pharrell williams + oprah interview
1. Synesthesia: you see colours when you hear music. Pharrell says: The reason different people hear a song for example and see different colours than you is because when we were born, all our nerve endings are together and they need to prune so you have your five senses and some of them don't separate. So they send ghost messaging to the other nerve endings. 2. Life is a lesson and "it's a series of adjustments". 3. Read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It will change your life. Oprah says "is shows you that if you have the desire, the universe will rise up to meet you exactly where you are". 4. Pharrell says "you have to be unafraid to dream and then you have to be even more brave and gallant about blueprinting what you've envisaged. You gotta be brave about that". 5. My best songs come from 2 different ways. Either when I have a really good gut feeling about something, it's written in the shower (Oprah says "shower's good innit? It's something about the water.." and Pharrell said "yes, sensory deprivation") or when I'm on a plane. Some of my best songs come from there. But then, some of my crazy half-court shots and it's not because you're that good, it's because you're out of ideas and that's what happened (with writing Happy). 6. Your ego is basically the confidence that we gather from what we consider to be factual. 7. (After watching Happy videos from around the world) Oprah says: "You know, it's being used for something greater than yourself, I get that". Pharrell: "It's overwhelming because it's like I love what I do and I just appreciate the fact that people have believed in me for so long that I can make it to this point to feel that" 8. Oprah: I so now get why it's so infectuous (infectiouss?), because it came from such a clear space that the energy was absolutely uninterrupted by anything other than allowing it to flow from heart to heart. And that's what happens when you see it. 9. Watch Fade To Black documentary. 10. Jay-Z is a great manifester. 11. You can't imitate that and make it better (what Jay-Z and Puff are doing), you're always going to come in second. 12. Scenario - A Tribe Called Quest 13. It's all just wispy fluff.
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when the personality comes to serve the energy of your soul, that is authentic empowerment
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all your arguments are really about the same thing: did you hear me? did you see me? and did what i say mean anything to you? that's what everything is about
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everybody's looking for that validation. to achieve the highest, truest expression of yourself as a human being
oprah again
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you have to know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world
actually quoting oprah
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When I draw, time slows down. My thoughts stop darting about, and they become quiet and focused on what is in front of me: lines, angles, shapes and shadows that make up a person’s posture and expression. I stop making up stories about them or judging myself for doing so. I’m able to look closely at things I usually am afraid of or willfully ignore.
wendy mac from her guantanamo bay drawings
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For a while, I felt like I didn’t even know what I enjoyed drawing and what I got out of my practice anymore. I’ve now stopped looking at other people’s work as much, and am learning to slowly clear out all these images that have built up in my brain in order to make space for my own ideas to grow and play.
- an article I read awhile ago by Katy Wang about doing creative work. Reformatting my computer, had to clear out my desktop notes.
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