I love this.
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Checking in
Last week was the official start of marathon training. It was also a week where I had to sit in the bleachers four nights at school. Ugh. One was Senior Award night and my daughter won a scholarship for school. That was awesome. The other three were band and choir concerts. Those were a little painful and very long. Needless to say it was not an ideal first week, but I did get all the miles in. This week is less hectic so should be better. Except that we had a big storm early this morning. The power went out at 3. Came back on a few minutes later. Then my husband's pager went off. Then my pager went off. We finally got back to the house by 5. I really didn't have time to go for a run so I am drinking coffee instead. I'll go after work I guess. We are less than two weeks away from graduation. It's getting so close. I'm holding up on so far. I did get pretty weepy at Awards Night. There are 50 students in my daughter's graduating class. Our local community provides almost $70,000 in scholarships. That is mind blowing to me. Yesterday was Mother's Day. My husband had the day off. He cooked breakfast and we did yard work in the morning. After lunch we did a bunch of graduation errands. Bought decorations and some of the non perishable party food. (We are having a taco bar). Just a really nice day. We ended up going to Hu Hot for dinner. It's hard to eat out with my daughter because she has celiac. But they were really great and took her food prep very seriously. She was able to eat and enjoy herself.
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I love this.
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I never how much I wanted a cookbook full of cuss words until I found this. In my quest to eat better and eat more veggies, I decided to order this off Amazon. I read it last night. I found it funny, insightful and pretty basic. Lots of flavorful recipes. "We've got to start taking better care of ourselves." Yes we do!
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Hi everyone! I can’t believe how quickly time is moving. It’s the middle of April already! I’ve had a pretty low key spring so far. Knocked out a few really great runs and had several decent ones. I have been hesitant to commit to any spring events with my daughter’s graduation looming. But, I am turning 40 in a few weeks and I want to make some good choices for life once we get past the graduation craziness. Here’s what I put together for the rest of my year: 5/30/15 - Pace and Pedal Dualathon- I did this event last year. 5.5 mile trail run and 10 mile bike ride. It’s local, cheap and the run is beautiful. 7/18/15 - Karner Blue Butterfly Festival Half Marathon. This is held in the town where I work. I’ve done the 5k and 10k here but never the half. It’s a very hilly course and being in mid July it’s usually hot and miserable. I start my vacation the day after so I figure it’s good timing. 10/4/15-Twin Cities Marathon. I registered back in February at a point when I was feeling very low and very unhealthy. It’s my 40th birthday present to myself. I have more to say about this, but I don’t have time right now. There is also a trail race in early November that I’d love to do. I ran it last fall and I really want to run it again this year but I’m just not sure what kind of shape I’ll be in post marathon. It’s four weeks after it. They limit it to 300 people, so I may just register to get a spot. I’m planning to do the 25k again. Worse case scenario I can drop to the 12k if I’m really in bad shape. Whew. That looks like a full calendar. I’m excited to have goals to work toward.
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This is awesome. So proud of the Badgers and all the homegrown talent playing for them!!
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Today is going to be a rough day
I am a Duke fan since always and forever. And the Badgers won! Omg. So much celebration.
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Cats are awesome with their complete lack of caring about anyone but themselves. But dogs ... They really are the best, aren't they?!
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19 gentle giant dogs with their tiny human friends.
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I'm sitting in my house, listening to it rain outside. And it is raining pretty hard. I'm supposed to be waking my daughter up soon. We are going to a "Color Dash" run this morning. I'm pretty bummed that it's raining. Hopefully it will pass by the time we actually run. I have mixed feelings about this whole run in general. First of all, it's expensive for a 5k. Supposedly this race will benefit the YMCA in the town where it's being held. However, last night I found out the only way the Y gets any money is if they get a certain number of volunteers at the run. And if they don't, they lose their "donation" and the color people don't ever have to tell you they are just keeping the money. Hmmmmm. Luckily, I won two free entries through a radio contest. So I'm dashing for free today. Hope it clears up. I'll post pics later.
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Made it to the Sweet 16 without any major upsets to my bracket. I had a few minor ones, but my top four picks are still playing. Whew. Good win Badgers, but seriously the game last night was not great. A better team would have beat you and I think you know it.
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My husband is a staff shooter for APA Archery and he had a shoot today. It was a beautiful sunny morning. The kids and I tagged along. We went on this great trail through the woods. All I could think about was how much I love trail running. Love it. And how I wished I could have been running instead of walking. But he is my number one fan and biggest supporter so I was happy to be there for him today. And it was pretty great to watch him do something he is so passionate about.
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It's Friday!!!
And I came home from work In tears. Perfect. We've have steady turmoil for about six months at work, our general manager "resigned" under suspicious circumstances. Another manger took early retirement, my direct supervisor was given the choice to either resign or be fired. Geez. So now we have a new general manager and I have new supervisor. Both were promoted from within the company. We are "re-aligning" job duties and HR will rewriting our job descriptions. It's a mess. I've added like 15 new job duties this week. Which is fine, except I have some of the most lazy coworkers ever. So I keep adding work and they keep bitching about how much extra work my extra work is creating for them. I sat down with my supervisor yesterday and the GM today. Both told me I'm doing great and promised me next week will be better. God I hope so.
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I really needed this run. For a few months, I've been trudging along, slowly and not making any progress in my running. Today all the stars aligned and I felt it on my way out the door. I just knew I if I ran hard it would be worth it. That was the fastest I've run in a long time. I'm so glad it happened.
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"Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss We were blessed to have 13 years with the World’s Best Dog. I’ll never forget you Jack!!
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I don't usually like to wait until after work to run. Too many things can come up to keep from getting it done. But today I waited because ... well look.
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On Friday my husband and I took the girl to Honor College Preview Day. I knew Honor's College was a big deal, but I don't think I really understood it until the meeting. They only invite 10% of incoming freshmen to apply. I'm so proud of her. With graduation looming, my husband and I decided to redo our dining room. It's very dated, wallpaper and carpet. I spent yesterday pulling down wall paper. We rolled the carpet up and found gorgeous hardwood floors underneath. That's the dream isn't it? They need a good buffing and coat of lacquer but still they look great. It's finally warming up here, almost 50 yesterday. We didn't have much snow to melt, but it's going quickly now.
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