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Something i’ve been working on for the past few weeks for an anonymous client- My first ever full, and in colour, animation!! :D
NOTE: Do NOT Repost anywhere, only the client has the right to this animation! (reblogs are fine)
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sketch commission for @keatoncanoodler!!
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[x] by Foshu
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The Swim Captain’s Belly
Jason was the champion swimmer in his college. Not a week went by without a big heavy medallion hanging between his big, glistening pecs (smooth and round and full adorned with perky, rosy nipples). His dark gold hair, strong jaw and deep blue eyes were the envy of the rest of the team – as was his incredible metabolism. Just as often as a medal rested on his big broad chest did a disproportionately big belly swing from beneath his pecs, barely contained by the tight t-shirts and open hoodies he favoured. He was notorious for unzipping his tracksuit top during post-win dinners and letting his big belly roll out and sit bare and heaving in front of his teammates – like a triumph or a challenge – and then showing up for practice the next morning with his belly flat and toned as the champion swimmer that he was.
What his teammates didn’t know is that Jason had a secret – it wasn’t always just steak and beer that swelled out his bare belly.
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I'd this doodles yesterday, when I was feeling a lil' bored
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have more of the new oc + one more :]
they are girlfriends and they still have no names 💀
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Request for Zombie-husky-Blog
"Alright, Everything is set. The turkey's done, the pies are made, and there's a lot more mash potatoes than last time." Jerry said proudly, gazing at the row of food aligned along the table.
"Wow, for someone so small you really know how to organize things" Miguel, his older brother commented.
"And your awfully tall for someone to make it into door frames with ease"
"Hehe, touché" Miguel stood closer as he joined him. Jerry standing no more than knee height as he stood upon a ladder. "So, is everything ready for everyone."
"You bet it is, I've arranged for everything to be just the right amount. Everyone will have their share fill, and they'll be begging to come back for seconds.
"That's if they don't get through the appetizers first, can never forget Aunt may's face when she got to the chicken." Miguel said.
"Pfft, don't remind me" Jerry laughed back, a hand landing on his shoulder.
"Hehe. Don't worry, I'm sure the dinner's gonna go great this time." Miguel assured, drawing Jerry close to his side for a hug. The doorbell soon ringing as Miguel turned towards the front. "Looks like that's the folks, We'd best let them in before they get restless.
"Yeah we probably should." Jerry agreed. following Miguel into the hall, they made their way through the house as they went for the door. Opening it for their awaiting guests as they proceeded to head inside. Miguel and Jerry stepping off to the side, as they presented their home to the family. "Hey Aunt May, Glad you could make it this year." Jerry greeted.
"Nice to see you again deary"
"Butch! Still throwing for the baseball league?" Miguel asked happily.
"you bet I am! Got one of our big games next week!"
The rooms would be filled with their loved ones as they made their way through the house. The Aunts and Granchildren mingling amongst each other in the dining room, as the rest of the family talked about how things went outside. As they did, Jerry would be among them as he joined in the stories that they all had. Throwing in a bit of his own to increase the joy and laughter from each of them. But as everyone started to quiet down, he proceeded to the kitchen to prepare the table. "Miguel, I'll be back in a sec. I gotta get the food set for everyone.
"Alright, Don't take long now." Miguel responded, Jerry giving him a confirmed nod before disappearing into the hallway.
"Okay, the folks are all settled down now, that gives me the perfect opportunity to get things." Jerry said, dashing down the hall as he entered into the kitchen. "Let's see, The turkey will be in the center so everyone can reach it, and the potatoes will rest along the side for everyone to pass around. Yes, yes! This gonna be perfect!" Entering into the kitchen, he pictured his family around the table, syked about impressing them as he shimmied his way inside. It was grand, everyone had there share fill. The sound of laughter, the sound of chatter, the sound of..munching? "Huh?" Jerry snapped out of his thought, the muching sound still lingering as it came from behind the door.
Creaking it open, he peeked inside to see what it was. Pausing in place as he gazed at the table that was set. A leg would be missing from the turkey, the tray of mash potatoes was messed with as the white contents inside was barely visible from the left side. The trail of Disarray continued along the others of food left on the table, the sound of munching coming off to the right, as Jerry's gaze snapped towards it. Along the edge of the table, a very bulky figure would be standing there. Fiddling with the tray in front of them as bits of sweet potatoes splashed onto fabric. His physique unknown to him as they stood tall along the table. But there was one thing he recognized from it all, a Dolphin's football cap as fuzz from the shortly trimmed hair stuck out from. "Uncle Ryan?!"
"Huh, oh hey short britches"
"What did you do to the food?!" Jerry yelled, rushing to the table as he checked the rest of the treys.
"Nothing..at least not much. Wanted to grab a plate ahead of time to avoid the line. Why?"
"It's not ready yet that's why! Just look at the mash potatoes, half the corner's gone."
"You bet it is, that stuff really hit the spot this time round. Was just thinking about going for seconds after I finish this plate." Ryan said, his gaze never moving from the plate as he stirred the food around. Scooping bits of potatoes and peas together on the spoon before raised it up for a bite.
"Give me that!" Jerry barked, jumping up as he managed to snatch his uncle's plate from him. Almost slipping on himself as the food danced around the edge of dish. "You need to put everything back the way it was uncle, the others are hungry out there." He said. Caught off guard as his uncle's belly scooped into his torso. Lifting him up off the ground as his legs dangled in the air.
"Put everything back? Hard to do that when its already stewing in my gut" Ryan replied, scooping the plate out of Jerry's hand. Continuing where he left off as he grabbed the turkey. Taking a bite out of it as he savored the salt and peppered seasoning that mixed along his tastebuds. But couldn't focus on it long before flailing arms reached for the plate. Raising it higher in response.
"Give me the food!" Jerry gritted.
"Short britches, Don't make this harder than it has to be."
"As long as Im still in this kitchen, you're have to wait like the rest uncle Ryan."
"Alright, fine." Ryan nonchalantly said, grabbing the neck of the Jerry's collar before hoisting him off of his belly. Hovering him overhead as his feet kicked the open air, but stopped as he used his free hand to hold them down.
"What are you doing?!" Jerry yelled.
"Since you won't leave me be, I'm putting you somewhere you can still be in the kitchen. But not in the kitchen."
"What?.." Jerry puzzled at the phrase, gazing at his uncle for a more clear answer. But received none, instead, he only received a look from him as his tongue glossed over his lips. His mouth opening up wide before he felt himself start to lower towards it. "woah woah wait, what are you-"
Squelch! Before he could prepare himself, his feet were shoved inside his uncle's mouth as the lips fumbled to insert his heel inside. The hand along them dumping them into the gullet behind, the legs following after them as his rear sat along Ryan's nose. "Hey! Hey! I'm not food! When the family hears about this you are so-hrgh!" A hand cut off Jerry's speech as it held firmly against his face. Pushing more of him further into the mouth as his waist slipped roughly off the nose. Filling the mouth for a partial moment before a gulp sent it into the tube. As his shoulder blades enjoying inside the mouth, Ryan's arms let go before the head tilted backwards.
"No no no! He-" Gulp! The tongue and the roof of the mouth closed together over Jerry's head. Sending his words into short muffles as his arms flailed to get free. But to no avail, with another hefty gulp, they too were pulled into the confines of Ryan's gullet. The muscles within Dragging them down to join the rest.
"Nothing personal short britches" Ryan croaked with a bit of Jerry still in his throat, heaving it down with a forceful gulp "but im too hungry to argue." With a hefty breath, he felt jerry sink inside him. His belly extending slightly as more of his gut spilled over his waist. The faint sound of sloshes echoing within, little bulges stretching across the surface, but barely enough to make a significant dent in the bulky skin. Giving his belly a soft rub, he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
"Say unc., Did Jerry come in here? I can't seem to find him."
"Oh yeah, he came in. Said he wanted to head to the store for one last thing for the food." Ryan replied, pulling the end of his shirt back over the exposed skin of his belly.
"He forgot something? Not like him to forget things"
A sudden jolt collided into Ryan's belly as it bounced slightly to the side. Ryan quickly to jump on its movement as he swayed his body with it to play it off. "Oh yeah, he was chewing himself out on it too. Happens to us all am I right?"
"Yeah, that's true. Well then we'd better get the food set before the others get restless. I'll go wash my hands real quick and we'll set it together."
"Take your time." Ryan responded, watching as Miguel made his way out to the hall. Gazing down at his belly soon after, the jolt from before soon retrurning as he drawed a hand over it once more.
Mmph..mff..let me out-mff" Jerry's voice muffled within, barely audible past the bellies surface as the churns of the stomach drowned out most of it.
"Can't have you kicking around in there like that at the table short britches. Im gonna have to work harder to keep you under wraps." Holding onto his belly, he took in a deep breath before he heaved his belly inwards. Squashing the round belly against the rest of his body while squeezing the abdominal muscles within. "Hgh!..Hgh!" He grunted with press, the sensation within becoming slightly faint with each stride as the muscle's of his stomach compact together. Finishing, he let go of his stomach. Its form still keeping its round shape, but partially reduced the round belly was more firm. More stiff as the struggles within barely moved the skin. "There, thay outta do it. You just relax in there, I'll be sure to eat lot's of food for the both of us." He said to his stomach, patting his stomach firmly before trotting off to join Miguel.
Meanwhile inside, Jerry would face the abrupt force of his uncle body. All around him would be nothing but pink walls as they wiggled around with step Ryan would take. Bits of turkey and mash potatoes dripping off the wall while most of it collected into his lap. "Uncle Ryan!" Jerry yelled out. Pushing against the walls in front, but went nowhere as the muscle held firm. Squeezing into him more as the pile of junk food rose up to his torso. "You can't keep me in here! You hear me? I refuse to stay in here!" He tried pulling his arm back to punch at the surrounding wall, trying his best to turn to add more room, but it wouldn't budge. His punch came off as a light pat as the walls absorbed the blow. Forcing him back into his compressed state as the walls moved around him like waves. Singing its gastric squelches into his ears while the stride from Ryan rocked him in place. That is, until the sudden sound of laughter pierced the churns. His ears perking up as he rose his head near the wall to hear what was happening. Barely audible, he could hear the sounds of his folks from all around. The sounds of plates clanging together, the sounds of moving chairs as their sharp squeaks pierced the laughter. Hey. Hey! Can you guy's hear me?! Help!" He yelled out to them, pressing into the wall to make himself known. But the wall pushed back against him, poking into his face as something solid stuck out on the end. Locking him in place as he had no choice but to continue pushing. But a drop of sludge soon landed across it head, drawing his attention up to the ceiling. The sphincter above dripped potatoes out its center, peas squeezing out from the center as bits of it landed on his hair. "Stop eating out there while in here! Uncle Ryan! Anyone!"
"Mmff!...Mphh!" Noises manages to pierced through Ryans belly. Hidden away underneath the table as it was pushed against it.
"Ah finally, a place to get my aching body a rest" Ryan soothed, adjusting himself along the chair to nuzzle him closer to the food.
"You said it Ryan, all that traveling to get here really tires a guy out" one of the family chimed in. Passing around a portion of peas to the folks around the table. Ryan taking another big scoop of it as it passed it along to the others.
"Thank you." He said to them, taking another spoonful of peas as he dipped it into the mash potatoes. Scooping it up into a big pile as he inserted it into his mouth. Sending it down to his belly below, he felt it trickle off the sodes of his throat before it collected inside. Joining Jerry inside as his stomach tossed and turned underneath the seat.
"Are you sure Jerry is gonna make it back in time? I wouldn't want him to miss out on the dinner" Miguel said worried. "Maybe I should call him."
"I'm sure he's fine.." Ryan butted in, taking a swig of his drink before he leaned back into his chair. "he's probably just around the corner- Oof!" Ryan was caught off guard by sudden kick inside him as he let himself relax partially. Bumping into the side of the table as it shook the pitchers around. Sucking his stomach back in, he moved away from the table as he proceeded to get up.
"Woah, Unc.!"
"Are you alright deary"
"Oh yeah, I'm fine!" Ryan quickly assured "Just a hiccup that caught me slippin'. Let me take care of that real quick." He hurried out into the hallway as he made his way to the bathroom. Fanning away any of the members that wanted to come with him. Closing the door, he let out a slight sigh. Resting ontop of the top of the of toilet. "That was close, almost blew it there.." He muttered to himself, the kick inside begin to start up once more. "hmph!.." He laughed partially, loosening his gut as his belly spilled out at once. Bouncing off at his waist, an outline of Jerry followed along with it. A ghostly face stretching into its surface.
"ughh it's a mess in here!"
"You really gotta mind your manners at the table Jerry. Didn't your dad teach you not kick family."
"When your outside! Not stuck in a stomach!"
"Same thing." He responded. Jerry starting to stretch out from his stomach, but pulled it back as he wrapped his hands around his gut. Swirling it around heavily as the sounds of liquids shuffled around. "Don't get so energetic, we still got a long night before dinner's done."
**knock knock knock**
"Hey Uncle Ryan, is everything okay in there?"
"Op, looks like I'd best head back out there." Hoisting his belly upwards, he heaved his stomach towards him again as he inhaled deeper. Sucking his stomach back up as the round gut morphed back into its slim form. Rolling his shirt over it, he flushed the toilet before he grabbed a strip of toilet paper. Opening the door as Miguel was on the other end. "Sorry about that Miguel, the chicken was calling for it's exit. But I'm good now." He assured, pretending to dry off his hands. Guiding Miguel back to the table as he followed with him.
"Hrgh!..Hrgh!.." Jerry struggled from inside, The walls growing ever more closer. tenderizing firmly against his body, the contents within rosed up to his torso as the chewed meat seeped underneath his arms. Their soggy touch wiggling underneath his pits, making him quiver slightly as he did his best to adjust himself. But it couldn't be helped, soon the familiar push from before would return. Pinning him against the other side of the stomach, as the sphincter above slowly opened back up. Dropping more bits of food into the chamber, sploshing ontop of Jerry with a slick descent, as Jerry had no choice but to endure it.
**An hour later**
Alright everyone it's getting late, Me and the boys are gonna head home. It was good spending time with ya again." One of the family members announced.
"Yeah we'll head out too, gotta catch the flight for tomorrow. But we'll call before we leave."
As most of the area started to die down, the other family members that stayed around the table got up to say goodbye to those who left. Leaving only Ryan and Miguel at the table, a plate still in his uncle's hands as he spooned in the last bit of potatoes. Placing it back onto the table before scooping his chair back to leave room. "Oh man, I don't think I could eat another bite. You two really hit the spot with the chicken." Ryan commented.
"Heh, you got Jerry to thank for that one. Spend most of the day seasoning the thing before you guys arrived. i'll be sure to tell him you liked.
"Oh I'm sure he knows." He assured, a hand rubbing along his gut underneath the table. Pushing himself out more, Ryan soon got up from the table. "Welp, I'd best get some shut before I head back on the road. Wanna beat the sun before it heads down."
"You Don't have to dtive back to the hotel Unc., you can rest hear before you decide to head out."
"you sure Miguel, I wouldn't wanna be a bother to you and Jerry."
"Nonsense, your family afterall. Besides,We've got plenty of rooms for ya sleep in." Miguel went behind Ryan as he hoisted him forward "Come on, up you go."
"Heh, well I guess a bed would be than those stiff ones at the hotel" Ryan agreed. Slightly enjoying the push along his back, as the two of them made their way into the hall. Settling into one of the rooms further ahead, Uncle Ryan sat along the king sized bed.
"You need Anything else before I turn in?"
"No no, Im good for the night. Thank you Miguel."
"No problem" Closing the door, he began to trail off into down the hallway "Now to figure oit where Jerry went. He missed the whole thing."
"Ahh..finally" Ryan laid onto his side "Now I can let it all out."
Undoing his shirt, he tossed it off to.the side. Taking in a hefty breath as he adjusted himself along the head of the bed. Then with a swift exhale, his gut thrusted forward as his stomach returned to its ball shaped form. Jerry's presence becoming more known as he stretched out a hand from underneath. "So Jerry, what did you think of the chicken? I thought it was a nice touch with the seasoning."
"Hard to tell when its coates in gunk Uncle Ryan!"
"Oh don't be like that, you're the one that provoked me remember." He held his hand along his belly firmly. Jostling the sides slowly as the entire stomach wobbled in place. It was like playing with a beach ball s his hands sunk into the warmth of the skin. " besides, you wouldn't have missed out on much anyway. Just lots of chatter like usual. Save ya a plate too.
"Oh how generous of you." Jerry snarked. The stomach rolling along its side as the food within sloshed over him. Forcing him to adjust aimlessly as he reached around for a pocket of space. "Ugh.." He scoffed as he emerged. The wall in front of him caving in on his head.
"Aren't I a good uncle or what?" Ryan asked. Lightly rubbid a hand deeply into the bulge in his stomach as the movement underneath rubbed back. Drawing over the covers, he gave out slight yawn. Nuzzling into the back of the pillow. "You and are gonna be sharing a room tonight. Pretty snug I must say."
"Hehe, I thought you'd agree. Don't worry though, I'll have you out by morning before I head on the round. Hmm..maybe that's wishful thinking. I'll get ya a plane back."
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Here's a prompt. Prey is bursting with tears, and Pred helps prey calm down by noming them, and it works. It's like one of my favorite scenarios ☺️
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sleebby bomb hours
until napping buddy fuckin gets eaten on purpose without asking first
he doesn’t seem too bothered by this tho so it’s okay
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happy vore day lmao
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also this right here is a design available on my redbubble !
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-Insert vore day joke here lol-
Happy early 8/8!
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an amazing commission of my swim captain pred Jason from @trashytums
jason’s pictured here welcoming a new addition to his team…
you can find more out about jason here: https://xavierknightsbridge.tumblr.com/post/674728285121429504/the-swim-captains-belly
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Sent to vore jail to atone for his crimes
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II haven’t done animation in the while and I wanna get back into the swing of it. For now, have a lazy vore belly.
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Request for 0Vorenation0
Credit for photo: MaleCelebVore
The security guards ushered you to the backstage as they caught you trying to sneak in the star's VIP room. Setting you into the chair, a silhouette would linger near a shaded area as Justin entered into the frame.
"So you're the one the comms have been talking about. Mind telling me what you're doing sneaking around my VIP room?" He said looming closer. Placing his hand upon the chairs as he leaned his head down to meet yours. Fanning away at the guards surrounding the two of you as sounds of the echoed through the walls.
"I..I didn't want nothing really"
"Come now, everyone wants something. And not just anyone can sneak past security as you did. Lookin' for some pictures?"
"Come on spit it out, I don't have time for guesses you know" Justin said pacing around. Adjusting his shirt in the processes as one side was lopsided than the other. His abs revealing themselves to you as its rows twisted in place. As you continued to look at them, your eyes directed themselves woth justin's as they suddenly locked. Beaming yours down to the floor in response as your heart started to race. "Wait a sec.." Just paused as he held a his shirt one side. Aligning himself just further in front of you as he flashed his torso underneath. "This is what you want isn't it? He asked in a curious tone. Adding a few twists into it as his abs began to dance like a wave. Your cheeks would fluster from the display as your breath began to shorten. You did your best resist the urge, but your mind would be working against you as it wanted you to look at them.
"Yes!" You admitted.
"Hah, I knew it" Justin lowered his shirt down as he started as he turned his back towards you. Walking away just a few paces as he gazed at the mirror. "I figured it was one of those things that would be your motif. Almost everyone does. But you.." Turning around "you're a curious one. Perky, but curious one. So you really snuck in here for that?"
"Yes but, i mean nothing by it. Your body is...admirable"
"Is that right? Well now you're just starting to flatter me. Hmm..if I were to grant an opportunity to explore my body, what will you be willing to do in return?"
"A-anything. Simply name it, and consider it my pleasure"
"Huh, i knew you interested for a reason. Alright then.." He placed a hand along your shoulder as his hand started to glow. Its outline soon illuminating onto you as it your body began to minimize At first your head touched the top of the chair, but when it was finished, your head barely even made it over the edge as it shrank farther down. It only stopped when you reached the arm of the chair. Your size now no more than the size of a teddy bear as Justin picked you up by your shirt. "There we go..."
"Woah woah! What happened to me?!"
"A little shrinking trick I picked up from magician along my tours. Shrinkage us slow, but its got its uses. Makes ya the perfect size for the next step"
"What's that?" You asked
"Well, since you were willing to sneak in here to admire my body, i think its only fitting to put you something where can witness it in its glory.." Lifting his shirt woth his arm, he rubbed over his abs with his hand as his belly sent out a slight gurgle "In my stomach"
"Your stomach?! But..how would I even. I mean-I can't stay in there at this size"
"Relax little dude, your size is temporary. Soon as the concerts just about over, I'll let you out. Besides, this is an opportunity for you to truly experience the body you oh so dreamed of seeing. And you'd safe me a trip to the concession stand for the time. So you'd have my stomach all to yourself. So what do you say?"
"I...I" you try to make out words as your mind tried to wrap around the idea of being stashed inside his body. How long would that be. Would you even last the hour. Or would he keep his promise. It was all so much to consider at the size your were now. But another urge would lingering inside you as it slowly rose.
"You're ready in one sir!" One of the crew yelled into the room
"Thank you" he replied back. "Last chance little dude, you in?"
"I..I'll do it!"
"That's what I like to here" he said in a proud tone. He soon lifted you up over him as his face hovered under you. You could feel the puffs of air from his nose flow into you as he gave out a loud whiffs as it came out. His mouth soon opening wide as he splayed his tongue out like a carpet. Justin could help but keep his gaze on you as your eyes locked. Sending out a slight wink your way as he watched your face return to a blushed state. He merely let out a light laugh as he eased your legs onto his tongue. Its slick surface ushering them to the back of the throat as they squeezed into his gullet. Your decent slowing at first, but quickly gained speed as he held a hand at your back.
You could only watch in amazement as he eased you in. Your eyes simply looked at the cavern as your body slipped most of the way. The feeling was alien-like as the throat overlapped your body like quicksand. Your legs barely able to move, but was rather snug as they slipped past his adams apple. With each gulp, you could the sensation begin to climb up your body as you saw his uvula glide up your waist. Then your chest as it nuzzled at your chin. Laying over it like a puppy as saliva coating into your skin. It was an interesting sight to behold as it slowly edged closer, you decide to look behind your as you turned you front into the tongue under you. The view of the teeth above tower over your as the light from the ceiling shined inside. But the deeper you got, you notice your body begin to shrink more as the teeth above began to close. The space seeming to get more close as the tongue curled its form over your. Pushing you into the gullet behind you as its it back end rose over you.
In the process of swallowing, Just would be making his way towards the entrance to the stage as the crowd outside began to get restless. Gulping over your head, he felt it squeeze through his throat as he felt a bulge protruding out from it. Glossing over it as he could feel the structure of your face as he could poked around from what he assumed was your mouth and nose. But wasn't for long before his reflex send down another gulp. Dragging your bulge further down as his body deposited you with a bounce into his stomach.
Potruding it just partially as the walls hugged into your body. "Gotta say, you were quite the delicious fan not gonna lie" he said rubbing his stomach. Feeling it contract around you before the shrinking started show less your body from the outside. As it was done, your bulge was nothing more than a lump sticking out from his abs. But he still feel your body nuzzled up against them as they came out as little kneads. "Don't worry, I'll keep my promise. You'll be outside as soon as the concerts over. But for now, enjoy the show" giving his stomach one final rub, he made his way out of the curtain as the crowd started to cheer. The music doon beginning to boom as he went to greet. All the while, they were excite to see him. But as. Much as you were as you were excited to be inside. Feeling every moment of his concert as his voice sang and his body danced around you.
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Now you can no longer ask a brother for a favor or else it swallows you. this is what happened to a boy named michael, he asked his brother liam for a favor, whose case he swallowed his little brother, as a form of payment for the favor he did him
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sorry i never really came up with a whole ending to the comic,, have a peace offering
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