ivashka87-blog · 5 years
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Environmental Sustainability - Pollution! By Ivanna L.
ID# B2475591
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ivashka87-blog · 5 years
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ivashka87-blog · 5 years
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Love your Planet!!!!! Protect the Earth!!!!
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“Humble inquiry is a form of questioning guided by genuine interest and curiosity in another individual's knowledge, feelings, and perspectives” (Schein, 2015).
 Humble Inquiry can be used for a Positive Sustainable Culture. We can all begin from ourselves and our families! Effective communication is the number one way of resolving the problem. Humility is the quality of being humble. Using “Humble Inquiry” approach we can create positive discussions with our family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers on the ways how to lessen and avoid pollution of our Earth!!!
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Schein, E. H. (2015). Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
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“Laudato Si’ by  HOLY FATHER FRANCIS raised the environmental issue concerning pollution, waste and the throwaway culture. This issue is very actual in our days.  Environmental pollution is increasing with each year and inflicting grave and irreparable injury to the world. Pollution of air, water, soil causes great damage to the living system.
“There is also pollution that affects everyone, caused by transport, industrial fumes, substances which contribute to the acidification of soil and water, fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and agrotoxins in general.” - Holy Father Francis, 2015
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“Toxic pollution affects more than 200 million people worldwide, according to Pure Earth, a non-profit environmental organization. In some of the world’s worst polluted places, babies are born with birth defects, children have lost 30 to 40 IQ points, and life expectancy may be as low as 45 years because of cancers and other diseases”- Alina Bradford, 2018
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“Account must also be taken of the pollution produced by residue, including dangerous waste present in different areas. Each year hundreds of millions of tons of waste are generated, much of it non-biodegradable, highly toxic and radioactive, from homes and businesses, from construction and demolition sites, from clinical, electronic and industrial sources.” - Holy Father Francis, 2015
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“Commercial or industrial waste is a significant portion of solid waste. Hazardous waste is any liquid, solid or sludge waste that contains properties that are dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment. Industries generate hazardous waste from mining, petroleum refining, pesticide manufacturing, and other chemical production. Households generate hazardous waste as well, including paints and solvents, motor oil, fluorescent lights, aerosol cans, and ammunition.” - Alina Bradford, 2018 
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“The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.” - Holy Father Francis, 2015
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