j2lover1999 · 4 years
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Writer Robbie Thompson & director Tom Wright and the reverse 180° of Baby | SPN 11.04 DVD commentary
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j2lover1999 · 4 years
Starks Secret Weapon-Part I
Summary: Y/N is the daughter of Tony Stark. When he finally lets her start working for the avengers, she starts developing a crush on Captain America and The Winter Soldier. Will her father approve of her falling in love with the superhuman who killed his parents and the one who saved in?
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Being Tony Stark’s kid wasn’t always easy. You have been homeschooled all your life for your safety which meant you didn’t have many friends. You hung around adults your entire life which meant that when you were a teenager you acted like one too. So when your eighteenth birthday rolled up, you didn’t expect much change in your life. You woke up that morning at 9 am, the usual time you woke up at. When you got downstairs, you could hear multiple voices speaking in the kitchen which was unusual since your dad never brought anyone home. His concern for your safety was not without cause. Your mother died at the hand of one of his enemies when you were just a baby. Ever since then your protection was his first priority. 
You walked slowly over and saw your dad making breakfast as he did for you every birthday. Across from him at the breakfast bar was Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and  Bucky Barns. You looked down at your jogging pants and cropped top you had worn the night before instantly regretting not changing before coming down. You had never met the other members of the Avengers team. You had heard a lot about them and seen them on tv but your dad kept you a secret from them to keep you safe. So why are they in your kitchen now? You didn’t have time to think further about it when your dad looked in your direction and finally spotted you.
“Y/N, you’re finally awake come join us hunny” Your dad smiled at you as you slowly crept up towards them.
“Who’s this?” Steve asked confused judgement obvious in his face. 
“Steve, do you really think that low of me,” Your dad said rolling his eyes. “This is my daughter Y/N.”
They all looked at you shocked. You still stood there completely confused as to what was happening. They looked you over probably seeing the resemblance now. You had your dad’s brown hair but yours was long and went down your back in waves. One thing you were thankful for is you got your mom’s bright green eyes. 
“You want some coffee hunny” Your dad asked casually as if this was a normal thing in your everyday lives but you still nodded.
You walked up and sat on the stool next to Steve as your dad handed you a coffee having already made it the way you liked it. You picked it up and took a sip feeling watched by the superhumans next to you. Then they all looked for Tony asking for some kind of explanation which you would like as well.
“Ok so I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and I think Y/N should work for the avengers,” He said still scrambling the eggs still casual. 
Your eyes widened. You had been asking your dad for years to give you a job. You had been helping him build his machines since you were a little girl. He had trained you to defend yourself, to build machines just like he could, and to think fast. You knew you were more than qualified to work for the avengers but he always refused. You knew his reasons were justified but that didn’t stop you from being disappointed. 
“The only thing is, I can’t always be watching her,” He continued, “ That’s why I invited you guys here this morning, I wanted you guys to be the first to meet her so that I can ask you to protect her at all cost. It’s your eighteen birthday today sweetie and I understand I can’t keep you here for the rest of your life. So tonight, we’re having a party for your birthday and were going to introduce you to everyone and you guys are gonna make sure nothing happens to her” He finished. 
You were in shock, never in a million years did you expect your dad to actually give you a job especially with the Avengers. You got up quickly forgetting about the others sitting in the room and went to wrap your arms around your dad. 
“Thank you so much, Dad! You won’t regret it” You said a huge smile on your face. 
When you went to sit back down Steve got up and offered you his hand. 
“Steve Rogers,” He said as you shook his hand giving you a gentle smile.
“Y/N Stark,” You said returning the smile.
“This is Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes,” He said pointing at the others. 
“I kind of already know who you guys are its really nice to meet you,” You said looking at the others smiling and they smiled back. 
“Well now that the introductions are out of the way who wants breakfast” Your dad exclaimed offering a plate to everyone. 
You all went to sit at the table, your dad told everyone about your mother and why he kept you a secret. They asked you a few questions as well which you answered happily. You had never talked about yourself so much but it was your birthday so you didn’t feel too selfish about it and you had never really had the chance to talk about yourself to others before. After you were all done breakfast, your dad got up and came back with a wrapped box. 
“Happy birthday,” Your dad said handing you the small box.
You took it and ripped the paper exposing the box which said iPhone with an image of a purple phone. You opened the box and the same phone was in the box. You had been asking for a cell phone for so long but your dad was always totally against it. 
“Thank you Dad,” You said completely speechless, he was giving you everything you wanted in one day.
“You have all of us already synched into your contacts so if you ever need anything,” He said seriously.
“I think I should probably go get dressed now,” You said needing some time to process everything that had happened this morning.
“That’s ok, we gotta go anyways,” Steve said getting up, “we will be back tonight,” He said smiling at you before leaving with the others as they also said their goodbyes. Bucky hadn’t talked much but that didn’t really surprise you since your dad had mentioned how quiet he was before. 
After helping your dad clean up the kitchen you went upstairs with your new phone in hand. The first thing you did is you took a selfie which you’d seen in so many movies. Then, you went into the app store to see the top apps. You downloaded some that you have heard of before such as Snapchat, Instagram, tik tok, Spotify and, Facebook. You went through them for a bit before getting in the shower and then getting ready for the day.
It took you a while looking threw your closet for something to wear tonight. You wanted to look good for your first introduction as Tony Stark’s daughter, a title you were proud to hold. You still decided to be yourself and since this wasn’t a formal party you decided on some black high wasted skinny jeans with holes in the knees with a plain black long sleeve bodysuit. You let your hair dry naturally before putting it in two dutch braids since one of your biggest pet peeves was having your hair in your face, it was a habit you had picked up from working on machines your entire life. You had found a classic rock playlist on Spotify and you were blasting it in your room as you got ready. You put on a bit of mascara and some lip gloss. 
Before the party, you decided to go talk to your dad for a bit still not believing he was giving you a spot at the avengers compound to work. You found him on the third floor of your penthouse which was the workshop. He was working on his new suit for Spiderman. You waited until he was finished doing what he was so concentrated on before speaking. He finally looked up at you.
“Oh hey, sweetheart, I was just getting some work done before the party” He smiled going back to work.
“Thanks for the opportunity dad, I won’t let you down,” You said smiling.
“I know you won’t,” He said with no hesitation, “You think I showed you all of this just for fun? You know how to defend yourself, build the best machines in the world, and coming up with a plan in a matter of minutes. I knew I couldn’t protect you in here forever. No matter what I’ll always have your back kid. You’ll do great, I know it.” He finished no longer paying attention to the suit tears forming in his eyes as he looked at his little girl all grown up. 
“Dad, you taught me to fight men twice my size, I think I’ll be ok,” You said with a smile going to hug him.
“I’m very proud of you, kid,” He said patting my back before letting go, “You look great by the way who are you trying to impress? Captain America maybe?” He teased nudging you.
“Dad stop that’s not it at all” You laughed rolling your eyes.
He knew you had a crush on Captain America since you were little but he was not the only one peaking your interest. His friend that had sat at the table quietly during breakfast this morning had a mystery to him you wanted to solve. He had sat in front of you the whole time you spoke he was quiet but you could tell he was listening intently to everything you said.
“Fine, fine whatever you say,” He said lifting his hands up in the defeat, “So are you ready? People are coming soon to set up so I’ll go get ready” He said before walking out.
As he walked out the door you took a look at the suit he was working on. You could see where he was struggling and quickly fixed it for him before leaving the room. 
The living room was full of people setting up, your dad had never had a party here before so you had never seen this many people here before. You could get used to this you thought as the elevator dinged and the doors opened revealing the three that were here only a few hours ago.
@coffeeismylife28​ @wolverinerose​
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader Word Count: 3.3k T/W: Smut! A/N: it’s been awhile, but oof I was feelin’ some Sam baby! ♡ 
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Slipping as gracefully as you could, into the impala’s passenger seat, you closed the creaky door and exhaled with relief, more than happy to be somewhere familiar, somewhere you could actually breathe without having to worry about perfect posture and keeping a faint smile plastered on your lips at all times. Sliding down in the seat a little, you rested the back of your neck against the leather seat, it was cool against your skin; your feet were killing you, back aching and on top of that your garter belt had been digging into the top of your thighs the entire evening. Closing your eyes you heard Sam join you in the car, driver door closing with a clatter.
“Well, that was pointless,” he huffed quietly, tugging the tie around his neck loose, leaving it to hang at his collar. 
Slowly opening your eyes, you couldn’t help but stare. Unable to stop your wandering gaze, you trailed your eyes across his jawline, carefully down to his exposed neck that the tips of his hair brushed against as he combed it back with his fingers, finally landing on the small peek of his bare collarbone that showed when he undid the top buttons of his white dress shirt. You wondered for a moment how his skin might feel, soft, sweet, but as usual, just before Sam turned to you, you managed to look away. Holding your breath as you looked out the window, you knew he had his gaze on you, it was always gentle, but you could always feel it.  
“Well,” you sighed, “hopefully not entirely,” you bent over to rub your calf, which was burning from an entire night in heels a little too high for your preference. 
Sam nodded, hoping you were actually right. He couldn’t help but notice, his once innocent thoughts of you as his hunting partner, and best friend, had begun to fade into a new view, and nights like this were when he realised it the most. Of course, he never dared to say anything, not wanting you to think that he only saw you as sexual.
Sam’s gaze was solely on you, he didn’t know why, but he just had to look at you. When your hair accidentally fell loose from your updo, it lead his eyes to your neck and further to study the rise and fall of your chest with every inhale and exhale you gave. The way your fingers pressed at your sheer covered calf made him curious. The breaking point was when the strap of your dress slipped off your shoulder accidentally, Sam cleared his throat and started the car, attempting to keep his eyes off you for a while at least. 
“I’m so ready to be home,” you grumbled, removing your heels, one then the other, letting them click together on the floorboard. 
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
Sleeping Buddies
Warning: All arounds smut not gonna lie
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This the part that annoyed me with sharing motel rooms with the Winchester’s. Is when it was my turn to share the bed. Don’t get me wrong anyone would kill to share a bed with a Winchester. Except that they seem more of a sister or a friend. So I knew nothing would happen; at least I thought nothing would. This time it was Sam’s turn to get his own bed. This motel room was quite chilly. It was winter and we were looking up a case in northern Quebec for ones of the boys dads friends. I decided to sleep with some grey sweats and a cropped hoodie. After my shower I put those on and brushed my hair quickly before going to snuggle in the covers. Dean joined me an hour later and turned out the lights. I fell asleep pretty quickly. 
The sun was shinning in my face due to having forgotten to close the blinds last night. As my eyes were slowly adjusting, I hear the door close which means it’s about 6 am and Sam was going out for his morning run followed by going to pick up breakfast. Right when I’m about to stretch I notice deans hand brushing up against my rib cage and his body is pressed against mine. This usually never happens but I might as well enjoy as it last. I snuggle back more into him pretending to still be sleeping. His breath starts to slowly quicken which means he’s about to wake up. I slide down a bit so his hand is slightly brushing up against my under boob under my cropped sweatshirt that I’m glad I wore.
 I arch my back so my butt is right against his crotch. To my surprise his hand lift all the way up to my breast and starts massaging it slowly. I try to keep my breath steady so he still thinks I’m asleep. I feel his hips move again my butt slowly and he squeezes my nipple. I let out an involuntary light moan as he keeps playing with my breast.
“I know what you were doing babygirl” he whispers in my ear as he starts kissing my neck and grinding his now hard on against me. “Frankly, you should of tried this sooner”.
He brings his hand down from by breast slowly down my stomach to the edge of my sweats. I close my eyes and wait for him to slip his hand inside but then stops.
“Is this ok?” He asks before continuing further.
I moan lightly before answering “more than ok” as a reach back to put my hand in his hair as he continues to kiss my neck. His hand finally slipping underneath the waist ban of my sweats to my bare freshly shaved pussy. He lets out a moan before spreading my wettness.
“You’re already so wet for me” he says as he enters I finger into my tight hole.
“I might of had a wet dream about you last night” I moan moving my hips against his hand.
“God you’re so hot” he says retrieving his hand from me before flipping me underneath him. He looks me in the eyes with a look I’ve never seen him look at me with before. He goes back to kissing my neck up my jawline and finally my lips. Kissing him was better than I could ever imagine. There was so much passion in the way he was kissing my. He went back down my neck then lifted my sweater to reveal my breasts.
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“You’re fucking gorgeous” he says looking me in the eyes before going down to my breast and sucking on one nipple at a time. I moan as I arch into him. This was absolutely surreal. He continued down my rib cage all the way to the edge of my pants. Looking up at me slowly he started pulling them down waiting to see if I would protest except I’d be crazy to turn down dean Winchester. Once they’re off, he lets out a groan as he stares down at my glistening pussy. His eyes trail up my body to my breast then back to my face. He goes back to kissing me as he slowly rubs my clits which leaves me in a moaning mess.
“I love those sounds baby” he says he a lustful husky voice. He goes back down to my centre. His face directly in front of my womenhood as he blow cool air on it teasing me. Before devouring it with his mouth. I let out a scream as my body pushes against its face having never felt so much pleasure.
“Mmh dean don’t stop” I moan my eyes rolling to the back of my head. He adds a finger in pumping it in while still suckling on my clit.
“You’re so tight baby, you’ll feel so good around me” he says as he continues. My head goes back to reality as he says this. I sit up suddenly pulling away from him.
He looks surprised. “What’s wrong babe?” He asks concerned. “Did I hurt you”
“No Dean I’m fine” I say bring the covers up to hide myself before what I have to say next. “I just feel like I have to tell you I’ve never done this before” I say embarrassed looking down at my fingers scared of his reaction. He takes my chin in his hand so I look up at him tears in my eyes from embarrassment. We had a slight age difference. I was 19 and was 28 .
“If you’re willing to do this so am I” he says looking at me lovingly. I couldn’t help it I attacked him crushing my mouth against him and straddling him as we continued to make out our tongues fighting against each other’s. My hips grinding against his now raging hard on only a blanket and his boxers between us. He broke the kiss removing my sweater, staring at my chest as if it was the first time he was seeing them. His lips attached to one of my nipples as I continued to grind against him my hand pulling his hair which earned me moans from him. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. I wanted to hear more so I pushed him so he was laying down. I continued to grind on him my hands against his chest. He looked at me admiringly as he put his hands on my hips pushing the blanket off so it was no long converting me. My bare pussy now against his black boxer covered crotch. He let out another moan when he could feel my juices going threw the material.
“Are you sure you haven’t done this before” he chuckles grabbing a hand full of my ass pressing me harder against him which made a moan fall out of my lips.
“No you just being out this side of Me” I say breathless as I lean down to meet his lips again.
He picks me up a lays me down under me him never breaking the kiss. He takes one of my hands in his as he guides it to his crotch. My hand automatically started cupping him. I let out a gasp when I realize how big he is.
“Change your mind yet?” He says with a cocky smile.
I smile back before surprising him by pulling his boxers down and taking him in my hand slowly moving he up and down.
“Fuck the feels so good sweetheart but this is about you right now” he says grabbing both my hands and pulling the above my head holding them strongly my body at his mercy. Which turned my on even more both of our body’s completely bare against each other. He removes one of his hands from holding mine up and slides down between my breast , to my ribs, my navels, my pubic bone, then finally to the place I needed him most. He enter to fingers this time while his thumb rubs my clit I arch my back but can’t move much because of him holding my arms up.
“I can’t wait to be inside you babygirl” he says and I moan louder at the nickname. He tilts his head. “Oh you like me calling you that don’t you babygirl”.
I keep moaning not being able to focus enough to answer him. He stops abruptly which cause a whine to come out of my mouth needing the relief.
“Say you like daddy calling you baby girl if you want me to make you come” he says my pussy tightening on his fingers at the mention of the name daddy. “Oh you’re a bad girl arent you”. He says slowly moving his thumb but not putting enough pressure for it to give me what I needed.
“Yes daddy, I’m a bad girl and I like it when you call me baby girl” I moan trying to move my hips against his fingers to get some friction.
“Look at you squirm for me, you’re so beautiful babygirl” he says kissing me before continuing his work on me. Slowly I start to feel tingles all over my body.
“Daddy I’m gonna cum” I say almost screaming.
He stops kissing me and goes down to suck on my clit as he curls his fingers reaching a stop that I didn’t know existed. My whole body starts quivering as I see stars. I couldn’t hear myself moan from the pleasure as I convulsed my pussy clenching around his fingers.
“God baby that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen” he says coming up to kiss my letting my arms go so I can wrap them around his neck finally being able to hold him. I feel him running his dick against my wetness letting out moans as I completely sick his dick before he’s even inside me. I moan anticipating the feeling of him inside me.
“You ready baby?” He says rubbing my cheek looking me in the eyes.
“Yes please” I say nodding my head sounding desperate but at this point I don’t care.
He grabs my face making out with me for a good minutes before starting to grind his bare cock against me. Slowly working up till he puts the tip against my hole pushing it in slowly stretching my walls against him. He pulls out then pushes back in moaning. It felt a bit uncomfortable but the face he was making was worth it.
“You feel so good around daddy’s cock babygirl” he says moaning as he continues to trust slowly.
After giving me time to adjust he pushes a bit faster and rubbing my clit at the same time. After a bit, I start moaning as it starts to feel good. I wrap my legs around his waist to get him as close to me as possible.
“Mmh dean you feel so good inside me baby” I moan my eyes rolling to the back of my head as he continues to thrust his dick deep inside me.
“I’m not gonna last long baby you’re so fucking tight” he groans putting his face into my neck sucking on it leaving love bites all the way down to my breast.
“Me too daddy Im so close” I moan as his dick hits my g spot repeatedly.
He starts thrusting faster chasing both our releases.
“Ohh” I yell out my head falling back as a cum around him my vision going blurry. My walls squeezing him pushing him to cum deep inside me as he pushes himself as deep as he can go. His hot cum feeling me up to the brim as he collapses on top of me groaning deeply. As I come down I run my hands threw his hair while he catches his breath. He rest he chin looking up at me like no one has ever looked at me before.
“That was amazing” he says in awe and comes up to kiss me with even more passion than the others his dick still sheeted inside me. He continues to grind against me his dick still hard despite having already finding his release. I mean wrapping my legs around his hips. He finally pulls away breathless.
“Ok we should stop before Sammy comes back and we get to carried away” he says catching his breath.
I raise an eyebrow at him looking down at the where we are connected, “because we didn’t already get carried away” I say with a smirk.
“Mmhi god I love this side of you” he says while grabbing my ass and pulling me up on top of him so I’m straddling him. His dick pushes further into me causing I moan to escape. I start kissing his neck holding him close his hands griping my butt before brushing up my back. He grabs the end of my hair pulling me from his neck. My head now tilted upwards.
“Look at you all marked” he says studying the love bites he had made going down my ventures body. I could feel his dick getting harder inside me. I moan and start grind myself against him not seeming to get enough of him.
“You’re irresistible how could I say no” he groans pushing up into me giving me what I wanted. I moan as he mixes our juices even more within me. Both of us not caring about the mess we’ve created on the sheets. He holds my hips pushing me up and down on him. Impaling me with his thick dick. He sucks on my nipples as he goes faster. My pussy being sensitive from the two first orgasms starts spasming already around him.
“Are you going to come around daddy again babygirl” he says pushing faster up into me as a roll my hips in sink with him.
“Yes daddy I can’t help it you feel so good” I moan but mostly whine as a attempt to go faster. He wraps his arms around me holding me close as he pulls me down again him kissing me as he pushes even faster into me. My body going weak as I let him push me to my orgasm my body trembles around him as I scream against his mouth holding onto him for dear life. He keeps going until he comes once again inside me pushing as far as he can go as he spills his second load into me.
“Fuck” he groans holding onto me while I just lay limp on his chest trying to come back to reality. After laying there for a bit his softened dick falls out of me as our mixed juices run down my pussy. He runs his fingers through my over sensitive swollen lips. Collecting our juices on them then he hold them up to my mouth.
“Suck baby” he says watching me closely as I open my mouth and suckle his fingers my tongue running around them as I taste the salty ness of us both.
“We taste so good” I moan pulling away.
“God why didn’t we do this sooner” he says grabbing my butt and pulling me close before slowly pecking my lips.
“Let’s get you cleaned up” he says getting up then picking me up in his arms. Good thing because my legs felt like jello. He carried me to the bathroom and sat me on the counter has he started the shower. The steam already filling the bathroom. He turns around and looks at me.
“Every time I look at you I’m breathless babygirl” he says admiring my naked form coming closer to me. “ you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this” he says putting his hands on my face kissing me once again.
When we pull away I ask, “really you never seemed to” looking at him confused.
“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you” he admits, “I just never could bring myself to ruin our friendship”.
His fingers brushing his fingers up and down my hips. The lust crazed feeling was gone this was something else.
“Dean?” I say starring into his beautiful green eyes.
“Yeah” he says looking back at me.
I take a deep breath preparing myself for what i was about to say, “I know this is cliché given what we just did but... I love you” I finally admit looking down too nervous to see his reaction.
“Y/N .... I’ve never felt this way about anyone before” he responds so seriously, “I’ve never felt so much passion with someone else ever, I love you too” he says before pulling me into him kissing me while running his hands threw my hair. He pulls away looking at me for a few seconds before loooking back at the shower.
“Can you stand up so we can get you cleaned up?” He says with a smirk on his face.
I laugh before holding onto him as I slide of the counter. I still had to have a good grip on him but i could stand somewhat. He helped me in the shower the warm water feeling good on my now cold skin. He grabbed the shampoo and the shower head he messaged my head getting it all wet before washing my hair for me. Then he rinsed it out and added condition to my wavy brown hair. While the condition worked its magic on my hair he took the body wash and putt some in how hands lathering it on me slowly giving me a back massage and cleaning every part of me before putting some on himself. He took the shower head rinsing out the conditioner from my hair before rinsing his body than mine. He puts the shower head back on it’s stand. Wrapping his arm around me he rubbed my clit slowly gaining an instant moan from me.
“Oh dean that feels so good” I moan leaning against him. He held me up as he got me to my forth orgasm of the day. When we were all done and cleaned up, he wrapped me in a towel and dried me off. I got dressed in some leggings and an oversized sweatshirt because that’s what I always wear. The sweatshirt also helped hide all the hickeys going up my chest. Dean out on his regular jeans with a black t-shirt and a flannel. The typical Winchester look.
“I wonder where Sam is?” He says grabbing his phone looking through it.
“Yeah it is weird he’s usually back by now” I say walking up to him hugging his back breathing in his sent, “has he called you?” I ask.
“Nope not even a text message” he says tensing you a bit.
Just the lock to the room door was heard and I jumped back on the bed away from dean. Sam walked in with a bag with what I assume was breakfast in one hand and a few coffees in the other.
“Sorry it took so long guys, Sunday’s are busy days at dinners apparently” Sam says looking a little annoyed as he takes the food out of the bag and puts the coffee on the little table we had. Instantly I got up and started devouring my breakfast.
“Damn Y/N you’ve worked up quite an appetite” Sam says surprised at your sudden dean sized hunger.
“Well you did take a long time....” I say looking at dean who secretly smirked at me.
“I guess so..” Sam says looking at both of us questionably before shrugging and sitting down himself to eat.
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’.
Dean Winchester X Female!Reader
Warnings: [MATURE] Morning Smut. Unspoken emotions. Word Count: 2,597 Summary: You have spent the past week with Dean, but now his job is over and he has to leave. This is your last morning with him. (Gif credit goes to the artist.)
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Early morning light leaked in through the partially opened curtain of the hotel room. You are sound asleep, comfortable under the hotels somewhat thin and cheap blankets, the sheets cool against your skin. While you dream about the life that could be for you, Dean was starting to stir awake. His eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light in the room as his brow furrowed in almost distaste of having woken up. He didn’t want to wake up, his dream, like yours, was where he’d rather be; because he was dreaming about you. 
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
I think I liked you better when you didn’t have a knife in your hand, Peaches... MASTERLIST
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When Blake finds herself sold out to the Saviours by her abusive fiancé, she realises that she’s certainly not on her own anymore and finds an unlikely friend in Negan. And Negan does NOT like men who beat their girlfriends, one tiny bit….
Chapters below…
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j2lover1999 · 5 years
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j2lover1999 · 6 years
The Secretary
Square Filled: Office Sex ; created for @spnkinkbingo
Synopsis: You’ve harbored a crush on an adorable Tech Support while acting as a secretary for the director of Sales and Marketing at Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc. (4.17 It’s A Terrible Life AU)
Words: 4401 — the longest one I’ve ever written so far
Forewarnings: NSFW 18+, twice the smutty goodness!!, flirting, kissing, blowjobs, intercourse inside the office, threesome spitroasting,
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j2lover1999 · 6 years
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Jensen Ackles X Reader
imagine; staring in an adult movie with Jensen and having to film an awkward steamy scene 
warnings: SMUT
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j2lover1999 · 6 years
Into the woods - young Dean Winchester
Summary- Young Dean Winchester (17/18) got to go with you and your parents on the holiday after John left him with us, you had an eye on him from the beginning.
young Dean x Reader
1,323 words
Warnings: Shy Dean, and smut of course. 
i always loved going on vacation with my family. Not only was the place and the weather great but a family friend left his son with us for an unknown reason. Dean Winchester was like a greek god dressed in flannels. We where the same age so basicly we where forced to hang out, but i didn’t mind at all. The car ride was extremely boring so i slept the whole ride. Once we got to the spot we all started unpacking the cars. We where all staying in one big house. There we 2 bedrooms so it meant that Dean was staying in the same room as me. Around midnight after unpacking and eating we all went to bed. Our room had one big bed and a smaller one that our parents put there.
“You can take the big bed if you like” He said while taking some clothes out of his bag. “Okay thanks Dean” i said back and walked to the bathroom but i kept the door slightly open on purpose. I got out of my sweats and hoodie and got in a big t-shirt. i peeped though the door and saw him changing as well. He pulled off his shirt and sat on the bed to take of his pants. i walked in trying to look like i didn’t know. “oh i’m sorry Dean” i fake shocked while turning around. This way he could directly ook at my bum since i didn’t put any pants on. “Oh uhm… you can look now” He said kinda shy and when i turned around we sat in his bed with the blankets over his long legs. I threw my clothes in my suitcase and got in the bed.
“I’m sorry i walked in on you like that i should have warned you.” i said trying to look as innocent as possible. “oh no i’ts alright love” i think that was a tease. “Well then goodnight Dean” “sweetdreams (y/n)”
I woke up in the middle of the night by a loud tud. “Shit” i heard Dean say. I turned around and saw him laying on the floor grabing his shoulder. “What’s wrong ?” i asked sleepish. “ I usually have a bigger bed so I can’t fall out.” he whined and got up. “You can lay with me if you like” i said hoping he would agree. “Yes thank you” i turned around and he walked to the bed, he got in and closed his eyes. After 10 minutes of arguing with myself i finally got the courage. “Okay this is awkward with the space between us, can we please cuddle?” i said kinda annoyed. “i thought you’d never ask” he said and turned around so you where spooning.
Our legs where tangled together and one of his hands held mine which i held pretty close to my boobs. But i wasn’t comfortable at all. so i started moving my legs a bit and my butt after. “Stop” i heard him whisper behind me. I ignored it and moved a bit more until i heard a groan. “What are you doing?” i asked confused and when i turned around i saw his eyes closed and his lip between his teeth. He opened his eyes and looked at me weird. “You’re rubbing your ass against my dick” I put my hand against my mouth and tried not too laugh. I turned around and thats when i felt his hard on.”Okay i’ll stop and i’m hihi sorry” We spooned again but his dick really bothered me, and it was the perfect opportunity so i moved again.
“if you don’t want me to cum please stop” he said in a raspy voice that turned me on. I sat up and got on him so our crotches where touching.”what are you-” But when i pulled off my shirt. He bit his lip and sat up straight while holding my sides. “I’m gonna take care of your problem” i said and kissed him while pulling at his hair. He groaned in the kiss and grabbed my butt, i moaned at the feeling and started grinding. “You’ve got to keep quiet baby” while he’s kissing my neck and collarbones leaving marks. “Don’t worry about me princess, worry about yourself” Dean said with that voice that made my core tingle.
He flipped us over, i layed under Dean’s sweaty body in only my underwear. He started kissing down my body and i was holding in my moans by biting my lip. “These need to go” He growled at me and pulled off my panties. He kissed my thighs teasing me. “please” i begged. He dragged a finger up and down my slit. And suddenly pushed it in making me let out a load moan. “So ready and so wet” He said before licking one stripe. He was moving so fast and started sucking, sending me close to the edge. “Oh you don’t get to come just yet”
He moved away leaving me whining and wanting more. He moved up and kissed me so i could taste myself on his lips. He stood up and walked to his bag getting a condom. “Where you wearing nothing but boxers when you got into bed with me?” He chuckeled and sat on the bed with his back against the headboard. “yes” He pulled down his boxers but i quickly grabbed his dick to lick up one stripe from base to tip and giving the tip a kiss. “Damn girl you’re eager” He groaned at me and put on the condom.
I sat above him and tried to look as sexy as possible. “Very” i grabbed his dick and sank down on it making me moan. Dean kissed me so i couldn’t be loud. he filled me up so good. “God you’re so tight” He growled with his eyes closed and his lip between his teeth. He gabbed my sides and carefully moved me up. I sat down fast making him let out a long moan. I kissed him to shut him up and started grinding. “You feel so good baby” I said bouncing up and down till he flipped us over.
He moved so he had one foot on the floor and a knee on the bed. He was really pounding now. My moans couldn’t be controlled so Dean put two of his fingers in my mouth. I grabbed his arm and put my nails in them, i needed to grab something and i didn’t care what. His other hand got down to where we connected and rubbed circels on my clit. “Oh Dean” came out muffled. I tried to grab something else but only found blackets. “
“You look so good princess” He said and went faster and harder going in a way he left only the tip in with every thrust. He removed his hand from my mouth to grab a boob. “I’m gonna cum Dean” I tried to tell him as quiet as possible but a moan followed after. So i bit on my hand and closed my eyes. i came with a very hard thrust and it hit me like a ton of bricks, while trying to scream his name. He groaned a few times before cumming and ended with my name falling of his lips.
He pulled out and fell on the bed next to me. “Better then i my imagination” I puffed out trying to feel my lungs back with air. “Same here” He said and stood up to throw away the condom. I wrapped myself in blackets and waited for him to come back. “Sooo… you thought about havig sex with me?” He chuckeled walking back. “Did i say that?” i said blushing like crazy. “Don’t act like you didn’t, i know i did.” i crawled up against his warm chest and started to fall asleep. “This is gonna be an amazing holiday”
AN; English isn’t my first language, and this was an old drabble from 2 years back 
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j2lover1999 · 7 years
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