ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
So I don’t usually post here often since there’s not as much traction as Twitter but I am here to talk about a few things
first off there is a new ””mod”” under Ale Draws named Angi (this is the same person Quill/idolomantises has said that tried to manipulate/guilt trip them) it is most like Ivy herself just playing a role and some of us callout twit think it’s another excuse to fake again but I am not sure 100%…
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second, after the whole blowout (with Jay and everyone realizing what both liars they are) Ivy changed the profile and age and etc (even though I have records that they attempted age faking so nice try, Ivy).
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Third I made a fb and while it’s bare and bones, I plan to dedicate time to dump all of my evidence onto that Fb and others can make posts with my approval!
Thank you for reading and taking your time. I honestly plan to take down Ivy as they have acted predatory and abusive to others, as well as breaking the hearts of their fans. So I plan to put my foot down and take action.
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
Things that Aged Poorly: some of the top posts for Destinytomoon when they first got called out for faking…..
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
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I dont know who Ivy is and would like to know they are bad but Im lazy with actual researching
(If you dont to talk about it, then thats fine)
She was a very popular artist who was well known for her diverse content and poc/fat edits. she also used to go by Destinytomoon.
some time ago, kiwifarms doxxed her and leaked her birth certificate, claiming that she wasn't a trans girl because birth certificate was marked as female (however people from Chile claimed that you are allowed to change your birth certificate if you change your gender)
She disappeared for a bit, came back under the name Ivy. she then got into some controversy about using the double venus symbol in her bi/pan art (since its considered a lesbian symbol). however a lot of lesbians felt like it wasnt really a big deal, and the only ones really throwing a fit were some random edgy teenagers, one of them later getting chased off the website for being outed as a racefaker.
Then idk some discourse with her and her partner I dont really know, i heard she was accused of chasing her critics of the website, but the only one i'm aware of is when she rightfully called out people who were harassing her over a fucking symbol.
then i guess the kiwifarms shit came back AND got into more discourse because she started identifying as afro latino despite being white passing. im fine with her identifying as afro latino if she's white passing, im not one of those eugenics weirdos who thinks you need to look 100% black to be black. and she even shared photos of her own family to me that confirms it. However, she didn't even start identifying as afro latino until recently.
So she disappeared again, for good it seemed, I think her last post was in May. Then people found a Facebook account where the art was eerily similar to Ivy's, but the person making it was identifying as male and the art was blatantly more sexual and fetishistic (it was also way too clean). so of course, people who knew her, like me, did not believe it was her, and it looked like someone just imitating her for clout. I've had people pretend to be me to stir up more controversy, so i needed more than just having a similar art style.
I dm'd her to ask her if she was okay, because at this point it felt like things were getting out of hand. a lot of the "evidence" involved doxxing and people who were just spitefully saying shit bc they didnt like her.
Her response was basically the point where I realized I couldn't trust her.
She says she wants to run away again because she knew that defending herself would involve revealing personal information, which I understood. But then she wanted me to call her Javi, which implied she was going to fake her identity AGAIN. and then when I asked about that facebook account, she literally ghosted me for hours and then her "Friend" came back to tell me that she's gone for good on twitter, avoiding the question. So I blocked her.
But just a few hours ago she (and by she i mean her "friend" Angela) dm'd me on instagram, yelling at me for publicly saying that I no longer trust her, despite admitting that i still dont believe in a lot of allegations towards her.
Then, she fucking drops the ball here. She leaked the conversation I had with Ivy, but frames it like Kiwifarms somehow got a hold of it.
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I didn't post our dms out of respect for Ivy's privacy, and you can see my icon in the side, meaning that this HER reading my messages.
And it's still possible she could be lying, because she knows I don't check Kiwifarms. but either response is still despicable. Lying about our dms getting leaked to kiwifarms, or actually leaking our convo to kiwifarms and then pretending like this somehow got leaked without her consent.
You can even see that this friend types similarly to her, which means Ivy is likely pretending to be her friend "angela" to guilt trip me and to stop posting about her.
So yeah, im both shocked and upset
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
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sorry tumblr people Destinytomoon/Orquidiaarte faked being trans and is now a transmasc
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
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Yeah they aren’t even trying to hide anymore.
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
yeah if you’re gonna message me about how my blog is reaching and I’m dedicating too much time:
1) I’m not the only person with a twit dedicated to calling out Ivy and co. They have been called out for a long time
2) This is a side blog I have that I check once in a while.
3) Literally Ivy lying about herself is dangerous and sends a bad message.
4) Shes also lying about her age which is full on predatory.
Any Ivy/Destiny defenders on my messages can literally fuck off. There is no reaching she isn’t even trying to hide anymore
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
This is Aledibuja’s instagram
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its all nsfw however and Aledibuja has only been drawing nsfw works for the past week. I do not have any of Destiny’s/Ivy’s nsfw works to compare with.
Take it as you will.
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
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Worked on two more comparisons (non-linear on purpose) forgot to include Destinytomoon signature but I think we get the point
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
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Orquidiaart / Destinytomoon —> AleDraws/Aledibuja
in my honest opinion the nose and the smile/lips is obvious.
some of you will say it’s a stretch but that’s up to you to say. I will post more comparisons but it will be nsfw tagged as they are only posting nsfw at the moment
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
I’ve heard people who have been affiliated with/former fans of Ivy/Orquidia/Destiny are on Kiwifarms and I’m gonna make this post to say let’s take it outside of Kiwifarms.
People are scared of that site for a reason (homophobia, racism, ableism, transphobia, etc)
Seriously call out this person without kiwifarms. Theyve been caught already changing personas.
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
Destinytomoon Orquidia Orquidiaarte callout here: I am not a Kiwifarms user.
A lot of sources Ive gained were snatched from Twitter/Twitter users as well as myself doing the research and as someone who is Hispanic myself.
I am making these claims myself and myself only. I do believe Ivy/Destiny is hiding a lot, running away, and is super immature as well as racist for race faking previously.. (being white Hispanic makes you WHITE) and them and their (we dont know at this point) bf Jay speaking over black people (Black twit/tumblr have confirmed this has been a thing).
This is not a kiwifarms thing. This tumblr is and never will be affiliated with Kiwifarms
If you want sources and submit stories about Destinytomoon/Orquidia Orquidiaarte/Aledraws and your experience, this will be the tumblr for it. I also have a twitter @  Ivyorquidcalout
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
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Orquidiaarte and Aledibuja (Ale Draws) Comparisons I purposefully mixed it so that yall can know this is the same person
Destinytomoon/Orquidiaarte moved to Aledraws and poses as an 18 year old though they took the age out of the bio (original bio is on my blog)
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
If you still think Destinytomoon is worth defending here she is pretending to be an 18 year old boy drawing fetish art
I don’t wanna start anything but considering how she just vanished off of twitter and she’s actually in her 20s doing this, this needs to be addressed instead of swept under the rug
P.S don’t harass her please, for the love of god please don’t harass her , just inform people that she’s not as innocent and wholesome as she claimed to be for years and listen to people who she and Jay have tormented across tumblr and twitter
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
here is the FB for Ivy’s new account
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
i went on twitter, just so i can let ppl know i finally updated today’s chapter, and what happened? found out someone who was my BIGGEST inspiration and one of my closest friends....is hanging out with proshippers and pretended to be 18 years old to hide her identity
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
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Ivy Orquidiaarte/Destinytomoon uses fatphobic slang (cochino is a term for pig/dirty) to describe her fat character nsfw…..
edit: apprently it’s a slang for naughty/nsfw. So I retract it but it’s still disgusting the coincidence and the fetish art.
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ivyorquidcallout · 3 years
Not to mention. Ivy is now claiming to be 18 years old which is predatory as anything……
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