iwantmyfairytalending · 18 hours
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hey tumblr people POSTING FOR THE FIRST TIME nervously tugs at the collar of my shirt
NO REPOST OR USE W/O CREDIT!!!!! tumblr scares me 4 this reason,,,
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She’s brown and a democrat, gotta get that birth certificate, that we’ll call fake news anyway. Apparently, if you can’t win in a fight, you gotta at least try to get your opponent disqualified.
Sad and weird.
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I’m not intersex and I’m not deaf and I don’t have a TBI or a learning disability or schizophrenia but I still care very deeply about issues that affect these people because nobody deserves othering and social ostracization just for being born and being alive and having a body or neurology that is different from others
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i would murder an entire galaxy if at the end of it i was promised that gideon nav would feel happy and safe and loved
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inspired by @swordlesbianopinions obv
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Two days ago my husband said "...and he was pissed" and I said "don't say that around the kids!" so he corrected himself to "and he was liquid angry" and I've been laughing since
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something i love about the way Genius is handled in the locked tombs series is that no two Geniuses are quite the same.
like, take our primary trio of necromantic prodigies, each of whom, in different circumstances, is referred to as "the greatest necromancer of their generation": harrow, palamedes, and ianthe.
palamedes became so powerful in pursuit of comprehension. he earnestly wanted to understand the material as completely as he possibly could. he was ambitious, yes, but never really for his own sake, only in the hopes of saving dulcie. when palamedes attacks a problem, a puzzle, a goal, all he really hopes to do is understand it. to gather up all the pieces of it and put them together in a way that makes sense. his genuis is founded on a relentless pursuit of the Truth.
harrow needs to be perfect. her life, her raw talent, were bought at such a steep price that she considers it a moral obligation to reach her absolute full potential beyond any reasonable limits. anything short of perfection would be wasting a gift that should never have been given to her in the first place. she is harshly self-critical, relentless, brutal. she martyrs herself on the altar of her own genius.
ianthe does not need to be perfect. she only needs to be the Best. she considers herself almost exclusively in comparison to other people. she loves nothing better than to feel superior. the brains of the operation, the puppet master, enough of a genius for two. so long as she is surpassing her nearest competitor, so long as no one is visibly out-doing her, she knows that she is succeeding.
and all of these mentalities are so beautifully informed by their upbringings. palamedes growing up in the lawyers, archeologists, and librarians house, harrow being taught from a young age that her very existence is a sin, and ianthe being raised in constant comparison to her sister. and each of these startegies produces different types of intelligence, also. different methods of problem-solving, different angles of attack. i love them all so much.
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What is Supernatural if not a show about Dean Winchester hating himself profoundly and angel of the lord Castiel being like: no Dean, you're perfect actually.
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sometimes i think about
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Thinking about Gideons "are you EVER too late to come into my life and say that now" feeling betrayed by the fact that someone knew she was out there and didn't come for her all those years vs Pyrrha's "but why'd you bring along the baby" when she's literally about to let Wake kill her. Gideon felt so alone and she's so used to feeling alone that she lashes out at the first suggestion that maybe she wasn't as unloved as she thought because in the moment it just hurts even more but god. Nineteen years and Pyrrha still fucking haunted by Gideon. Her last words trying to find out why Wake would put Gideon in danger. Not why the Ninth, not why let me kill you, not did you ever love me. Why'd you bring the baby. Wake, why did you have to do that to our baby. God. Pyrrha thought Gideon was her fucking baby. Like we talk about Pyrrha saying she never mentioned the baby to John because she thought it was hers but we're ignoring the fact that she found out the baby wasn't hers THIRTY SECONDS AGO. She's been mourning her dead kid for NINETEEN YEARS and she just found out that not only was said kid alive and suffering alone for all those years, shes NOT EVEN HER KID. And still! And still! Pyrrha immediately risks everything to save Gideon. Never considers leaving Gideon behind for an instant. Not for a moment. Live or die she was not leaving that girl's side. And I don't think Pyrrha was disappointed that Nona wasn't Gideon but it really says something that she was so willing to care for this body which was the last place she saw her daughter. Buying her a half-birthday present because what if they don't have birthdays on the Ninth. Thinking about nineteen years that Gideon was alone and she was angsting about it alone in space when she should have been helping her. God. Jesus fucking christ. Pyrrha Dve.
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you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling!!
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The faithless man on his knees for the rebel angel
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The angel giving all his faith to the man in return
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Close enough welcome back cover of alecto the ninth
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CHAPPELL ROAN performing at the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards — September 11, 2024
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