jabieeeborja-blog · 3 years
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Dream big. Start small. But most of all, start.                                -  Simon Sinek  
           In the validation process of our proposed business, we have received positive responses from our interviewees. Even though the validation is not entirely over as we may still have further questions or changes, it still made us feel assured that our service is a need to these people and that our business could potentially help a lot more people.
           Su-GO Delivery, after many discussions and changes, we finally came up with a name that best suits the concept of our proposed business. For the past week, nothing much happened so there was a little to zero changes from our proposal and overall plan.            Three to four weeks ago, we were tasked to prepare our business model canvass and present it to the class. In trying to develop a more detailed and organized form of our plan, we did a lot of questioning within the group about our start-up, digging into every detail, trying to figure out any loophole in our business so we could immediately come up with a solution. Our output of the business model canvass was probably the most significant decision we made as creating it involves a series of decision-making. It consists of many things, from the smallest detail to the things we never expected to be included. We never really thought of those in a detailed manner when we were trying to develop what kind of start-up we wanted to build until the BMC presentation was already scheduled. It’s honestly a good thing that we have deadlines so we could have proper pacing in doing these things.             In creating the business model canvass, we had a lot of things to consider. It involves so many parts from the customer segment, value proposition, and more; there were too many options to mention. Each part consists of a lot of “which of these should we put?” “should we also include this?” “would this suffice?” “this or that?” and so many more. As I said, this part is a series of decision-making, so many options were also brought up in the process of creating it.             Think big, start small. In creating a business, it is not necessary to spend too much on taking the risk. We all have a bigger picture in our minds about what we dreamed the business would be. We all wanted it to be big and extravagant. But to achieve the bigger picture, it is better to start small and gradually learn more about the system of your business, the customer behaviors, and creating value. Like being said, consider what to build for the first ten customers, and once they find value, consider what to build for the next 100 customers, and this process continues.
                                                                                       Joanna Bhea A. Borja
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jabieeeborja-blog · 3 years
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         A survey should be conducted to validate the hypothesis of the proposed start-up of our group. The hypothesis is that a delivery service that could be accessed through a webpage or an application can provide the needs, address the problems, and bring convenience specifically to the consumers of Bislig City. It is also for the group to determine the areas from our proposal that need improvement or change.
         Since the initial target market of our proposed business is the consumers of Bislig City, two of our group members were assigned to do the survey as they are residing in that city. As part of the two members who were assigned, I get to witness how the interviewees expressed their thoughts and opinions with the questions we asked. As the interviewees had similar thoughts, we didn’t have a problem with proceeding with our proposal as their answers completely coincide with our concept. The results of the survey were then reflected in our Empathy Canvas.
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           When we asked about what they see regarding the accessibility of the food and products in the market, they talked about the hassle of going to physical stores and restaurants to buy something and that it could’ve been so much better to have everything delivered. Those who lived quite far from the city proper had the biggest issue because even restaurants with existing delivery services cannot reach their area; the services are usually applicable only for the customers who live downtown. According to them, sometimes they keep their cravings to themselves and stay at home. It is inconvenient for them to go outside just to buy something and the struggle to go to different stores since not all their wants can’t be bought in the same place, because of reasons like this, restaurants and local stores loss a potential customer.
         After the survey, we have concluded that the proposed start-up of our group can provide the needs, address the problems, and bring convenience specifically to the consumers. It would be great to form a partnership with the local stores and restaurants and our start-up business to bring comfort to the consumers and the stores to have a bigger market.
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        One decision we made was coming up with a name. To complete our start-up proposal, we need to have a name already. The members had a lot of suggestions. We just randomly suggested an idea that popped out of our heads, but choosing a name for your future business is not an easy thing. There might be many options, but we found it hard to choose one for some reason. The initial options were Storeal, Upstore, Delivery Snap, and Click<>Pick. We don’t have a particular reason for each name. Until the name, Su-GO Delivery was suggested. Su-Go comes from the Bisaya word “sugo,” which means is asking someone to do an errand for you. It best fits the overall concept of this start-up which is asking other people to buy something on your behalf and just have it delivered in front of your doors. Among the names, Su-GO Delivery was meaningful. It also catches the customers' attention because hearing the name, they would already have an idea of what this business is all about. So we then directly go for this name.
         As we are already scheduled to present our Business Model Canvass or the BMC, we have done a lot of questioning within our group. We questioned ourselves to prepare for the presentation and determine any loopholes in our proposed business. In full cooperation of our group members, we tried our very best to have an outstanding presentation.
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        Ideas can easily be stolen. For this week’s discussion, the group learned about the importance of protecting your rights about your creations. If you aspire to be a successful entrepreneur, you must know how to protect your unique products and services for the growth of your business. Our group’s proposed business may not be that unique since delivery services have already existed, but our concept is a combination of existing concepts. If ever this proposal would eventually become an actual business, we would surely apply what we have learned in this subject.
                                                                                   - Joanna Bhea A. Borja
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jabieeeborja-blog · 4 years
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             You cannot make progress without making decisions.          -Jim Rohn
In identifying the problem or opportunity, we asked ourselves, “what is lacking?” “what do I need?” “what product or service do I want?” With a deeper questioning, various thoughts suddenly popped out of our minds. Two of the group members live in the same city and both are living quite far from the town. When it comes to ordering food and products, they have no access even if the restaurant offers delivery services. Restaurants tend to only deliver within places that live near by the town. The only way for them to purchase food and products is by buying directly from the physical store.  The idea was then transformed into a business concept. It would be a business that offers delivery services in the locality of Bislig City.
A survey was not conducted in the validation of the hypothesis for the proposed business plan due to uncertain circumstances. The hypothesis is that a delivery service that is accessed through a webpage or an application can provide the needs, address the problems, and bring convenience specifically to the consumers of Bislig City. As we are also consumers in our own locality, we validated the hypothesis by ourselves. Being a consumer in Bislig City, means I am also part of the target market that is capable of answering the questions we had in mind.
One big decision was probably choosing the kind of business we want to start. It was heavy decision-making as it was deciding on what path we must take. I had trouble from the start, having no idea that I could suggest to my group. Until there was a sudden time that me and the other member of the group who lives in the same place as me, was able to think of the problem we constantly experience due to living quite far from the town. We rarely have the chance to avail goods that delivers to the villages we live. We both then shared our idea with the group, and fortunately, they took it positively. Eventually, we were able to come up with a final decision, and I believe the group considered every aspect of creating the best start-up plan we could ever have. And now, our journey begins.
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Trying to come up with the ideal start-up we could ever have, our group members shared their ideas and voiced out any suggestion they have. We came up with four options, and one is a tailoring service inside the campus of Central Mindanao University. It specializes in customizing jerseys for the student-athletes of the university. Two is the production of flower stands. Because of the pandemic, people tend to make new habits, and one of the most popular is being a plantito or plantita. Three is a delivery service in Bislig City. It is for the consumers in the area, especially those at least 15 minutes away from the city proper, that have limited access to the food and products available in the town. Four is a rent-a-car service that involves partnerships with the tourist attractions in a particular place. After a few discussions, we decided to use option number three as the concept of our business. With the current situation, it is such a hassle to go outside and buy the wants and needs; also, it is always safer to stay at home. It is the most needed among the four, so we just went for it.
Starting a business should not only be about the desire to earn but also about the desire to provide the need. The team learned how a mindset of a real entrepreneur must be. Thinking about the profit should come after the anticipation of solving the problems. It would be great to start a business that visions itself to grow together with the community. We also learned how important it is to consider every aspect in making decisions. Ensure that the group understood the ideas that were presented clearly and that they could freely share their thoughts. Also, it is essential to maintain a positive
                                                                                           Joanna Bhea A. Borja
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jabieeeborja-blog · 4 years
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“One who perceives what others have not seen, and acts upon that perception.”
                                                                                                       - M. Kirzner
The word entrepreneur is not as simple as it is. I thought that it was just another fancy term for “businessman,” but it holds a more profound meaning more than that. An entrepreneur is one who does not only care for personal profit but also for the good of the many. They create job opportunities, innovation, and are the key to economic development.
I finally understood why entrepreneurship must be taught to every student. It equips us with essential foundational knowledge and skills such as risk-taking, financial skills, and seizing of opportunities. It has a healthy way of learning as it is not always about success, but it is also about failures. It’s about learning from each other and succeeding all together.
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jabieeeborja-blog · 6 years
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How would Death Penalty affect the crime rate of the Philippines?
Death Penalty is a punishment of execution that is administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime. But is death penalty the key to lessen a country’s crime rate. As a student I believe that death penalty does have advantages but also disadvantages. The cruelty of this will make criminals to be scared of the harsh punishment and as a result, they will be hesitant to commit a crime. Due to this, there is a high possibility that the number of crimes commited will be decreased.
Yes, there is a high chance that it might really lessen a country’s crime rate but isn’t death penalty also a crime itself. If death is the punishment of someone who committed a big crime, isn’t the punishment itself also a crime.That means that a crime is also done for a crime. If so, then crime rate won’t decrease at all, in fact it would only double the number of crimes committed. I mean, why would we kill people to show that killing is wrong, it is only doing the same thing. 
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