ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
An Infinite List of Favorite Collections - Paolo Sebastian A|W 2015 Haute Couture ‘The Sleeping Garden’ [½]
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
gif request meme |  rubypotato asked: ouat + favorite minor character
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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       she regretted it the moment she sees the look on mulan’s        face.  stupid, stupid!  even if she meant her son and not        their prince, how could she dare mention phillip’s name at        a time like this?  panic fluttered in her heart, the same heart        the warrior had successfully returned to her, throbbing at        the thought of causing someone so special to her any more        pain.  their reunion was to be happy, joyous—
                              and yet, she somehow managed to squander that too.                               no, no!  there would be more moments than this surely,                               and mulan had only just arrived, hadn’t she?  they could                               talk of the past later, preferably when her son was with                               the father he was named after.
               what mattered more right now was that mulan was here, and she                certainly had to get herself settled first.  “y-you must be weary from                your travels!  and you have need of a place to stay!  granny—you                can stay at her inn—or...”  or you can stay with us,                aurora wishes to suggest, but she would cause mulan more pain...
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                                         “—o-or there’s robin hood’s camp in the forest...                                                                     if you wish to be reacquainted with them...”
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      mulan could deal with many things. combat? easy enough.       training? she could focus for days. love? hardly. and definitely       not babies. she wasn’t sure how to hold them, let alone interact       with them. she wasn’t entirely great with people as it was. if this       was what she would be stuck with here, a love she could not have       and a child she didn’t know how to interact with— she was a       soldier. this didn’t feel right. not at all.
                                 but aurora was happy. that was what mattered,                                  wasn’t it? that her true love was happy? even if                                  it meant she never knew? love was sacrifice,                                   after all. it was what mulan knew best. she was                                  an expert at it.
                  the deep inhale was shaky, steeling herself for an                   inevitable moment. she knew aurora, what motivated her.                   she knew she would want mulan to be happy about the                   baby too. she just didn’t know if she could. the baby                   meant two opposite things for them. beginnings an ends.
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                                        “phillip.” and there is that twisting knife again.                                                                                         “that’s a lovely name.”
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
        ——&   I  ( beg )  you,                                         p l e a s e.            do not go where I can’t follow.
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
someone:are you ok
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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Zuhair Murad on We Heart It.
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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      Somehow, Aurora always seemed to be on the receiving end of these       kinds of talks, and yet it did not bother her as much as she thought it       would.  Perhaps now she could dedicate her time more to Phillip and       their child, and she could finally tuck her worries for Mulan away.
                       “Sure.  And if I do happen to see Mulan someday, I will tell you                        all about i
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       The vampire girl gave a reassuring smile, a hand resting on Aurora’s shoulder and        giving a reassuring squeeze. A vampire who lessened people’s fears. It was a strange        thing when given more than a second’s thought, but Jubilee rolled with it. Making people        happy made her happy. Meant she was doing right. Even if it was little things.                         “No problem. That’s what I’m here for. Making people feel better. Glad                          I could help.” 
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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       The princess smiles gently.  It was so exciting        to have someone to discuss babies with and        to share in the joy of starting a family.  That        is how it should be.  Babies mean a happy       ending, and Aurora is happy.  Certainly.
                      “He’s only a few months old right now, not a year yet.  As                       for seasons, I’m afraid I’m not so sure.  Time flows differently                       in Storybrooke from the Enchanted Forest...”
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     “Not entirely– If so, I would still need Queen Sif’s       approval. Though, I might have a few ideas…” But       they would have to see. “I would prefer to name the       child when it arrives. I believe a name best suited       will come to us as soon as the babe is born.”
             “And how old is thine own child? How many seasons have               come to pass? I still struggle understanding moral time and               that of my own kind, I must admit!”
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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        “I can see that—”
                           But any snarky and rather obvious obvious                            remark would simply have to wait until they                            found somewhere safe.  Looking around, she                            inhaled a breath.  The beast was gone.  For                            now.  But still, Aurora stayed her courage.
                “Yes.  There’s a place nearby.  We can go                 there...  I’m Aurora, by the way.”
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         “ – Nothing GOOD….”
Which was obvious, frankly, just by sight alone.  Unfortunately – other than calling it a demon,  she had no idea what it was. Wasn’t her forte, really. She could just SEE them, she didn’t know what they were. She’d have to call John. Damn it.
                        “ … We should get inside. Just in case                         it … you know, comes back.”
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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           “That was before I found out you were a... a lying scoundrel of a pirate—”
                       Aurora scowled.  In the Enchanted Forest, the princess had quite thought herself tolerant of the captain. Suggesting his innocence when they nearly left him to the Ogres, wondering his whereabouts when he had not returned from the beanstalk...  Even when he saved her from Cora’s clutches, she thought he might have not been as dastardly as he made himself out to be.  But betrayal was not so easily forgot.
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“Princess. I don’t get a hello? I thought you liked me.”
He was smug and gave her a large smirk before licking his lips. He knew she had no reason to like him but maybe she had a change of heart? He didn’t think it was likely with the way she stared at him and the way the words fell from her lips. He did do right by her in the end but that was only because he had felt bad. She was a beautiful young girl she didn’t deserve to be heartless like he had been.
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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Sarah Bolger on Mulan and Aurora’s scene in 3x03
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
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       but how could she not worry about her?  no sooner did        mulan take her leave from aurora and phillip after aiding        neal on his quest.  the words they shared were brief, their        parting leaving a sorrow that a promise of a family could        only seem to fill.  at the time, it had all been so frightfully        odd: the sudden announcement to join robin hood’s merry        men, what should have been mirthful news was wrought        with pain... and the warrior did not even say her beloved        prince who she had fought many a battle alongside.  of        course by then, aurora had figured it out.  why all these        peculiarities came to be.
                                mulan was heartbroken, though aurora’s deductions                                 were both correct and incorrect.  the princess knew                                 the warrior had left with a love unrequited, knowing                                 that the birth of a child would ever bar her from her                                 true love, and she had to sacrifice her love for the                                 sake of another.  the subject in question, of course,                                 was where poor aurora was wrong.
                 one could not blame her too terribly, for she thought she                  had seen all the signs of the other harboring affections                  for her prince.  but some hearts changed in the face of                  nearly losing something important, and a new love can                  bear fruit where one least expected it.  ... aurora’s heart,                  however, was a curious mystery.
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                                         “right.  i’m sorry, you haven’t been acquainted yet.  this is phillip.”                                          there was an awkward pause.  “his name is also... p-phillip...”
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    mulan struggled with matters of the heart. she never quite    knew how to talk about them, how to even broach the topic.     least of all with the subject of her affections. not with phillip,     not with aurora. and even know she wondered if phillip was     love or just a deep admiration. but aurora? there was no      mistaking what she felt there. aurora was more than just     a simple vow. she’d traverse the most foul realms, the     most deadly battlefields if she could save her. and she      never asked for anything in return. it wasn’t her place to.     aurora’s heart, the very one she saved and restored, belonged     to someone else.
                             who was she to interfere with that? aurora’s happy                              ending was not hers to meddle with. no matter how                              much she wanted to tell her. her heart was rough; it                              fell easy, shattered hard, and repaired itself every                              time. because that was what a warrior did. they                               soldiered on, even when their own body told them                               they could not.
    she had a history of defying those who said she couldn’t     accomplish something. but this, this looked like defeat. the     small boy in aurora’s arms is a constant reminder of that.     she wants nothing more than to be happy for her. and she      can’t. how terrible that made her feel. she couldn’t even be     happy for the woman she loves.
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                          “i have been… fine. i have been fine. you shouldn’t worry about me,                     not with a young child to take care of. what is his name?”
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ivehadmyfillofrest · 9 years
River of dreams by lieveheersbeestje
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