iurvashishah-blog · 7 years
Skinny is a mindset but fitness is a lifestyle
Do you measure food in terms of fats, carbs, and calories and your workout in terms of the belly-button challenge? You must also be measuring your progress in terms of your dress size. Skinny is tempting and it can get into your mind in unfathomable ways, courtesy of all the fads and fetishes around. Fitness is a bit different concept. It concerns itself with your overall health and not just your love handles and collar bones. However, there is a rendezvous point where both of them meet and that is what you call as body sculpting.
Good health entails more than just great physique. From celebrity personal trainers to the best gyms in Mumbai no matter what your obsession demands, your fitness regime will also require awareness, commitment and dedication. Nutrition, of all things, is not something you can afford to take for granted.
Here are few ways to sculpt your body the way you want while making fitness the hero of your story.
Set Achievable Targets- Nothing is more impervious to your progress than self-doubt. If you think you can do it or if you think that you can’t, either way, you are right. So the first step to tune in to your fitness lifestyle is to set targets that are achievable to you. Taking one small step at a time is the key. As with life, so with fitness it always the slow but steady that wins the race.
Workout to achieve them- Eating right is the cornerstone of your fitness lifestyle. But there is no shortcut to exercise. Depending on your age and physical capabilities, you should work out at least half an hour each day to keep your fitness score rolling.
Track your progress- The best tracker for your fat loss regime would perhaps be your gym workout. You could also keep a food journal and a workout calendar handy to keep a record of your fitness progress.
Keep the motivation flowing- Every time you achieve one mark on your progress calendar or get one move closer to your ultimate fitness goal, it’s time for a pat on your back but not a tick in the tummy. Find out better ways to keep yourself motivated other than food.
The biggest setback to your fitness regime is that little voice in your head that keeps you on the bed for one more hour or goads you on to one more helping at the dinner table.  There is where you will have to put down your foot and say no. The more you can muster this subtle art, the more you get closer to living life the fitness way.
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iurvashishah-blog · 7 years
Eat less or Eat right? 4 food habits that are delaying your dream body
Since I sweat it out at the gym regularly, I might as well binge on a bag of chips on gulp down a chocolate muffin now and then. Isn’t it? Honestly, who are you bluffing? Your body is smarter than you think. It is closely tracking of every bite you eat.  It’s hardly a surprise then that a fruitful fitness regime begins with scheduled trips to your nutrition consultant.
But the reality is a tad bit different! The ravages of modern life are such that our nutritional needs usually make it to the bottom of our priority list. We are more than happy, even grateful, to have one of those mouth-watering fast food centers nearby. And if ordering out is not the cause, then stress surely is the reason why end up having such illicit love affairs with ice-creams, samosas, cheese pizzas and the type.  
The question is, can you do things differently? Of course, you can! But how? Go to the dietician and ask for a nutrition plan! It’s simple, right? Wrong! Your nutritionist will only give you the plan, she won’t tell you how to stick to it. Before you go for a diet counselling, you need to identify some obnoxious food habits that are messing things up for you and gear up for some lifestyle changes.
Not planning your meals in advance- When you go haywire with your day’s nutrition, you know that you are courting some serious trouble.  Since unhealthy foods are more easily available than their healthier counterparts, you can be sure to fail yourself.
Plan your day ahead in terms of nutrition and carry your own food with you. It could be anything from a handful of nuts to cut fruits and crunchy veggies.  
Skipping breakfast to save up calories- That’s like digging your own grave with your fork and knife. Firstly, you are depriving your body of its nutritional needs. Secondly, you are only making space for hunger pangs to strike hard which will make you over-eat later.
Instead, begin your day with solid nutrition. Eat your first meal of the day within one hour of waking up. It jumpstarts your metabolism and gives your body the energy it needs to begin with the day’s chores.
Keeping long gaps between meals- Between one meal at 1 pm and the other at 8 pm, you are starving your body with absolutely nothing. Not only does starvation lower your body metabolism it also promotes convert food into fat so that it can be used later.
Instead, eat 5-6 small meals evenly spread out throughout the day to freeze your insulin levels and boost your metabolism. Also if you don’t go hungry for too long, you will be less likely to binge eat.
Rewarding yourself with treats- That’s more like rewarding an alcoholic with liquor for not drinking for seven days at a stretch. At best, food is nutrition and at worst it is medicine to cure your bodily malice.
Change your relationship with food and find better ways to rewarding yourself. Buy yourself the dress you are struggling to fit in or book yourself a mountain trek that will challenge you physically. Either way, keep yourself motivated with non-food indulgences.
No one said it was going to be easy. Breaking your food habits might be one of the most difficult tasks that you will have to achieve but the effort is worth the reward. And who doesn’t want absolute control over their mind and a body that dances according to your tune? Now that kind of empowerment is truly attractive, wouldn’t you agree?
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