in a game to reunite. But unfortunately it was in a survival game. It is so nice to explore together and gather resources to survive. Until...that one bastard that logs in and attempts to kill us and destroy our home. We try to defend but we are not fighters, we are just ones that wants to chillax and gather and build. Basically not a fighter but a lover. We get destroyed against us many VS one player. Sad i know. But we were new to the game. Well w/e. This made all of use upset and angry. Our base was overrun and we log off. See. That is such a buzz kill. W/e once again. Going to eat my depression away. Spicy Korean Ramen in the early morning seems nice. Maybe a burger or two and some dessert. Yasss. New Game.
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Weeb Concept
Yea, I know I am. But it is what it is. Too immerse in that world or culture. Whatever you want to call it. I did an anime thing. Yes I know, cringe once again. But it was more of should I go or just leave. I drive to go somewhere. You think while driving, "man what am I doing." It's too late you're almost there. You get there then.. you just sit there. Should i leave now or just sit here. Then your mind wonders with questions. To yourself or what others might say. What am I doing here. What is he(me) doing here. Oh my. Oh there he(me) is. It's been awhile. Yea..and so on so forth. Time is ticking, you look out then step out. Walking. So close but so far. How? You may ask. To one when all this is in your mind time seems to be slow. Slow motion. Ding, anime feel (yes cringe but let me say my story). Back to reality. Yea, no. I turn back and go to where I feel peace. Now. Why anime, Youms? Cuz I see this in many animes lel. But back to REAL reality. There goes my break. Hi what's up? Did i eat? Nah. Ok carry on haha~
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Its like ngnl. You are blank. You do the best you can but no one notices. And someone else gets all the credit. You think you did the best. You KNOW you did the best. But in the end. It doesn't even matter. We are BLANK. Or i thought we can. But im beyond blank now. Im merely nothing but a shadow. Killua.
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Supposed to be
Your big day ay? Make it a best day ay?
yea. not feeling it
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itsyoume12-blog · 7 years
Why do i play this
Paladins. Why did i get into this game. This game makes me want to kill myself more than ever. How to rank up when you are solo queue and queued with a bunch of idiots. Its so late in the morning. I need to sleep. All i want is to get back at 40ish/100 rather than stuck at 0. Heck even 1 win and ill be ‘just’ ok. I swear if I rank down. IDK what i’ll do to myself. Laugh like a crazy person? eat til my stomach burst? ill take the latter. but most likely both will be implemented
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