ivory-rose47 · 2 years
〖Storm Water〗
Storms are powerful and devastating things. They destroy crops, harm livestock, and can tear apart houses and buildings and other love structures. In the past many people would create charms to protect those and theirs from the power of storms, because of their destructive and unpredictable nature storm water is very useful and chaotic magic, curses, and even in protection magic if used in such a manner.
Harnessing storm water is simple enough, leave a container out during a storm to collect it. I personally am very fond of glass containers as they are easy to acquire, won't rust, and are typically easy to seal and save.
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〖Uses of Storm Water〗
☽ Spread the water on the outside of your property. Any who enter with harmful intent will disturb this ring of a storm.
☽ protect your garden in a similar manner (though I would be hesitant to actually water plants with storm water as the outcome is uncertain).
☽ Window sills and doorways are also great places for protection magic.
☽ Curses that need a good base can depend on storm water. Coat a page in stormwater and then write your curse.
☽ Enchanting jewelry or spell books with storm water for protection or curses is also a suggestion.
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Storms can be devastating but they are also beautiful and powerful things. In their wake there is rebirth, whether rebuilding or replanting. This is something to bear in mind when using storm water. There is a cycle of life and death and storms are merely a small part of it.
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ivory-rose47 · 2 years
♤ Aries ♤
The Sign of the Ram ♈ (Symbolized usually by horns)
Aries is the first of 12 signs, spanning the first 30° of celestial longitude and originates from the constellation of the same name. Under the tropical zodiac the sun transits the sign from March 20th to April 21st each year.
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Aries are energetic, forceful and outgoing. like the energy of the first Rush of springtime they move into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way, and prefers starting to finish. they tend to rush into things and may also be impatient. they have great vitality and tremendous need to be physically active.
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♢Magcik of Aries♢
Aries energy supports magic encourage, leadership, authority, persons in power, military, police, other law enforcement and willpower. ares supports the healing effort so for the head and brain
Full Moon in Aries - Aries is a great sign for new beginnings, especially if you want to start with a bang or are taking a totally different approach that takes you outside your comfort
New Moon in Aries - is great for charging all magical weapons and for charging yourself or loved one with courage and positivity to take on daunting challenges.
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Element: Fire
Colors: Red, Orange, White, Pink
Planet: Mars
Gender: Masculine
Herbs: Sage, Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Dragons Blood
Deities: Ares, Hunga, Amun-Ra
Crystals: Bloodstone, Diamond, Garnet, Iron, Steel, Ruby, Red Jasper
Animals: Ram, Robin, Owl, Bull, Magpie, Tiger, Leopard
Tools: Sword, Torch
Anatomy: Head, Brain
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ivory-rose47 · 2 years
☽Gemini Journal Page☾
♤ We are approaching the end of Gemini Season so I figured I share my Journal Pages on the Gemini Zodiac!
♤Gemini is the 3rd sign of 12. From May 21st to June 21st it is a Tropical, Mutable Sign. Gemini is concerned with Communication, Siblings, Neighbors & Neighborhood, travel, transportation, education, and Knowledge.
♤ The Gemini personality is considered to be active & adaptable, Charming & communicative, inquisitive & thirsting for knowledge, playful, outgoing, clever & imaginative. It is also considered to be self-interested & vain, overly critical, fickle, restless, & prone to playing mind games & talking to much. Ideal careers for Gemini lie in fields of architecture, theater, teaching, writing, public speaking, psychology, law & politics.
♤ Geminis are quite happy as long as they are liable to exhaust themselves if they don't find a personally satisfying way to relax. When they do get sick they often suffer from coughs, colds, bronchitis, & other chest or lung problems. Geminis will usually hide the worst of the suffering & tough it out. They hate being confined to bed & will not rest till they are burnt out.
♤ Gemini moon is a good time to work on divination & prophecy, wishing spells, luck in gambling, communication, working for positive reception of manuscripts, articles, & term papers, increasing web traffic, success in school & getting into the school of your choice.
New Moon Gemini - An excellent time to begin any project related to communication or the synthesis of ideas. This is a great time to start a new website, especially a networking site to implement company based changes.
Full Moon Gemini - This is a time for change. It is a time to take what you've learned & share it with the group and see what new and exciting things will come of it. This is also a good time to travel & planning travel including protection during travel.
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
If you were arrested for protesting in Chicago, Indianapolis, or Louisville, the law firm of Derrick Morgan Jr, Esq will represent you pro bono
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
Intent and Spell Writing
What is Intent in witchcraft?
Simply put intent is what result you wish to get from your spell or ritual. It is the energy you will be using to get results. Intent is extremely important for any spell. What do you wish to happen when you cast it? Do you wish to improve your studying or do you wish to banish something negative from your life? That is intent. It is the end goal. 
Examples of Intent:
Banishment: keeping away negativity and negative energies
Beauty: for looking, expressing and feeling lovely and attractive
Binding: prevent harm, avoid danger, stop someone from performing a particular act; restriction
Business/Career: for success in one’s career, job hunting
Calming: relieve stress
Catalyst: stimulating a spell
Charge: store energy into something
Chasity: celibacy, innocence
Confidence: courage, self assurance and empowerment
Creativity: expression, imagination and improving artistic skills
Communication: improving communications and understandings with friends, family, spouses, etc; communicating with other forces
Cleanse: removing unclean energies and presences from self, objects or areas
Curse: bring negative energy into something or into someone’s life
Desire: gaining what one has strong feelings of want for or seeking to be wanted by others
Divination: clairvoyance, gaining insight
Discourage: prevent something from occurring
Dreams: bring dreams, relates to the dream realm
Emotional: spells focused on certain emotions
Encouragement: supporting and influencing something to happen
Exorcism: expelling evil spirits
Fertility: for conception
Fidelity: loyalty and faithfulness
Friendship: bonding and connections
Fortune: good luck
Forgotten: leave memories behind
Frugality: saving money
Glamour: illusions and perception
Generosity: kindness and good will
Happiness: joy and merriment
Healing: recovery and repair
Inspiration: gaining ideas and drive
Invisibility: going unnoticed, stealth
Judgment: improving decision making and choices
Longevity: increasing length/duration of things
Love: Romance
Lust: Libido and sex drive
Memory: remembrance
Motivation: determination
Patience: tolerance
Peace: tranquility
Prosperity: well-being
Protection: guarding, safety and warding
Psychic: improving any psychic ability or connection
Purification: purifying an object or space
Guidance: spiritual, mental, supernatural guidance, advice and bonds
Severing: cutting ties from others
Spirituality: for belief
Strength: brawn, endurance; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
Truth: honesty with self and others
Wealth: increasing money and physical possessions
Wisdom: decisions, intelligence, learning
Wish: gaining things and desires
I have my intent now what?
Well you have just taken your first step to spell writing. Now that you have your intent, your goal, you can can start researching. What relates and corresponds to your intent and what ingredients do you have available? Some things you could research:
Herbs and flowers
Types of Water (spring, rain, ocean, etc)
Animal Symbolism
Time of Day
Planets and Cosmic Bodies
Emotional, Psychic and Physical Energies
Classic Witches Tools (besom, wands, etc)
Divination Tools (pendulums, tarot cards, scrying mirrors, etc)
Mythology and Mythical Creatures
Once you have researched and found the ingredients and objects you wish to use, even if you decide to only use your own energy and voice that is fine. You don’t absolutely need to use anything specific. It is your spell and your intent, choose what you feel will work best for you.
How are you going to use these things you have researched and obtained? This will require more research on your part, witchcraft requires a lot of research. Some ideas:
Bath mix/salts
Tea and infusions (if ingredients are safe to ingest)
Gem Elixir (research to ensure your gemstone(s) is safe to use in water or safe methods to make it without submerging the gemstone)
Jar or Bottle Spell
Sigil Spell
Crafted or Molded
The possibilities are truly endless. All I can say you have just taken your first steps for writing a spell! Once you have decided your intent and the process you wish to use, it is time to begin trials. Everything takes practice. It may not work at first but that is alright. Take notes and observe results. Just be safe with what you are doing. Happy Spell Writing!
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
Shout out to my fellow witches of color.🖤
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
My spoonie sigils:
I have enough energy to complete tasks
I get extra energy throughout the day
I have enough spoons to get through the day
I have enough spoons
I am motivated; I go on
I have energy and motivation
I have the power to do
My muscles are relaxed
Bye-bye back stiffness
Ease my neck pain
Ease my lower back and hip pain
My back is relaxed and free from pain
Ease my joint pain
My headache goes away
Ease my morning headaches
Ease my migraine
Ease the pain and fatigue of EDS
Ease my fibromyalgia
My arthritis is manageable
My pain is manageable
I am able to walk (with minimal pain)
I find moments of peace from my pain
I fall asleep easily
I sleep soundly for my desired length of time
I have minimal IBS symptoms
I eat a healthy amount of nourishing food
My blood sugars balance
My legs are steady
My focus will not falter
My joints are stable
I avoid dislocations and subluxations
Boost my immune system
My injuries heal
I heal quickly
I recover swiftly from illness
Mental illness:
I can leave my home comfortably
My mental illnesses do not hinder me
Ease the anger I experience related to mental illness
My anxiety does not control me
My anxiety does not stop or limit me when speaking with others
Ease my panic attacks
My trauma does not hold me back
Brainfog begone
My mind is clear
My mind is quiet
I am grounded, and in control of my emotions + reactions
I keep rational state of mind
Balance my bipolar disorder
OCD does not interfere with my day
My ROCD will subside
My depression will dissipate 
I resist the urge to pick my skin
I keep from picking
I don’t pull out my hair or eyelashes
I do not disassociate
I am verbal
I combat sensory overload and avoid meltdowns
My hypersensitivity is manageable 
I combat inertia 
People are patient with my disability
People are patient with my dietary restrictions
Others understand and accept my illness
I attract money (without having to work)
I am able to manage my pain at work 
I am able to clean and organize without pain
My hospital visit is productive and successful
I learn to accept my illness
DONATIONS - “What is a spoonie?” [X] - Spoonie specific sigils ALWAYS open + ALWAYS free!
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
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My Original Content:
Soft Buttery Rolls
Healing Tea
Sweet Cream Buns
Witchy Tomato Basil Soup
Birds Of Prey Inspired Spicy Avocado Breakfast Sandwich on Ciabatta Bread
Witchy Thumbprint Cookies
Magick Chocolate Chip Cookies
Imbolc Rosemary Jerk Baked Chicken
Witchy Pot Roast
Other of my favorite recipes:
French Silk Pie
Rosemary, pepper, lavender skillet bread
Creamy summer vegetable soup
Salted Honey Pie 🍯
Love Thyself Brownies
Orange cake recipe
🌿Lavender Tea Infusion🌿
Fresh Apple Autumn Cake with Honey-Cinnamon Glaze
Pretzel buns
Foodie Friday: Acorn Bread!
Cold Season Soup–Vegetable Soup with White Beans, Cauliflower, and Quinoa
Moon Spell Cookies
Perfect lemon meringues
Chocolate muffins 🌙
Foodie Friday: Tiramisu!
100 year old gingerbread recipe
Strawberry juice 🍓
Witches’ Honey Bread
Warming Autumn Soup
Magickal snickerdoodles ☀️💘
Moon Cookies
Earl Grey Shortbread
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
Miel de pissenlit or « Cramaillotte » (Dandelion Honey)
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One of my fondest childhood memories involves the making of dandelion honey, called miel de pissenlit in French, or « cramaillotte » - plucking flowers on a sunny afternoon with my parents and sisters, filling our basket with yellow fluff smelling of pollen, and coming back home to pour everything in a giant copper pot. The whole house smelled of warmth, summer, and liquid sunshine for days. Miel de pissenlit, is gold in a jar. The subtle flavor proves excellent as a stomach disorder remedy and to cure sore throats in the winter. It is a deeply generous and comforting substance, soothing as honey, and with pretty much the same applications.
Dandelion honey makes great offering for land spirits, faes, ancestors, and solar gods alike. In Ireland, dandelion flowers were said to be sacred to Brighid, called breanan Brìde or « the little notched of Brìde ». Here I invoked Her to bless the produce at each and every step of the process, imbuing it with healing qualities. Some jars will be gifted to friends, some will be kept for us, but I made sure to save a full jar just for Her, pouring the honey over some yarrow and juniper.
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You will need :
- 500-800 dandelion flowers
- 2,5L of clear water
- 3 oranges
- 2 lemons
- 2,5kg of granulated sugar
Recipe :
1. Fetch a dandelion field sheltered from cars, dogs and children. You want to pick the right time, when the flowers are most open, to pluck your dandelions : between 11am-2pm is best. Keep only the flower heads.
2. Come quickly home, before your flowers start closing. You will need to proceed to the leaf removal : remove the flower petals and leave the green flower crown behind to keep only the yellow part of your flower. Gently brush aside any insect that may be caught still in your harvest. This step is the more tedious, yet the more important : removing the green part ensures the good taste of your honey, with no bitterness.
3. Cast your flowers in a cooker (traditionally, a big copper pot or basin you can heat over fire is in order, but we make do with modern means !). The secret is to not pre-wash your flowers to keep all their pollen in, hence why you wanna be cautious with the place you pick them from. Cover them with the water and the juices from the oranges and lemons. Boil for 45-60min, checking your water and flowers level, and adding more water if necessary. Turn off the heat, and cover for the night to let your flowers infuse. The longer you live it, the better. Aim for at least 12h.
4. The day after, proceed to filter the flowers. You can do that by hand, pressing the petals delicately to draw all juice out, or by putting them in a muslin cloth. You should be left with a clear yellow juice.
5. Add your sugar, and put to a boil. Once your honey starts producing consistent bubbles and foaming, the cooking time varies greatly. Count at least 45min up to 2,5h for your honey to set. The quantity will reduce, leaving you with anything from 1/2 to 2/3 of your initial quantity. You can test the cristallisation of your honey by dropping a bit in a cold dish and holding it vertically above your sink or counter : if your honey runs like water, it is still too liquid. If it sits and moves down slowly, like pearls dripping, it is the right consistency.
6. Bottle in clean, sterilized jars that you will put upside down to cool off : the heat of the produce will kill all bacterias from the lid. It should produce a faint « pop » sound once it’s sealed.
7. Store your honey in a cool, dark place, and keep in the fridge once open. The shelf life depends on the conservation area : in a cellar, it will be OK for a good year. In a cupboard, about 6 months.
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~ Briar @therainshallmakeadoor
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
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Simple Ways to Connect with Nature
   Nature is my best friend, and often I feel disconnected from it. It’s important to ground yourself with nature, and feel one with it. Nature is the foundation of our lives, holding so much positive energy. You can easily harness this energy in many ways! So if you’re busy or just simply lazy, but would like to connect with nature, try some of these quick and helpful tips! Remember, always be aware of your surroundings and be careful!
Make contact with the earth. Take a walk in the grass barefoot, hug a tree, plant something with your bare hands, meditate on the dirt.
Have indoor plants. Not only do they freshen the air around you, but each plant brings it own unique benefits as well, such as mood boosters.
Open your window and blinds.  Breathe in the fresh air and take in your outdoor surroundings.
If possible, do what you do indoors, outdoors! Even if you’re just sitting on a patio, you can still enjoy the benefits of the outdoors while doing what you need to do.
Collect outdoor elements. Often I see witches decorate their altar with outdoor elements. This is a simple and effective way to better your connection with nature.
I hope you find this useful! xx ~ @chlovoyant
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
Anxiety Riddance Spell
Out of harms reach I am tonight,
for I shall not fear the lonely dark of night.
The shadows that surround are spirits of calm,
my worries and tears now shall be gone.
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ivory-rose47 · 4 years
Witchy self care/grounding tips ☀️
- at night, look up at the stars and moon. Feel the energy of the night sky and the moon goddess ✨
- when you walk past trees, apprentice there presence and thank them for their beauty in this world 🍂
- touch leaves and petals, don’t pick them off the trees though, just feel their softeness and natural energies 🌸
- feel the heat of the sun and bask in it, or the embrace of rain as it falls. All seasons are wonderful, stop and look around and see what is blooming or falling from the time of year 🌎
- bless your pentagram and wear it always ⭐️
- bless yourself, be kind to yourself and know that you are a powerful energy that has purpose and beauty 🌞
- do a ritual naked, be free of clothes as you bask in the essence of your rituals ❤️
- do a ritual in nature, I bet you that the energies will be a lot stronger and it will be a purer experience 🌻
- love all creatures, big or small, and thank them for what they provide this world (even if you can’t see it yourself)
- forgive, have a gentle heart, be kind and caring to all living things, especially yourself ✨
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ivory-rose47 · 5 years
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Attention Content Creators of Witchblr!
I am @witchofapollo and together with @nabicanempress​, we have created a brand new project called the Solar Scholars of Magick! 
What is The Solar Scholars of Magick?
We are a network of content-creating witches with a passion for making witchcraft more accessible while making the world a better place. Members of the Solar Scholars of Magick have the opportunity of having their content reach a larger audience across multiple platforms! You will also have access to the insight and advice of creators just like you. Along with creating resources and contents for witches, there will be opportunities to engage in charity work! 
What platforms will my work appear on?
The content will be posted on our official website, but will be shared on all of our social media!
Official website
Do I retain the rights of my content?
Absolutely! All content that you want uploaded onto our website will be credited in whichever way you want. If, at any time, you want your content removed, simply let us know and we will remove it instantly, no questions asked.
Does membership cost anything?
Nope! No founder will be making any profit of any kind.
What are the requirements for joining?
At this time, you must be 18+. Minors will have other opportunities coming soon!
You must be an active witchy content creator.
You must be open to collaboration.
You must be open to diversity of all kinds.
What is considered original witchy content?
Art (of all mediums)
Cryptids, the mysterious, paranormal events, etc.
Informational articles
Legitimate blog posts
and much much more. 
How do I join?
To apply for membership, simply fill out this application:
Click here for the application!
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ivory-rose47 · 5 years
What I Would Like to Grow in My Garden
Peonies, heavy and pink as ’80s bridesmaid dresses and scented just the same. Sweet pea, because I like clashing smells and the car I drove in college was named that: a pea-green Datsun with a tendency to backfire.
Sugar snap peas, which I might as well call memory bites for how they taste like being fourteen and still mourning the horse farm I had been uprooted from at ten. Also: sage, mint, and thyme—the clocks of summer—and watermelon and blue lobelia.
Lavender for the bees and because I hate all fake lavender smells. Tomatoes to cut and place on toasted bread for BLTs, with or without the b and the l. I’d like, too, to plant the sweet alyssum that smells like honey and peace, and for it to bloom even when it’s hot,
and also lilies, so I have something left to look at when the rabbits come. They always come. They are always hungry. And I think I am done protecting one sweet thing from another.
-Katherine Riegel
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ivory-rose47 · 5 years
Aurora’s Love Dream Divination Spell (Disney Inspired)
A spell inspired by “Once Upon a Dream” from Sleeping Beauty. This spell is to help one dream of future romantic partners and outcomes. Note: Dream divination is not always straight forward - it can be symbolic and cryptic. You will often have to analyze dreams deeply and on a psychological level to get true answers.
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You Will Need: 
💕 2 Rose Quartz (love, romance)
💕 1 Amethyst (divination, dreams)
💕 Rose Petals -fresh or dried (romance)
💕 Rosemary (pure love, cleansing)
💕 Piece of Paper
💕 Pen - preferably red or pink ink
💕 Envelope big enough to fit gemstones
Set Up:
Be sure to cleanse your work space. You want to make sure you have an area to write and work in. This spell is a rather simple one, but still need to make sure no negative energy is hanging about. If desired you may also burn red and white candles to keep the space cleansed and to bring in the energy of romance. If you desire, feel free to play the Disney song as you work.
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The Spell:
💕 Once set up, on your piece of paper write the following:
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do
You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream” 
💕 If desired or needed you can tweak the lyrics to yourself or shorten it to fit on the page. 
💕 Once finished writing, fold it up and place it into the envelope
💕 Add your rose petals, pieces of rose quartz, piece of amethyst and your rosemary into the envelope as well
💕 Seal the envelope as you desire (tape and stickers are okay if it is too bulky due to crystals)
💕 Kiss the envelope and place it either under your pillows or if too bulky to place there comfortably beside or above your bed before sleep.
**lyrics above belong to Disney and are no where my content, I claim no ownership of these lyrics - fair use
**spell is from my personal grimoire. Like what I post? Want to support me or buy me a delicious coffee? Feel free to check out my Ko-Fi Page!
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ivory-rose47 · 5 years
Cottage Witch
One day I hope to live in a cottage on the outskirts of a small country town. I will grow my own vegetables, herbs and fruit. I will bake pies and cakes to sell at the market. I will have chickens clucking about the garden and bees buzzing around the lavender and rosemary hedges. My cottage will have a wrap-around veranda with a small wicker couch and coffee table so I can sit and have a cup of tea in the afternoons while I read a good book.
My neighbours will pop by for a cup of tea and a chat or a pinch of spell-work. Their children know me as the witch at the end of the lane. Some are afraid and some are bold and brash enough to walk up to my front door and demand to see some witchcraft. I happily invite them inside and teach them some little magic, like how to whistle up a breeze or bake wishes into pies.
I will paint, embroider and make pottery from my veranda and spell work will be woven into all. A baby is born in the village? I will sew it a quilt with protection spell sewn into every patch with my dog beside me.
Crows come to visit and tell their tales while I eagerly listen. And one day I will be too old to take care of my little cottage so I will leave it to a niece, nephew or one of the village children who showed a spark of magic.
I will never be rich but I will be content, and that’s what matters.
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