j-s-good-girl · 14 days
he can infodump so deep inside me I'll have trivia running down my leg
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j-s-good-girl · 14 days
i want to share with you some of my favourite graffiti from Pompeii
“Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!“ 
“Amplicatus, I know that Icarus is buggering you. Salvius wrote this.“ 
“We two dear men, friends forever, were here. If you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus.“
“Floronius, privileged soldier of the 7th legion, was here. The women did not know of his presence. Only six women came to know, too few for such a stallion.“
“On April 19th, I made bread.“
“ I have buggered men.“
“If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girlfriend.“
“It took 640 paces to walk back and forth between here and there ten times.“
“Chie, I hope your hemorrhoids rub together so much that they hurt worse than when they every have before!“
“Epaphra is not good at ball games.”
“Two friends were here.  While they were, they had bad service in every way from a guy named Epaphroditus.  They threw him out and spent 105 and half sestertii most agreeably on whores.“
“Secundus likes to screw boys.“
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j-s-good-girl · 25 days
Screaming bc I just had insane character brainrot omlllllllll
I feel high - probably just the sleep deprivation
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j-s-good-girl · 2 months
reminder to worldbuilders: don't get caught up in things that aren't important to the story you're writing, like plot and characters! instead, try to focus on what readers actually care about: detailed plate tectonics
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j-s-good-girl · 2 months
me as a writer: Oh no I can’t write that, somebody else already has
me as a reader: hell yes give me all the fics about this one scenario. The more the merrier
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j-s-good-girl · 2 months
i make a lot of posts to the tune of "you're allowed to be horny btw" because it's becoming increasingly clear that adults being sexual in (clearly marked and blockable!) spaces is being stamped out and made out to be evil both legislatively and in the moral zeitgeist, especially among younger folks. not even in the "wait to be a horny adult online when you're An Adult" way, just an ingrained puritanical outrage response to *anything* that isn't chaste wholesome perfect all-ages allowed. it's unnerving and scary.
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j-s-good-girl · 2 months
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Twitter LGBTs are so sanitized it’s embarrassing
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j-s-good-girl · 2 months
literally cannot believe "first ever live action omegaverse show" is not bigger news on tumblr
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j-s-good-girl · 2 months
hey bestie… come closer… im totally not gonna drag you into my obscure interest, bestie… i promise…..
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j-s-good-girl · 2 months
I am not surprised - the amount of times I have been babied by friend groups or online spaces is staggering—
Another quiz for if you were a fictional character how would your fandom treat you (if you think your life is too boring to have a fandom just think of yourself as living the domestic!au of some sci-fi or fantasy)
reblog with your results
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j-s-good-girl · 2 months
Screaming, crying, shitting tears.
Owie, my stomach.
I’m gonna go drink apple juice now
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j-s-good-girl · 4 months
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j-s-good-girl · 5 months
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putting brennan and lou next to each other was the right choice
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j-s-good-girl · 5 months
Ah, yes, the phenomenon I experience every so often of only remembering what I had for breakfast and/or dinner yet nothing relating to classes from the past several months.
I forget that I alr told my friends that one story 10 times now - depression isn’t just “boohoo, I feel sad” or “looking depressed”
I dress in fun colors all the time, laugh the loudest, have the biggest smile on my face, simultaneously I want to crawl into a hole, never exist, I forget what happened yesterday, or the day before, cannot remember a single day from my (early) childhood, nor do I remember people’s names and faces properly- it’s fucked up
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j-s-good-girl · 5 months
There's an adhd hack which I wanna describe but it's going to sound sort of fake and sort of like I'm saying "just do the thing" which I'm not.
Basically it can be impossible to start doing the thing, but once you've started it, it's actually fine right? It's just FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to start it, especially because you don't want to do it.
So I've got this way where I start it "without meaning to" a bit like if you were standing on the edge of the cliff and unable to make yourself jump off but... but you can jerk your body violently-- then you're falling and you don't really get a say in the matter any more.
A good example of this is not wanting to make a call. So you'd sit there and plan what you want to rehearse and hit the button when you're ready... or not, because actually you'd put the phone down and run off to do literally anything else.
So instead, I just hit call really fast, with no actual intention to make the call. Oh shit I really don't want to but now it's ringing and oh shit someone picked up and now we're already rolling and it'd be worse to hang up than to just talk--
I do the same thing with timers and work tasks where I've trained my brain to only be 'winning' the 'game' when the 15m timer is running so now if I hit the timer I'm like 'oh shit work started and I'm LOSING' and I'll jump up to do exactly 15 minutes of work... Only now I've already started and I might as well keep going, right?
Turning tasks into "reactions" not "actions"-- And reacting is way easier.
It's kind of setting the "poor impulse control" part of ADHD against the "Procrastination" part and making them fight.
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j-s-good-girl · 7 months
white gays, stop saying that you don’t support Palestine because it’s illegal to be gay there challenge. First off, the fact that you think the solution to that is allowing the complete genocide of a group is disgusting, second off, Israel is not any better.
This is pinkwashing:
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and when you look at Wikipedia, here is the first thing that pops up:
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Israel literally has a reputation for blackmailing gays, which you would know if you looked passed yourselves for once in your lives. They are only viewed as pro gay because of marketing, not because of actual policies. In most places, gay marriage is not even recognized. Plus that does not stop homophobia within communities, that is just surface level shit.
Also, you are not the people being affected by those laws. You are not the people living in Palestine, you are so fucking privileged and guess what, homosexuality exists outside of the Western world!! There are gay Palestinians who are being killed in those bombings!! You are weaponizing someone’s human rights in order to make a point that “oh, the other side is better” and you look stupid.
And guess what, homophobia there is a direct result of western colonization!! Who would have thought, I don’t understand why this does not fucking click for some of you, countless countries did not give TWO SHITS about homosexuality and gender until the western world invaded, colonized, occupied, etc. Not to mention, why the fuck would you think a country having homophobic policies is justification for genocide?? Are you fucking kidding me??
In order for countries/states/etc to work on social laws, they have to stabilize (in a very broad sense) first. This has been going on since 1948, it’s unlikely that they would be able to push for these laws that many stabilized countries do not even have!! Gay marriage in the US wasn’t legalized until 2015, and Stonewall was 1969, this shit isn’t ancient history, it’s very recent. Get your head out of your ass.
Oh and lastly, STOP using this as an excuse to be antisemitic. If that is your goal, you don’t actually care about what’s happening in Palestine, you are just a bigot.
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j-s-good-girl · 7 months
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so glad the ghoul boys realised ryan can carry shane, this is a great new era of their content
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