izumiph · 3 years
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Private Tutoring in the Philippines You Can Trust
Getting a private tutor isn't just for students who are having trouble keeping their academic performance up. It can also benefit those who are exceptionally talented by providing them with the opportunity to explore further into the subjects that they are more advanced in compared to their colleagues at school.
Indeed, private tutoring is one of the most effective ways to support your child's education. Should you need help in finding the right private tutors for your child, Izumi Philippines Study Buddy Tutorial Classes is the perfect program that can assist you in finding the ideal tutor for any subject topic. Find a tutor now!
Contact us using the following information below:
For trial classes:
+63 920 385 1919
 For enrollments:
+63 967 207 0545
 For enrolled students:
+63 916786 1185
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izumiph · 3 years
Why Online Math Classes Are Beneficial For Both Parents and Their Children
Enrolling your children in online math classes can make a major difference in their quantitative skills, whether you're looking for a long-term math tutor, homeschooling your child, or getting ahead of the summer brain drain.
 So is it easier or harder to learn math online?
Online math lessons are more convenient because students can work at their own pace. However, it can be difficult to grasp complex concepts without a tutor who can directly explain things to your child. Also, online lessons, in general, can be difficult if your child doesn't find the online method as interesting as the in-person approach.
 This is why, as a parent, you should understand how an online math class works for your child if you want to or need them to take one. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve listed some of the major reasons why letting your children take online math classes can be beneficial for you and them.
 What are online math classes?
Online math classes are becoming one of the most effective ways to enhance a child's qualitative skills. An online mathematics tutor, like in-person or private tutoring, guides your child's studies, helps them improve their skills, and may even help them develop a passionate interest in math.
Many students find school monotonous, repetitive, and uninspiring, despite the fact that most parents and teachers don't like to admit it. Moreover, it's not always easy to keep students interested in what they're reading in a textbook.
Engaging and interactive activities are standard features of many online math classes that help students have fun while learning the subject. As a result, children will begin to look forward to the subject rather than dread them.
 Individualistic Approach
There is no doubt that a one-on-one math class is more effective than instructing children in large groups. If you take advantage of private online math classes, your child will only focus on the online tutor's attention. Many children are in classes of 25 or more students in a school context, leaving some feeling left out of the equation.
Furthermore, since there are no classmates to distract your child, it is much easier for them to concentrate. Learning becomes much easier when no other children are chattering and fighting for the teacher's attention. When it comes down to it, one-on-one online math classes are significantly more effective, and a single hour of it can teach a child far more than weeks of school-based math lessons.
Most of the time, parents are not aware of their children's performance in school since evaluations are often done periodically. But when it comes to private online math classes, the teacher can involve the parents and provide instant feedback to resolve any challenges, whether via email or during the session.
Targeted feedback reveals particular areas where the child needs to develop, while positive feedback rewards the child for their achievements and encourages them to do more. As a result, online math classes can assist your child in learning more quickly compared to traditional types of teaching.
The majority of parents are aware of the high cost of exclusive math classes. And because of the expensive lessons, parents on a restricted budget may find it challenging to provide their children with the assistance they require. On the other hand, online math classes can be a good alternative because there are no travel costs involved. It also offers flexibility because you can select a price based on the tutor’s skills and experience.
In addition, doing online math classes gives you more freedom, but it also saves you time and money. Furthermore, online math classes provide you with the advantage of allowing you and your child to choose the location where they are most at ease and ready to learn. Not to mention, online learning works whether you're at home or someplace else where you have access to the internet.
  Technological Skills
Many of us had never heard of video conferencing programs like Zoom before the pandemic, and many of us were initially apprehensive. However, the majority of us, including children, are now competent at participating in remote gatherings.
 Children's technological skills are as crucial as their motor or reading abilities in today's environment. With interactive activities, your child will definitely benefit from online math classes not only in terms of academics but also in terms of technological skills.
  Final Thoughts
Taking online math classes can be costly, especially for parents struggling to help their children improve their mathematical abilities. However, the child's confidence and math skills may suffer if the problem isn't handled soon. Good news; an increasing number of parents are discovering a solution through online math classes provided by Izumi Philippines. Should you be interested in honing your child’s mathematical ability through online math classes, book a free trial now to get started!
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izumiph · 3 years
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Why Online Math Classes Are Beneficial For Both Parents and Their Children
Enrolling your children in online math classes can make a major difference in their quantitative skills, whether you're looking for a long-term math tutor, homeschooling your child, or getting ahead of the summer brain drain.
So is it easier or harder to learn math online?
Online math lessons are more convenient because students can work at their own pace. However, it can be difficult to grasp complex concepts without a tutor who can directly explain things to your child. Also, online lessons, in general, can be difficult if your child doesn't find the online method as interesting as the in-person approach.
 This is why, as a parent, you should understand how an online math class works for your child if you want to or need them to take one. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve listed some of the major reasons why letting your children take online math classes can be beneficial for you and them.
 What are online math classes?
Online math classes are becoming one of the most effective ways to enhance a child's qualitative skills. An online mathematics tutor, like in-person or private tutoring, guides your child's studies, helps them improve their skills, and may even help them develop a passionate interest in math.
Many students find school monotonous, repetitive, and uninspiring, despite the fact that most parents and teachers don't like to admit it. Moreover, it's not always easy to keep students interested in what they're reading in a textbook.
 Engaging and interactive activities are standard features of many online math classes that help students have fun while learning the subject. As a result, children will begin to look forward to the subject rather than dread them.
 Individualistic Approach
There is no doubt that a one-on-one math class is more effective than instructing children in large groups. If you take advantage of private online math classes, your child will only focus on the online tutor's attention. Many children are in classes of 25 or more students in a school context, leaving some feeling left out of the equation.
 Furthermore, since there are no classmates to distract your child, it is much easier for them to concentrate. Learning becomes much easier when no other children are chattering and fighting for the teacher's attention. When it comes down to it, one-on-one online math classes are significantly more effective, and a single hour of it can teach a child far more than weeks of school-based math lessons.
Most of the time, parents are not aware of their children's performance in school since evaluations are often done periodically. But when it comes to private online math classes, the teacher can involve the parents and provide instant feedback to resolve any challenges, whether via email or during the session.
 Targeted feedback reveals particular areas where the child needs to develop, while positive feedback rewards the child for their achievements and encourages them to do more. As a result, online math classes can assist your child in learning more quickly compared to traditional types of teaching.
The majority of parents are aware of the high cost of exclusive math classes. And because of the expensive lessons, parents on a restricted budget may find it challenging to provide their children with the assistance they require. On the other hand, online math classes can be a good alternative because there are no travel costs involved. It also offers flexibility because you can select a price based on the tutor’s skills and experience.
 In addition, doing online math classes gives you more freedom, but it also saves you time and money. Furthermore, online math classes provide you with the advantage of allowing you and your child to choose the location where they are most at ease and ready to learn. Not to mention, online learning works whether you're at home or someplace else where you have access to the internet.
  Technological Skills
Many of us had never heard of video conferencing programs like Zoom before the pandemic, and many of us were initially apprehensive. However, the majority of us, including children, are now competent at participating in remote gatherings.
 Children's technological skills are as crucial as their motor or reading abilities in today's environment. With interactive activities, your child will definitely benefit from online math classes not only in terms of academics but also in terms of technological skills.
  Final Thoughts
Taking online math classes can be costly, especially for parents struggling to help their children improve their mathematical abilities. However, the child's confidence and math skills may suffer if the problem isn't handled soon. Good news; an increasing number of parents are discovering a solution through online math classes provided by Izumi Philippines. Should you be interested in honing your child’s mathematical ability through online math classes, book a free trial now to get started!
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izumiph · 3 years
How Tutoring Services in the Philippines Can Benefit Young Filipino Students’ Education
Children often lose interest in learning while spending time in school. The good news is this roadblock is not permanent, and children can always rediscover their excitement and enthusiasm back. It's possible, though, that this isn't always the case.
 Children may get demotivated for a variety of reasons, which can have a significant impact on their academic performance and grades. While they do not always reflect a child's intelligence or knowledge, grades are nonetheless considered essential and can influence a child's future choices and outcomes.
 This is why most Filipino parents often consider tutoring services in the Philippines. However, you might be asking if it's worth your money if you've found yourself in a similar predicament. So let's take a look at the positives and drawbacks of private tutoring so you can better understand what's in it for your child.
 How can tutoring services in the Philippines be beneficial in the upcoming summer season?
Generally, tutoring is delivered by a teacher or someone who has a profound understanding of specified expertise in a certain subject or collection of disciplines. A tutor is a person who helps or instructs one or more students in a specific subject area. On a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, the tutor devotes a few hours to pass on their knowledge of the subject or skill to the student.
 Here are some of the most important advantages of tutoring services:
  Boost Confidence and Engagement
When studying with a private tutor, the one-on-one method can help your child feel more confident in their knowledge of the subject. It can also be advantageous to their self-esteem if they receive constant positive feedback from the private tutor. As a result, children will be more involved and active at school. Even the most promising students get hit by insecurities and self-doubt at some point in their academic lives. Private tutors take the time to really get to know your child through one-on-one classes, which creates a safe space for learning and self-expression. Tutoring services can help students feel more confident by filling up knowledge gaps and improving their self-esteem.
  Personalized Learning Experience
"One size fits all" is the general approach to education nowadays. On the flip side, tutoring lessons can be tailored to your child's learning preferences. Lessons can be personalized to your child's needs and goals, as well as their learning curve. It also provides your child with the opportunity to express themselves freely about what they're struggling with or excelling at, which they may not be able to do in class. In addition, it's common for children to get stuck or fall behind in huge class sizes and teachers who are rushing lessons. This is why parents can be fully confident knowing that they are following the best path to ensure their child's success in school and education because most tutoring services in the Philippines are individualized, with one-on-one lessons suited for each student.
  Spark Intrinsic Motivation
Children are more likely to achieve better grades at school because they can process and integrate knowledge at their own pace and are guided by intrinsic drive. They may be less prone to question their expertise and less fearful of making mistakes if they have more self-assurance and self-esteem. A child's intrinsic motivation to study can be improved if a tutor can adjust the learning environment to match the student's needs and find ways to make the subject matter relevant and useful. Long-term, intrinsic motivation is not only more effective, but it can also produce significantly better results.
  Create a Distraction-Free Space
A crowded classroom can be highly distracting to students, making it difficult to make good use of their time. There are fewer distractions when it comes to tutoring because it is usually done in a calm and serene environment. Private tutors can devote their undivided attention to your child, allowing them to concentrate completely on their studies.
  Further Skill Development
Getting a private tutor isn't just for students who have trouble keeping their academic performance up. It can also benefit those who are exceptionally talented by allowing them to explore further into the subjects that they are more advanced in compared to their colleagues at school. Generally speaking, academically gifted children benefit from tutoring services because it helps them boost their expectations and goals, which can help them achieve or proceed into higher education.
 There are several ways for your child to seek extra help, whether they are having trouble with their English grammar or are utterly lost in the realm of trigonometry. Tutoring services are one of the most effective ways to support your child's education. Should you need help finding the right private tutors for your child, Izumi Philippines’ Study Buddy Tutorial Classes is the perfect program that can assist you in finding the ideal tutor for any subject topic. Find a tutor now!
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izumiph · 3 years
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Fun and Holistic Math Lessons for Young Kids
Enjoy a fun holistic learning experience with Izumi's educational programs, which are designed to help children learn online math lessons effectively. Izumi assists in the development of great excitement for children at home in order to improve academic performance during home-based learning!
Book a free trial class at https://bit.ly/izumifreetrial . You may also reach us at:
Working Hours: Tuesday – Saturday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (except Holidays) For trial classes:
+63 920 385 1919
 For enrollments:
+63 967 207 0545
 For enrolled students:
+63 916786 1185
 Landline: +632 8291 4728
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/izumi-global-ph/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
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izumiph · 3 years
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Nurture Intellectual Curiosity in Izumi’s Distance Learning Program
Izumi's three-part lesson flow, which includes tactile materials, visual exercises, and interactive activities adapted to your child's needs, will spark your child's curiosity in learning. Through a fun and engaging learning experience that includes gamified activities, your child's passion will be stimulated, resulting in increased retention and comprehension.
Book a free trial class at https://bit.ly/izumifreetrial. You may also reach us at:
Working Hours: Tuesday – Saturday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (except Holidays) For trial classes:
+63 920 385 1919
 For enrollments:
+63 967 207 0545
 For enrolled students:
+63 916786 1185
 Landline: +632 8291 4728
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/izumi-global-ph/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
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izumiph · 3 years
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Ways Kids Can Learn Independently through Math Lessons
Simple Tips to Boost Your Child’s Independence through Math Lessons
Enthusiasm, curiosity, or the “want-to-know” attitude is the driver for children to develop independent learning skills. Developing such by integrating activities in subjects such as math lessons can greatly affect their desire to learn.
How could parents use math lessons to develop that drive for children to become independent learners?
  1.      Allow them to take initiative
Motivate your children to solve problems independently to challenge and stimulate their thought process. Allowing them to come up with methods to figure out answers on their own efforts will develop their self-esteem and increase enthusiasm towards the subject.
  2.      Provide suitable learning materials
Each child learns in unique ways. Observing your child’s learning method much like in Izumi’s Math Lessons will help you determine what kind of learning materials best suit their ability to take in information—either puzzles, blocks, visual exercises, or learning through experience.
  3.      Dedicate a learning space at home
Create a space dedicated to learning-related tasks to avoid distractions and a lack of motivation to try new things. This will allow them to focus on their task and build natural curiosity on their own.
  4.      Recognize their efforts
Acknowledge them in unique and/or special ways! When you notice them taking initiative, reach a particular milestone, or successfully learn a new process, proper recognition will go a long way in igniting their love for numbers and willingness to continue learning.
 Children that show independence developed from challenges and activities become more resilient when faced with hardships. The more they get used to thinking critically, when parents start developing this skill from a young age, the better prepared they will be to face the world as adults.
Try out a math program that could develop your child’s independent learning skills with a
Japanese-standard curriculum through Izumi’s Nippon Math!
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izumiph · 3 years
Ways Kids Can Learn Independently through Math Lessons
Simple Tips to Boost Your Child’s Independence through Math Lessons
Enthusiasm, curiosity, or the “want-to-know” attitude is the driver for children to develop independent learning skills. Developing such by integrating activities in subjects such as math lessons can greatly affect their desire to learn.
 How could parents use math lessons to develop that drive for children to become independent learners?
1.      Allow them to take initiative
Motivate your children to solve problems independently to challenge and stimulate their thought process. Allowing them to come up with methods to figure out answers on their own efforts will develop their self-esteem and increase enthusiasm towards the subject.
2.      Provide suitable learning materials
Each child learns in unique ways. Observing your child’s learning method much like in Izumi’s Math Lessons will help you determine what kind of learning materials best suit their ability to take in information—either puzzles, blocks, visual exercises, or learning through experience.
3.      Dedicate a learning space at home
Create a space dedicated to learning-related tasks to avoid distractions and a lack of motivation to try new things. This will allow them to focus on their task and build natural curiosity on their own.
4.      Recognize their efforts
Acknowledge them in unique and/or special ways! When you notice them taking initiative, reach a particular milestone, or successfully learn a new process, proper recognition will go a long way in igniting their love for numbers and willingness to continue learning.
Children that show independence developed from challenges and activities become more resilient when faced with hardships. The more they get used to thinking critically, when parents start developing this skill from a young age, the better prepared they will be to face the world as adults.
Try out a math program that could develop your child’s independent learning skills with a
Japanese-standard curriculum through Izumi’s Nippon Math!
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izumiph · 3 years
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Foster your Child’s Love for Number with Izumi’s Online Math Classes
Izumi’s distance learning programs cater to and develop your child's natural curiosity. The Nippon Math™ program consist of puzzles, blocks, worksheet exercises, and collaborative activities made to transform math into a fun subject they can love and make it less intimidating for ages 3 to 11.
Book a free trial class at https://bit.ly/izumifreetrial . You may also reach us at:
Working Hours: Tuesday – Saturday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (except Holidays) For trial classes:
+63 920 385 1919
 For enrollments:
+63 967 207 0545
 For enrolled students:
+63 916786 1185
 Landline: +632 8291 4728
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/izumi-global-ph/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
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izumiph · 3 years
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Build a Healthy Competitive Spirit in Izumi’s Online Math Classes
Motivate kids to give it their all-in order to succeed. Izumi creates an online learning environment that gently encourages students to be competitive while playing games and other entertaining activities, with the assistance of sensei's (teachers) that create an engaging environment by involving student to interact, which can lead to healthy competitive spirit.
Book a free trial class at https://bit.ly/izumifreetrial. You may also reach us at:
Working Hours: Tuesday – Saturday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (except Holidays)
For trial classes:
+63 920 385 1919
 For enrollments:
+63 967 207 0545
 For enrolled students:
+63 916786 1185
 Landline: +632 8291 4728
 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/izumi-global-ph/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
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izumiph · 3 years
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Advanced Japanese Standard Math Lessons for Kids Ages 3 to 11
Engage children in math lessons that follow a Japanese-standard curriculum and promote critical thinking, mathematical, motor, and other abilities required to advance their mathematical comprehension.
Izumi's teaching method creates a strong support structure and a healthy online learning environment for kids to improve their math skills.
To book a free trial class, visit us at https://ph.izumi-education.com/izumi-online-math-class/ for more information or reach us through the following:
Unit 2403, 139 Corporate Center, Valero St., Salcedo Village, Brgy. Bel Air, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Tuesday – Saturday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (except Holidays)
 For trial classes:
+63 920 385 1919
 For enrollments:
+63 967 207 0545
 For enrolled students:
+63 916786 1185
 Landline: +632 8291 4728
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/izumi-global-ph/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
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izumiph · 3 years
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Improving Child's Math and Social skills through Distance Learning Programs
 Izumi's program fosters a healthy environment to learn and communicate with others by applying innovative learning approaches and methods that are meant to engage kids in distance learning programs. This will help children develop a positive learning experience, which is necessary for them to learn properly.
Book a free trial class at https://bit.ly/izumifreetrial. You may also reach us at:
Working Hours: Tuesday – Saturday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (except Holidays) For trial classes:
+63 920 385 1919
 For enrollments:
+63 967 207 0545
 For enrolled students:
+63 916786 1185
 Landline: +632 8291 4728
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/izumi-global-ph/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
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izumiph · 3 years
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Advanced Japanese Standard Math Lessons for Kids Ages 3 to 11
Engage children in math lessons that follow a Japanese-standard curriculum and promote critical thinking, mathematical, motor, and other abilities required to advance their mathematical comprehension.
Izumi's teaching method creates a strong support structure and a healthy online learning environment for kids to improve their math skills.
To book a free trial class, visit us at https://ph.izumi-education.com/izumi-online-math-class/ for more information or reach us through the following:
Unit 2403, 139 Corporate Center, Valero St., Salcedo Village, Brgy. Bel Air, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Tuesday – Saturday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (except Holidays)
For trial classes:
+63 920 385 1919
For enrollments:
+63 967 207 0545
For enrolled students:
+63 916786 1185
Landline: +632 8291 4728
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/izumi-global-ph/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
0 notes
izumiph · 3 years
Math Lessons to Build Kids’ Cognitive and Reasoning Skills
How Can Math Lessons Nurture Kids’ Logical and Intellectual Capabilities?
For children to grow up learning how to express and communicate effectively, they must learn and experience how to deliver their thoughts clearly, think critically, and satisfy their curiosity as they develop as a person.
Integrating these in education such as math lessons—already a generally challenging subject—through activities that stimulate the mind will increase their abilities and shape their character especially when supported by their loving parents.
Here are a few straightforward and effective ways math lessons can boost your child's cognitive and critical thinking skills:
  1.  Encourage your child to answer problems on their own
Give leeway for intellectual freedom by stepping back so they could analyze and figure out multiple solutions to solve challenges by themselves. This will practice logical thinking abilities so they can grow to be assertive and quick problem solvers.
2.  Motivate them to think outside the box and be creative
Ask leading questions starting with: “what if” or “how about.” Not only will this build their empathy by
imagining themselves in other people’s shoes and situations but also gain foresight—to think of multiple possible outcomes from one scenario.
3. Gamify their math exercises
Try to look for creative mind puzzles or visual game exercises and play them together! If done continuously, their minds can get used to critical thinking—a skill crucial for children to grow with better situational awareness and analysis of cause and effect.
4.  Keep your child physically active
Get them moving! Even stretching, casually dancing to music, or a simple exercise routine after class will contribute to a positive mental state. Getting physically active will also induce body chemicals that trigger an optimistic and energizing outlook on life.
5.  Make learning comfortable and unintimidating
Create a positive learning experience under a stress-free environment so they could focus on learning effectively without tension or misguided expectations. This is a practice Izumi’s teachers emulate— patiently guiding and motivating students to perform their best and excel.
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izumiph · 3 years
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How Can Math Lessons Nurture Kids’ Logical and Intellectual Capabilities?
 For children to grow up learning how to express and communicate effectively, they must learn and experience how to deliver their thoughts clearly, think critically, and satisfy their curiosity as they develop as a person.
 Integrating these in education such as math lessons—already a generally challenging subject—through activities that stimulate the mind will increase their abilities and shape their character especially when supported by their loving parents.
 Here are a few straightforward and effective ways math lessons can boost your child's cognitive and critical thinking skills:
  1.  Encourage your child to answer problems on their own
Give leeway for intellectual freedom by stepping back so they could analyze and figure out multiple solutions to solve challenges by themselves. This will practice logical thinking abilities so they can grow to be assertive and quick problem solvers.
  2.  Motivate them to think outside the box and be creative
Ask leading questions starting with: “what if” or “how about.” Not only will this build their empathy by
imagining themselves in other people’s shoes and situations but also gain foresight—to think of multiple possible outcomes from one scenario.
  3. Gamify their math exercises
Try to look for creative mind puzzles or visual game exercises and play them together! If done continuously, their minds can get used to critical thinking—a skill crucial for children to grow with better situational awareness and analysis of cause and effect.
  4.  Keep your child physically active
Get them moving! Even stretching, casually dancing to music, or a simple exercise routine after class will contribute to a positive mental state. Getting physically active will also induce body chemicals that trigger an optimistic and energizing outlook on life.
  5.  Make learning comfortable and unintimidating
Create a positive learning experience under a stress-free environment so they could focus on learning effectively without tension or misguided expectations. This is a practice Izumi’s teachers emulate— patiently guiding and motivating students to perform their best and excel.
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izumiph · 3 years
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Online Math Classes: Build Positive Learning Attitude for Young Kids
Izumi's program fosters a healthy environment for your children by applying innovative learning approaches and methods that are meant to engage kids in online math classes. This will help kids develop a positive learning attitude—enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
Book a free trial class at https://bit.ly/izumifreetrial.
You may also reach us at:
Working Hours: Tuesday - Saturday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (except Holidays) Smart: +63 920 385 1919
Landline: +632 8291 4728
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
0 notes
izumiph · 3 years
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Develop a High Level of Academic Comprehension Through Math Lessons
Engage kids with math lessons that follow a Japanese-standard curriculum that improve critical thinking, mathematical, motor, and other skills needed to advance their mathematical comprehension with distance education.
Izumi’s learning approach builds a strong support system and a healthy online learning environment that will help children increase their mathematical proficiency.
To book a free trial class, visit us at https://ph.izumi-education.com/izumi-online-math-class/ for more information or reach us through the following:
Unit 2403, 139 Corporate Center, Valero St., Salcedo Village, Brgy. Bel Air, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Tuesday - Saturday | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (except Holidays) Globe: +63 967 207 0545
Landline: +632 8291 4728
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/izumi-global-ph/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/izumiglobal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/izumiedu/
0 notes