ivyxygoldie · 3 months
I am in TEARS this is hands down the funniest Bridgerton tweet [edit: was not expecting it to quickly become my post popular post lmao here’s the link if you’re a twitter person]
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
Crying over this (x)
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
for reference:
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
Imo, atla has a bittersweet ending
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Aang is sitting alone and wearing the air nomads clothes, his culture clothes, a necklace similar to GYATSO's necklace. I can't even imagine the emptiness and sadness he was feeling here
There are no airbenders in the crowd
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All nation gathered..... except the air nomads.
No one else in the crowd wearing orange or yellow.
Aang won the war, but his people are still gone.
Yes, he has the Gaang, he has Katara, he has Momo and Appa. But he's still the last airbender.
This is so heartbreaking.
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
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redrew their interaction from the post below. i love them all so much
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
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My friend Alicia made an ATLA meme
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
More reasons why Zuko being the Firelord is objectively the funniest thing on earth:
He hasn’t been civilised in 4 years, his entire teenage experience consists of living on a boat and sleeping rough. The most stable bed he has was probably in Ba Sing Se he probably will just nap anywhere.
He has customer service experience which means he probably uses his customer service voice on his minsters.
Additionally he probably just wanders into to kitchen to get his own snacks and tea because he forgets what servants do.
He probably has no idea why he can’t just chase after an assassin he used to hunt the avatar for Agnis sake why is the captain of the guard demanding he stay in his room he’ll find the guy first (he’s probably right)
Katara probably has a free pass on Eco terrorism because what’s he going to do challenge her, she’ll beat his ass.
If he saw a minster doing something shady he will either invite lady Beifong to detect their BS or commit B&E and look for evidence himself.
He somehow found a baby dragon and raises it.
He will be far to willing to give Kyoshi island anything they want cause he feels bad and Suki scares him.
He randomly insisted on giving some earth kingdom village 100 ostrich horses.
The Avatar will just show up call him Hotman and demand the go on adventures and the Firelord will just dip because he’s been confined to long and has the Zoomies.
He takes far to much advice from Sokka and will genuinely believe if someone doesn’t get Sokkas plans they must be an idiot because Sokka is 16.
Sokka and Zuko also get into a lot of teenage rebellion phases by accident.
Toph just walks in breaks a wall of his palace and demands a field trip that always involves the Firelord having to explain himself to the cops.
He somehow knows every dangerous teen in the world and they all come for tea uninvited.
He has broken into both the NWT and Ba Sing Se.
He has a really well documented facial scar and official portraits but still disappears to be Lee the tea guy like no one knows.
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
Sometimes I think about Zuko being the Firelord and I just giggle like yeah it is an angsty situation, yes it’s got great fanfic material but guys your just going to give a 17 year old a whole country. Like not even a normal trained from birth Prince you’ve got a guy that was officially the Crown Prince for like 3 years and then he was out at sea causing problems. His special skills include hunting the avatar, B&E, being buddies with mythical beasts, prison breaks and customer service and you gave him the ultimate power to do whatever he wants. Not to mention he’s got friends who are just as insane and feral and he’s got all the money. Toph and Sokka are going to talk him into the most insane purchases in seconds. Guys c’mon.
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
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I think they would've been friends
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
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thinking abt this tweet again
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
The thing about Katara is that she was angry.
She was angry that the Fire Nation killed her mother.
She was angry that her father left them.
She was angry that she was the only Waterbender left in the south pole.
She was angry that the only person her age was her brother, who constantly disregarded her interests and her role in the tribe.
She was angry that what little waterbending she knew, had to be self-taught and how she struggled with that.
she was angry that a twelve year old instantly picked up what had taken her a long time to learn.
she was also angry that her tribe wanted to kick that twelve year old into the wilderness over a mistake.
she was angry over the earth-benders the fire nation had captured and put into a metal box.
she was angry.
And she knew she was angry.
Because she knew her own anger, she was the first to empathize with Aang when he got angry.
And it was because of it she could tell Aang forcing himself to lock his emotions up was not the answer.
Because she knew her own anger, she kept herself under control in the dessert, when everyone else was a mess.
Her anger empowered her. where anger was a tool of self-destruction for firebenders, for her it was what helped her push forward.
It was her anger that freed Aang.
It was her anger that helped her stand to Pakku.
Her anger was her strenght.
She was angry. And this was neither a mistake, nor a writing flaw.
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
I don't think I've seen anybody talk about how absolutely insane The Boiling Rock is from Hakoda's perspective.
Imagine getting captured, and your son tells you that you won't be apart for too long. That's sweet, but obviously your son has no resources to spare for organizing a breakout. You hope that the Avatar can defeat the Fire Lord soon - that's the earliest time you could hope to be rescued.
You get put into a temporary holding facility until the guards can sort out who is who. After a while, they put you on a prisoner transport to the Boiling Rock. Your captors try to intimidate you by telling you that it's the highest security prison in the Fire Nation, probably the whole world. It's far away from the capital.
You arrive at the Boiling Rock. It really is in the middle of a boiling lake. There's only one way in or out, and it's a gondola that takes you above the boiling lake. You meet the warden. They take you to your cell. You settle down to wait for the end of the war.
And 15 minutes later Sokka comes in like "hey dad I'm here I got the prince of the Fire Nation and an Earth Kingdom ninja leader gf ok let's go I'm busting you out"
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
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avatar girleens
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
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I love her bad temper and mean words <3<3 rip every spinoff and adaptation but I'm different
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ivyxygoldie · 4 months
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