j0n3skev · 2 years
Lili ;; rcinhcrts​:
I am, thank you! I’m just enjoying time with friends right now and my summer before press work begins. You’d think I’d be used to trolls by now but they still manage to get under my skin. It’s disheartening.
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i think troll can get under anyone after a while just remember that you are a thousand times cooler they will ever be.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
Hailee ;; hcizstcinfcld​:
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how much do i have to pay you for you to sing scandinavia for me? // @j0n3skev​
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i’m gonna have to say a box of donuts and you got yourself a deal!
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j0n3skev · 2 years
is it just me or does the summer go by too fast? i watched fireworks with my son on the fourth along with our dog and it hit me that in two months he’ll be back in school. i don’t have him all of summer vacation which makes me appreciate those moments. i didn’t take the saying time flies seriously until i became a dad. sorry for my ramble but does anyone else feel like the months fly by like I do? pretty soon i’ll be back to filming. @glorystarters
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Nah it’s definetly not just you, Summer goes way too fast for my liking, i think this may be a parent thing, Dani and i kinda work the Summer around the girls and next thing we know they are getting ready for school all over again.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
“Shit Kevin! There’s a mosquito on your head!” Joe lied as he slapped his older brother on the side of his head. Joe let out an amused laugh as he flopped his body into the chair beside Kevin. His gaze moving to the young girls that were still running around and playing together. @j0n3skev​
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Kevin rubbed the side of his head for a few seconds before rolling his eyes as he glared at his younger brother, “You know, i don’t think there was a mosquito around.” he told following his gaze into the girls making him smile. “Can they stay like this forever”
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j0n3skev · 2 years
;; dcddydcmctria​:
𝐣𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐲 ─ 𝐤𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧 & 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢
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demi already placed their belongings into nick and malti’s camper the moment they arrived, since nick offered demi to stay with them for the night. letting out a content breath as they stepped out into the nature that surrounded them. already feeling content being around the jonas family. it felt like their younger days, except the fact that the jonas boys are now all fathers. which always brought them to tears. stepping towards the group, demi grinned widely as alena and valentina ran over to them with the bubbles that demi happily bought them. “look at you two go!” they grinned before glancing up and seeing kevin not too far away. “let’s go blow bubbles at your dad!” with sneaky giggles, the three made their way over and attacked the guitarist with bubbles, “thanks for the invite, kev!” // @j0n3skev​
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kevin finished setting up the food they were going to be grilling soon enough and gave Danielle a quick peck on the lips as she went to the other side to help her parents with one thing or another, she did asked him to keep an eye on the girls as the play around but soon eough Demi got they attention making the older Jonas smile for a second before pretending to be scare. “Oh no! don’t attack me!” he acted out as his kids ‘attacked’ him with bubbles. “Oh please, we’re all happy you came along Dems”
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j0n3skev · 2 years
;; rcinhcrts​:
One of the worst parts about having had a relationship in the public eye is all the talk that comes attached to it. We can be on the most civil of terms and yet people continue to pit you and your ex against each other - who looks better after the breakup? Who moved on with a better version? Who is more successful with work? It’s enough to drive the most zen person crazy. I can be happily dating, I can have project after project lined up but the minute I go quiet on social media or try to take some time for myself…I’m falling apart, apparently. @glorystarters​
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God that sucks, i’m sorry you even have to deal with weirdos like that, i swear they think they were the ones in the relationship at this point and in the end of day as long as you are happy that should be all that matters, i do hope you are having fun while away from social media.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
;; dcddydcmctria​:
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i mean, that is true. but don’t cut yourself short, kev. you’re adorable too. you guys are having a fourth of july party? i had no idea. i mean, i’ll happily take the invite if it’s okay with you guys. as much as i would love to spend time with you guys and the babies, but i don’t want to intrude if it’s a jonas family party only. please tell me they got you a bird house after. cause that would be fucking hilarious!
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yeah Nick reach out and plan this party, which Dani and i were going to have a barbecue regardless so you are definetly our vip guest, i’m sure the girls will love to see you, the didn’t got me that sadly.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
@HaileeSteinfeld: you know why First Time is my favorite @JonasBrothers song?? cause @KevinJonas sings in it
@KevinJonas: i agree with this tweet, thanks @HaileeSteinfeld
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j0n3skev · 2 years
📱 ⇢  KEVIN.
Nick: Let's admit it, Kev... my ideas are always better. 😏
Nick: No. No Joe or Sophie. Just Willa. Duh.
Nick: Of course they're invited. In fact, I texted Joe right after I texted you.
kevin: maybe in your dreams baby brother
kevin: just asking, i don't know where they relationship stands right now
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j0n3skev · 2 years
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you guys are so fucking cute and it makes me happy that you guys are still together. do they? awe! tell them that dem dem misses them a lot. can’t believe you jonas boys are all dads. it’s like just yesterday we were all filming camp rock.
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how can we not be adorable when half of us is freaking Danielle? impossible my dear Demi, are you coming to our 4th of July party and if any of my brothers forgot to invite you then this is me asking you to come, oh God the girls watch Camp Rock for the first time the other day and they were making jokes about me.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
;; maudesa​:
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It’s cool? then why did people make me think it was uncool? If I thought it was cool I would of embraced it yonks ago! Nice to meet you Kevin, my fav Jonas.
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Because they were jealous they never had the guts to put such a amazing song on they playlist, your fav Jonas? seen i knew i liked you for a reason.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
;; maudesa​:
I made myself a villian playlist for the gym and honestly, it’s so empowering it makes me move a lot more. I feel like that meme going around when people are like “Oh hey what are you listening to?” and I cant wait until I have to say “Jealousy Jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo.” But knowing my luck, they’ll catch me listening to Garys Song by Spongebob. Anyhoozle I’m Maude and I’m weird. @glorystarters​
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i’m going to put out there if i see someone at the gym working out to the Garys song then i’m thinking they are the coolest person in the world, nice to meet you Maude, i’m Kevin and i’m weird too so let’s be weird together.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
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if I know what love is, it is because of you
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j0n3skev · 2 years
;; kmtaehyvngs​:
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Exactly plus with how long we’ve been working, a long extended break is needed. Plus the things I’ve put on the backburner I get to work on again. I know when any of our members go for a couple years, this hiatus will give us the chance to still put out things for fans so they don’t think we just disappeared. Nice to meet you as well Kevin. I definitely know who you are. Haha, being lost together is fine, I stay too long in my own bubble when it comes to BTS.
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we all need a break every now and then so i’m glad you guys are doing that right now, i would hate for you guys to burn out, oh you do? that’s cool, yeah let’s all live inside that bubble that sounds like a nice bubble.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
;; dcddydcmctria​:
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i won’t tell your mama, i promise. danielle is fucking amazing. you really got yourself a good one, kev. awe, i’m your favorite zaddy? you are my favorite jonas! you can happily tell the boys that. how have you been? i feel like it’s been forever! i miss playing with your little girls!
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see this is why i know i can trust you Demi, i really did, thank God my parents made us take that vacation that lead to us two meeting each other, i’ll call them right now to let them know that, thanks, well they miss you too.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
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So hello hi I am Changkyun, I am one half of the rapline of the Korean group Monsta X.  I am the youngest and being the youngest has it perks, everyone in our group defaults to me when it comes to eating because as the baby I am the pickiest. So what have you used your age or personality to get? I often get to pick our food when we are on tour or when I get sick everyone tends to me. 
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hey Changkyun, i’m Kevin, the eldest guy from Jonas Brothers so as the eldest i was pretty much the one taking care of everyone but i can tell that is totally the baby thing, my brother Frankie was spoiled by pretty much everyone in the family, but it was a lot easier for me to date than anyone else so there is some perks in being the old one.
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j0n3skev · 2 years
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whenever i talk on social media about how over men i am, i have specify not all men ™️, because people get super touchy about it but sometimes being a woman on social media is exhausting. though, i bet you guys also get a lot of less than stellar stuff too from thirsty fangirls and fanboys. you and your wife are absolute relationship goals, have to say. she’s adorable and you found yourself a really good one with her. she seems like one in a million, please tell her i adore her, okay? cheers mate, much appreciated, but i reckon i can handle douchey men. god knows, i’ve got masters degree in that area.
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yeah a lot of people have a very sensitive ego when it comes to social media, i honestly don’t know how women even have the guts to use social media because i would just move to a mountain and never interact with people ever again, i will tell her, and you are right she is one in a million and i’m so lucky to be married to her.
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