izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
Throughout this project, I have gained a lot of skills that are useful for me in the future because they will help me. For example one of the skills I gained was using a sewing machine although at first I had a hard time using it; however after some trial and errors I was able to learn how to use it. I made a test piece to test out the machine and see how it will go ok the material I was using with the foil.
The pros of this project was that I was able to explore a range of techniques and was able to generate different ideas of how I wanted my final outcome to look like. For example I looked at many artists that did similar work whether they created emotional or textile work. I was able to map out exactly what I wanted my work to be like and what I would need to bring my idea to life. I have Improved a lot since the beginning I was able to gain a new skill which is a benefit for me.
On the other hand, I had many cons as well while executing this project I faced many challenges. The first challenge was how I would sew the 24 hour clock times on the fabric; I had my foil stencils ready but I didn’t think about how I would sew them on the long fabric using the sewing machine. For this problem I came up with a solution of buying the same or as similar material to the fabric as possible. Then I cut 24 strips the same size as my foil stencils giving me room to sew on and I used those 24 pieces to input my times on. The second challenge I faced was not being able to sew at home, since the machine I was using at home kept on breaking the foil and did not have the pattern I needed. My last problem I faced was the time I had to finish my project, sewing on the 24 hour clock times took me the longest to complete which did not give me enough time to work on the rest of my piece. This is the reason that I don’t have a final piece on my tumblr; however I have the process of the 24 hour times I made and what my idea was clearly shown on my blog.
While creating my work and planning my design, I thought of how I could keep my work ethical. The first ethical thing to do was not to copy anyone else’s work as that would not be fair on that person and it would be classed as cheating. However using other people’s work as inspiration was ethical as it helped me generate my own ideas and expand on my original idea after looking at an artists work.
Another thing I made sure to do is communicate to my peers with manners, as I was not alone working in the space and had other people working beside of me. I made sure to help out if any of my peer needed some help or guidance on what they wanted to do. This helps me in the future also when I am working in the industry, to be professional and behave with my coworkers respectfully. Alongside this I always made sure to clean out the space I was working at so whoever used the space while I was not there didn’t have to worry about the clutter and it was ethical to do.
While working on my project there was a lot of safety issues I had to think about, I had to make sure I was being safe with the equipment I used. When using the sewing machine, I made sure to keep aside from everyone else so no one tripped over any of the wires as it would be dangerous. I also made sure to keep the scissors and pins away from my fingers while using the machine so they would not cut me.
Another thing I made sure to do was always keep my foot away from the foot pedal of the machine when I was fixing up the material in the machine. This was to prevent the machine from starting and so the needle in the machine would not cut me. I also always had my fingers away a decent amount from the foot of the machine when I was seeing anything this was so it would not hit my fingers.
When using scissors to cut out my fabrics I always made sure to never point the scissors at anyone and always cut at a table so it would be safer and no one including myself could get hurt. These were the safety issues I dealt with during my project.
To be environmentally safe, I used fabric that was thrown out in the fashion department as a large factor of my base where my emotion work would go on. I also am going to use their materials for my emotions and find different textures as it is environmentally friendly and recycling the materials that I use. I also made sure to use the left over foil that no one would use to create my numbers so it would not go to waste. These were the things I made sure to do as they were environmentally safe and also more convenient to me as well.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
I did not have enough time to complete the rest of my final outcome as the digital timing took up most of the time I had. However I have my initial idea documented through my blog to show what I wanted to create and what my final outcome would have looked like.
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These were all my timings laid out on my fabric I wanted to see how it would look and how much space I’d need in between the timings. For the time I’m sleeping I chose not to have any spaces as emotionally while I’m sleeping I don’t feel or think anything. I laid the fabric in the corridor and on top all the times as the corridor was empty and it was easier for me to get an visual of it.
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Comparing the first test piece I made to the second is shocking to me because it’s shows how far I had come with my sewing and how neat the second one looks compared to my first one. I had gotten used to using the machine that it had made an improvement in all my numbers throughout.
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After finishing sewing all my numbers I had to get rid of the excess foil around the fabric and around the typeface. This part for me was quick and quite messy as there was so much foil so in between I kept going to through the extra foil away. On the other hand, I seemed to find peeling the extra foil off satisfying because of how smoothly it came off.
Here I am just sewing on a number.
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This was my process of sewing the 24 hour clock times. I started creating all my numbers and sewing them one by one. This was a long process it took me till the week of the deadline to finish them all because the machine I had at home I was not able to use because it kept breaking the foil and didn’t have the correct pattern I needed.
At the end of every time I completed I cut away all the excess threads so I wouldn’t have to do it all at once in the end and it was kept near. Also if I made any mistakes with the machine I used a thread picker to pick out the thread that I didn’t want sewed on to it.
I kept working on them with no stop to make sure at least they are done so I could lay them on the fabric to see what it would look like.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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Also another thing was in between I had a a different machine first but it kept causing problems and eventually wouldn’t pick up the threads. So I borrowed this machine and it was better because it was more smooth fast and rarely tangled any thread. These were the pros I never had on the other machine; as it was a struggle to use but this machine made it easier for me and my end results looked more neat.
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I came along a problem that I never thought of before; this was that I couldn’t sew the numbers on the long fabric since it was big and did not fit in the machine. So I went to the market and bought fabric cut them in 14 inch width squares and sewed all my numbers on there.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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I learnt how to put thread on bobbin and then pull the 2 threads out of the machine to use the sewing machine. To make it spin I had to put the latch down to hold the bobbin then poor my foot down on the foot pedal and it automatically spun the thread on to the bobbin. After I had enough of the thread on the bobbin I took it off the stick it goes on and put it in the casing and back inside the machine. Then I put the other thread through the designated spaces of the machine and in the needle. To get the thread out of the machine I spun the balance wheel until I saw a loop and pulled them out.
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I was testing the machine’s design settings for my actual final piece to see which design would be best for the final outcome.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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This was the exhibition space we were given for our exhibition. We went to see the space and how everyones work would look in which area and what area suited them.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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This was my test piece, I wanted to see how foil would be like on my material or if it would break while using the sewing machine on top of it. I also wanted to test out the digital clock typeface I had chosen and to see the results.
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I created these foil stencils for my fabric so it would be more efficient to me and I could just pin them on the fabric and go over the numbers I embedded in the foil using a sharp pencils and a printed out digital typeface font. I made all 24 stencils going over them so it would be easier to see.
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This is the typeface I am going for it’s a digital clock typeface. The reason why I am doing this one is because as I am doing times I want to give it the digital clock look. If I chose a different typeface it wouldn’t suit it. Also I will keep all the timings the same colour do they don’t look out of place and make the work look overcrowded and too much.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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I went to the rag market in town to get fabric because I didn’t have enough fabric I bought 1 metre. The previous fabric I had I got from the fashion department and when I went to look for more they had no more so I had to find something similar in the market
However in the end I got my 2 fabrics and sewed the ends to prevent them from tearing. Then I made the size I wanted for them.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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This was my final artist I researched it relates to my work because of how the artist has made it based on emotional trauma and wanted to express it. I like how it gives a floating effect also the colour it reminds me of denim. I like how the artist has used one solid colour throughout her work and not a range. Also another thing about this artist is how she used the space in the background it’s all white there’s nothing else other then walls this makes her work pop out more here and it catches the eye quick.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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This was my other artist I researched he creates textile work. In this piece I really like how it’s fuzzy and how the colours are different variant of yellow. They look as though they took a while to make and it reminds me of my own project because I will be creating something similar in size and texture for my final piece.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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This was another artist that I researched. He created this piece of art which is called ‘scream’ and I believe that this art was an emotional piece for him. I like the colours that are used all the dull colours bring the work together; it is a tone of voice with what colours are used and I like the the art style of this piece how it’s not fine art and is almost like a blur as this brings out more depth in the art and what the meaning behind it is. This artists work relates to mine since it has to do with emotions.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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This was one of my other artist I found while researching, she makes textile pieces out of fabric and bases all her work on her emotions and what she feels. I like the colours she uses and how they are dull and not to bright it adds to her work and makes it look better. I like how there’s patterns and how everything is laid
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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This is another artist who I have researched and I found interesting. This is because of how Jenkins did a 28 days knitting and wool from her vagina to create a scarf. This is also something that is to do with emotions because everyday it would not be the same effect.
This work shows how a persons body changes every day and the outcome of one day would not be the same outcome as the next day. This is something that is on the same idea but mine is to create a emotional piece and have all my emotions throughout a day.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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These are some of the textile pieces that Grayson Perry has created on tapestry. I really like how he had made them and the story is behind each tapestry piece is different. This relates back to my own work because he has used his work to create something that was with his emotions he had been going through his life.
I like all the colours he uses in his work they are vibrant they stand out and his art style is unique. He has really thought through his process of his work and created something people can look at and enjoy
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
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After reading the areas of development I will make sure to incorporate them in my work and make sure to look out for these points next time.
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I presented my idea to my tutors and my peers. After presenting I got many feedback on what was good and what could use improvement which had helped me a lot.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
My first idea was to create a walk through where you could feel the emotions through sounds, smell, touch, taste and looking at them. However, after speaking to my tutor and telling her what I wanted to do I realised it would not be possible because I’d need at least 7 different speakers that connect to different devices; I’d need a lot of food items and also some way to keep the fragrances apart so they don’t mix. These were some of the problems that made me change my outcome but keep the topic the same.
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This was my first draft of what I wanted to do, however, after having a look at the exhibition space I realised the piece would not for sideways as it would take a lot of room. Also the diary would be boring to give after they have seen the piece. So I decided to change up the idea a bit.
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This is the idea I came up with; instead of having it on the wall hanging I thought to hang it from the ceiling draping down on the ground and to have all the times and emotions going horizontally along the piece. I made a rough mock up here of how it would look.
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izzahfatimaunit06 · 1 year
Casa Tomada by Rafael Gómezbarros (2013)
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I really liked this exhibition piece because of how big the ants are making it seems like how the world is so small and for the ants everything is so big but it’s their normal. I like how this artist has used the space on the wall and not cluttered the ants together but made it in to a rhythm so they have a white canvas also. I think the white also gives the work depth because of how there is nothing else there other then white walls.
Look at this art building x skip gallery (2019)
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When researching this slip exhibition, I found the art interesting and how they turned something as simple as a skip that is supposed to hold rubbish to art. I like the way they have made it environmentally friendly using skips as art so other people can admire the work. The colours interest me they are bright and neon colours being used. I like how it not boring like an normal skips colour.
Museum of contemporary African art by Meschac Gaba (1997-2002)
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I like this piece of work Gaba has created because it’s a good size and it reminds me of a chess board. Also I like how the pieces that are made to look like chess pieces have African art incorporated in them. The colour scheme is something I really like about this artists work as well I like how it black and white chess board with brown chess pieces. I like how this artist has thought through what he wants to do. The size of it is good as well they are human sized so it attracts a lot of attention to the piece as well as people want to know more about it.
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