when she says she doesn’t send nudes
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itszara-theurbanwitch · 4 months
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itszara-theurbanwitch · 11 months
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Happy Ace Week!!! 🖤🤍💜
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Folks have got to understand that they probably aren't messed up by some Secret Big Trauma that they just can't remember; but rather by a million tiny microtraumas that they do mostly remember but don't even register as traumatic because nobody actually understood that these things would cause trauma, much less stack on each other over the years.
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It is with profound disappointment that we report the industry CEOs have walked away from the bargaining table after refusing to counter our latest offer. (1/11)
We have negotiated with them in good faith, despite the fact that last week they presented an offer that was, shockingly, worth less than they proposed before the strike began.
These companies refuse to protect performers from being replaced by AI, they refuse to increase your wages to keep up with inflation, and they refuse to share a tiny portion of the immense revenue YOUR work generates for them.
We have made big, meaningful counters on our end, including completely transforming our revenue share proposal, which would cost the companies less than 57¢ per subscriber each year. They have rejected our proposals and refused to counter.
Instead they use bully tactics. Just tonight, they intentionally misrepresented to the press the cost of the above proposal – overstating it by 60%.
They have done the same with A.I., claiming to protect performer consent, but continuing to demand “consent” on the first day of employment for use of a performer’s digital replica for an entire cinematic universe (or any franchise project).
The companies are using the same failed strategy they tried to inflict on the WGA – putting out misleading information in an attempt to fool our members into abandoning our solidarity and putting pressure on our negotiators.
But, just like the writers, our members are smarter than that and will not be fooled.
We feel the pain these companies have inflicted on our members, our strike captains, IATSE, Teamsters and Basic Crafts union members, and everyone in this industry. We have sacrificed too much to capitulate to their stonewalling and greed.
We stand united and ready to negotiate today, tomorrow, and every day.
Our resolve is unwavering. Join us on picket lines and at solidarity events around the country and let your voices be heard.
One day longer. One day stronger. As long as it takes.
- Your TV/Theatrical Negotiating Committee
[Oct 12, 2023]
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Facebook deleted this almost immediately. It's almost like the ultrawealthy don't want us knowing or talking about what's at stake.
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10 Practices for Low-Energy Witches
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Daily affirmations: Start your day by setting an intention or saying a positive affirmation that aligns with your goals and values. This can help you stay focused and grounded throughout the day.
Gratitude journaling: Take a few minutes each day to write down three things you're grateful for. This can help cultivate a sense of appreciation and abundance in your life.
Mindful breathing: Take a few deep, mindful breaths throughout the day to center yourself and release any tension or stress.
Moon-watching: Take a few moments to observe the moon each night, noting its phase and any changes in its appearance. You can also keep a moon journal to track your observations and feelings.
Elemental meditation: Spend a few minutes each day meditating on the elements (earth, air, fire, water) and their associated qualities. You can visualize yourself surrounded by each element and focus on how they make you feel.
Herbal tea rituals: Incorporate herbal teas into your daily routine and take a few moments to mindfully prepare and enjoy them. You can also research the magical properties of different herbs and choose teas based on their correspondences.
Candle magic: Light a candle and set an intention for the day or visualize your goals and desires coming to fruition. You can also choose candles based on their color correspondences for added potency.
Sigil drawing: Create a simple sigil to represent your intention or desire, and draw it on your skin, clothing, or a piece of paper. You can also charge your sigil with energy by visualizing it glowing with light or energy.
Crystal charging: Choose a crystal that aligns with your intention or desired outcome and hold it in your hand or place it on your body. Visualize the crystal absorbing your energy and amplifying your intentions.
Nature appreciation: Take a few moments each day to appreciate the natural world around you, whether it's the beauty of a flower or the majesty of a tree. You can also connect with nature by taking a walk, gardening, or spending time in a park or forest.
Remember, these are just a few examples of simple, low-energy witchcraft practices you can incorporate into your daily routine. The most important thing is to find practices that resonate with you and align with your personal values and beliefs.
It's important to remember that everyone's energy levels and circumstances are different, and there may be times when you simply don't have the energy or motivation to practice witchcraft. This doesn't make you any less of a witch, or any less magickal. It's okay to take a break and focus on self-care and nurturing yourself. Remember, your magick is always within you, and you can connect with it in your own way, on your own time. Be kind and gentle with yourself, and trust that the universe will support you wherever you are on your journey.
My Ko-Fi
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Police supporters regularly admit that the police are the bad guys. They just don't care.
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