iversacademy · 10 years
11TH FEBRUARY 2015 -- If anyone (including Kit / Admin Sam) is still following this blog and would be interested in re-opening Ivers Academy (two year hiatus!), please send a message or contact dash-writes who is/was 'Admin Dean'. Even if you see this message a year from now, send a message anyway!
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iversacademy · 12 years
                   IVERS ACADEMY                      ON HIATUS
     Due to inactivity on our part, we have decided to put this RPG on hiatus. Neither admin is able to make time for this RPG as things are currently.
     This is a hiatus; we are not quitting. Ivers Academy will be active in the future. While there is no set date, it will happen.
     (Mostly) Admin Dean will be on occasionally to check (and respond to) messages. Work will be done once in a while -- improvements will be made. If you have any questions or concerns, please message us.
     All current members will be invited back without application once we continue activity. We apologize for any disappointments or inconveniences. Thank you to those who have stuck with us thus far, and we hope to see you again in the future.
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iversacademy · 12 years
Re-opened roles will be updated ASAP as well.
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iversacademy · 12 years
Kristian Moreau -- until October 27, 2012 Daniel Ayyers -- until October 27, 2012 Headmaster Ivers -- until October 27, 2012 Luka Kaminski -- until November 1, 2012
If you would like to put your character on hiatus, please message and tell us when you will be coming back.
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iversacademy · 12 years
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iversacademy · 12 years
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    OOC Name & Timezone: Emi, GMT     Activity Level (1-10): Roughly 7, but it fluctuates a little     Desired Character: Emelia Luana Noemi Barone
Character Summary:
As an interesting mix of a bubbly exterior, passive mentality and crumbling core, Emelia Barone is a girl who doesn't know where she stands. Having grown up under a strict regime of instrumental practice, and having her violin playing be that which held her parents together even after divorce, the pressure to perform well had brought her up to be a talented musician. She owed everything she had to her mother and her father, and must be thankful for the way they had encouraged her to persist in her love of playing traditional instruments. It was they who had been the key to her talent, and without her passion, her music, what would there be for her in her life? With no concept of expressive, social interaction earlier in her life, Emelia had thought that it would be empty, hollow - she would be another speck on a planet populated by a people growing so rapidly that the gifted were fewer and farther between. She had been told many times to be grateful for her parents' intense tutoring, having been cruel to be kind in their semblance of love, and that she would be nothing without them.
And this was how she had thought until the day Emelia stepped into the halls of Ivers Academy. The achievement of being accepted would perhaps have sparked her confidence in herself a little more if she did not already believe so heavily of her parents' role in her skill, but a change was occurring in the young girl. Everything that her parents had told her over the years in their care was, yes, so deeply rooted in her mind that it had affected her entire being, but fractures were hammering their way through this once solid belief of her place. Her early life had caused in Emelia a very adaptive mindset, an ability to change her opinion so easily without it even occurring to her that she might also have the right to stay strong in her opinion and have her own say in things. She is a girl with no spine - a tragic Achilles heel that will soon begin to haunt her as these fractures grate open into gaping cracks - but she had also gained an advantage over her peers. Emelia had developed an amazing ability to adjust; and ability that had kept her sane in the years of her intense training, that had allowed her to easily slip into the jet stream of Ivers Academy, and that will in future allow her to escape her passive mentality to become a much stronger person than she currently is today. Already doubts about the style of her childhood upbringing are manifesting as she interacts with other students and learns of their own daily lives, and is suddenly wondering if her childhood had perhaps been as happy as she had thought it to have been.
On the whole, Emelia Barone believes she is a perfectly normal human being - one certainly craving of human companionship - but is finding it harder and harder to invest true emotion into her enthusiastic outbursts. She had set herself a bar upon entering the school that now suddenly seemed feet overheard, nigh on unreachable, and the pressure of maintaining a bright outward appearance in order to maintain the friendships she had settled with is wearing her down. She is not realising this, believing that she should easily be able to cope with the day-to-day routine of the school and its undercurrent of social activity.
Her outward appearance will eventually begin to shift but her mental clockwork is already starting a change she had not even thought possible. Her current state of mind is merely bordering on darker thoughts - doubts and ponderings, questions and wavering realisations - unknown to her, but if she does not learn to take a stand for herself she will fall into a place much harder to recover from.
Though, perhaps sadly, one of the few things that may not change if she begins to withdraw into herself is her detached view of love. This may not have been helped by her disinterest in boys and her parents' closed regime, but upon entering the school she could not help but notice the girls that swarmed each and every corridor. Maybe, if someone took her under their wing, she'd discover what love actually is.
Why do you think you’d be the most appropriate writer for this role?:
Having a soft spot for naive/troubled characters, it's the development of their personality that really interests me. And that's a poshly phrased sentence. But really, I love studying the deepest depths of a person and why they are who they are and how this affects their reactions to the outside world. I think Emelia's had a very sheltered early life and doesn't know any better from what she grew up with, but this is beginning to change and it's a key point in her mental development. I think it'd be interesting to see how she develops interacting with the other characters in this roleplay.
Writing Sample:
Leaning her violin case against the bedside table and dropping her holdall beside the bed, Emelia collapsed onto it, squeezing her eyes tightly shut as she let her aching muscles finally relax. The journey to the school had taken much longer than it should have, her flight having been delayed originally and then traffic irritatingly overcoming the rest of the trip, but she was here. She was finally here. It had left her exhausted, and in need of a good night's sleep, but her excitement had overcome her fatigue throughout the first few hours at the school. The tour she'd received with the other new students had guided her around the building with efficiency and had explained the rules, regulations and schedule in great detail before dispatching everyone off to their separate dorm rooms. A few of the other students were in her dorm room with her, though they were either listening to music, talking amongst themselves or sound asleep under the covers. It seemed almost surreally calm, and something crept at her to join the conversation with the cluster of girls in the corner, or with the boy who had white headphones tucked into his ears miming a piano piece on a piano consisting of air, but she'd not had time to practise her violin all day. It was due time to do so, and nodding to herself she slipped off of her bed to pick up her violin. The network of corridors was at first confusing, but Emelia soon picked up the pattern after mentally sorting through the information she'd been provided with by the tour guides earlier that day. She'd not far to travel upon reaching a place to practise, upon closing the door, drew her violin out of its case and readied the bow in her hand to play.
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iversacademy · 12 years
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OOC Name & Timezone: Gnome, GMT+10 (AEST)
Activity Level (1-10): Varies on work and motivation. 4-8.
Desired Character: Melissa Lianne Van Dijk
Character Summary: Although Melissa presents herself as a shy and socially awkward teenager, her words and who she is does not present in her daily life, daily conversation, but through acting, as another person. Melissa finds it more comfortable in that secrecy of letting others guess the colours of the quiet her. From all the bullying she had suffered from the past, it grew harder to be naked with her feelings. Through acting, she could choose what to show and what to hide, and nobody would knows which side of the character she is using, and which side she isn’t. She believes in building up her techniques to perfection, and before then, stay low, and surprise her audience all of the sudden. Sexuality: Demisexual. Melissa is an aspiring actress, she had done physical intimacy with fellows she doesn’t know, but she thought of them as meaningless emotions. Melissa wants connection, true connection, if not, never will anyone could hit on her.
Why do you think you’d be the most appropriate writer for this role?: Although this may be the first time I portray an actress, but I believe this will be the process of my learning, to go between layers of depth to understand my character. And of course, pay my greatest effort to make sure what she pretends, her movement, her words, are what it is mean to be. Melissa also resembles Sibyl Vane, a fictional character from The Picture of Dorian Gray, which I was thoroughly absorbed in her part where she confessed her true self. And I felt connected to Sibyl Vane.
Writing Sample:
People are gathering into a hall, although it looks like a hall from the way all the chairs are lined into neat rows, but it is also a part-time gym, by looking at the basketball court line-marks on the ground. With the hall fill of 500 in total of teenagers, parents and their children’s hubbub, nobody could hear the host urging for silence of the crowd until ten minutes later, the light that brighten the hall dims and darkens while the stage beams. Among the audience, although the chatter reduced, its whispers and occasional giggles are disrespectful.
The stage is a proscenium theatre, not a very big one too. The lectern can be seen at the far corner of the hall pushed away for this event in particular. The lightning flashes into a bluish shade on the screen that illuminates on the stage. The background painted a poorly drawn forest. A calm, gentle tune plays as a blonde cheery girl with a flower tiara over her head strolls into the scene, picking up flowers and sniffing them on her way.
At the audience, a woman whispers, “Isn’t she too young to take the lead role?” The other woman nods in agreement.
“Brilliant, O brilliant night.” The girl whispers to above, facing the moon that does not exist. Her eyes stare romantically up into the air, as she twirls around in her fluttering purple dress with a grin bigger than the world, brighter than the moon prop.
By merely a single line, her performance stuns the entire audience to silence. Not even a single word, or a single cough to break the ringing and unforgettable voice of this young lady.
“How can anything compare to this? The moon, the stars, I have dreamt of this life more than anything else; mother and father does not understand.” She continues, in her palm lies a flower, the girl runs her fingers over it. She has the control of her voice, including various factors like her accent to adjust the speed of her dialogue.
The audiences’ eyes gleam, even when other characters came in the scene, nobody got bored of the sight of the girl. Her performance is outstanding, remarkable in fact. Her part came to a rest at a change of scene. There is a loud round of applause and some even stood up and whistles for the amazing performance brought by the girl as the curtains drawn for the preparation of the next act. The audience are curious of such talent brought by such a girl young at age, “Who is she?”, “Who on Earth is her?” they cry as they flip their flyer they received at the beginning of the show to the casting section.
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iversacademy · 12 years
Members: if you have not been invited to the OOC blog, it is because you do not have ask or submit enabled.
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iversacademy · 12 years
I know it might take quite a lot of time, but could you possibly make a little list with the characters and their roleplayer's names please? It makes things a lot more straightforward than looking at all of the characters to find their roleplayer's names, and also some of the closed characters don't have their roleplayer's names on them. It makes things a little simpler because there could be a lot of confusion with peoples' names and characters' names. Thanks!
While we may do something like this in the future, the accepted tag will serve as a temporary list until we do.
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iversacademy · 12 years
We will now be accepting applications and apologize for the delay.
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iversacademy · 12 years
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▋ H I S T O R Y
     Most would have never expected Brett to be the way that he is. Growing up in a small home with three other siblings, Brett had been a middle child and a target for self-rite. His eyes were always filled with a sparkle, however, despite attention never truly being on him and people at his old school always saw something in him that they didn’t have. What did he have that other children in the past did not have? A certain dedication filled his heart and lungs, wrapping around them as tight as could be and pulling at his strings like a puppet. That’s when, starting in the seventh grade, Brett started to find something that he loved. Invited to join a game of tennis, his spark and dedication were focused on the sport and eventually he built himself into it like a tetris game. Growing up where he did, however, in West Virginia, meant that he was also unable to support himself. Without a job and a stable family, the idea of even playing tennis professionally had come to a close for a small period of his life in which he was overwhelmed with feelings of dread and doubt.      No matter what other hobbies he could have had, Brett always enjoyed a game of tennis the most. Eventually, only a year after starting to play tennis, Brett was able to fund his way into the game by buying his own tennis racket and joining his local high school tennis team in the eighth grade despite his younger age. He was able to play just as great as any ninth or tenth grader, after all, because he was dedicated in it. That, however, meant nothing to his family. In fact, they never would see what he saw in the game.      Athletics were something his family did not want for their children. Instead, Brett and his siblings had been forced to focus solely on academics and nothing else. That was until the day that the letter came.
▋ I V E R S  A C A D E M Y
     Brett looked at the letter in surprise. The letter had been something that he was hoping to get from somewhere, from someplace, to escape the wrath of his parents whom despised his love of tennis. Brett was nonetheless filled with joy when he was allowed to go to Ivers Academy, convincing both of his parents to let him make his escape, allowing him to place tennis after making half-empty promises to pay more attention to the education part of Ivers than the more important part to him and the school itself, Athletics.
▋ P E R S O N A L I T Y
     Even though Brett is definitely bubbly once you get to know him, one could also describe him as quiet. Because he is focused on his surroundings, Brett is more likely to think instead of reply and more like to watch instead of join in. Brett is usually caught in a world of his own that coincides with the way that he plays tennis; silent and quick. Due to this, Brett isn’t seen with many people, but he does know quite a lot of people due to his athleticism and even the fact that when he does talk, he is very easy to get along with.      Most do not realize what he is truly like beyond that barren face of his and those blue eyes the color of the midnight sky. Many believe him to be a selective mute. Even though that description would not be far off, one could easily pull him out of his state of thinking if they truly tried to start a conversation with him. Too many people make too many assumptions about the youth.
▋ R E L A T I O N S H I P S
NONE → No pre-existing relationships
▋ M I S C E L L A N E O U S
HOUSE → Athletics
YEAR → Three (3)
TRAITS → Quiet, Friendly
AVAILABILITY → Open // Closed // Triggered // Inactive
OOC Name & Timezone: Timothy, EST
Activity Level (1-10): 7
Character Name & Age: Brett Ian Sutton
House: Athletics
Character faceclaim: Josh Hutcherson
→Sexuality: Unique in personality and character, Brett does identify as a male, but he also identifies as a homoromantic asexual. Lately, he’s been more driven into the term homoromantic demisexual simply because it means that his sex drive only provides to those he’s emotionally attached to and only to men that he is emotionally attached to.
Writing Sample: The single stroke of a hand helped the boy to pump what he needed to, it helped him fight against the battle of the bears and hit the bats above. The golden ball bounced back across the field to his opponent before Brett was forced to run sideways to hit the ball again with the same racket that almost matched the color of the ball. The racket, however, had various designs that looked like leaves painted onto its side curling in and out of it to make it more decorative. The racket had an enchantment that only Brett could understand with its beauty and poise.
A female on a large pillar of a seat called out the match as the ball bounced over to his opponent’s side. The ball had already hit the ground twice before match had rung out, but Brett was not able to react to the victory. Instead, all he could do was smile with emotionless eyes not matching exactly what mood he was in. He could not escape the pure bliss, however, and was pulled under by its currents of gold, of pink, of blue, of cherry blossoms running their soft bark over another. His right hand had let the racket go and fall to the floor before he walked over to shake his opponents hand over the net, people beginning to clear out of the stands, “Good game.”
“You too.”
Walking away from the battlefield, Brett went to pick up his weapon of choice and walked over to the stands to greet his mother whom just sat there unamused. Looking at her son, he began to speak to her, “Did you like it?”
“Not particularly,” The voice that she had was not only unamused, but it was full of malice and almost seemed a little hateful. Was Brett not enough for her? Why did she not like his passion? Brett’s face almost scrunched up, but he shook his head.
“Why do I even invite you to these?” Shaking his head and looking away, he began to follow the trail back, leaving his feet to carry him away into the great yonder back to where he came from. No more invitations would ever be sent to a woman who could not appreciate her own son and his passion.
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iversacademy · 12 years
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▋ H I S T O R Y
     Alecia grew up in a beach town with her mom. She was a very bubbly and talkative child who loved making new friends. She was rarely caught without her smile and loved to laugh. Everything seemed perfect in her life, that is, until she turned twelve.      This is when her world was changed forever. Her mom met a successful lawyer and they soon married. Her mom soon evolved into a greedy, self-centered woman and Alecia paid the price. Her step-father started sexually, physically, and verbally abusing her on a weekly bias. Despite her cries for help, her mother turned her cheek. After-all, she wouldn't want to lose the fortune her husband had provided her and soon she joined in on the abuse, informing her daughter how much of an ungrateful whore she was any chance she got. Alecia fell apart, crying herself to sleep most nights and avoiding both of her guardians as much as possible.      Her hurt and pain soon turned to anger and hate. She promised herself NO ONE would ever hurt her again and NO ONE would ever take away her power from her. She never wanted to feel so small again. She became cold and heartless towards the world around her. Alecia will do whatever it takes to protect herself from hurt, regardless of who she has to pissed off in order to do that. The bubbly, blonde-haired, innocent child very rarely ever show her face in Alecia. She is still there, locked deep down, but she is slowly fading away and maybe will be gone for good.
▋ I V E R S  A C A D E M Y
     When a video of Alecia playing piano and doing a cover of Fiona Apple's Paper Bag went viral, the headmaster saw it as a chance to invite her to the school. Alecia enjoyed any opportunity to get away from her guardians, so she lunged at the chance for it.
▋ P E R S O N A L I T Y
     Alecia is a bitch. She is very blunt and to the point, never being afraid to express what she feels. She loves getting a shock out of people with what she says. She is cruel and calculated, purposely tearing others down to fuel the hatred and anger inside of her. She is also extremely opinionated and has no problem telling anyone what she thinks about them.      As hard as she tries to hide it, she is insecure and most of the things she points out in others are the things she hates about herself. She is destructive and loves to cause trouble. Her favorite past time is pissing people off. She loves breaking the rules and doing the things most people frown upon. She is a masochist in the way she loves inflicting pain through her sharp tongue.
▋ R E L A T I O N S H I P S
NONE → No pre-existing relationships
▋ M I S C E L L A N E O U S
HOUSE → Music
YEAR → Four (4)
TRAITS → Cold, Blunt, Trouble-making, Calculating, Cruel
AVAILABILITY → Open // Closed // Triggered // Inactive
    OOC Name & Timezone: Luke / PST     Activity Level (1-10): 7 / 8
Sexuality: Straight     Writing Sample: [flashback] Alecia bit down on her nail, chipping the black paint off with her teeth. She stood with her back against the white brick wall. Her pink hair fell lazily on her shoulder and her Iron Maiden with the sides cut off hung loosely on her slender figure. She smirked, turning around as she heard the familiar voice call her name. She walked into the small office, flopping herself down into the empty seat in front of the oak wood desk. She smirked, looking across the desk at the elderly man sitting across from her.
"Ms. Maines, this is the fifth time you've got sent to me this week. Why is that?"
"Because you're faculty are a bunch of fucking idiots," she said flatly.
"Would you watch your mouth?"
She stood up with a smirk, "Want me to watch my mouth? How's this? Fuck you, you old hack." She tucked her hair behind her ear and gave him a devilish smile, "Better?"
"That's it. I've had enough of you. You are suspended!" he screamed, obviously infuriated at her remark.
"Oh. Now I'm really sad. Boohoo," she replied, clearly amused at his frustration with her.
"Don't push your luck, young lady."
"Or what?"
"That's it. I've done everything I can to you. You're expelled."
"DING! DING! We have a winner. Now, was that so hard?"
"Get out."
"Gladly, asshole. I'm out."
With that, she stood up, smiling in satisfaction and walking out the door. Her boots squeaked against the tiled floor. She stopped, opening up an unlocked locker and digging into the pocket of the coat in it. She smirked, finding a twenty dollar bill in it, "Ah, what a day." She slammed the locker door shut, continuing to walk towards the front of the building and out the front doors.
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iversacademy · 12 years
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OOC Name & Timezone: Lexanne GMT+1
Activity Level (1-10): 5-6 (Uni's kicking my ass, but I love RPing)
Desired Character: Svana Johnsson
Character Summary: Svana's the quiet type. Not necessarily because she was born that way, but because she grew up as an outcast in her own family. Being the brightest crayon in the box has given her a negative self image, which is often not the case with people like her. Being quiet meant she spent most of her life observing, not participating in group activities. A small part of her hopes that attending Ivers Academy will change something for her, but for the most part she's still worried that her spongelike brain will overshadow everyone.
Why do you think you’d be the most appropriate writer for this role? I feel I'm quite similar to this character, maybe not as bright as she is, or in a similar familial situation, but being in highschool bored me to tears, everything was much easier than it needed to be. I never participated in school activities, I slacked off working for school.
Writing Sample: Svana ran her fingers through her hair, strands of sleek blonde hair cascaded from between her fingers. Always the same, never changing. Change, she needed some of that. Not in this family though, change would shock everyone. Another day maybe, she thought to herself, another life. She sighed. There was no end in sight, not yet. The sound of the mail coming in startled her from her thoughts. Gas bill, electricity bill, water bill, internet bill, a letter addressed to her. As soon as she read her own name on the envelope she froze. Svana had mail. That never happened. Blinking a couple of times to regain a sense of reality she tore open the letter. Her eyes flew across the page, devouring the letters written there. Change, finally. She'd been asked (asked!) to attend a school specifically for outstanding students. Was this the moment she'd been waiting for her whole life?
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iversacademy · 12 years
Tomorrow's agenda
Graphics will be made for original characters, and they will be posted
The masterlist will be updated
Every writer will be invited to the OOC blog
I apologize for the wait; an inconvenience arose.
UPDATE (10/17, 3:30PM): OC biographies have been drafted; they are awaiting graphics. Again, we apologize for the wait, and we are attempting to go through the many applications we have received.
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iversacademy · 12 years
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OOC Name & Timezone: Emily, GMT.
Activity Level (1-10): 8/10, 9 if the group is active.
Desired Character: London Warrick.
Character Summary: Growing up, London was lonely. Bereft of a mother and the cause of her death in his father's eyes, there was very little love in his house, and even less of that directed towards him. He grew up in a world of his own, playing out ideas in his head before eventually acting them out - a way of coping that soon became a passion of his. Drama and acting is his escape; his way to be the person he's always wanted to be without ever having to go through the process of changing. Only then is he extroverted. At all other times he's quiet, and private, disbelieving that anyone could ever care for him if he couldn't even get his own father to. He longs for human contact, and often observes others laughing and joking together, but he doesn't know how to join in - so he hides away, scurries along, and looks down when spoken to. It's a lonely life, but it's the only one London's ever known. Sexuality: London's never really put much thought into his sexuality. He knows the convention is that he should want to date a girl, and he does find them pretty, but he also can't help but let his eyes linger on some of the guys he passes. What he feels has never really bothered him - he just finds people attractive. As long as someone is kind to him, and honest with him, he couldn't care whether they were a man or a woman. Though he doesn't put a label on himself, because he sees no reason to, he's closest to pansexual. Love is love, and it wouldn't worry him either way.
Why do you think you’d be the most appropriate writer for this role?: I've played and written characters like London before - lonely, nervous, and unsociable. I find it really interesting exploring their minds and finding what they hide and why, and slowly developing some trust in people. It's a very slow but rewarding journey.
Writing Sample: The drama studio was empty by the time London arrived. Everyone else was eating dinner in the main hall, probably getting food everywhere and shouting too loudly at each other. That was why he always preferred to be rehearsing alone and would eat by himself later. It fitted the general trend of his life - be born alone, grow up alone, live alone. Knowing him, he'd probably die alone, too. Still, he did his best to push away those thoughts and looked around the shadowy room, the ghost of a smile crossing his face. This was where he was happiest, able to switch into somebody he wanted to be, rather than the sad person he truly was. His fingers caressed the pages of the script he'd been working on, something he'd written himself, to find the scene he wanted to act out today. It was well worn by now and had many annotations in the margin, crossing outs and edits - but London understood it all. Eventually, he flicked to the page he wanted and read over it, taking in the lines he'd written himself. As he scanned them, the world he'd created on the page came to life, buildings growing around him and the sudden rush of a New York street taking over his vision. He spun on the spot, eyes flicking around the room to where he could see everything so clearly. This was why acting was his escape - he was literally transported into his own worlds, ones he could control, where he could be the king, or the hero, or even the villain when he felt like it. London imagined he was a spy, pulling his coat high over his neck and narrowing his eyes, taking note of every little detail on the imaginary street. He observed who was around him, what they were doing, if anyone looked suspicious. Just as he was about to leap into action and draw his revolver from his pocket, the door to the drama studio flew open and the streets of New York crumbled and dissolved around him. Finding himself face to face with the school's headmaster, London slipped out of character and couldn't help but blush deeply. He looked down at his shoes, eyes wide. "I---uhm," he began, glancing up to the head. "I'll... go back to dinner now." Grabbing his things, he saw the headmaster nod and walked past him, trying not to feel too embarrassed to be caught like that. And with that, he scurried off towards the dorms, wanting to go back to hiding away from everyone.
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iversacademy · 12 years
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OOC Name & Timezone: Sary (GMT)
Activity Level (1-10): 7 – I’ll be on daily every evening and I can be incredibly active if the rp itself is at that time.
Desired Character: Lennon Ford
Character Summary: A generally quiet and reserved person, Lennon isn’t fussed about not being in the limelight. In fact, one could go so far to say that he prefers the shadows of the sidelines than the spotlight of attention; solitude is no cause for concern for him and neither is the familiar loneliness that accompanies it graciously. He is considered as a rather secretive, private person, but that isn’t necessarily the case. He just doesn’t see the need in telling everybody about everything, and nor does he wish to. Things are as they are, to him, and if you know, you know! There is no need to parade all your news to your fellow peers, well, according to Lennon there isn’t. He always did his own thing and never bothered others with his general introversion. Left to his own devices, Lennon is more than content to spend hours on end working on his next big art project; as long as there is something creative to do, he will be fine with whatever situation he has been put in. Unless, of course, this situation is a socialisation based situation. That is where things tend to go a bit pear-shaped. Lennon doesn’t lack all sense of social skills, not at all, but he hasn’t quite mastered it, shall we say. At first glance, he is timid and quiet, and will continue to be so until you become one of his few closer friends. And even then, he can still be rather closed off.
His artistic flair and vision are a completely different matter from his social life. Majoring in drip painting and ink sketching, he has a vividly creative imagination which he can portray with ease at the flick of the brush and the strike of a nib. He has the ability to create miniature masterpieces in no time and it is a fairly well-known fact in the art department even though he doesn’t flaunt his ability like there is no tomorrow. Outside of the art world, however, no one really knows what he’s like, beside the fact that he likes art.
Despite the bitterness Lennon can sometimes portray with his introversion and timidity, he is actually a pretty decent person. Willing to help those-in-need as long as they weren’t of the rowdy crew, his simple, modest attitude to life can be rather cleansing to those whose own are burdened with personal dilemmas and drama. The only downside to that is that sometimes he can become just a little too frank.
Lennon is just a little too unbothered to even attempt to label his own sexuality. For all he could care, he could be anything – and not care. Seeing as his mind is wildly not sexually orientated in any way, shape, or form, he has barely even pressed upon the thought even in passing. However, to the outside eye, most would probably class him as asexual, seeing as he neither presses the subject of relationships, nor does he have much of a sexual desire. Yet this may not necessarily be the case. Sex and relationships may not hold the top spot in his priorities, but that is not to say that he doesn’t require them. 
Why do you think you’d be the most appropriate writer for this role?: I feel that I can relate well with this character seeing that both Lennon and myself are rather introverted, art-orientated people. Not only this, but I feel like I would be able to recreate his feelings, thoughts, and reactions to certain things and situations – such as his attitude to friends and relationships. Also, being an arty person, I also possess the required artistic terminology and language to play off a character of this style without hassle. And least but not least, I do find his particular character very intriguing and I’d love to play him.
Writing Sample: Lennon stalked through the wide, crowded corridors with his head ducked low, trying to avert all attention that might be thrust unwittingly in the direction of the newest member of Ivers Academy. Hauling his single, dead-weighted holdall over his shoulder with a tough heave, he continued forwards past all the on-looking eyes and whispers. He knew he didn’t look quite as presentable as the other students here, he could already see their looks of disdain as they caught sight of his paint-splattered jeans and t-shirt. He grimaced faintly at his ‘oh so great’ idea of coming straight here from the airport without even stopping off to change out of his tatty attire into something more respectable for a school with a status as great as this one’s. He had literally only just stepped off a plane from London Heathrow not an hour beforehand and he certainly looked the part of a jetlagged traveller. His hair stuck up at odd angles at the back but still managed to flop lazily over his eyes to the front – not the best of looks to rock, but what was appearance to Lennon?
Grounding to a halt in front of a grand set of stairs, Lennon cast a warily gaze over his shoulder. It was a lot to take in, this entire school with its grandeur of majestic valour and simultaneously modern atmosphere – not to mention, the fact that he was not only in a completely different country to where he came from, but also the fact that he was halfway across the world. He tried to ignore the various glances cast in his direction, but it was just a tad too much for Lennon and he began to feel his ears burn red. He turned back to the stairs, ducked his head again, and sped up the steps at full speed, eager to escape the limelight.
After what felt like a millennia of searching, Lennon finally found his way to the main office. Pushing his palms down onto the wooden counter, he leant forwards and gave a gentle cough to catch the attention of receptionist who was busy sorting out what looked like a tonne of paperwork – no doubt it was all the new student files they had to administrate legally.
“I, uh, I’m sorry that I’m late for the start of school – my plane was cancelled, you see, and I, uh, I had to catch another just this morning…” Lennon’s husky voice faded out gently to be replaced by a crooked, timid smile. He didn’t know what else to say, really. His flight had been postponed due to bad weather conditions and it resulted in him arriving just a day later – what else was of enough importance that he needed to tell the school? Nothing he could think of, anyway.
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iversacademy · 12 years
Will you have a Willa Holland FC? If not, could I possibly send in an OC app for her?
You may submit an OC application for Willa Holland.
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