izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
If your first relationship was abusive you don’t need to count it as your first relationship
If your first relationship was with the wrong gender you don’t need to count it as your first relationship
If your first relationship was something you only entered to keep yourself safe you don’t need to count it as your first relationship
If your first relationship wasnt a real caring relationship in your eyes you don’t need to count it as your first relationship
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
i've been in this server through a majority of these events (tho i wasnt active through more recent ones) and i just wanna say im so sorry this is happening to you, jean. I hate how the mods treat everyone and for the past few weeks its been to the point where ive been afraid to speak for fear of the mods getting mad at me for accidentally triggering xander. I am glad to see that so many others from the server are also not okay with how the mods treat everyone
There’s the callout post. Do not harass anybody in it. Warning, it’s 24 pages long. Sorry that the formatting isn’t great I’m not used to using images in google docs.
If you’re part of this callout, I will be adding you to my DNI soon so please do not attempt to contact me or reblog this post because you’re crossing my boundaries and breaking my DNI. 
If anybody has more receipts from the server or just in general, feel free to message me on either discord or here. There may be more added to it later. 
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
ppl with eczema scars: 🤝 being beautiful 🤝 :ppl with chickenpox scars
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
Tips from orion
If you wake up one morning and you can’t move anything but your eyes DONT OPEN UR EYES
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
also the only time i ever remade to avoid* responsibility was with my most recent blog. i wanted the situation to be over while simultaneously dealing with it. but every other time? i lied about who i was for my own fucking safety.
i was harassed and accused of being a predator when me, a minor, told another minor to “shove their whatever discourse up their ass”. they told me that made them uncomfortable and i stopped talking to them. that was sanriosalt
back before i kept track of my blogs and the discord server was at its peak, i remade because of the FIRST mole in our server. an exclusionist that had been there from the very beginning. i remade because my privacy, and the privacy of many others in the process, had been breached.
i was suicide baited by terfs last summer. it was constant, violent, and overwhelming. i deleted then too.
when i was kuromi i made posts about how not being attracted to trans people was transphobic. i was nearly forced to delete based on backlash from terfs tehms and truscum. many of which talked with me about their genitals and mine.
when my blog was rat themed the SECOND mole appeared, still angry at my apparently predatory behaviour when i was sanriosalt. despite the person they were defending telling them not to as everyone in the server was once again panicking about our safe space being invaded, they harassed, bullied, and made me fear for my safety by sending my countless anons that were bordering on doxxing. i deleted.
lovecorequeer. the blog that ended as nyanbinary-ferris. the mole followed me there too. tormented me there, again. they knew i was panicked and scared of them. and they used that to their advantage. overtime no one cared about sanriosalt anymore. they had no ammo and i was left alone.
but they were always there. in the server. may still be there today. they made the effort of gaining my trust and befriending me too, as if they couldn’t get anymore sick. i guess they liked the satisfaction of kicking my paranoia into overdrive making me panic and doubt anyone i ever knew everytime they leaked something.
and you’re still here. whoever you are. and now there’s rape accusations being spread about me. i hope you’re finally happy, if anything. knowing that, yep, you’ve succeeded in ruining my life. my opinion of this anonymous person may be very strong, and for good reason, but this is the type of person you’re getting your information from.
a fear mongering, privacy invading manipulative person with no care for any other person they hurt or betray as long as they can hurt me.
you may find their information useful for some reason. more power to you. i really can’t do anything at this point to stop them, so if they’re offering personal private information about me and others, might as well use it right?
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
ok hold on
call me aphobic. call me a transmisogynist. but what in the god damn fuck are you doing accusing me of RAPE??? RAPE?????? i’ve never groomed anyone. i’m taken by my lovely boyfriend. we have a year long online relationship. i’m a victim of child abuse. i’m a victim of online predatory harassment. i’m 16. i’m a minor. how can i groom anyone?????? this is serious shit, you can’t just throw accusations around accusing me of rape and being a predator. i get that you don’t like me. hate me even. but you’re blatantly trying to ruin my life by accusing me of being a predator and a rapist. what the hell.
i’m shocked. i’m sick. this is absolutely disgusting. rape is a serious accusation to just throw around with no proof and blatantly lie about.
stick to spreading the word that i reblog from aphobes or whatever. if you really want to ruin my life that badly, that seemed to be working just fine. this has gone too fucking far.
excuse me. this is the last you’ll be hearing from me, unless asinine accusations like this come up again. fuck.
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
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ochako said bi rights! horikoshi told me
original on the right
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
there really is no way to describe that Gay Sadness™ when you hear your family being homo/transphobic
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
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fun fact! i love people who use neopronouns!
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
“Emuparadise being shut down is a good thing. Buy your games legally”
Ladies and gentlemen of the court I present my first piece of evidence. Exhibit A
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
Idk when tru///meds are going to realize that root causes and symptoms are different.
Autism is the root cause of someone being autistic. Depression is the root cause of someone being depressed. A broken bone is the root cause of a broken arm.
Dysphoria is a symptom of being transgender. Feelings of emptiness are a symptom of depression. Sensory overload is a symptom of autism. Overwhelming pain is symptom of a broken arm.
You don’t have to have dysphoria to be trans. You don’t have to feel empty to be depressed. There are other symptoms. You don’t have to have sensory overload to be autistic. You don’t have to have overwhelming pain to have a broken arm.
Dysphoria is a symptom not a root cause!!
“Then what do you need to be trans? What is the root cause of being trans?”
Well, it’s the disconnect babey! As long as you don’t feel like your gender identity fits your ASAB! The root cause of being trans is the disconnect. And for some, that disconnect causes dysphoria. But for others their body feels fine, it’s the labels that don’t fit.
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
So, hey, uh, if you are someone who got excited for the news that PornHub is willing to buy Tumblr,
heres why you shouldnt and should actually get scared
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
Rejected once again..
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It’s been 13 months and I still don’t have a job…every time I go to a job interview on the email they’re excited to see me but the moment I come in their enthusiasm cools down…there are awkward pauses, no one shakes my hand…and if they do it’s a limp fish shake.
Then after I explain my background and my skills and what I’ve been working on lately, they ask for my experience even though they are looking at my resume and I just told them…
Then I get the “oh….well we’re really looking for someone like this….or someone who can adapt….” which I can because I just explained how I worked in multiple jobs of different positions and gigs…
Then the interview is cut short and I get the dreaded “we’ll keep in touch” which really means you’re not getting the job.
I applied to over 2000 job applications and Had 25 interviews and no job offers. It’s ridiculous that this has been happening to me meanwhile all of my friends have a job and got it instantly from their interviews. I truly feel cursed.
It doesn’t help that my depression is making me want to jump off the stairwell because I do feel like I am a waste of space in this life.
I’m tired of struggling and having student loans threatening to Sue me because I don’t have the money to pay. I have no one to help me from my own family.
And I am losing motivation to work again.
If you can, please support me on my Patreon. Even a dollar would suffice..
Or even buying my products here:
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And if you know anyone that will hire a designer or virtual assistant please send them my way.
Thank you.
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
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izuku-bidoriya · 5 years
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Hello there Dizzy. I’m sorry this is so random, but it’s about my sister, and I’m desperate to spread awareness. I’m reaching out to you bc your blog is so supportive and you’re an inspiration. She’s fallen on very hard times this month. Would you do me a huge favor and signal boost this post? It would mean the world. https://thisshipatsea.tumblr.com/post/184606511154/please-helpboost-if Thanks so much for your time, and for being authentically you. - Colleen
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