ivydally-blog · 6 years
Ambivalent: (adj.) having mixed feelings about something or someone.
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A new book by George RR Martin!  A Song of Ice and Fire fans rejoice!  Finally!  We knew he wouldn’t leave us hanging, waiting for season 8 to premier!
Wait a second...
Its 300 years before the start of A Game of Thrones?
Fire and Blood.  Not Fire and Ice get together and make cute babies?
Part of me thinks this concept is actually pretty cool.  There’s a lot of story to be explored in the history of the Targaryens.  Tor.com says we’ll learn about where Dany’s eggs came from, delve into the fall of Valyria, and it’s illustrated. 
But there are some drawbacks that even a seasoned fan can’t ignore.  There is a legitimate concern that a lot of the backstory presented here isn’t new.  A lot of this material has been released in short story form in other anthologies.  People do not like to buy the same book with a different cover.  Furthermore, its the first of a promised two series set.  We all know how good Martin is at writing those follow-ups. 
And of course its not the Winds of Winter. 
Will I buy it anyways?  Yes.  But let the record state I’m not happy that Jon Snow won’t be making an appearance.
It is scheduled to be in stores November 20, 2018.
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ivydally-blog · 6 years
So this is my tumblr blog.
I thought tumblr was where you went to get the best Game of Thrones memes...what they do blogs?  For free?
Well hello Tumblr!
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything for public consumption.  I’ve been working on a novel for the past two years.  I have a confession to make dear readers....the writing business is rather lonely.  I love the world I’ve created, and getting to know Rowena, Trystan, Rosamund, and the rest of the crew, but they are a quiet bunch!  Most mornings its just the folks in my head, the laptop, and a cup of coffee.
It’d be nice to interact with some people now and then.  And I can still get those GoT memes.  Sweet.
I hope you’ll give this a follow or a heart of whatever it is that people do to show their love on here.  This blog will be a bit different from the ones I’ve written in the past.  No more mommy stories.  I’m just “Mom” now that the oldest is 13.  No academic writing either, much to the relief of anyone who had to suffer through the insomnia cure known as my master’s thesis.  (My MOM didn’t read it guys.  If your MOM won’t read it, no one will).
What can you expect from this?  Well, I’m not exactly sure.  I’d like to post book reviews once in a while, and memes for the books I like, and interesting tidbits I learn about writing as I figure this whole “write a novel” thing out.  Maybe some info on the world I’m creating for my book?  Oh and dogs.  There will be dogs.
Anyways, thanks for reading.  Hope to see you here often.
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